
Amaterasu supports different processing frameworks to be executed. Amaterasu frameworks provides two main components for integrating with such frameworks:

  • Dispatcher

    The dispatcher is in charge of creating and configuring a containers for actions of a specific framework. It makes sure that the executable and any dependencies are available in the container, as well as the environment configuration files, and sets the command to be executed.

  • Runtime Library

    The runtime library provide an easy way to consume environment configuration and share data between actions. The main entry point for doing so is using the Amaterasu Context object. Amaterasu Context exposes the following functionality:

    Note: Each runtime (Java, Python, etc.) and framework have slightly different implementation of the Amaterasu context. To develop using a specific Framework, please consult the frameworks documentation bellow.

    • Env

    The env object contains the configuration for the current environment.

    • Datasets and Dataset configuration

    While datasets are configured under an environment, Amaterasu datasets are treated differently from other configurations, as they provide the integration point between different actions. Datasets can be either consumed as a configuration or to be loaded directly into an appropriate data structure for the specific framework and runtime.

Amaterasu Frameworks


Apache Amaterasu supports the following types of Python workloads:

  1. PySpark workload (See below)

  2. Pandas workload

  3. Generic Python workload

Each workload type has a dedicated Apache Amaterasu SDK. The Apache Amaterasu SDK is available in PyPI and can be installed as follows:

pip install apache-amaterasu

Alternatively, it is possible to download the SDK source and manually install it via easy_install or executing the setup script.

wget <link to source distribution>
tar -xzf apache-amaterasu-0.2.1-incubating.tar.gz
cd apache-amaterasu-0.2.1-incubating
python setup.py install

Action dependencies

Apache Amaterasu has the capability of ensuring Python dependencies are present on all execution nodes when executing action sources.

In order to define the required dependencies, a requirements.txt file has to be added to the job repository. Currently, only a global requirements.txt is supported.

Below you can see where the requirements file has to be added:

+-- deps/
|   +-- requirements.txt <-- This is the place for defining dependencies
+-- env/
|   +-- dev/
|   |   +-- job.yaml
|   |   +-- spark.yaml
|   +-- test/
|   |   +-- job.yaml
|   |   +-- spark.yaml
|   +-- prod/
|       +-- job.yaml
|       +-- spark.yaml
+-- src/
|   +-- start/
|       +-- dev/
|       |   +-- job.yaml
|       |   +-- spark.yaml
|       +-- test/
|       |   +-- job.yaml
|       |   +-- spark.yaml
|       +-- prod/
|           +-- job.yaml
|           +-- spark.yaml
+-- maki.yaml 

When a requirements.txt file exists, Apache Amaterasu distributes it to the execution containers and locally installs the dependencies in each container.

Important - Your execution nodes need to have egress connection available in order to use pip


Generic Python

Java and JVM programs

Apache Spark

Spark Configuration



Apache Amaterasu has the capability of deploying PySpark applications and provide configuration and integration utilities that work in the realm of dataframes and RDDs.

Assuming that Apache Amaterasu has been configured correctly for your cluster and all required spark configurations are in place, all you need to do is integrate with the Apache Amaterasu PySpark SDK from within your source scripts.

Integration with supported data sources

The starting point of this, is to write a dataset configuration. Let‘s assume that you have a 2 datasets defined. The first, mydataset is the input dataset and resultdataset is the output dataset. Let’s also assume that you have 2 different environments, production and development. Let's take a sneak peek at an example of how mydataset is defined in each environment:


    url: s3a://myprodbucket/path/myinputdata
    format: parquet


    url: s3a://mydevbucket/path/myinputdata
    format: parquet

The snippet below shows how to use the Amaterasu SDK to integrate with the data sources easily.

from amaterasu.pyspark.runtime import AmaContext

ama_context = AmaContext.builder().build()
some_dataset: Dataframe = ama_context.load_dataset("mydataset")
... # Do some black magic here
ama_context.persist_dataset("resultdataset", some_dataset_after_transformation)

The code above will work regardless of whether you run in development environment or production.

Important: You will need to have the datasets above defined in both environments!

Integration with unsupported data sources

Apache Amaterasu is still an evolving project, we add more and more builtin integrations as we go (e.g. - Pandas dataframes, new datasource types and so on). As we are aware of the need to manage datasets across environments, regardless of whether Apache Amaterasu supports them by default or not, we designed Apache Amaterasu to provide a way to define generic datasets. In addition to defining generic datasets, Apache Amaterasu also provides an API to reference any dataset configuration defined in the environment.

The snippet below shows an example of referencing a dataset configuration in the code.

from amaterasu.pyspark.runtime import AmaContext
ama_context = AmaContext.builder().build()
dataset_conf = ama_context.dataset_manager.get_dataset_configuration("mygenericdataset")  # This is a dataset without builtin support
some_prop = dataset_conf['mydataset_prop1']
some_prop2 = dataset_conf['mydataset_prop2']
my_df = my_custom_loading_logic(some_prop, some_prop2)
my_new_df = black_magic(my_df)
ama_context.persist('magic_df', my_new_df)  # This is a dataset with builtin support