blob: dfeabde6699da134d4a156ad6a7994c7b8d8a1af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Wayne Meissner. All rights reserved.
* For licensing, see LICENSE.SPECS
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <pthread.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <process.h>
#define R(T, rtype) rtype testClosureVr##T(rtype (*closure)(void)) { \
return closure != NULL ? (*closure)() : (rtype) 0; \
#define P(T, ptype) void testClosure##T##rV(void (*closure)(ptype), ptype a1) { \
if (closure != NULL) (*closure)(a1); \
void testClosureVrV(void (*closure)(void))
R(Z, bool);
R(B, char);
R(S, short);
R(I, int);
R(L, long);
R(J, long long);
R(LL, long long);
R(F, float);
R(D, double);
R(P, const void*);
P(Z, bool);
P(B, char);
P(S, short);
P(I, int);
P(L, long);
P(J, long long);
P(LL, long long);
P(F, float);
P(D, double);
P(P, const void*);
P(UL, unsigned long);
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
bool __stdcall testClosureStdcall(long *a1, void __stdcall(*closure)(void *, long), long a2) { \
void* sp_pre;
void* sp_post;
asm volatile (" movl %%esp,%0" : "=g" (sp_pre));
(*closure)(a1, a2);
asm volatile (" movl %%esp,%0" : "=g" (sp_post));
/* %esp before pushing parameters on the stack and after the call returns
* should be equal, if both sides respects the stdcall convention */
return sp_pre == sp_post;
void testOptionalClosureBrV(void (*closure)(char), char a1)
if (closure) {
struct ThreadVrV {
void (*closure)(void);
int count;
static void *
threadVrV(void *arg)
struct ThreadVrV* t = (struct ThreadVrV *) arg;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < t->count; i++) {
return NULL;
void testThreadedClosureVrV(void (*closure)(void), int n)
struct ThreadVrV arg = {closure, n};
#ifndef _WIN32
pthread_t t;
pthread_create(&t, NULL, threadVrV, &arg);
pthread_join(t, NULL);
HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE) _beginthread((void (*)(void *))threadVrV, 0, &arg);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
struct s8f32s32 {
char s8;
float f32;
int s32;
// Takes a struct argument
void testClosureTrV(void (*closure)(struct s8f32s32 s), struct s8f32s32* s)
// Returns a struct value
struct s8f32s32 testClosureVrT(struct s8f32s32 (*closure)())
return (*closure)();
typedef int (*returnTypeClosure_t)(int) ;
typedef returnTypeClosure_t (*lookupClosure_t)();
int testReturnsClosure(lookupClosure_t lookup, int val)
returnTypeClosure_t func = lookup ? (*lookup)() : NULL;
return func ? (*func)(val) : 0;
static int multiplyByTwo(int value)
return value * 2;
returnTypeClosure_t testReturnsFunctionPointer()
return multiplyByTwo;
typedef int (*argumentClosure_t)(int);
typedef int (*withArgumentClosure_t)(argumentClosure_t, int);
int testArgumentClosure(withArgumentClosure_t closure_with, argumentClosure_t closure_arg, int val)
return (*closure_with)(closure_arg, val);
// These macros produce functions of the form:
// testClosureBIrV(void (*closure)(char, int), char a1, int a2) {}
#define C2_(J1, J2, N1, N2) \
void testClosure##J1##J2##rV(void (*closure)(N1, N2), N1 a1, N2 a2) \
{ \
if (closure != NULL) (*closure)(a1, a2); \
#define C2(J, N) \
C2_(B, J, char, N) \
C2_(S, J, short, N) \
C2_(I, J, int, N) \
C2_(LL, J, long long, N) \
C2_(F, J, float, N) \
C2_(D, J, double, N) \
C2(B, char);
C2(S, short);
C2(I, int);
C2(LL, long long);
C2(F, float);
C2(D, double);
#define C3_(J1, J2, J3, N1, N2, N3) \
void testClosure##J1##J2##J3##rV(void (*closure)(N1, N2, N3), N1 a1, N2 a2, N3 a3) \
{ \
(*closure)(a1, a2, a3); \
#define C3(J, N) \
C3_(B, J, B, char, N, char) \
C3_(S, J, S, short, N, short) \
C3_(I, J, I, int, N, int) \
C3_(LL, J, LL, long long, N, long long) \
C3_(F, J, F, float, N, float) \
C3_(D, J, D, double, N, double) \
C3(B, char);
C3(S, short);
C3(I, int);
C3(LL, long long);
C3(F, float);
C3(D, double);
C3_(B, S, I, char, short, int);
C3_(B, S, LL, char, short, long long);
C3_(LL, S, B, long long, short, char);
C3_(LL, B, S, long long, char, short);