blob: c07a5937ec2e3e361781fc5e82d92afefa72c091 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Callback that sets up the user menu in JS, provided
// valid account JSON is supplied
function setupUserFromLua(json) {
if (typeof json.login != undefined && json.login) {
login = json.login
if (login.credentials) {
// Callback for hasSeen - marks the email as seen inside the browser and
// decreases notification count.
function hasSeenResult(json, tid) {
// Only decrease number if backend says 'seen' has changed
if (json && json.marked) {
document.getElementById('notif_' + tid).style.fontWeight = "normal"
// Function for telling the backend that we've seen a specific message, as
// denoted by the MID
function hasSeen(mid, tid) {
GetAsync("/api/notifications.lua?seen=" + mid, tid, hasSeenResult)
// Func for rendering the list of notifications
function renderNotifications(json) {
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
var deep = true
// Do we have notifications to show?
if (json.notifications && json.notifications.length > 0) {
current_flat_json = json.notifications
// Make an unordered list, dirty innerHTML style for now.
var nest = "<ul style='text-align: left;'>"
for (var i in current_flat_json) {
var notif = current_flat_json[i]
if (!notif.epoch) {
var eml = notif
current_thread_json[i] = eml
if (eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
var pmid = eml.nid
eml.mid =
// Have we read this notification already? if not, bold it.
var bold = eml.seen == 0 ? 'bold' : 'normal'
var ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
if (eml.epoch > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
// This sets the list the notif is from and shortens the subject line
if (deep && typeof eml.list != undefined && eml.list != null) {
var elist = (eml.list ? eml.list : "").replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = eml.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "' style='float: left; margin-right: 4px;'><label class='label label-warning'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
// Convert email date into locale format, firefox or ecma style.
mdate = new Date(eml.epoch * 1000)
mdate = mdate.toLocaleFormat ? mdate.toLocaleFormat('%Y-%m-%d %T') : mdate.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
hour12: false
// Escape HTML and make the From header have just the sender name
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = from.replace(/\"/g, "")
// If not viewed, add a hasSeen callback inside it when clicked
var extras = ""
if (eml.seen == 0 ) {
extras = "hasSeen(\"" + pmid + "\", " + i + "); "
// Add notif to list
nest += "<li class='list-group-item' style='font-weight: " + bold + ";' id='notif_" + i + "'> &nbsp; <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='" + extras + "toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); timeTravelList("+i+", "+ eml.epoch + ");'>" + subject + "</a> " + d + " <label style='float: left; width: 140px;' class='label label-info'>" + from + "</label><label style='float: right; width: 140px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>(" + mdate + ")</label><div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
nest += "</ul>"
document.getElementById('notifications').innerHTML = nest
} else {
document.getElementById('notifications').innerHTML = "There doesn't seem to be any notifications for you yet."
// onLoad function, fetches the needed JSON and renders the notif list
function listNotifications() {
GetAsync("/api/notifications.lua", null, renderNotifications)
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", null, setupUserFromLua)