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# This is Miscellaneous utility functions #
# Number prettification prototype:
# Converts 1234567 into 1,234,567 etc
Number.prototype.pretty = (fix) ->
if (fix)
return String(this.toFixed(fix)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$1,');
return String(this.toFixed(0)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,');
# Number padding
# usage: 123.pad(6) -> 000123
Number.prototype.pad = (n) ->
str = String(this)
### Do we need to pad? if so, do it using String.repeat ###
if str.length < n
str = "0".repeat(n-str.length) + str
return str
### Func for converting a date to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM ###
Date.prototype.ISOBare = () ->
y = this.getFullYear()
m = (this.getMonth() + 1).pad(2)
d = this.getDate().pad(2)
h = this.getHours().pad(2)
M = this.getMinutes().pad(2)
return "#{y}-#{m}-#{d} #{h}:#{M}"
### isArray: function to detect if an object is an array ###
isArray = (value) ->
value and
typeof value is 'object' and
value instanceof Array and
typeof value.length is 'number' and
typeof value.splice is 'function' and
not ( value.propertyIsEnumerable 'length' )
### isHash: function to detect if an object is a hash ###
isHash = (value) ->
value and
typeof value is 'object' and
not isArray(value)
### Remove an array element by value ###
Array.prototype.remove = (val) ->
for item, i in this
if item == val
this.splice(i, 1)
return this
return this;
ponymail_url_regex = new RegExp(
"(" +
"(?:(?:[a-z]+)://)" +
"(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?" +
"(?:" +
"([01][0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])" +
"|" +
"(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)" +
"(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*" +
"(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))" +
"\\.?" +
")" +
"(?::\\d{2,5})?" +
"(?:[/?#]([^,<>()\\[\\] \\t\\r\\n]|(<[^:\\s]*?>|\\([^:\\s]*?\\)|\\[[^:\\s]*?\\]))*)?" +
, "mi"
ponymail_quote_regex = new RegExp(
"((?:\r?\n)((on .+ wrote:[\r\n]+)|(sent from my .+)|(>+([ \t][^\r\n]*|[ \t]*)\r?\n)+)+)+", "mi"
# ^ ^
# This section matches at least one space plus any text, or optional whitespace only
# Quotes shold always have at least one space before any text, but don't need spaces
# if there is no text
# How many bits (of 7 chars each) do we want in our shortLink?
# The more bits, the more precise, the fewer bits, the shorter the link.
shortBits = 3
### Shortener: cut MID into pieces, convert to base36 to save 3-4 bytes ###
shortenURL = (mid) ->
arr = mid.split("@")
### IF arr is 2 bits, it's fine to shorten it (medium/long generator). if 3, then potentially not (short generator) ###
if arr.length == 2 and (pm_config and pm_config.shortLinks)
out = ""
### For each bit in $howlongdowewantthis ... ###
for i in [0..shortBits-1]
### Cut off 8 chars, convert from base16 to base36 ###
a = arr[0].substr(i*8,8)
num = parseInt(a, 16)
res = num.toString(36)
### Padding for small numbers ###
while res.length < 7
res = '-' + res
out += res
return "PZ" + out
return mid
unshortenURL = (mid) ->
### If new format ... ###
if mid.substr(0,2) == 'PZ'
out = ""
### For each 7-char bit, convert from base36 to base16, remove padding ###
for i in [0..shortBits-1]
num = parseInt(mid.substr(2+(i*7), 7).replace('-', ''), 36)
res = num.toString(16)
### 0-padding for smaller numbers (<8 chars)###
while res.length < 8
res = '0' + res
out += res
return out
else if mid[0] == 'Z' or mid[0] == 'B'
### Old format from 0.9 and before ###
out = ""
### For each 7-char bit, convert from base36 to base16, remove padding ###
for i in [0..1]
num = parseInt(mid.substr(1+(i*7), 7).replace('-', ''), 36)
res = num.toString(16)
### 0-padding for smaller numbers (<9 chars) ###
while res.length < 9
res = '0' + res
out += res
return out
return mid