blob: d814bc21787209fdbd479677ad9c7623c6c1c6f3 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Fetched from dev/ponymail_assign_vars.js
// These are all variables needed at some point during our work.
// They keep track of the JSON we have received, storing it in the browser,
// Thus lightening the load on the backend (caching and such)
var _VERSION_ = "0.12-SNAPSHOT" // Current version (as far as we know)
var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
var d_ppp = 15; // results per page
var c_page = 0; // current page position for list view
var open_emails = [] // cache index for loaded emails
var list_year = {}
var DEFAULT_RETENTION = "lte=1M" // default timespan for list view
var current_retention = DEFAULT_RETENTION
var current_cal_min = 1997 // don't go further back than 1997 in case everything blows up, date-wise
var keywords = ""
var current_thread = 0 // marker for list view; currently open thread/email
var current_thread_mids = {} // duplicate guard for threading
var saved_emails = {} // JSON cache for emails
var current_query = "" // currently active search query
var old_json = {} // pointer to previously loaded JSON object
var all_lists = {}
var current_json = {} // pointer to currently loaded JSON
var current_thread_json = {}
var current_flat_json = {}
var current_email_msgs = []
var current_reply_eid = null
var last_opened_email = null
var firstVisit = true
var global_deep = false
var old_state = {}
var nest = ""
var xlist = ""
var domlist = {}
var compose_headers = {}
var login = {}
var xyz
var start = new Date().getTime()
var latestEmailInThread = 0
var composeType = "reply"
var gxdomain = ""
var fl = null
var kiddos = [] // DOM tree for traverse functions
var pending_urls = {} // URL list for GetAsync's support functions (such as the spinner)
var pb_refresh = 0
var treeview_guard = {}
var mbox_month = null
var URL_BASE = pm_config.URLBase ? pm_config.URLBase.replace(/\/+/g, "/") : ""
function isStorageAvailable(type) {
try {
var storage = window[type],
x = 'pm_test';
storage.setItem(x, x);
return true;
catch(e) {
return false;
var localStorageAvailable = isStorageAvailable('localStorage')
var sessionStorageAvailable = isStorageAvailable('sessionStorage')
// Links from viewmode to the function that handles them
var viewModes = {
threaded: {
email: loadEmails_threaded,
list: loadList_threaded,
description: 'Grouped by threads'
flat: {
email: loadEmails_flat,
list: loadList_flat,
description: 'Flat list (one email per line)'
treeview: {
email: loadEmails_flat,
list: loadList_treeview,
description: 'Threaded with treeview'
Fetched from dev/ponymail_composer.js
function saveDraft() {
// If the user was composing a new thread, let's save the contents (if any)
// for next time
if (document.getElementById('reply_body')) {
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (composeType == "new") {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_body_" + xlist, document.getElementById('reply_body').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_subject_" + xlist, document.getElementById('reply_subject').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_list", xlist)
composeType = ""
// Likewise, if composing a reply, save it in case the user wants to revisit
// the draft
} else if (composeType == "reply" && current_reply_eid) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_body_eid_" + current_reply_eid, document.getElementById('reply_body').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_subject_eid_" + current_reply_eid, document.getElementById('reply_subject').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_list_eid_", current_reply_eid)
composeType = ""
// hideComposer: hide the composer (splash) window
function hideComposer(evt, nosave) {
var es = evt ? ( || evt.srcElement) : null;
if (!es || !es.getAttribute || !es.getAttribute("class") || (es.nodeName != 'A' && es.getAttribute("class").search(/label/) == -1)) {
if (!nosave) {
document.getElementById('splash').style.display = "none"
// sendEmail: send an email
function sendEmail(form) {
// We have a bit of a mix here due to nginx not supporting multipart form data
var of = []
for (var k in compose_headers) {
of.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(compose_headers[k]))
// Push the subject and email body into the form data
of.push("subject=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('reply_subject').value))
of.push("body=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('reply_body').value))
if (login && login.alternates && document.getElementById('alt')) {
of.push("alt=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('alt').options[document.getElementById('alt').selectedIndex].value))
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", URL_BASE + "/api/compose.lua");
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.send(of.join("&")) // send email as a POST string
// Clear the draft stuff
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (compose_headers.eid && compose_headers.eid.length > 0) {
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_subject_eid_" + compose_headers.eid)
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_body_eid_" + compose_headers.eid)
// Clear new draft too if need be
if (composeType == "new") {
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_body_" + xlist)
hideComposer(null, true)
// Open the annoying popup dialogue :)
popup("Email dispatched!", "Provided it passes spam checks, your email should be on its way to the mailing list now. <br/><b>Do note:</b> Some lists are always moderated, so your reply may be held for moderation for a while.", 5, "composer")
// compose: render a compose dialog for a reply to an email
function compose(eid, lid, type) {
var email = null
// If a list ID is supplied, try to work out which list,
// and create a dummy email object, as we're not
// replying to an email here.
if (lid) {
if (lid == "xlist") {
if (xlist != null && xlist.length > 4) {
lid = xlist;
} else {
lid = null
if (lid != null) {
email = {
'message-id': "",
'list': xlist.replace("@", "."),
'subject': "",
'body': "",
'from': "",
'date': ""
composeType = "new"
else {
composeType = "reply"
email = saved_emails[eid]
// If we have a valid dummy email or are replying to an email, then...
if (email != null) {
var truncated = false
if (login.credentials) {
current_reply_eid = eid
// Turn list-id into an actual email address to send to
var listname = email['list'].replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
// Save some smtp headers for later
compose_headers = {
'eid': eid,
'in-reply-to': email['message-id'],
'references': email['message-id'] + " " + (email['references'] ? email['references'] : ""),
'to': listname
// find the composer pane and show it
var obj = document.getElementById('splash') = "block"
// Set the right title of the pane
what = "Reply to email"
if (lid) {
what = "Start a new thread"
obj.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: right;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideComposer(event)' style='color: #FFF;'>Hit escape to close this window or click here<big> &#x2612;</big></a></p><h3>" + what + " on " + listname + ":</h3>"
// Append the previous email body, if such exists
var area = document.createElement('textarea') = "660px" = "400px";
area.setAttribute("id", "reply_body")
var eml = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from.replace(/</mg, "&lt;") + " wrote: \n"
email.body = email.body.replace(/\r/mg, "")
eml += email.body.replace(/^([^\n]*)/mg, "&gt; $1")
var eml_raw = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from + " wrote: \n"
eml_raw += email.body.replace(/^([^\n]*)/mg, "> $1")
var subject = "Re: " + email.subject.replace(/^Re:\s*/mg, "").replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
// If it's a new email, scrap what we just did...gee, swell!
if (lid) {
eml = ""
eml_raw = ""
subject = ""
// Do we have alternate email addresses associated?
// If so, let the user pick which to send from
if (login.alternates && login.alternates.length !== undefined) {
var alts = {}
alts[] =
for (var i in login.alternates) {
alts[login.alternates[i]] = login.alternates[i]
obj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('alt', 'Send as:', 'select', alts,
obj.innerHTML += "<div>&nbsp;</div>"
// Set up a subject text field, populate it
obj.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Subject: '))
var txt = document.createElement('input')
txt.setAttribute("type", "text")
txt.setAttribute("style", "width: 500px;")
txt.setAttribute("value", subject)
txt.setAttribute("id", "reply_subject")
// Set email body in HTML
area.innerHTML = eml
// Do we need to fetch cache here?
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (composeType == "new" && window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)) {
area.innerHTML = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_body_" + xlist)
txt.value = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)
} else if (composeType == "reply" && window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_eid_" + eid)) {
area.innerHTML = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_body_eid_" + eid)
txt.value = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_eid_" + eid)
// submit button
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success") = "#51A351 !important"
btn.setAttribute("value", lid ? "Send email" : "Send reply")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "sendEmail(this.form)")
// reply-via-mua button
if (!lid) {
// construct long and winding mailto: link
// Make sure we don't go over 16k chars in the body,
// or we'll risk a namespace error in the link
var eml_raw_short = eml_raw
var N = 16000
if (eml_raw_short.length > N) {
truncated = true
eml_raw_short = eml_raw_short.substring(0, N) + "\n[message truncated...]"
var xlink = 'mailto:' + listname + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&amp;In-Reply-To=" + encodeURIComponent(email['message-id']) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(eml_raw_short)
// Make a button object
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-info") = "right" = "#51A351 !important"
btn.setAttribute("value", "reply via your own mail client")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "location.href=\"" + xlink + "\";")
// Focus on body or subject, depending on what's going on
if (composeType == "new" && txt.value.length == 0) {
// If not logged in, we don't show the UI, but we do show a "reply-via-MUA" button
} else {
// Same as above, construct mailto: link
var eml_raw = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from + " wrote: \n"
eml_raw += email.body.replace(/([^\r\n]*)/mg, "> $1")
// Same as before, we have to truncate very large emails
// or the URL to MUA won't work and throw a namespace error
var eml_raw_short = eml_raw
var N = 16000
if (eml_raw_short.length > N) {
truncated = true
eml_raw_short = eml_raw_short.substring(0, N) + "\n[message truncated...]"
var subject = "Re: " + email.subject.replace(/^Re:\s*/mg, "").replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var link = 'mailto:' + email.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/([^.]+)\./, "$1@") + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&In-Reply-To=" + encodeURIComponent(email['message-id']) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(eml_raw_short)
// Get compose pane, show it
var obj = document.getElementById('splash') = "block"
obj.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: right;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideComposer(event)' style='color: #FFF;'>Hit escape to close this window or click here<big> &#x2612;</big></a></p><h3>Reply to email:</h3>"
// "sorry, but..." text + mua link
obj.innerHTML += "<p>You need to be logged in to reply online.<br/>If you have a regular mail client, you can reply to this email by clicking below:<br/><h4><a style='color: #FFF;' class='btn btn-success' onclick='hideComposer(event);' href=\"" + link + "\">Reply via Mail Client</a></h4>"
// truncation warning for very long emails
if (composeType == 'reply' && truncated) {
obj.innerHTML += "<div><br/><i><b>Note: </b>In case of very long emails such as this, the body may be truncated if you choose to reply using your own mail client</i></div>"
} else {
alert("I don't know which list to send an email to, sorry :(")
Fetched from dev/ponymail_datepicker.js
var datepicker_spawner = null
var calendarpicker_spawner = null
var units = {
w: 'week',
d: 'day',
M: 'month',
y: 'year'
function fixupPicker(obj) {
obj.addEventListener("focus", function(event){
$('html').on('', function (e) {
return false;
obj.addEventListener("blur", function(event){
// makeSelect: Creates a <select> object with options
function makeSelect(options, id, selval) {
var sel = document.createElement('select')
sel.addEventListener("focus", function(event){
$('html').on('', function (e) {
return false;
sel.addEventListener("blur", function(event){
sel.setAttribute("name", id)
sel.setAttribute("id", id)
// For each options element, create it in the DOM
for (var key in options) {
var opt = document.createElement('option')
// Hash or array?
if (typeof key == "string") {
opt.setAttribute("value", key)
// Option is selected by default?
if (key == selval) {
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected")
} else {
// Option is selected by default?
if (options[key] == selval) {
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected")
opt.text = options[key]
return sel
// splitDiv: Makes a split div with 2 elements,
// and puts div2 into the right column,
// and 'name' as text in the left one.
function splitDiv(id, name, div2) {
var div = document.createElement('div')
var subdiv = document.createElement('div')
var radio = document.createElement('input')
radio.setAttribute("type", "radio")
radio.setAttribute("name", "datepicker_radio")
radio.setAttribute("value", name)
radio.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_radio_" + id)
radio.setAttribute("onclick", "calcTimespan('"+ id + "')")
var label = document.createElement('label')
label.innerHTML = "&nbsp; " + name + ": "
label.setAttribute("for", "datepicker_radio_" + id)
subdiv.appendChild(label) = "left" = "left" = "120px" = "48px" = "48px" = "250px"
return div
// calcTimespan: Calculates the value and representational text
// for the datepicker choice and puts it in the datepicker's
// spawning input/select element.
function calcTimespan(what) {
var wat = ""
var tval = ""
// Less than N units ago?
if (what == 'lt') {
// Get unit and how many units
var N = document.getElementById('datepicker_lti').value
var unit = document.getElementById('datepicker_lts').value
var unitt = units[unit]
if (parseInt(N) != 1) {
unitt += "s"
// If this makes sense, construct a humanly readable and a computer version
// of the timespan
if (N.length > 0) {
wat = "Less than " + N + " " + unitt + " ago"
tval = "lte=" + N + unit
// More than N units ago?
if (what == 'mt') {
// As above, get unit and no of units.
var N = document.getElementById('datepicker_mti').value
var unit = document.getElementById('datepicker_mts').value
var unitt = units[unit]
if (parseInt(N) != 1) {
unitt += "s"
// construct timespan val + description
if (N.length > 0) {
wat = "More than " + N + " " + unitt + " ago"
tval = "gte=" + N + unit
// Date range?
if (what == 'cd') {
// Get From and To values
var f = document.getElementById('datepicker_cfrom').value
var t = document.getElementById('datepicker_cto').value
// construct timespan val + description if both from and to are valid
if (f.length > 0 && t.length > 0) {
wat = "From " + f + " to " + t
tval = "dfr=" + f + "|dto=" + t
// If we calc'ed a value and spawner exists, update its key/val
if (datepicker_spawner && what && wat.length > 0) {
document.getElementById('datepicker_radio_' + what).checked = true
if (datepicker_spawner.options) {
datepicker_spawner.options[0].value = tval
datepicker_spawner.options[0].text = wat
} else if (datepicker_spawner.value) {
datepicker_spawner.value = wat
datepicker_spawner.setAttribute("data", tval)
// datePicker: spawns a date picker with various
// timespan options right next to the parent caller.
function datePicker(parent, seedPeriod) {
datepicker_spawner = parent
var div = document.getElementById('datepicker_popup')
// If the datepicker object doesn't exist, spawn it
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div')
var id = parseInt(Math.random() * 10000).toString(16)
div.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_popup")
div.setAttribute("class", "datepicker")
// Reset the contents of the datepicker object
div.innerHTML = "" = "block"
// Position the datepicker next to whatever called it
var bb = parent.getBoundingClientRect() = (bb.bottom + 8) + "px" = (bb.left + 32) + "px"
// -- Less than N $units ago
var ltdiv = document.createElement('div')
var lti = document.createElement('input')
lti.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_lti") = "48px"
lti.setAttribute("onkeyup", "calcTimespan('lt')")
lti.setAttribute("onblur", "calcTimespan('lt')")
var lts = makeSelect({
'd': "Day(s)",
'w': 'Week(s)',
'M': "Month(s)",
'y': "Year(s)"
}, 'datepicker_lts', 'm')
lts.setAttribute("onchange", "calcTimespan('lt')")
ltdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ago'))
div.appendChild(splitDiv('lt', 'Less than', ltdiv))
// -- More than N $units ago
var mtdiv = document.createElement('div')
var mti = document.createElement('input') = "48px"
mti.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_mti")
mti.setAttribute("onkeyup", "calcTimespan('mt')")
mti.setAttribute("onblur", "calcTimespan('mt')")
var mts = makeSelect({
'd': "Day(s)",
'w': 'Week(s)',
'M': "Month(s)",
'y': "Year(s)"
}, 'datepicker_mts', 'm')
mts.setAttribute("onchange", "calcTimespan('mt')")
mtdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ago'))
div.appendChild(splitDiv('mt', 'More than', mtdiv))
// -- Calendar timespan
// This is just two text fields, the calendarPicker sub-plugin populates them
var cdiv = document.createElement('div')
var cfrom = document.createElement('input') = "90px"
cfrom.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_cfrom")
cfrom.setAttribute("onfocus", "showCalendarPicker(this)")
cfrom.setAttribute("onchange", "calcTimespan('cd')")
cdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode('From: '))
var cto = document.createElement('input') = "90px"
cto.setAttribute("id", "datepicker_cto")
cto.setAttribute("onfocus", "showCalendarPicker(this)")
cto.setAttribute("onchange", "calcTimespan('cd')")
cdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode('To: '))
div.appendChild(splitDiv('cd', 'Date range', cdiv))
// -- Magic button that sends the timespan back to the caller
var okay = document.createElement('input')
okay.setAttribute("type", "button")
okay.setAttribute("value", "Okay")
okay.setAttribute("onclick", "setDatepickerDate()")
document.body.setAttribute("onclick", "")
window.setTimeout(function() { document.body.setAttribute("onclick", "blurDatePicker(event)") }, 200)
// This is for recalcing the set options if spawned from a
// select/input box with an existing value derived from an
// earlier call to datePicker
var ptype = ""
var pvalue = parent.hasAttribute("data") ? parent.getAttribute("data") : parent.value
if (|-/) != -1) {
// Less than N units ago?
if (pvalue.match(/lte/)) {
var m = pvalue.match(/lte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
ptype = 'lt'
if (m) {
document.getElementById('datepicker_lti').value = m[1]
var sel = document.getElementById('datepicker_lts')
for (var i in sel.options) {
if (parseInt(i) >= 0) {
if (sel.options[i].value == m[2]) {
sel.options[i].selected = "selected"
} else {
sel.options[i].selected = null
// More than N units ago?
if (pvalue.match(/gte/)) {
ptype = 'mt'
var m = pvalue.match(/gte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
if (m) {
document.getElementById('datepicker_mti').value = m[1]
var sel = document.getElementById('datepicker_mts')
// Go through the unit values, select the one we use
for (var i in sel.options) {
if (parseInt(i) >= 0) {
if (sel.options[i].value == m[2]) {
sel.options[i].selected = "selected"
} else {
sel.options[i].selected = null
// Date range?
if (pvalue.match(/dfr/)) {
ptype = 'cd'
// Make sure we have both a dfr and a dto here, catch them
var mf = pvalue.match(/dfr=(\d+-\d+-\d+)/)
var mt = pvalue.match(/dto=(\d+-\d+-\d+)/)
if (mf && mt) {
// easy peasy, just set two text fields!
document.getElementById('datepicker_cfrom').value = mf[1]
document.getElementById('datepicker_cto').value = mt[1]
// Month??
if (pvalue.match(/(\d{4})-(\d+)/)) {
ptype = 'cd'
// Make sure we have both a dfr and a dto here, catch them
var m = pvalue.match(/(\d{4})-(\d+)/)
if (m.length == 3) {
// easy peasy, just set two text fields!
var dfrom = new Date(parseInt(m[1]),parseInt(m[2])-1,1, 0, 0, 0)
var dto = new Date(parseInt(m[1]),parseInt(m[2]),0, 23, 59, 59)
document.getElementById('datepicker_cfrom').value = m[0] + "-" + dfrom.getDate()
document.getElementById('datepicker_cto').value = m[0] + "-" + dto.getDate()
function datePickerValue(seedPeriod) {
// This is for recalcing the set options if spawned from a
// select/input box with an existing value derived from an
// earlier call to datePicker
var ptype = ""
var rv = seedPeriod
if (seedPeriod && &&|-/) != -1) {
// Less than N units ago?
if (seedPeriod.match(/lte/)) {
var m = seedPeriod.match(/lte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
ptype = 'lt'
var unitt = units[m[2]]
if (parseInt(m[1]) != 1) {
unitt += "s"
rv = "Less than " + m[1] + " " + unitt + " ago"
// More than N units ago?
if (seedPeriod.match(/gte/)) {
ptype = 'mt'
var m = seedPeriod.match(/gte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
var unitt = units[m[2]]
if (parseInt(m[1]) != 1) {
unitt += "s"
rv = "More than " + m[1] + " " + unitt + " ago"
// Date range?
if (seedPeriod.match(/dfr/)) {
ptype = 'cd'
var mf = seedPeriod.match(/dfr=(\d+-\d+-\d+)/)
var mt = seedPeriod.match(/dto=(\d+-\d+-\d+)/)
if (mf && mt) {
rv = "From " + mf[1] + " to " + mt[1]
// Month??
if (seedPeriod.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/)) {
ptype = 'mr' // just a made up thing...(month range)
var mr = seedPeriod.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)/)
if (mr) {
dfrom = new Date(parseInt(mr[1]),parseInt(mr[2])-1,1, 0, 0, 0)
rv = months[dfrom.getMonth()] + ', ' + mr[1]
return rv
function datePickerDouble(seedPeriod) {
// This basically takes a date-arg and doubles it backwards
// so >=3M becomes =>6M etc. Also returns the cutoff for
// the original date and the span in days of the original
var ptype = ""
var rv = seedPeriod
var dbl = seedPeriod
var tspan = 1
var dfrom = new Date()
var dto = new Date()
// datepicker range?
if (seedPeriod && && != -1) {
// Less than N units ago?
if (seedPeriod.match(/lte/)) {
var m = seedPeriod.match(/lte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
ptype = 'lt'
rv = "<" + m[1] + m[2] + " ago"
dbl = "lte=" + (parseInt(m[1])*2) + m[2]
// N months ago
if (m[2] == "M") {
dfrom.setMonth(dfrom.getMonth()-parseInt(m[1]), dfrom.getDate())
// N days ago
if (m[2] == "d") {
// N years ago
if (m[2] == "y") {
// N weeks ago
if (m[2] == "w") {
// Calc total duration in days for this time span
tspan = parseInt((dto.getTime() - dfrom.getTime() + 5000) / (1000*86400))
// More than N units ago?
if (seedPeriod.match(/gte/)) {
ptype = 'mt'
var m = seedPeriod.match(/gte=(\d+)([dMyw])/)
rv = ">" + m[1] + m[2] + " ago"
dbl = "gte=" + (parseInt(m[1])*2) + m[2]
tspan = parseInt(parseInt(m[1]) * 30.4)
dfrom = null
// Months
if (m[2] == "M") {
dto.setMonth(dto.getMonth()-parseInt(m[1]), dto.getDate())
// Days
if (m[2] == "d") {
// Years
if (m[2] == "y") {
// Weeks
if (m[2] == "w") {
// Can't really figure out a timespan for this, so...null!
// This also sort of invalidates use on the trend page, but meh..
tspan = null
// Date range?
if (seedPeriod.match(/dfr/)) {
ptype = 'cd'
// Find from and to
var mf = seedPeriod.match(/dfr=(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/)
var mt = seedPeriod.match(/dto=(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/)
if (mf && mt) {
rv = "from " + mf[1] + " to " + mt[1]
// Starts at 00:00:00 on from date
dfrom = new Date(parseInt(mf[1]),parseInt(mf[2])-1,parseInt(mf[3]), 0, 0, 0)
// Ends at 23:59:59 on to date
dto = new Date(parseInt(mt[1]),parseInt(mt[2])-1,parseInt(mt[3]), 23, 59, 59)
// Get duration in days, add 5 seconds to we can floor the value and get an integer
tspan = parseInt((dto.getTime() - dfrom.getTime() + 5000) / (1000*86400))
// double the distance
var dpast = new Date(dfrom)
dpast.setDate(dpast.getDate() - tspan)
dbl = seedPeriod.replace(/dfr=[^|]+/, "dfr=" + (dpast.getFullYear()) + '-' + (dpast.getMonth()+1) + '-' + dpast.getDate())
} else {
tspan = 0
// just N days?
else if (parseInt(seedPeriod).toString() == seedPeriod.toString()) {
tspan = parseInt(seedPeriod)
dfrom.setDate(dfrom.getDate() - tspan)
dbl = "lte=" + (tspan*2) + "d"
// Specific month?
else if (seedPeriod.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/)) {
// just a made up thing...(month range)
ptype = 'mr'
var mr = seedPeriod.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)/)
if (mr) {
rv = seedPeriod
// Same as before, start at 00:00:00
dfrom = new Date(parseInt(mr[1]),parseInt(mr[2])-1,1, 0, 0, 0)
// end at 23:59:59
dto = new Date(parseInt(mr[1]),parseInt(mr[2]),0, 23, 59, 59)
// B-A, add 5 seconds so we can floor the no. of days into an integer neatly
tspan = parseInt((dto.getTime() - dfrom.getTime() + 5000) / (1000*86400))
// Double timespan
var dpast = new Date(dfrom)
dpast.setDate(dpast.getDate() - tspan)
dbl = "dfr=" + (dpast.getFullYear()) + '-' + (dpast.getMonth()+1) + '-' + dpast.getDate() + "|dto=" + (dto.getFullYear()) + '-' + (dto.getMonth()+1) + '-' + dto.getDate()
} else {
tspan = 0
return [dbl, dfrom, dto, tspan]
// set date in caller and hide datepicker again.
function setDatepickerDate() {
// findParent: traverse DOM and see if we can find a parent to 'el'
// called 'name'. This is used for figuring out whether 'el' has
// lost focus or not.
function findParent(el, name) {
if (el.getAttribute && el.getAttribute("id") == name) {
return true
if (el.parentNode && el.parentNode.getAttribute) {
if (el.parentNode.getAttribute("id") != name) {
return findParent(el.parentNode, name)
} else {
return true
} else {
return false;
// function for hiding the date picker
function blurDatePicker(evt) {
var es = evt ? ( || evt.srcElement) : null;
if ((!es || !es.parentNode || (!findParent(es, "datepicker_popup") && !findParent(es, "calendarpicker_popup"))) && !(es ? es : "null").toString().match(/javascript:void/)) {
document.getElementById('datepicker_popup').style.display = "none"
// draws the actual calendar inside a calendarPicker object
function drawCalendarPicker(obj, date) {
// Default to NOW for calendar.
var now = new Date()
// if called with an existing date (YYYY-MM-DD),
// convert it to a JS date object and use that for
// rendering the calendar
if (date) {
var ar = date.split(/-/)
now = new Date(ar[0],parseInt(ar[1])-1,ar[2])
var days = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun']
var mat = now
// Go to first day of the month
obj.innerHTML = "<h3>" + months[mat.getMonth()] + ", " + mat.getFullYear() + ":</h3>"
var tm = mat.getMonth()
// -- Nav buttons --
// back-a-year button
var a = document.createElement('a')
a.setAttribute("onclick", "drawCalendarPicker(this.parentNode, '" + (mat.getFullYear()-1) + '-' + (mat.getMonth()+1) + '-' + mat.getDate() + "');")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.innerHTML = "≪"
// back-a-month button
a = document.createElement('a')
a.setAttribute("onclick", "drawCalendarPicker(this.parentNode, '" + mat.getFullYear() + '-' + (mat.getMonth()) + '-' + mat.getDate() + "');")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.innerHTML = "&lt;"
// forward-a-month button
a = document.createElement('a')
a.setAttribute("onclick", "drawCalendarPicker(this.parentNode, '" + mat.getFullYear() + '-' + (mat.getMonth()+2) + '-' + mat.getDate() + "');")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.innerHTML = "&gt;"
// forward-a-year button
a = document.createElement('a')
a.setAttribute("onclick", "drawCalendarPicker(this.parentNode, '" + (mat.getFullYear()+1) + '-' + (mat.getMonth()+1) + '-' + mat.getDate() + "');")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.innerHTML = "≫"
// Table containing the dates of the selected month
var table = document.createElement('table')
table.setAttribute("border", "1") = "0 auto"
// Add header day names
var tr = document.createElement('tr');
for (var m in days) {
var td = document.createElement('th')
td.innerHTML = days[m]
// Until we hit the first day in a month, add blank days
tr = document.createElement('tr');
var weekday = mat.getDay()
if (weekday == 0) {
weekday = 7
for (var i = 0; i < weekday; i++) {
var td = document.createElement('td')
// While still in this month, add day then increment date by 1 day.
while (mat.getMonth() == tm) {
weekday = mat.getDay()
if (weekday == 0) {
weekday = 7
if (weekday == 0) {
tr = document.createElement('tr');
td = document.createElement('td')
// onclick for setting the calendarPicker's parent to this val.
td.setAttribute("onclick", "setCalendarDate('" + mat.getFullYear() + '-' + (mat.getMonth()+1) + '-' + mat.getDate() + "');")
td.innerHTML = mat.getDate()
// callback for datePicker; sets the cd value to what date was picked
function setCalendarDate(what) {
$('html').on('', function (e) {
return false;
setTimeout(function() { $('html').unbind('');}, 250);
calendarpicker_spawner.value = what
var div = document.getElementById('calendarpicker_popup')
div.parentNode.focus() = "none"
// caller for when someone clicks on a calendarPicker enabled field
function showCalendarPicker(parent, seedDate) {
calendarpicker_spawner = parent
// If supplied with a YYYY-MM-DD date, use this to seed the calendar
if (!seedDate) {
var m = parent.value.match(/(\d+-\d+(-\d+)?)/)
if (m) {
seedDate = m[1]
// Show or create the calendar object
var div = document.getElementById('calendarpicker_popup')
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.setAttribute("id", "calendarpicker_popup")
div.setAttribute("class", "calendarpicker")
div.innerHTML = "Calendar goes here..."
} = "block"
var bb = parent.getBoundingClientRect()
// Align with the calling object, slightly below = (bb.bottom + 8) + "px" = (bb.right - 32) + "px"
drawCalendarPicker(div, seedDate)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_dom_helpers.js
// traverseThread: finds all child divs inside an object
function traverseThread(child, name, type) {
if (!child) {
// Default to looking for DIV types if nothing else is specified
// but we'll happily look for any type...really!
type = type ? type : 'DIV'
// for each child in this object...
for (var i in child.childNodes) {
// Matching type?
if (child.childNodes[i].nodeType && child.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1 && child.childNodes[i].nodeName == type) {
// Right ID? Or are we maybe just looking for ANY object of this type?
if (!name || (child.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id") && child.childNodes[i].getAttribute("id").search(name) != -1)) {
// Found one! append to the big result list in the sky
// Does this object have children? If so, let's traverse those as well
if (child.childNodes[i].nodeType && child.childNodes[i].hasChildNodes()) {
traverseThread(child.childNodes[i], name, type)
// toggleView: show/hide a DOM object
function toggleView(el) {
var obj = document.getElementById(el)
if (obj) {
// assuming display is either 'none' or 'block', we simply reverse it. = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none'
// sortByDate: reshuffle a threaded display into a flat display, sorted by date
function sortByDate(tid) {
kiddos = []
var t = document.getElementById("thread_" + tid)
var h = document.getElementById("helper_" + tid)
if (t) {
// fetch all elements called 'thread*' inside t
traverseThread(t, 'thread')
// sort the node array:
// forward
if (prefs.sortOrder == 'forward') {
kiddos.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(b.getAttribute('epoch') - a.getAttribute('epoch'));
// backward
} else {
kiddos.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(a.getAttribute('epoch') - b.getAttribute('epoch'));
// do some DOM magic, repositioning according to sort order
for (var i in kiddos) {
t.insertBefore(kiddos[i], t.firstChild)
// generateFormDivs: helper func for making form elements
function generateFormDivs(id, title, type, options, selval) {
// Make a parent div that holds the title and input field
var mf = document.createElement('div')
mf.setAttribute('id', "main_form_" + id) = "10px" = "10px"
// title div to the left
var td = document.createElement('div') = "300px" = "left" = "bold"
// input field to the right
var td2 = document.createElement('div') = "200px" = "left"
// <select> object?
if (type == 'select') {
var sel = document.createElement('select')
sel.setAttribute("name", id)
sel.setAttribute("id", id)
// add all options as <option> elements
for (var key in options) {
var opt = document.createElement('option')
// array?
if (typeof key == "string") {
opt.setAttribute("value", key)
if (key == selval) {
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected")
// hash?
} else {
if (options[key] == selval) {
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected")
opt.text = options[key]
// (unknown?) <input> element
if (type == 'input') {
var inp = document.createElement('input')
inp.setAttribute("name", id)
inp.setAttribute("id", id)
inp.setAttribute("value", options)
// <input type='text'> element
if (type == 'text') {
var inp = document.createElement('input')
inp.setAttribute("type", "text")
inp.setAttribute("name", id)
inp.setAttribute("id", id)
inp.setAttribute("value", options)
// check box
if (type == 'checkbox') {
var inp = document.createElement('input')
inp.setAttribute("type", "checkbox")
inp.setAttribute("name", id)
inp.setAttribute("id", id)
inp.checked = options
// add to parent, return parent div
return mf
// func for rolling up an email to its immediate parent, hiding emails between that
function rollup(mid) {
var obj = document.getElementById('thread_' + mid)
if (obj) {
// changes var makes sure we only change the rollup icon if changes occured,
// that is to say, if the page actually changed its looks (hid/showed emails).
var changes = 0
// default to the downwards facing icon, that's the target icon mostly
var glyph = "down"
var parent = obj.parentNode
// for each email in this specific sub-thread...
for (var i in parent.childNodes) {
var node = parent.childNodes[i]
if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'DIV') {
// if we've reached the current email, we'll stop.
// we only want to hide emails _before_ that.
if (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("id") && node.getAttribute("id").search(mid) != -1) {
// otherwise, if valid email or div or whatever, HIDE IT!..or show it, depending.
} else if (node.getAttribute("id")) {
// reverse opacity = ( == "none") ? "block" : "none"
glyph = ( == "none") ? "down" : "up"
changes++ // mark that we've made a visible change here
// Did we process changes to the DOM? If so, change the glyph
if (changes > 0) {
var robj = document.getElementById('rollup_' + mid)
robj.setAttribute("class", "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-" + glyph)
// Check the entire DOM tree for elements with 'epoch' key set to this epoch.
function findEpoch(epoch) {
kiddos = []
for (var i in kiddos) {
if (kiddos[i].hasAttribute('epoch') && parseInt(kiddos[i].getAttribute('epoch')) == epoch) {
return kiddos[i]
return null
// popup reminder shutoff mechanism
function setPopup(pid, close) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
window.localStorage.setItem("popup_reminder_" + pid, close)
// Pop-up message display thingy. Used for saying "email sent...I think!"
// if body is an array, then the strings are joined with <br/>
function popup(title, body, timeout, pid, wloc) {
var obj = document.getElementById('popupper')
if (pid) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var popre = window.localStorage.getItem("popup_reminder_" + pid)
if (popre) {
if (obj) {
if (isArray(body)) {
body = body.join('<br/>')
obj.innerHTML = "" = 'block'
obj.innerHTML = "<h3>" + title + "</h3><p>" + body + "</p><p><a class='btn btn-success' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='popup_close(\""+(wloc?wloc:'')+"\")'>Got it!</a></p>"
if (pid) {
obj.innerHTML += "<br/><input type='checkbox' onclick='setPopup(\""+pid+"\", this.checked);' id='popre'><label for='popre'>Don't show this again</label>"
// hide popupper after N seconds, giving people enough time to read it.
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, (timeout ? timeout : 5) * 1000)
// close the popup and open new page if required
function popup_close(wloc){
document.getElementById('popupper').style.display = 'none'
if (wloc) {
location.href = wloc
// function for determining if an email is open or not
function openEmail() {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.body, '(thread|helper)_', 'DIV')
for (var i in kiddos) {
if (kiddos[i].style.display == 'block') {
return true
return false
Fetched from dev/ponymail_email_displays.js
// displayEmail: Shows an email inside a thread
function displayEmail(json, id, level) {
// Level indicates the nestedness if threaded view (indentation)
level = level ? level : 1
if (!json.mid && !json.tid) {
alert("404: Could not find this email!")
if (current_thread_mids[json.mid]) {
} else {
current_thread_mids[json.mid] = true
// Save the JSON in our JS array so we don't have to fetch it again later
saved_emails[json.mid] = json
var estyle = ""
last_opened_email = json.mid
// color based on view before or not??
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + json.mid) ){
//estyle = "linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(233,233,206,1) 100%)"
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("viewed_" + json.mid, json.epoch)
} catch(e) {
if (window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + json.mid) && window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + json.mid).search("!") == 10){
//estyle = "linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(233,233,206,1) 100%)"
var epoch = parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + json.mid))
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("viewed_" + json.mid, epoch + ":")
} catch(e) {
// Coloring for nested emails
var cols = ['primary', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger']
// Sanitise email ID and find the <div> object it's supposed to go into
var id_sanitised = id.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, "")
var thread = document.getElementById('thread_' + id_sanitised)
if (thread) {
// transform <> to foo@bar.tld
var lid = json.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
// Escape email body, convert < to &lt;
var ebody = json.body
if (ebody == null) {ebody = '(null body)'} // temporary hack to deal with broken bodies
ebody = ebody.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
ebody = "\n" + ebody // add a newline at top
// If we're compacting quotes in the email, let' so with some fuzzy logic
if (prefs.compactQuotes == 'yes') {
ebody = ebody.replace(/((?:\r?\n)((on .+ wrote:[\r\n]+)|(sent from my .+)|(>+([ \t]*[^\r\n]*)?\r?\n)+)+)+/mgi, function(inner) {
var rnd = (Math.random() * 100).toString()
inner = inner.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
var html = "<div class='bs-callout bs-callout-default' style='margin: 3px; padding: 2px;' id='parent_" + rnd + "'>" +
"<img src='" + URL_BASE + "/images/quote.png' title='show/hide original text' onclick='toggleView(\"quote_" + rnd + "\")'/><br/>" +
"<div style='display: none;' id='quote_" + rnd + "'>" + inner + "</div></div>"
return html
// Turn URLs into <a> tags
ebody = ebody.replace(re_weburl, "<a href='$1'>$1</a>")
// Get theme (social, default etc) if set locally in browser
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var th = window.localStorage.getItem("pm_theme")
if (th) {
prefs.theme = th
// Social theme rendering
if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "social") {
// Date and sender formatting
var sdate = new Date(json.epoch*1000).toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'UTC', weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' })
var fr = json['from'].replace(/"/g, "").replace(/<.+>/, "").replace(/</g, "&lt;") = estyle
// Don't indent if we're too deeply nested, it gets weird looking
if (level <= 6) { = "40px"
} = "40px"
thread.innerHTML = "<img src='" + json['gravatar'] + ".jpg?s=48&r=g&d=mm' style='vertical-align:middle'/> &nbsp; <b>" + fr + "</b> - " + sdate
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <label class="label label-success" onclick="compose(\'' + json.mid + '\');" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-left: 10px;">Reply</label>'
if (level > 1) {
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="rollup(\'' + id_sanitised + '\');"><label class="label label-primary" title="roll up" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-right: 10px;"><span id="rollup_' + id_sanitised + '" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"> </span></label></a> &nbsp; '
thread.innerHTML += "<br/><br/>"
// Make the colored bar to the left that indicates nest level
var bclass = "bubble-" + cols[parseInt(Math.random() * cols.length - 0.01)]
// append body
thread.innerHTML += "<div class='" + bclass + "' style='padding: 8px; font-family: Hack; word-wrap: normal; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: normal;'>" + ebody + '</div>'
// Do we have attachments in this email?
if (json.attachments && json.attachments.length > 0) {
thread.innerHTML += "<b>Attachments: </b>"
for (var a in json.attachments) {
// figure out name and size in kb (or bytes if < 1024)
var fd = json.attachments[a]
var size = parseInt(fd.size/1024)
if (size > 0) {
size = size.toLocaleString() + " kb"
} else {
size = fd.size.toLocaleString() + " bytes"
thread.innerHTML += "<a href='" + URL_BASE + "/api/email.lua?attachment=true&id=" + json.tid + "&file=" + fd.hash + "'>" + fd.filename.replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "</a> (" + size + ") &nbsp; "
thread.innerHTML += "<br/>"
// This is for the 'highlight new emails' feature
if (thread.hasAttribute("meme")) {
thread.scrollIntoView() = "rgba(200,200,255, 0.25)"
// Default theme
else {
thread.setAttribute("class", "reply bs-callout bs-callout-" + cols[parseInt(Math.random() * cols.length - 0.01)]) = estyle = "30px"
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <label class="label label-success" onclick="compose(\'' + json.mid + '\');" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-left: 10px;">Reply</label>'
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <a href="' + URL_BASE + '/thread.html/'+(pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID(json.mid) : encodeURIComponent(json.mid))+'"><label class="label label-warning" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Permalink</label></a>'
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <a href="' + URL_BASE + '/api/source.lua/'+encodeURIComponent(json.mid)+'"><label class="label label-danger" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-right: 10px;">View Source</label></a> &nbsp; '
if (level > 1) {
thread.innerHTML += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="rollup(\'' + id_sanitised + '\');"><label class="label label-primary" title="roll up" style="cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-right: 10px;"><span id="rollup_' + id_sanitised + '" class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"> </span></label></a> &nbsp; '
thread.innerHTML += "<br/>"
// = "1px dotted #666" = "0px" = "10px" = "0px" = "Hack"
var fields = ['From', 'To', 'CC', 'Subject', 'Date']
for (var i in fields) {
var key = fields[i]
if (json[key.toLowerCase()] != undefined && json[key.toLowerCase()].length > 0) {
thread.innerHTML += "<b>" + key + ": </b>" + json[key.toLowerCase()].replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "<br/>"
if (json.private) {
thread.innerHTML += "<font color='#C00'><b>Private: </b> YES</font><br/>"
if (level == 1) { = "url(/images/private.png)"
thread.innerHTML += "<b>List: </b><a href='" + URL_BASE + "/list.html?" + lid + "'>" + lid + "</a><br/>"
if (json.attachments && json.attachments.length > 0) {
thread.innerHTML += "<b>Attachments: </b>"
for (var a in json.attachments) {
var fd = json.attachments[a]
var size = parseInt(fd.size/1024)
if (size > 0) {
size = size.toLocaleString() + " kb"
} else {
size = fd.size.toLocaleString() + " bytes"
thread.innerHTML += "<a href='" + URL_BASE + "/api/email.lua?attachment=true&id=" + json.tid + "&file=" + fd.hash + "'>" + fd.filename.replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "</a> (" + size + ") &nbsp; "
thread.innerHTML += "<br/>"
var pv = ""
if (json.private) {
pv = "background: none !important;"
thread.innerHTML += "<pre style='color: inherit; padding: 8px; font-family: Hack; word-wrap: normal; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: normal; " + pv + "'>" + ebody + '</pre>'
// Same as with social theme - "highlight new emails"
if (thread.hasAttribute("meme")) {
thread.scrollIntoView() = "rgba(200,200,255, 0.25)"
} else {
alert("Error, " + id + " not found :(")
// displaySingleEmail: shows a single email. Used for permalinks
function displaySingleEmail(json, id) {
var thread = document.getElementById('email')
if (thread) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + ){
estyle = "background: background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(252,255,244,1) 0%,rgba(233,233,206,1) 100%);"
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("viewed_" +, latestEmailInThread + "!")
} catch(e) {
thread.setAttribute("class", "reply bs-callout bs-callout-info")
thread.innerHTML = '' = "5px" = "Hack"
if (json.error) {
thread.innerHTML = "<h4>Error: " + json.error + "</h4>"
var fields = ['From', 'To', 'Subject', 'Date']
var fields = ['From', 'To', 'CC', 'Subject', 'Date']
for (var i in fields) {
var key = fields[i]
if (json[key.toLowerCase()] != undefined) {
thread.innerHTML += "<b>" + key + ": </b>" + json[key.toLowerCase()].replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "<br/>"
if (json.private) {
thread.innerHTML += "<font color='#C00'><b>Private list: </b> YES</font><br/>"
var lid = json.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var ebody = json.body
if (ebody == null) {ebody = '(null body)'} // temporary hack to deal with broken bodies
ebody = ebody.replace(/</, "&lt;")
ebody = "\n" + ebody
if (true) {
ebody = ebody.replace(/(?:\r?\n)((>+[ \t]+[^\r\n]*\r?\n+)+)/mg, function(inner) {
var rnd = (Math.random() * 100).toString()
var html = "<div class='bs-callout bs-callout-default' style='padding: 2px;' id='parent_" + rnd + "'>" +
"<img src='" + URL_BASE + "/images/quote.png' title='show/hide original text' onclick='toggleView(\"quote_" + rnd + "\")'/><br/>" +
"<div style='display: none;' id='quote_" + rnd + "'>" + inner + "</div></div>"
return html
ebody = ebody.replace(re_weburl, "<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>")
thread.innerHTML += "<b>List ID: </b><a href='" + URL_BASE + "/list.html?" + lid + "'>" + lid + "</a><br/>"
thread.innerHTML += "<br/><pre style='font-family: Hack;'>" + ebody + '</pre>'
} else {
alert("Error, " + id + " not found :(")
// displayEmailThreaded: Appends an email to a threaded display of a topic
function displayEmailThreaded(json, state, threadobj) {
var level = state.level ? state.level : 1
var b = state.before
var cobj = document.getElementById("thread_" + b.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
var obj = (threadobj && (typeof threadobj).match(/object/i)) ? threadobj : ((cobj && (typeof cobj).match(/object/i)) ? cobj : document.getElementById("thread_" + state.main))
if (!json.mid && !json.tid) {
if (obj) {
obj.innerHTML = "<h2>404!</h2><p>Sorry, we couldn't find this email :("
if (state.main == json.mid || state.main == json.tid) {
saved_emails[json.mid] = json
if (obj) {
var eobj = document.getElementById("thread_" + (json.mid ? json.mid : json.tid).toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
var node = eobj ? eobj : document.createElement('div')
node.setAttribute("epoch", json.epoch.toString()) = "20px";
node.setAttribute("id", "thread_" + (json.mid ? json.mid : json.tid).toString().replace(/@<.+>/, "")) = "block" // hack so openEmail will state that there's an email open.
if (json.mid != b) {
if (state.pchild && document.getElementById("thread_" + state.pchild.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))) {
var pc = document.getElementById("thread_" + state.pchild.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
try {
if (prefs.sortOrder == 'forward') {
obj.insertAfter(pc, node)
} else {
obj.insertBefore(pc, node)
} catch (e) {
} else {
if (prefs.sortOrder == 'forward') {
} else {
obj.insertBefore(node, obj.firstChild)
displayEmail(json, (json.tid ? json.tid : json.mid), level)
} else {
document.getElementById("thread_" + state.main).appendChild(node)
if (state.child && state.child.children && state.child.children.length > 0) {
getChildren(state.main, state.child, level, node)
} else {
alert("Could not find parent object, thread_" + state.main)
// toggleEmails_threaded: Open up a threaded display of a topic
function toggleEmails_threaded(id, close, toverride, threadobj) {
current_thread_mids = {}
current_email_msgs = []
var thread = threadobj ? threadobj : document.getElementById('thread_' + id.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
if (thread) {
current_thread = id
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var epoch = latestEmailInThread + "!"
if (current_thread_json[id]) {
var xx = window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + current_thread_json[id].tid)
if (xx) {
var yy = parseInt(xx)
if (yy >= parseInt(latestEmailInThread)) {
epoch = yy
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("viewed_" + current_thread_json[id].tid, epoch)
} catch(e) {
} = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
// Bail if we can't find the thread struct
if (!current_thread_json[id]) {
var helper = document.getElementById('helper_' + id)
if (!helper) {
helper = document.createElement('div')
helper.setAttribute("id", "helper_" + id) = "10px"
thread.parentNode.insertBefore(helper, thread)
if (prefs.groupBy == 'thread' && !(toverride == true)) {
// View as flat
helper.innerHTML = '<label style="padding: 4px; font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; float: right;" class="label label-info" onclick="prefs.groupBy=\'date\'; toggleEmails_threaded(' + id + ', true); toggleEmails_threaded(' + id + ', false, true); sortByDate(' + id + ');" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Click to view as flat thread, sort by date</label> &nbsp;'
// Highlight new emails since last view
helper.innerHTML += '<label style="margin-right: 10px; padding: 4px; font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; float: right;" class="label label-success" onclick="highlightNewEmails('+id+');" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Highlight new messages</label> &nbsp;'
} else {
helper.innerHTML = '<label style="padding: 4px; font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; float: right;" class="label label-info" onclick="prefs.groupBy=\'thread\'; toggleEmails_threaded(' + id + ', true);toggleEmails_threaded(' + id + ');" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Click to view as nested thread</label> &nbsp;'
// time travel magic!
var ml = findEml(current_thread_json[id].tid)
if (!current_thread_json[id].magic && ml.irt && ml.irt.length > 0) {
helper.innerHTML += "<p id='magic_"+id+"'><i><b>Note:</b> You are viewing a search result/aggregation in threaded mode. Only results matching your keywords or dates are shown, which may distort the thread. For the best result, go to the specific list and view the full thread there, or view your search results in flat mode. Or we can <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='timeTravelList("+id+")'>do some magic for you</a>.</i></p>"
// Why was this here??
var btn = document.createElement('a')
btn.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "prefs.displayMode='flat'; buildPage();") = "10px"
btn.innerHTML = "View results in flat mode instead"
} else if (!current_thread_json[id].magic) {
helper.innerHTML += "<p id='magic_"+id+"'></p>"
if (close == true) { = 'none'
if ( == 'none') { = 'none'
prefs.groupBy = 'thread' // hack for now
thread.innerHTML = ""
if (document.getElementById('bubble_' + id)) {
document.getElementById('bubble_' + id).style.display = 'block'
} else { = 'block'
if (document.getElementById('bubble_' + id)) {
document.getElementById('bubble_' + id).style.display = 'none'
if (!open_emails[id]) {
open_emails[id] = true
var eml = saved_emails[current_thread_json[id].tid]
if (!eml || !eml.from) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + current_thread_json[id].tid, {
blockid: id,
thread: current_thread_json[id],
object: threadobj,
}, loadEmails_threaded)
} else {
loadEmails_threaded(eml, {
blockid: id,
thread: current_thread_json[id],
object: threadobj
// func for highlighting emails that have shown up during a recent page build, that we haven't
// actually viewed before.
function highlightNewEmails(id) {
// This currently requires localStorage to store the view data
if (localStorageAvailable) {
kiddos = []
var t = document.getElementById("thread_" + id)
if (t) {
traverseThread(t, 'thread') // find all child elements called 'thread*'
// For each email in this thread, check (or set) when it was first viewed
for (var i in kiddos) {
var mid = kiddos[i].getAttribute("id")
var epoch = window.localStorage.getItem("first_view_" + mid)
if (epoch && epoch != pb_refresh) { // did we view this before the last page build?
kiddos[i].style.color = "#AAA"
} else { // never seen it before, have it at normal color and set the first-view-date
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("first_view_" + mid, pb_refresh)
} catch(e) {
kiddos[i].style.color = "#000"
function displaySingleThread(json) {
if (json && json.emails && json.emails[0]) {
current_thread_json = [json.emails[0]]
current_flat_json = json.emails
var thread = document.getElementById('thread_0')
thread.innerHTML = ""
var helper = document.createElement('div')
helper.setAttribute("id", "helper_0")
// Sometimes emails are hidden for anonymous users, let's make 'em know...
if (!current_thread_json[0]) {
popup("Email not found!",
["Sorry, it seems like we couldn't find this email for you.",
"It may be private and hidden for non-authenticated users.",
"In which case you could <a href='" + URL_BASE + "/oauth.html'>Log in</a> and see if that helps."],
var mid = current_thread_json[0].mid.replace(/[<>]/g, "")
if (mid.length > 40) {
mid = mid.substring(0,40) + "..."
// set tab title
document.title = current_thread_json[0].subject + " - Pony Mail"
// Set up for reply-to pane if not present already (for permalink view)
last_opened_email = current_thread_json[0].eid
if (!saved_emails[last_opened_email]) {
saved_emails[last_opened_email] = current_thread_json[0]
xlist = current_thread_json[0].list
helper.innerHTML = "<h4 style='margin: 0px; padding: 5px;'>Viewing email #" + mid + " (and replies):</h4>"
if (prefs.groupBy == 'thread') {
helper.innerHTML += '<label style="padding: 4px; font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; float: right;" class="label label-info" onclick="prefs.groupBy=\'date\'; displaySingleThread();" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Click to view as flat thread, sort by date</label> &nbsp;'
} else {
helper.innerHTML += '<label style="padding: 4px; font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer; float: right;" class="label label-info" onclick="prefs.groupBy=\'thread\'; displaySingleThread();" style="cursor: pointer; float: right;">Click to view as nested thread</label> &nbsp;'
if (current_thread_json[0]['in-reply-to']) {
helper.innerHTML += '<div class="alert alert-warning" style="margin-top: 10px;"><p><b>Notice!</b><br>This appears to not be the first email in this thread (it has <q><b>in-reply-to</b></q> set).<br/>If you like, we can try to find the first email in the thread for you:<br/><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="font-size: 10pt; cursor: pointer;" onclick="timeTravelSingleThread();" style="cursor: pointer; " class="btn btn-success">Go to the first email in this thread</a> &nbsp;</p></div>'
loadEmails_threaded(current_thread_json[0], {
blockid: 0,
thread: current_thread_json[0]
if (prefs.groupBy != 'thread') {
// getSingleThread: fetch a thread from ES and go to callback
function getSingleThread(id) {
GetAsync("/api/thread.lua?id=" + id, null, displaySingleThread)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_email_tools.js
// findEml: Finds and returns an email object based on message ID
function findEml(id) {
// for each email we currently have in the saved JSON array
for (var i in current_flat_json) {
// Does MID match?
if (current_flat_json[i].id == id) {
return current_flat_json[i]
// countSubs: counts the number of replies to an email
function countSubs(eml, state) {
var n = 0;
// If first call, start with -1, as the main email will increment this by one
if (!state) {
n = -1
// construct a duplicate guard hash
state = state ? state : {}
// get email ID - either TID or MID, depends..
var x = eml.tid ? eml.tid : eml.mid
// If we haven't seen this email before in the count, increment by one
if (!state[x]) {
state[x] = true
// Also count each child in the thread (and possibly their children)
for (var i in eml.children) {
n += countSubs(eml.children[i], state);
return n
// countNewest: finds the newest email in a thread
function countNewest(eml) {
var n = eml.epoch;
// for each child, find the oldest and keep that epoch val
for (var i in eml.children) {
n = Math.max(n, countNewest(eml.children[i]));
return n
// countParts: counts the number of unique participants in a thread
function countParts(eml, kv) {
var n = 0;
var email = findEml(eml.tid)
// kv keeps tracks of duplicate entries, only count each email once
kv = kv ? kv : {}
if (!email) {
return n
// have we seen any email from this sender before? If not, increment!
if (!kv[email.from]) {
kv[email.from] = true
// Run the counter for each child in the thread..
for (var i in eml.children) {
n += countParts(eml.children[i], kv);
return n
// sortIt: sort function for emails: sorts by age
function sortIt(json) {
for (var i in json) {
json[i].latest = countNewest(json[i])
if (json && json != undefined && json.sort) {
json.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.latest - a.latest
return (json && json.sort) ? json : []
// getChildren: fetch all replies to a topic from ES
function getChildren(main, email, level, pnode) {
// nesting level
level = level ? level : 1
var pchild = null
// if email is a valid thread struct and can be sorted (is array)...
if (email && email.children && email.children.sort) {
// Sort child emails ascending by epoch
email.children.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.epoch - b.epoch
var pchildo = null
// for each child in the thread
for (var i in email.children) {
var child = email.children[i]
// If it's not the parent (don't want a loop!), then..
if (child.tid != email.mid) {
// see if we have a saved copy of the email already
var eml = saved_emails[child.tid]
// Placeholder for the email, so we don't lose our sorting
if (pnode) {
var node = document.createElement('div')
node.setAttribute("id", "thread_" + (child.mid ? child.mid : child.tid).toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
// No saved copy? Let's fetch from the backend then!
if (!eml || !eml.from) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + child.tid, {
main: main,
before: email.tid,
pchild: pchild,
child: child,
level: level+1
}, displayEmailThreaded)
// Saved copy here? Just show it then!
} else {
displayEmailThreaded(eml, {
main: main,
before: email.tid,
pchild: pchild,
child: child,
level: level+1
// set pchild (for proper DOM placement)
pchild = child.tid
// permaLink: redirect to an email permalink
function permaLink(id, type) {
var t = 'thread'
if (prefs.groupBy == 'date') {
t = 'permalink'
var eml = findEml(id)
if (eml) { // This is so, in case you move to another list software, you'll keep back compat
id = eml['message-id']
}"/" + t + ".html/" + id, "_new")
// getSingleEmail: fetch an email from ES and go to callback
// invoked by onload in permalink.html
function getSingleEmail(id, object) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + id, {object: object} , displaySingleEmail)
// seedGetSingleThread: pre-caller for the above.
// invoked by onload in thread.html
function seedGetSingleThread(id) {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", {docall:["/api/thread.lua?id=" + id, displaySingleThread]}, seedPrefs)
// Padding prototype, akin to %0[size]u in printf
Number.prototype.pad = function(size) {
var str = String(this);
while (str.length < size) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
// formatEpoch: Return an epoch value (seconds) as YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm using UTC
function formatEpochUTC(epoch){
var date = new Date(epoch*1000)
return (date.getUTCFullYear() + "-" +
(date.getUTCMonth()+1).pad(2) + "-" +
date.getUTCDate().pad(2) + " " +
date.getUTCHours().pad(2) + ":" +
// hex -> base 36 conversion for creating shorter permalinks
function shortenID(mid) {
var id1 = parseInt(mid.substr(0,9), 16).toString(36)
if (isNaN(id1)) { // conversion failed
return mid; // return unchanged
// add padding if < 7 chars long
while (id1.length < 7) id1 = '-' + id1
var id2 = parseInt(mid.substr(9,9), 16).toString(36)
if (isNaN(id2)) { // conversion failed
return mid; // return unchanged
while (id2.length < 7) id2 = '-' + id2
// add 'Z' which is the short link denoter
return 'Z' + id1 + id2
// hex <- base 36 conversion, reverses short links
function unshortenID(mid) {
// all short links begin with 'Z'. If not, it's not a short link
// so let's just pass it through unaltered if so.
// Some old shortlinks begin with 'B', so let's be backwards compatible for now.
if (mid[0] == 'Z' || mid[0] == 'B') {
// remove padding
var id1 = parseInt(mid.substr(1, 7).replace(/-/g, ""), 36)
var id2 = parseInt(mid.substr(8, 7).replace(/-/g, ""), 36)
id1 = id1.toString(16)
id2 = id2.toString(16)
// add 0-padding
while (id1.length < 9) id1 = '0' + id1
while (id2.length < 9) id2 = '0' + id2
return id1+id2
return mid
Fetched from dev/ponymail_favorites.js
// Callback func for favorite/forget
// this just alerts and reverses the fav button
function favCallback(json, state) {
var fvb = document.getElementById('favbtn')
if (state[0]) {
alert(state[1] + " added to favorites!")
// fav button? set it to a 'remove' button
if (fvb) {
fvb.innerHTML = ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-default" onclick="favorite(false, \'' + xlist + '\');">Remove from favorites</a>'
} else {
alert(state[1] + " removed from favorites!")
// remove button exists? set it to a 'fav this' button
if (fvb) {
fvb.innerHTML = ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-info" onclick="favorite(true, \'' + xlist + '\');">Add list to favorites</a>'
// Favorite/forget call: either sub or unsub a list from favorites
function favorite(sub, list) {
// favorite?
if (sub) {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua?addfav="+list, [sub,list], favCallback)
// forget?
else {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua?remfav="+list, [sub,list], favCallback)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_helperfuncs.js
// checkForSlows: Checks if there is a pending async URL fetching
// that is delayed for more than 2.5 seconds. If found, display the
// spinner, thus letting the user know that the resource is pending.
function checkForSlows() {
var slows = 0
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
for (var x in pending_urls) {
// If a request is more than 2.5 seconds late, tell the spinning wheel to show up
if ((now - pending_urls[x]) > 2.5) {
// If the stats.lua (mail blob fetcher) is > 0.5 secs late, reset the list view
// so as to not create the illusion that what you're looking at right now
// is the new result.
} else if (\.lua/) != -1 && (now - pending_urls[x]) > 0.5) {
// Nothing late atm? hide spinner then!
if (slows == 0) {
// Something late? Show spinner!
} else {
// GetAsync: func for getting a doc async with a callback
var visited_urls = {}
var cached_urls = {}
function GetAsync(theUrl, xstate, callback) {
var xmlHttp = null;
// Set up request object
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
theUrl = URL_BASE + theUrl
// Set the start time of the request, used for the 'loading data...' spinner later on
if (pending_urls) {
pending_urls[theUrl] = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
// Caching feature: if we've seen this URL before, let's try to only fetch it again if it's updated
var finalURL = theUrl
if (visited_urls[theUrl]) {
finalURL += ((\?/) == -1) ? '?' : '&') + 'since=' + visited_urls[theUrl]
// Set visitation timestamp for now (may change if the result JSON has a unix timestamp of its own)
visited_urls[theUrl] = new Date().getTime()/1000
// GET URL"GET", finalURL, true);
// Callbacks
xmlHttp.onprogress = function() {
xmlHttp.onerror = function() {
delete pending_urls[theUrl]
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function(state) {
// All done, remove from pending list
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
delete pending_urls[theUrl]
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) {
if (callback) {
// Try to parse as JSON and deal with cache objects, fall back to old style parse-and-pass
try {
var response = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText)
if (response && typeof response.changed !== 'undefined' && response.changed == false) {
var t = response.took
response = cached_urls[theUrl]
response.took = t
if (response.unixtime) {
visited_urls[theUrl] = response.unixtime // use server's unix time if given
cached_urls[theUrl] = response
callback(response, xstate);
} catch (e) {
callback(JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText), xstate)
// If 404'ed, alert! It is kind of a big deal if we get this
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 404) {
alert("404'ed: " + theUrl)
// If 500'ed, show warning msg! we shouldn't get this, but meh..
if (xmlHttp.readyState >= 4 && xmlHttp.status == 500) {
popup("Internal Server Error", "Sorry, the request hit a bit snag and errored out. The server responded with: <pre>" + xmlHttp.responseText + "</pre>", 20)
// spinner for checkForSlows
function showSpinner(show) {
// fetch spinner DOM obj
var obj = document.getElementById('spinner')
// If no such obj yet, create it
if (!obj) {
obj = document.createElement('div')
obj.setAttribute("id", "spinner")
obj.innerHTML = "<img src='" + URL_BASE + "/images/spinner.gif'><br/>Loading data, please wait..."
// told to show the spinner?
if (show) { = "block"
// If told to hide, and it's visible, hide it - otherwise, don't bother
// hiding a hidden object
} else if ( == 'block') { = "none"
// Ephemeral configuration - non-account but still saved through reloads
// Saving prefs as a json string
function saveEphemeral() {
// This only works if the browser supports localStorage
if (localStorageAvailable) {
window.localStorage.setItem("ponymail_config_ephemeral", JSON.stringify(prefs))
// load ephemeral prefs, replace what we have
function loadEphemeral() {
// This only works if the browser supports localStorage
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var str = window.localStorage.getItem("ponymail_config_ephemeral")
if (str) {
var eprefs = JSON.parse(str)
// for each original setting in config.js,
// check if we have a different one stored
for (i in prefs) {
if (eprefs[i]) {
prefs[i] = eprefs[i] // override
// isArray: check if an object is an array
function isArray(obj) {
return (obj && obj.constructor && obj.constructor == Array)
// ML address: only accept valid mailing list name, domain or both
// return true if the address is valid
function valid_address(val) {
return val.match(/^[-_@A-Za-z.0-9]+$/);
// Check for slow URLs every 0.1 seconds
window.setInterval(checkForSlows, 100)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_listview_flat.js
// loadList_flat: Load a chunk of emails as a flat (non-threaded) list
function loadList_flat(mjson, limit, start, deep) {
// Set displayed posts per page to 10 if social/compact theme, or auto-scale
if (prefs.theme && (prefs.theme == "social" || prefs.theme == "compact")) {
d_ppp = 10
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / (prefs.theme == 'social' ? 128 : 48) ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// otherwise default to 15 or auto-scale
} else {
d_ppp = 15
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / 28 ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// reset open email counter hash
open_emails = []
// set display limit to default ppp if not set by call
limit = limit ? limit : d_ppp;
// If no flat JSON is supplied (as with next/prev page clicks), fall back to the previous JSON,
// otherwise, sort it descending by epoch
var json = mjson ? ('emails' in mjson && isArray(mjson.emails) ? mjson.emails.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.epoch - a.epoch
}) : []) : current_flat_json
// sync JSON
current_flat_json = json
// get $now
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
// start = start or 0 (first email)
if (!start) {
start = 0
// start nesting HTML
nest = '<ul class="list-group">'
c_page = start
// for each email from start to finish (or page limit), do...
for (var i = start; i < json.length; i++) {
if (i >= (start + limit)) {
// Get the email
var eml = json[i]
// allow for empty subject
if (eml.subject.length == 0) {
eml.subject = '(no subject)'
// truncate subject (do we need this?)
if (eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
eml.mid =
// label style and title for timestamp - changes if < 1 day ago
ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
if (eml.epoch > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ''
// if deep search (multi-list), show the list name label as well
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if (qdeep || deep || global_deep && typeof eml.list != undefined && eml.list != null) {
// Usual list ID transformation
var elist = (eml.list ? eml.list : "").replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
// shortlist? show dev@ instead of then
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
// Get date and format it to YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
mdate = formatEpochUTC(eml.epoch)
// format subject and from to weed out <> tags and <foo@bar.tld> addresses
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = from.replace(/\"/g, "")
// style based on view before or not??
var estyle = ""
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + ){
estyle = "font-weight: bold;"
var at = ""
// Do we have anything attached to this email? If so, show the attachment icon
if (eml.attachments && eml.attachments > 0) {
at = "<img src='images/attachment.png' title='" + eml.attachments + " file(s) attached' style='float: left; title='This email has attachments'/> "
// Compact theme: show a bit of email body as well
if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == 'compact') {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
var sbody = (eml.body ? eml.body.replace(/</g, "&lt;") : "") + "&nbsp;"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div style='min-height: 32px;'><div style='width: 190px; float: left; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm'/>&nbsp;<b>" +
from +
"</b></div> " +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 230px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; loadEmails_flat(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
"</div><div style='width: calc(100% - 270px); color: #999; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" + sbody +
"</div></div>" + "<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
// Other themes: Just show the subject..
} else {
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'> " + at + " &nbsp; <a style='" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; loadEmails_flat(" + i + "); return false;'>" + subject + "</a> <label style='float: left; width: 140px;' class='label label-info'>" + from + "</label><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label><div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
nest += "</ul>"
var bulk = document.getElementById('emails')
bulk.innerHTML = ""
// Top nav buttons
var tnav = "<div style='float: left; width: 100%'>"
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
tnav += '<div style="width: 50%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_flat(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous ' + d_ppp + '</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
tnav += '<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
var remain
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
tnav += '<div style="width: 50%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_flat(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
tnav += "</div><br/><br/>"
// Emails
bulk.innerHTML += tnav + nest
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes') {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-10")
} else {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-7")
// Bottom nav buttons
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_flat(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous ' + d_ppp + '</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
// subscribe button
var sublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-subscribe@")
var innerbuttons = '<a href="mailto:' + sublist + '" title="Click to subscribe to this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Subscribe</a>'
var unsublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-unsubscribe@")
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="mailto:' + unsublist + '" title="Click to unsubscribe from this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Unsubscribe</a>'
if (login && login.credentials) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="compose(null, \'' + xlist + '\');">Start a new thread</a>'
// Favorite or forget
if (login && login.credentials && xlist) {
var found = false
for (var i in (login.favorites || [])) {
if (login.favorites[i] == xlist) {
found = true
innerbuttons += '<span id="favbtn">'
if (found) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-default" onclick="favorite(false, \'' + xlist + '\');">Remove from favorites</a>'
} else {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-info" onclick="favorite(true, \'' + xlist + '\');">Add list to favorites</a>'
innerbuttons += '</span>'
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">' + innerbuttons + '</div>'
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_flat(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
// loadEmails_flat: Load a topic in a flat display
function loadEmails_flat(id, close, treeview) {
var lvid = id
if (treeview) {
lvid = treeview
var thread = document.getElementById('thread_' + lvid)
if (thread) {
current_thread = lvid = ( != 'block') ? 'block' : 'none';
if (close == true) { = 'none'
if ( == 'none') {
if (!open_emails[lvid]) {
open_emails[lvid] = true
var cfid
if (treeview) {
cfid = id
} else {
cfid = current_flat_json[id].id
var eml = saved_emails[cfid]
if (!eml || !eml.from) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + cfid, lvid, displayEmail)
} else {
displayEmail(eml, lvid)
} else {
alert("no such thread ID: " + lvid)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_listview_threaded.js
// loadList_threaded: Same as above, but threaded display
function loadList_threaded(mjson, limit, start, deep) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var th = window.localStorage.getItem("pm_theme")
if (th) {
prefs.theme = th
// Set displayed posts per page to 10 if social/compact theme, or auto-scale
if (prefs.theme && (prefs.theme == "social" || prefs.theme == "compact")) {
d_ppp = 10
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / (prefs.theme == 'social' ? 128 : 48) ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// otherwise default to 15 or auto-scale
} else {
d_ppp = 15
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / 28 ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// reset open email counter hash
open_emails = []
// set display limit to default ppp if not set by call
limit = limit ? limit : d_ppp;
// If no flat JSON is supplied (as with next/prev page clicks), fall back to the previous JSON,
// otherwise, sort it descending by epoch
var fjson = mjson ? ('emails' in mjson && isArray(mjson.emails) ? mjson.emails.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.epoch - a.epoch
}) : []) : current_flat_json
// sync JSON
current_flat_json = fjson
// same with threaded JSON
var json = mjson ? sortIt(mjson.thread_struct) : current_thread_json
current_thread_json = json
// get $now
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
// start = start or 0 (first email)
if (!start) {
start = 0
// start nesting HTML
nest = '<ul class="list-group">'
c_page = start
// for each email from start to finish (or page limit), do...
for (var i = start; i < json.length; i++) {
if (i >= (start + limit)) {
// Get the email
var eml = findEml(json[i].tid)
// allow for empty subject
if (eml && eml.subject.length == 0) {
eml.subject = '(no subject)'
// truncate subject (do we need this?)
if (eml && eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
// do some counting
var subs = countSubs(json[i])
var people = countParts(json[i])
var latest = countNewest(json[i])
// coloring for labels
var ls = 'default'
if (subs > 0) {
ls = 'primary'
var lp = 'success'
if (people > 1) {
lp = 'success'
var ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
// orange label for new timestamps
if (latest > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ''
var estyle = ""
// if deep search (multi-list), show the list name label as well
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if ((qdeep || deep || global_deep) && current_query.length > 0) {
eml.list = eml.list ? eml.list : eml.list_raw // Sometimes, .list isn't available
var elist = eml.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
// shortlist? show dev@ instead of then
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
// truncate subject even more if list labels are there
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
// escape subject
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var mdate = formatEpochUTC(latest)
var pds = people > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden"
// style based on view before or not??
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + || (subs > 0 && parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + < latest )){
estyle = "font-weight: bold;"
var people_label = "<label style='visibility:" + pds + "; float: right; margin-right: 8px; ' id='people_"+i+"' class='listview_label label label-" + lp + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + people + " <span class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>people</span></label>"
var subs_label = "<label id='subs_" + i + "' style='float: right; margin-right: 8px;' class='label label-" + ls + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 16px; text-align: right;'>" + subs + "</span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 40px; text-align: left;' class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>" + (subs != 1 ? "replies" : "reply") + "</span></label>"
// social theme display
if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "social") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item' style='min-height: 64px; float: left; width:100%;'><div style='min-height: 64px;'><div style='width:100%; float: left; padding-left: 70px;'>" +
d +
"<a style='" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" +
subject +
"</a> <label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" +
mdate +
"</label> &nbsp; " + subs_label + people_label +
"<br/>By " + from + "</div>"
nest += "<div style='width: 100%; float: left; min-height: 64px;' id='bubble_"+i+"'>" +
"<div style='width: 64px; float: left;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=48&r=g&d=mm'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='bubble-topic' style='float: left; width:calc(100% - 70px);'>"+ (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "<br/>" +
"<a class='label label-info' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' style='font-size: 85%; padding: 2px;' onclick='latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>Read more..</a>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></div></li>"
// compact theme display
else if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "compact") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
var sbody = (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "&nbsp;"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div><div style='width: 190px; float: left; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm'/>&nbsp;<b>" +
from +
"</b></div> " +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 230px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "&nbsp; " +
"</div><div style='width: calc(100% - 270px); color: #999; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" + sbody +
"</div></div>" + "<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
// default theme display
else {
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 200px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "&nbsp; " + "</div>" + "<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
nest += "</ul>"
var bulk = document.getElementById('emails')
bulk.innerHTML = ""
// Top nav buttons
var tnav = "<div style='width: 100%; position: relative;'>"
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
var remain
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: right;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
tnav += "</div><br/><br>"
// Emails
bulk.innerHTML += tnav + nest
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes') {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-10")
} else {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-7")
var dp = (deep || (global_deep && current_query.length > 0)) ? 'true' : 'false'
// Bottom nav buttons
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
// subscribe button
var sublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-subscribe@")
var innerbuttons = '<a href="mailto:' + sublist + '" title="Click to subscribe to this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Subscribe</a>'
var unsublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-unsubscribe@")
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="mailto:' + unsublist + '" title="Click to unsubscribe from this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Unsubscribe</a>'
if (login && login.credentials) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="compose(null, \'' + xlist + '\');">Start a new thread</a>'
// Favorite or forget
if (login && login.credentials && xlist) {
var found = false
for (var i in (login.favorites || [])) {
if (login.favorites[i] == xlist) {
found = true
innerbuttons += '<span id="favbtn">'
if (found) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-default" onclick="favorite(false, \'' + xlist + '\');">Remove from favorites</a>'
} else {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-info" onclick="favorite(true, \'' + xlist + '\');">Add list to favorites</a>'
innerbuttons += '</span>'
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">' + innerbuttons + '</div>'
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
// loadEmails_threaded: Callback for receiving a doc via ES, save and displays the email
function loadEmails_threaded(json, state) {
current_thread_mids = {}
saved_emails[json.tid ? json.tid : json.mid] = json
displayEmailThreaded(json, {
main: state.blockid,
before: state.blockid
}, state.object)
getChildren(state.blockid, state.thread)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_listview_tree.js
// loadList_treeview: Load a list as a treeview object, grouped by threads
function loadList_treeview(mjson, limit, start, deep) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var th = window.localStorage.getItem("pm_theme")
if (th) {
prefs.theme = th
// Set displayed posts per page to 10 if social/compact theme, or auto-scale
if (prefs.theme && (prefs.theme == "social" || prefs.theme == "compact")) {
d_ppp = 10
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / (prefs.theme == 'social' ? 128 : 48) ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// otherwise default to 15 or auto-scale
} else {
d_ppp = 15
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / 28 ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// reset open email counter hash
open_emails = []
// set display limit to default ppp if not set by call
limit = limit ? limit : d_ppp;
// If no flat JSON is supplied (as with next/prev page clicks), fall back to the previous JSON,
// otherwise, sort it descending by epoch
var fjson = mjson ? ('emails' in mjson && isArray(mjson.emails) ? mjson.emails.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.epoch - a.epoch
}) : []) : current_flat_json
// sync JSON
current_flat_json = fjson
// same with threaded JSON
var json = mjson ? sortIt(mjson.thread_struct) : current_thread_json
current_thread_json = json
// get $now
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
// start = start or 0 (first email)
if (!start) {
start = 0
// start nesting HTML
nest = '<ul class="list-group">'
c_page = start
// for each email from start to finish (or page limit), do...
for (var i = start; i < json.length; i++) {
if (i >= (start + limit)) {
// Get the email
var eml = findEml(json[i].tid)
// allow for empty subject
if (eml && eml.subject.length == 0) {
eml.subject = '(no subject)'
// truncate subject (do we need this?)
if (eml && eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
// do some counting
var subs = countSubs(json[i])
var people = countParts(json[i])
var latest = countNewest(json[i])
// coloring for labels
var ls = 'default'
if (subs > 0) {
ls = 'primary'
var lp = 'success'
if (people > 1) {
lp = 'success'
var ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
// orange label for new timestamps
if (latest > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ''
var estyle = ""
// if deep search (multi-list), show the list name label as well
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if ((qdeep || deep || global_deep) && current_query.length > 0) {
eml.list = eml.list ? eml.list : eml.list_raw // Sometimes, .list isn't available
var elist = eml.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
// shortlist? show dev@ instead of then
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
// truncate subject even more if list labels are there
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
// escape subject
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var mdate = formatEpochUTC(latest)
var pds = people > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden"
// style based on view before or not??
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + || (subs > 0 && parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + < latest )){
estyle = "font-weight: bold;"
var people_label = "<label style='visibility:" + pds + "; float: right; margin-right: 8px; ' id='people_"+i+"' class='listview_label label label-" + lp + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + people + " <span class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>people</span></label>"
var subs_label = "<label id='subs_" + i + "' style='float: right; margin-right: 8px;' class='label label-" + ls + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 16px; text-align: right;'>" + subs + "</span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 40px; text-align: left;' class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>" + (subs != 1 ? "replies" : "reply") + "</span></label>"
// social theme display
if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "social") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item' style='min-height: 64px; float: left; width:100%;'><div style='min-height: 64px;'><div style='width:100%; float: left; padding-left: 70px;'>" +
d +
"<a style='" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_treeview(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" +
subject +
"</a> <label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" +
mdate +
"</label> &nbsp; " + subs_label + people_label +
"<br/>By " + from + "</div>"
nest += "<div style='width: 100%; float: left; min-height: 64px;' id='bubble_"+i+"'>" +
"<div style='width: 64px; float: left;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=48&r=g&d=mm'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='bubble-topic' style='float: left; width:calc(100% - 70px);'>"+ (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "<br/>" +
"<a class='label label-info' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' style='font-size: 85%; padding: 2px;' onclick='latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_treeview(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>Read more..</a>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"</div><div id='thread_treeview_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
// compact theme display
else if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "compact") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
var sbody = (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "&nbsp;"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div><div style='width: 190px; float: left; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm'/>&nbsp;<b>" +
from +
"</b></div> " +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 230px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_treeview(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "&nbsp; " +
"</div><div style='width: calc(100% - 270px); color: #999; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" + sbody +
"</div></div>" + "<div id='thread_treeview_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
// default theme display
else {
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 220px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_treeview(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "</div>" + "<div id='thread_treeview_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
nest += "</ul>"
var bulk = document.getElementById('emails')
bulk.innerHTML = ""
// Top nav buttons
var tnav = "<div style='float: left; width: 100%; height: 50px;'>"
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_treeview(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
var remain
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: right;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_treeview(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
tnav += "</div><br/><br>"
// Emails
bulk.innerHTML += tnav + nest
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes') {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-10")
} else {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-7")
var dp = (deep || (global_deep && current_query.length > 0)) ? 'true' : 'false'
// Bottom nav buttons
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_treeview(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
// subscribe button
var sublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-subscribe@")
var innerbuttons = '<a href="mailto:' + sublist + '" title="Click to subscribe to this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Subscribe</a>'
var unsublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-unsubscribe@")
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="mailto:' + unsublist + '" title="Click to unsubscribe from this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Unsubscribe</a>'
if (login && login.credentials) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="compose(null, \'' + xlist + '\');">Start a new thread</a>'
// Favorite or forget
if (login && login.credentials && xlist) {
var found = false
for (var i in (login.favorites || [])) {
if (login.favorites[i] == xlist) {
found = true
innerbuttons += '<span id="favbtn">'
if (found) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-default" onclick="favorite(false, \'' + xlist + '\');">Remove from favorites</a>'
} else {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-info" onclick="favorite(true, \'' + xlist + '\');">Add list to favorites</a>'
innerbuttons += '</span>'
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">' + innerbuttons + '</div>'
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_treeview(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
function buildTreeview(nesting, list, obj, pbigger) {
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
for (var i in list) {
var nvi = ""
// We'll nest to a max depth of 20, to not explode everything
for (var z = 1; z <= Math.min(nesting, 20); z++) {
if (z == nesting) {
if (i == (list.length -1)) {
nvi += "<img src='images/treeview_lastchild.png' style='height: 40px; width: 16px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -5px;'/>"
} else {
nvi += "<img src='images/treeview_child.png' style='height: 40px; width: 16px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -5px;'/>"
} else if (pbigger[z+1]) {
nvi += "<img src='images/treeview_parent.png' style='height: 40px; width: 16px; overflow: hidden;margin-top: -5px;'/>"
} else {
nvi += "<img src='images/treeview_none.png' style='height: 40px; width: 16px; overflow: hidden;margin-top: -5px;'/>"
var el = list[i]
var friendly_id = (el.tid ? el.tid : el.mid).toString().replace(/@<.+>/, "")
var node = document.createElement('div')
node.setAttribute("id", "thread_parent_" + friendly_id)
var nest = ""
var eml = findEml(el.tid)
if (eml && eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
var subs = countSubs(el)
var people = countParts(el)
var latest = countNewest(el)
var ls = 'default'
if (subs > 0) {
ls = 'primary'
var lp = 'success'
if (people > 1) {
lp = 'success'
var ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
if (latest > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ''
var estyle = ""
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if ((qdeep || global_deep) && current_query.length > 0) {
eml.list = eml.list ? eml.list : eml.list_raw // Sometimes, .list isn't available
var elist = eml.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var mdate = formatEpochUTC(latest)
var pds = people > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden"
ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
if (eml.epoch > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ""
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if (qdeep || global_deep && typeof eml.list != undefined && eml.list != null) {
var elist = (eml.list ? eml.list : "").replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
var d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
mdate = formatEpochUTC(eml.epoch)
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = from.replace(/\"/g, "")
// style based on view before or not??
var estyle = ""
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + ){
estyle = "font-weight: bold;"
var at = ""
if (eml.attachments && eml.attachments > 0) {
at = "<img src='images/attachment.png' title='" + eml.attachments + " file(s) attached' style='title='This email has attachments'/> "
var nw = (16*Math.min(nesting, 20)) + 130
nest += "<li class='list-group-item' style='min-height: 38px !important; border: none; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: -5px;'><div style='float: left; margin-top: -8px;'>" +
nvi + "</div>" + "<div style='width: calc(99% - "+nw+"px); page-break: avoid; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; float:left;'>" + at + "<span style='padding-top: 4px;'><a style='" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" +
(pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"padding-top: 4px; padding-bottom: -4px;\"; loadEmails_flat(\"" +
el.tid + "\", false, \""+friendly_id+"\"); return false;'>" + subject + "</a></span> "+
"<label style='width: 140px;' class='label label-info'>" + from + "</label></div>" +
"<label style='float: right; position:absolute;right:4px;top:10px;width: 110px; margin-top: 6px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate +
"</label><div id='thread_" + friendly_id + "' style='display: none;'></div></li>"
node.innerHTML = nest
// Guard against double post errors from time travel
if (!treeview_guard[friendly_id]) {
treeview_guard[friendly_id] = true
if (el.children && el.children.length > 0) {
var npbigger = pbigger.slice()
npbigger.push(i < (list.length-1))
buildTreeview(nesting+1, el.children, obj, npbigger)
// toggleEmails_treeview: Open up a treeview display of a topic
function toggleEmails_treeview(id, close, toverride) {
current_thread_mids = {}
current_email_msgs = []
var thread = document.getElementById('thread_treeview_' + id.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
if (thread) {
current_thread = id
if (!current_thread_json[id].children || typeof current_thread_json[id].children.length == 'undefined' || current_thread_json[id].children.length == 0) {
toggleEmails_threaded(id, close, toverride, thread)
var epoch = null
if (localStorageAvailable) {
epoch = latestEmailInThread + "!"
var xx = window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + current_thread_json[id].tid)
if (xx) {
var yy = parseInt(xx)
if (yy >= parseInt(latestEmailInThread)) {
epoch = yy
} = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
var helper = document.getElementById('helper_' + id)
if (!helper) {
helper = document.createElement('div')
helper.setAttribute("id", "helper_" + id) = "10px"
thread.parentNode.insertBefore(helper, thread)
// time travel magic!
helper.innerHTML = ""
thread.innerHTML = ""
var ml = findEml(current_thread_json[id].tid)
if (!current_thread_json[id].magic && ml.irt && ml.irt.length > 0) {
helper.innerHTML += "<p id='magic_"+id+"'><i><b>Note:</b> You are viewing a search result/aggregation in threaded mode. Only results matching your keywords or dates are shown, which may distort the thread. For the best result, go to the specific list and view the full thread there, or view your search results in flat mode. Or we can <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='timeTravelList("+id+")'>do some magic for you</a>.</i></p>"
var btn = document.createElement('a')
btn.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "prefs.displayMode='flat'; buildPage();") = "10px"
btn.innerHTML = "View results in flat mode instead"
} else if (!current_thread_json[id].magic) {
helper.innerHTML += "<p id='magic_"+id+"'></p>"
if (close == true) { = 'none'
if ( == 'none') { = 'none'
prefs.groupBy = 'treeview' // hack for now
thread.innerHTML = ""
if (document.getElementById('bubble_' + id)) {
document.getElementById('bubble_' + id).style.display = 'block'
} else { = 'block'
if (document.getElementById('bubble_' + id)) {
document.getElementById('bubble_' + id).style.display = 'none'
if (!open_emails[id]) {
open_emails[id] = true
// build treeview, set guard
var nesting = 0
treeview_guard = {}
var html = buildTreeview(nesting, [current_thread_json[id]], thread, [true])
current_thread = current_thread_json[id].tid
if (epoch !== null && localStorageAvailable) { // only non-null if localstorage works, but check anyway for consistency
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("viewed_" + current_thread_json[id].tid, epoch)
} catch(e) {
Fetched from dev/ponymail_ngrams.js
// Side-by-side comparison functions
var ngram_data = {}
var tsum = []
var nsum = {}
var ngramboxes = 0
function addNgram(json, state) {
// Start from the beginning
var D = new Date(state.dfrom)
// Are we measuring emails or topics?
if (state.topics) {
json.emails = json.thread_struct
// For each day from $beginning to $now, push the no. of emails sent that day into an array
var daily = []
var zz = 0
if (json.emails.length >= json.max) {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML = "NOTE: Too many results found (&ge;" + json.max + ") , n-grams may be distorted"
state.broken = true
for (var i in json.emails) {
var f = parseInt(json.emails[i].epoch/86400)
daily[f] = daily[f] ? daily[f]+1 : 1
nsum[state.ngram] = zz
var arr = []
while (D <= state.dto) {
var day = new Date(D)
var d = parseInt(D.getTime()/86400/1000) // make correct pointer to daily[] array
arr.push([day, daily[d] ? daily[d] : 0])
ngram_data[state.ngram] = arr
var ngram_names = []
for (var n in ngram_data) ngram_names.push(n)
// Sort so that the largest areas will be at the bottom in case of stacking
ngram_names.sort(function(a,b) { return nsum[b] - nsum[a] })
tsum = []
for (var nn in ngram_names) {
var ngram_arr = []
var avg = {}
// find a suitable rolling-average timespan
// set it to 1/15th of the timespan, or at least 3 days
var ndays = parseInt(ngram_data[ngram_names[0]].length/15)
if (ndays < 3) {
ndays = 3
// For each ngram array we have, compile it into the quokka array
for (var d in ngram_data[ngram_names[0]]) {
var x = []
var z = 0;
for (var ni in ngram_names) {
var n = ngram_names[ni]
// Are we doing a rolling average ? let's calc it regardless, because ponies..
avg[n] = avg[n] ? avg[n] : []
if (avg[n].length > ndays) {
var sum = 0;
for (var a in avg[n]) {
sum += avg[n][a]
sum = sum/avg[n].length;
// Set the date for the array element
x[0] = ngram_data[n][d][0];
// push value (or rolling avg) into the quokka array
x.push(state.avg ? sum*parseInt(ndays/3) : ngram_data[n][d][1])
if (!state.avg || d%parseInt(ndays/3) == 0) {
// Draw the current timeline
var names_neat = []
for (var i in ngram_names) {
var nn = []
var name = unescape(ngram_names[i])
if (name.match(/^q=[a-z_]+=/)) {
name = name.replace(/^q=/, "")
while (name.match(/([^=]+)=([^=&]+)&?/)) {
var m = name.match(/([^=]+)=([^&=]+)&?/)
name = name.replace(m[0], "")
nn.push(m[1] + ": " + m[2])
if (name.match(/&?q=(.[^&=]+)/)) {
nn.push("query: " + name.match(/&?q=(.[^&=]+)/)[1])
names_neat.push(nn.join(", "))
//quokkaLines("ngramCanvas", names_neat, ngram_arr, {stack: state.stack, curve: true, verts: false, title: "n-gram stats for " + state.listname + "@" + state.domain })
// Fetch next ngram analysis if any are waiting
if (state.ngrams.length > 0) {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML = state.ngrams.length + " n-grams left to analyze..."
var nngram = state.ngrams.pop()
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?' + (state.topics ? "" : 'quick=true&') + 'list='+state.listname+'&domain='+state.domain+'&d=' + state.dbl + "&" + nngram, { plaw:state.plaw, topics: state.topics, stack: state.stack, ngram: nngram, ngrams: state.ngrams, listname: state.listname, domain: state.domain, dbl: state.dbl, dfrom: state.dfrom, dto: state.dto, tspan: state.tspan, dspan: state.dspan, query: state.query, avg: state.avg }, addNgram)
} else {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML = "Rendering chart, hold on..!"
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML = "n-gram analysis completed!"
if (state.broken) {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML += "<br/><b>Note:</b>Some n-gram objects exceeded the maximum result count (" + json.max + "), so the results may be distorted."
quokkaLines("ngramCanvas", names_neat, ngram_arr, {broken: state.broken, stack: state.stack, curve: true, verts: false, title: "n-gram stats for " + state.listname + "@" + state.domain }, tsum)
// power law distribution check
if (state.plaw) {
document.getElementById('plawCanvas').style.display = "block"
tsum.sort(function(b,a) {return a - b})
var ref = tsum[0]
var xs = []
for (var i in tsum) {
xs.push([i, tsum[i], ref])
ref /= 2
quokkaLines("plawCanvas", ['Actual distribution', 'PL distribution reference'], xs, {nosum: true, curve: false, verts: false, title: "Power Law distribution check chart"})
}, 200)
// ngram URL generator:
function makeNgramURL() {
var list = document.getElementById('listname').value
var timespan = document.getElementById('timespan').getAttribute("data")
var qs = []
if (document.getElementById('stack').checked) {
if (document.getElementById('topics').checked) {
if (document.getElementById('avg').checked) {
if (document.getElementById('plaw').checked) {
for (n = 0; n < 20; n++) {
if (document.getElementById('query' + n) && document.getElementById('query' + n).value.length > 0) {
qs.push(document.getElementById('query' + n).value)
var url = "ngrams.html?" + list + ":" + timespan + ":" + qs.join("||")
location.href = url
//function for adding another field to the ngram form
function addNgramBox(hmm) {
if (hmm > 0) {
var nobj = document.getElementById('ngram_query')
var lbox = generateFormDivs('query' + ngramboxes, 'Query #' + ngramboxes + ':', 'text', "")
lbox.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("onblur", "addNgramBox(this.value.length)")
nobj.insertBefore(lbox, document.getElementById('ngrambutton'))
// onload func that figures out what we want and then asks the API for stats
// invoked by onload in ngrams.html
function loadNgrams() {
// get list, timespan and query from the html page
var args =
var a_arr = args.split(/:/, 3)
var list = a_arr[0]
var dspan = a_arr[1]
var query = a_arr[2]
// Try to detect header searches, if present
var queries = unescape(query ? query : "").split("||")
var ngrams = []
var avg = false
var topics = false
var stack = false
var plaw = false
for (var n in queries) {
var nquery = []
var q = encodeURIComponent(queries[n])
if (q == 'avg') {
avg = true
} else if (q == 'stack') {
stack = true
} else if (q == 'plaw') {
plaw = true
} else if (q == 'topics') {
topics = true
} else if (q.length == 0) {
} else if (q == '*') {
else if (q && q.length > 0) {
var stuff = ['from', 'subject', 'body', 'to']
for (var k in stuff) {
// can we find 'header=foo' stuff?
var r = RegExp(stuff[k] + "=([^&=]+)&?", "mi")
var m = q.match(r)
if (m) {
q = q.replace(m[0], "")
// append to the header_foo query
nquery.push("header_" + stuff[k] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(m[1]))
if (q.length > 0) {
nquery.push("q=" + q)
// default to 1 month view if nothing else is supplied
if (!dspan || dspan.length == 0) {
// figure out when this is and what the double is (for comparisons)
var xa = datePickerDouble(dspan)
// split list name for stats.lua
var arr = list.split(/@/)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
// make the ngram generator div
var nobj = document.getElementById('ngram_query')
// options for ngram generator
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('listname', 'List(s):', 'text', list))
var tspanner = generateFormDivs('timespan', 'Date range:', 'text', datePickerValue(dspan))
tspanner.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("onmousedown", 'datePicker(this);')
tspanner.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].setAttribute("data", dspan)
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('stack', 'Stack n-grams:', 'checkbox', stack))
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('avg', 'Use rolling averages:', 'checkbox', avg))
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('topics', 'Group messages by topics:', 'checkbox', topics))
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('plaw', 'Check for PL distribution:', 'checkbox', plaw))
// query fields
for (var n in queries) {
var q = unescape(queries[n]);
if (q != 'stack' && q != 'topics' && q!= 'avg' && q != 'plaw') {
nobj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('query' + ngramboxes, 'Query #' + ngramboxes + ':', 'text', q != undefined ? q : ""))
// submit button
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("id", "ngrambutton")
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("value", "Generate n-grams")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "makeNgramURL()")
// add an empty field
// Get us some data
if (ngrams.length > 0) {
var nngram = ngrams.pop()
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?' + (topics ? "" : "quick=true&") + 'list='+listname+'&domain='+domain+'&d=' + dspan + "&" + nngram, { plaw: plaw, topics: topics, stack: stack, avg: avg, ngram: nngram, ngrams: ngrams, listname: listname, domain: domain, dbl: dspan, dfrom: xa[1], dto: xa[2], tspan: xa[3], dspan: dspan, query: query }, addNgram)
document.title = "n-gram stats for " + list + " - Pony Mail!"
} else {
document.getElementById('trends').innerHTML = ""
Fetched from dev/ponymail_pagebuilder.js
// toggleCalendar: Expands/contracts years in the calendar (to show/hide months)
function toggleCalendar(year) {
var cal = document.getElementById('cal_' + year)
if (cal) { = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
for (var i = 1970; i < 3000; i++) {
var x = document.getElementById('cal_' + i)
if (x && x != cal) { = 'none'
// buildCalendar: build the calendar
function buildCalendar(json) {
var firstYear = json.firstYear
var lastYear = json.lastYear
var firstMonth0 = json.firstMonth - 1 // 0-based
var lastMonth0 = json.lastMonth - 1 // 0-based
var monthly_emails = json.monthly_emails
// Build the main calendar (desktop version)
var dp = document.getElementById('datepicker') = "150px"
dp.innerHTML = "<h3>Archive:</h3>"
var fyear = lastYear ? lastYear : new Date().getFullYear();
// Check we don't esplode
if (fyear > new Date().getFullYear()) {
fyear = new Date().getFullYear();
for (var year = fyear; year >= (firstYear ? firstYear : current_cal_min); year--) {
var n = "none";
if (fyear == firstYear) {
n = "block"
var cale = ''
var em = (new Date().getFullYear() == year) ? new Date().getMonth() : 11;
for (var y = em; y >= 0; y--) {
var yyyymm = (year+"-"+(y+1))
var url = "list.html?" + xlist + ":" + yyyymm
var yyyy0m = y < 9 ? (year+"-0"+(y+1)) : yyyymm
if (monthly_emails[yyyy0m]) {
var count = monthly_emails[yyyy0m]
cale += "<a href='" + url + "' onclick='return false;'><label id='calmonth_" + yyyymm + "' style='width: 80px; float: left;cursor: pointer;' class='label label-default label-hover' onclick='toggleEmail(" + year + ", " + (y + 1) + ");' >" + months[y] + ' ('+ count + ')' + "</label></a><br/>"
if (cale != '') {
cale += "</div>"
dp.innerHTML += "<label onmouseout='this.setAttribute(\"class\", \"label label-success\");' onmouseover='this.setAttribute(\"class\", \"label label-warning\");' onclick='toggleCalendar(" + year + ");' class='label label-success' style='float: left; width: 110px; font-size: 11pt; cursor: pointer'>" + year + "</label><br/>"
var calehdr = "<div style='float: left; width: 80%; display: " + n + "; padding-left: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;' id='cal_" + year + "'>"
dp.innerHTML += calehdr + cale
// Build the mobile version (dropdown)
var mdp = document.getElementById('datepicker_mobile')
if (mdp) {
mdp.innerHTML = ""
for (var year = fyear; year >= (firstYear ? firstYear : current_cal_min); year--) {
var n = "none";
if (fyear == firstYear) {
n = "block"
var ye = document.createElement('OPTGROUP');
ye.label = year
var em = (new Date().getFullYear() == year) ? new Date().getMonth() : 11;
for (var y = em; y >= 0; y--) {
var m = document.createElement('OPTION');
var pfx = ''
var sfx = ''
if ((year == firstYear && y < firstMonth0) || (year == lastYear && y > lastMonth0)) {
pfx = '('
sfx = ')'
m.textContent = pfx + months[y] + ", " + year + sfx
m.value = year + '-' + (y+1)
// dailyStats: compiles the day-by-day stats for a chunk of emails
function dailyStats(json) {
var days = {}
for (var i in json) {
var day = new Date(json[i].epoch * 1000).getUTCDate()
days[day] = days[day] ? (days[day] + 1) : 1
var stats = []
for (var z = 0; z < 32; z++) {
stats.push(days[z] ? days[z] : 0)
return stats
function clearCalendarHover() {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
// checkCalendar: keep the calendar in check with the result set
function checkCalendar(json) {
if (json.list && !list_year[json.list]) {
xlist = (json.list &&\*/) == -1) ? json.list : xlist
list_year[json.list] = json.firstYear
if (xlist != json.list || current_cal_min != json.firstYear) {
xlist = (json.list &&\*/) == -1) ? json.list : xlist
current_cal_min = json.firstYear
// buildStats: build the stats window
function buildStats(json, state, show) {
var stats = document.getElementById('stats') = "300px"
stats.innerHTML = "<br/><h4>Stats for this blob of emails:</h4>"
if (!json.emails || json.emails.length == 0) {
stats.innerHTML = "<br/><br/>No emails found matching this criteria"
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML = ""
// See bug 335 for why only equality matters here
if (json.emails && json.emails.length == json.max) {
stats.innerHTML += "<font color='#FA0'>Reached the limit of " + json.max.toLocaleString() + " emails, truncation may have occurred</font><br/>"
var ap = ""
if (json.numparts && json.numparts > 1) {
ap = " by " + json.numparts + " people"
stats.innerHTML += (json.emails.length ? json.emails.length : 0) + " emails sent" + ap + ", divided into " + json.no_threads + " topics."
stats.innerHTML += "[<a href='trends.html" + + "'>details</a>]"
stats.innerHTML += "<br/>"
var ts = "<table border='0'><tr>"
var ms = dailyStats(json.emails)
var max = 1
for (var i in ms) {
max = Math.max(max, ms[i])
for (var i in ms) {
ts += "<td style='padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: bottom'><div title='" + ms[i] + " emails' style='background: #369; width: 6px; height: " + parseInt((ms[i] / max) * 60) + "px;'> </div></td>"
ts += "</tr></table>"
stats.innerHTML += ts
stats.innerHTML += "<h4>Top 10 contributors:</h4>"
for (var i in json.participants) {
if (i >= 10) {
var par = json.participants[i]
if ( > 24) { =, 23) + "..."
if ( == 0) { =
// Only logged-in users should be able to see actual email addresses here
if (login && login.credentials) {
stats.innerHTML += "<img src='" + par.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm' style='vertical-align:middle'/>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='searchTop(\"" + + "\", current_retention);'><b>" +[<>]/g, "") + "</a>:</b> " + par.count + " email(s)<br/>";
else {
stats.innerHTML += "<img src='" + par.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm' style='vertical-align:middle'/>&nbsp;<b title='Log in to see the email address of this person'>" +[<>]/g, "") + ":</b> " + par.count + " email(s)<br/>";
var btn = document.createElement('a')
btn.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-warning")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "prefs.hideStats='yes'; saveEphemeral(); buildStats(old_json, old_state, false);") = "10px" = "10px"
btn.innerHTML = "Hide stats"
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes' || show == false) {
var dwidth = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetParent === null ? 0 : document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth
var sw = dwidth + 20;
document.getElementById('emails_parent').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
// Resize on resize to work around CSS bug. Might wanna move this elsewhere later on..
window.onresize = function() {
// If calendar is hidden, we set it to 0 px, otherwise use the offset width
var dwidth = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetParent === null ? 0 : document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth
var sw = dwidth + 20;
// set list view to 99% - calendar
document.getElementById('emails_parent').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
document.getElementById('emails_parent').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
stats.setAttribute("class", "col-md-1 vertical-text")
stats.innerHTML = "<div onclick=\"prefs.hideStats='no'; saveEphemeral(); buildStats(old_json, old_state, true);\">Show stats panel..</div>"
if (prefs.hideStats == 'no' || show == true) {
stats.setAttribute("class", "hidden-xs hidden-sm col-md-3 col-lg-3")
var dwidth = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetParent === null ? 0 : document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth
var sw = dwidth + 30 + stats.offsetWidth;
document.getElementById('emails_parent').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
// Resize on resize to work around CSS bug. Might wanna move this elsewhere later on..
window.onresize = function() {
// If calendar is hidden, we set it to 0 px, otherwise use the offset width
var dwidth = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetParent === null ? 0 : document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth
// include stats width
var sw = dwidth + 30 + stats.offsetWidth;
// set list view to 99% - calendar - stats
document.getElementById('emails_parent').style.width = "calc(99% - " + sw + "px)"
// = "block"
if ( {
for (var i in {
stats.innerHTML += "<h4 style='text-align: center;'>Hot topics:</h4>"
stats.appendChild(wordCloud(, 250, 80, pm_config.debug))
break // so..this'll run if cloud has stuff, otherwise not.
// swipeListView: scroll up/down the list view (previous/next page view)
function swipeListView(e) {
var direction = ((e.wheelDelta || -e.detail) < 0) ? 'down' : 'up'
var js = old_json //prefs.displayMode == 'flat' ? current_flat_json : current_json
var jlen = prefs.displayMode == 'flat' ? current_flat_json.length : js.thread_struct.length
if (openEmail() || ($("body").height() > $(window).height())) {
if (direction == 'down') {
if ((jlen - c_page) > d_ppp) {
var np = Math.min(jlen, c_page + d_ppp)
viewModes[prefs.displayMode].list(js, d_ppp, np, false);
if (direction == 'up') {
var np = Math.max(0, c_page - d_ppp)
viewModes[prefs.displayMode].list(js, d_ppp, np, false);
// buildPage: build the entire page!
function buildPage(json, state) {
loadEphemeral(); // load ephem config if need be
start = new Date().getTime()
pb_refresh = start
json = json ? json : old_json
old_json = json
old_state = state
current_thread_mids = []
document.title = json.list + " - Pony Mail!"
// if we have xdomain, rewrite the wording in quick search.
var lcheckall = document.getElementById('sloa')
if (lcheckall && gxdomain) {
lcheckall.innerHTML = "All " + gxdomain + " lists"
// Add Opensearch title to OS image
var os = document.getElementById('opensearch')
if (os){
os.setAttribute("title", "Add " + gxdomain + " archives to your search engines")
buildStats(json, state, null)
nest = ""
// Add/reset list view modes
var vmobj = document.getElementById('viewmode')
vmobj.innerHTML = "" // reset innerhtml
for (var mode in viewModes) {
var opt = document.createElement('option')
opt.setAttribute("value", mode)
opt.text = mode
opt.title = viewModes[mode].description
if (mode == prefs.displayMode) {
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected")
viewModes[prefs.displayMode].list(json, 0, 0, state ? state.deep : false);
if (!json.emails || !json.emails.length || json.emails.length == 0) {
// prepend the message rather than replacing the buttons
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML = "<h3>No emails found that fit the search criteria</h3>" + document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML
if (json.private && json.private == true) {
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<h4>Looks like you don't have access to this archive. Maybe you need to be logged in?</h4>"
if (json.took) {
var rtime = new Date().getTime() - start
document.getElementById('emails').addEventListener("mousewheel", swipeListView, false);
document.getElementById('emails').addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", swipeListView, false);
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<br/><br/><small><i>Compiled in " + parseInt(json.took / 1000) + "ms, rendered in " + rtime + "ms</i></small>"
if (json.debug && pm_config.debug) {
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<br/><br/><small><i>Debug times: " + json.debug.join(" + ") + "</i></small>"
// getListInfo: Renders the top ML index
function getListInfo(list, xdomain, nopush) {
current_query = ""
current_retention = DEFAULT_RETENTION
var dealtwithit = false
if (xdomain &&"utm_source=opensearch") != -1) {
var strs = xdomain.split(/&/)
for (var i in strs) {
var kv = strs[i].split(/=/)
if (kv[0] == "websearch") {
current_query = kv[1]
if (kv[0] == "domain") {
xdomain = kv[1]
xlist = "*@" + xdomain;
list = xlist;
if (document.getElementById('checkall')) {
document.getElementById('checkall').checked = true
nopush = true
dealtwithit = true
search(current_query, DEFAULT_RETENTION, true, true)
else if (xdomain && xdomain != "") {
if (xdomain.length <= 1) {
xdomain = null
} else {
if ( != -1) {
var arr = xdomain.split(/:/)
xdomain = arr[0]
current_query = unescape(arr[2] || '')
xlist = xdomain
// ensure query is not ignored
if (current_query == "" && arr[1].match(/-/) && !arr[1].match(/\|/)) {
var ya = arr[1].split(/-/)
toggleEmail(ya[0], ya[1], nopush)
current_retention = arr[1]
dealtwithit = true
} else {
current_retention = parseInt(arr[1])
if (("x"+current_retention) != ("x"+arr[1])) {
current_retention = arr[1]
nopush = true
if ( != -1) {
list = xdomain;
xlist = list
xdomain = xdomain.replace(/^.*?@/, "")
if ((xdomain == undefined || xdomain == "") && list) {
xdomain = list.replace(/^.*?@/, "")
// If invalid address passed, complain and exit - no need to attempt fetching stats
// N.B. Only check list and xdomain if they are defined
if ((list && ! valid_address(list)) || (xdomain && ! valid_address(xdomain))) {
alert("Invalid mailing list address supplied!");
// Sort lists by usage before we enter here...
var listnames = []
if (all_lists[xdomain]) {
for (var key in all_lists[xdomain]) {
var overlaps = []
listnames = listnames.sort(function(a, b) {
return all_lists[xdomain][b] - all_lists[xdomain][a]
if (!list || list.length <= 1) {
// List may be private...who knows?
if ((list && list.length > 1) && (!login || !login.credentials)) {
popup("List not found!", "Looks like this list is either not here or private.<br>You can try <a href='" + URL_BASE + "/oauth.html'>Logging in</a> to resolve the situation.")
else {
if (listnames.length > 0 && xdomain) {
for (var i in listnames) {
// do we have a dev list? :3
if (listnames[i] == 'dev') { = 'dev@' + xdomain
// no dev list, find the busiest one! = listnames[0] + '@' + xdomain
if (!firstVisit && !nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist);
firstVisit = false
// Bail if no list is still found - search.html probably
if (!list) {
mbox_month = null;
var dp = document.getElementById('d')
dp.value = datePickerValue(current_retention)
dp.setAttribute("data", current_retention)
if (current_retention.toString().search(/^\d+-\d+$/)) {
mbox_month = current_retention
document.getElementById('q').value = unescape(current_query)
document.getElementById('aq').value = unescape(current_query)
xlist = list;
var arr = list.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
var lc = document.getElementById('lc_dropdown');
lc.innerHTML = ""
var dom_sorted = []
for (var dom in all_lists) {
// Sort out available domains with MLs
for (var i in dom_sorted.sort()) {
var dom = dom_sorted[i]
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(dom)
a.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/list.html?" + dom)
// If we have a domain ML listing, sort out the nav bar
if (all_lists[xdomain]) {
var ll = document.getElementById('listslist')
ll.innerHTML = ""
for (var i in listnames) {
var key = listnames[i]
var collapse = ''
if (listnames.length > 5 && i >= 4) {
collapse = 'hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg'
var ln = key + '@' + xdomain
//alert("adding" + ln)
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(key + '@')
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "getListInfo(this.getAttribute('id'))")
a.setAttribute("id", ln)
if (typeof all_lists[xdomain][listname] == 'undefined') {
if (list && list.length > 1) {
popup("List not found!", "Looks like this list is either not here or private.<br>You can try <a href='" + URL_BASE + "/oauth.html'>Logging in</a> to resolve the situation.")
} else {
listname = key
list = ln
xlist = ln
if (list == ln) {
li.setAttribute("class", "active " + collapse)
} else {
li.setAttribute("class", collapse)
if (overlaps.length > 0) {
ll.innerHTML += '<li class="dropdown navbar-right" id="otherlists"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Other lists:<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu" style="overflow: auto; max-height: 500px;" id="otherlists_dropdown"></ul></li>'
var ul = document.getElementById('otherlists_dropdown')
for (var i in overlaps) {
var key = overlaps[i]
var ln = key + '@' + xdomain
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(key + '@')
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "getListInfo(this.getAttribute('id'))")
a.setAttribute("id", ln)
if (list == ln) {
li.setAttribute("class", "active")
} else {
li.setAttribute("class", "")
} else {
// no such domain, report this as a missing list
popup("List not found!", "Looks like this list is either not here or private.<br>You can try <a href='" + URL_BASE + "/oauth.html'>Logging in</a> to resolve the situation.")
gxdomain = xdomain
if (!dealtwithit) {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = list + ", last month <a href='api/atom.lua?list=" + list + "'><img src='images/atom.png'></a>"
if (current_query == "" && (current_retention == "" || current_retention == DEFAULT_RETENTION)) {
global_deep = false
current_query = ""
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain, null, buildPage)
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist);
} else {
search(current_query, current_retention, nopush)
function setQuickSearchDateRange() {
var dp = document.getElementById('d')
var qdr = document.getElementById('qs_date')
if (dp && qdr && qdr.innerHTML != dp.value) {
qdr.innerHTML = dp.value
window.setInterval(setQuickSearchDateRange, 250)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_phonebook.js
var phonebook_json, table_json
// showDomains: Show domains in the phone book display
function showDomains(l) {
var pg = document.getElementById('active_domlist')
pg.innerHTML = ""
var ul = document.createElement('ul') = "left" = "none" = "12px"
for (var i in domlist[l]) {
var dom = domlist[l][i]
var letter = dom.substr(0,1)
// Make ML entry
var li = document.createElement("li") = "2px"
//li.setAttribute("class", "phonebook_entry")
var extend = ""
if (pm_config.indexMode == 'phonebook_short' && phonebook_json && phonebook_json.descriptions) {
for (var g in phonebook_json.descriptions) {
if (phonebook_json.descriptions[g] == '<'+dom+'>') {
extend = ": " + phonebook_json.descriptions[g].description
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(dom + extend)
a.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/list.html?" + dom)
var ls = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("")
if (login && login.favorites && login.favorites.length > 0) {
ls.push('★') = "700px"
for (var i in ls) {
var xl = ls[i]
if (l == xl) {
document.getElementById('letter_' + xl).setAttribute("class", "phonebook_topletter_active")
} else {
document.getElementById('letter_' + xl).setAttribute("class", "phonebook_topletter")
// seedDomains: get account info and seed the phonebook
function seedDomains(json) {
phonebook_json = json
var obj = document.getElementById('domains')
if (!obj) {
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').style.display = "block"
if (prefs.fullname && json.login) {
json.login.credentials.fullname = prefs.fullname
if (json.login && json.login.credentials && json.login.credentials.fullname) {
document.getElementById('welcome').innerHTML = "Welcome, " + json.login.credentials.fullname.split(/ /)[0] + "!"
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').innerHTML = "Not " + json.login.credentials.fullname.split(/ /)[0] + "? <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='logout();'>Log out</a> then!"
login = json.login
} else {
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').style.display = "block"
var doms = []
if (pm_config.indexMode == 'phonebook_short') {
for (var key in json.lists) {
for (var list in json.lists[key]) {
doms.push(list + '@' + key)
} else {
for (var key in json.lists) {
var lu = {}
var pg;
var letters = []
for (var i in doms) {
var dom = doms[i]
var letter = dom.substr(0,1)
domlist[letter] = domlist[letter] ? domlist[letter] : []
if (login && login.favorites && login.favorites.length > 0) {
domlist['★'] = []
for (mli in login.favorites) {
var po = document.createElement("div") = "left" = "0px"
var x = 0;
var ls = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("")
if (login && login.favorites && login.favorites.length > 0) {
for (var i in ls) {
var l = ls[i]
fl = fl ? fl : l
var pc = document.createElement("label")
pc.setAttribute("class", "phonebook_topletter")
pc.setAttribute("id", "letter_" + l)
pc.setAttribute("onclick", "showDomains('" + l + "');") = "pointer"
var dshow = document.createElement('div')
dshow.setAttribute("class", "phonebook_page")
dshow.setAttribute("id", "active_domlist")
if (doms.length == 0) {
obj.innerHTML = "There don't seem to be any domains or mailing lists here yet..."
} else {
// seedTable: get account info and seed a table view instead of a phonebook view
function seedTable(json) {
table_json = json
var obj = document.getElementById('domains')
if (!obj) {
// This is the usual login message, same in all view modes
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').style.display = "block"
if (prefs.fullname && json.login) {
json.login.credentials.fullname = prefs.fullname
if (json.login && json.login.credentials && json.login.credentials.fullname) {
document.getElementById('welcome').innerHTML = "Welcome, " + json.login.credentials.fullname.split(/ /)[0] + "!"
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').innerHTML = "Not " + json.login.credentials.fullname.split(/ /)[0] + "? <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='logout();'>Log out</a> then!"
login = json.login
} else {
document.getElementById('login_disclaimer').style.display = "block"
var lists = []
var lnum = {}
// Push lists and the no. of messages into lists
for (var key in json.lists) {
for (var list in json.lists[key]) {
var num = json.lists[key][list]
lists.push(list + '@' + key)
lnum[list+'@'+key] = num
// sort lists by name before iterating
lists.sort( function(a,b) { return lnum[b] - lnum[a] })
var po = document.createElement("div") = "left" = "0px"
// Got any lists?
if (lists.length == 0) {
obj.innerHTML = "There don't seem to be any domains or mailing lists here yet..."
} else {
var title = document.createElement('h4')
title.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Available lists:'))
// for each list, show the name and the no. of emails in the past 90 days (3 months)
for (var i in lists) {
var list = lists[i]
var d = document.createElement('div')
d.setAttribute("class", "listtablekid")
d.innerHTML = "<a href='list.html?" + list + "'><b>" + list + "</b></a> - " + lnum[list] + " messages in the past 3 months."
d.setAttribute("onclick", "location.href = 'list.html?" + list + "';")
// if possible, append description of list here
for (var z in json.descriptions) {
if (json.descriptions[z].lid == list) {
d.innerHTML += "<br/><small>" + json.descriptions[z].description.replace(/</, "&lt;") + "</small>"
document.getElementById('phonebook_help').innerHTML = "Pick a mailing list to start viewing emails"
// listDomains: fetch prefs and ML stats
// invoked by onload in index.html
function listDomains() {
// phonebook modes?
if (pm_config.indexMode.match(/phonebook/)) {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", null, seedDomains)
// Table view mode?
} else if (pm_config.indexMode == 'table') {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", null, seedTable)
GetAsync("/api/pminfo.lua", null, showStats)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_search.js
function resetPage() {
var obj = document.getElementById('emails')
if (obj) {
obj.innerHTML = ""
// toggleEmail: Fetch a list of emails from an ML in a specific year/month
function toggleEmail(year, mo, nopush) {
if (typeof year == 'string' && && typeof(mo) == 'undefined') {
var m = year.split(/-/)
year = parseInt(m[0])
mo = parseInt(m[1])
global_deep = false
current_query = ""
current_retention = year + "-" + mo
var arr = xlist.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
var s = year + "-" + mo
var e = s
// if year and month is supplied, the calendar (to the left) should show where we are
// so let's open up the right year and set the CSS for the selected month
if (year && mo) {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
// if this is the active month, blue-ify it
if (kiddos[n].getAttribute("id") == ("calmonth_" + year + "-" + mo)) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-info")
// otherwise, default css
} else {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
// if month is supplied, prettify it
var xmo = mo ? parseInt(mo).toString() : ""
if (mo.length > 0 && mo <= 9) {
xmo = '0' + xmo
// push history state, fetch the data from API
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist + ":" + year + '-' + xmo);
// update the quick search box
var dp = document.getElementById('d')
dp.value = datePickerValue(current_retention)
dp.setAttribute("data", current_retention)
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain + "&s=" + s + "&e=" + e, null, buildPage)
// set list title to list and year/month
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = xlist + " (" + months[mo - 1] + ", " + year + ")" + " &nbsp;<a rel='nofollow' href='api/mbox.lua?list=" + xlist + "&date=" + year + "-" + mo + "'><img src='images/download.png' title='Download this month as an mbox archive'/></a>"
// Top 10 search alias - for some reason search() can't be called from there... o.O
function searchTop(a,b,c,d) {
var obj = document.getElementById('q')
if (obj) {
obj.value = a
// search: run a search
function search(q, d, nopush, all) {
keywords = q
current_retention = d // we use this later in the pagebuilder
current_query = q // ditto
var arr = xlist.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var olist = listname
var domain = arr[1]
// are we checking *@foo.tld ?
if (document.getElementById('checkall')) {
all = document.getElementById('checkall').checked
// If checking multiple lists, the globa_deep will tell the pagebuilder to also
// include the mailing list name in each result
global_deep = false
if (all == true) {
listname = "*"
global_deep = true
// we just made a new search, clear the selected month in the calendar to the left if that makes sense
// As usual, push new history state
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + listname + "@" + domain + ":" + d + ":" + encodeURIComponent(q));
// get the data from backend, push to page builder func
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain + "&q=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&d=" + d, null, buildPage)
// for the list title, prepare the date range
// TODO: improve this much like we have with trends.html
var arr = datePickerDouble(d)
var howlong = datePickerValue(d)
// howlong may begin with a month which should not be lower-cased.
// or it may be 'Less than 1 month ago'
// Avoid checking by starting a new sentence
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = listname + "@" + domain + " (Quick Search. " + howlong + ") <a class='btn btn-warning' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='getListInfo(xlist)'>Clear filters</a>"
xlist = olist + "@" + domain
return false;
// searchAll: run a deep search of all lists
// much the same as search(), but with added stuff for from and subject field searches.
function searchAll(q, dspan, from, subject, where) {
keywords = q
current_retention = dspan
current_query = q
global_deep = true
var wherel = "*"
var whered = "*"
if (where && where == 'xlist') {
var a = xlist.split(/@/)
wherel = a[0]
whered = a[1]
var url = "/api/stats.lua?list="+wherel+"&domain="+whered+"&q=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&d=" + encodeURIComponent(dspan)
if (from) {
url += "&header_from=" + "\""+ encodeURIComponent(from) + "\""
current_query += " FROM:" + "\""+ encodeURIComponent(from) + "\""
if (subject) {
url += "&header_subject=\"" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "\""
current_query += " SUBJECT:\"" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "\""
GetAsync(url, {
deep: true
}, buildPage)
var arr = datePickerDouble(dspan)
var howlong = arr[3]
if (howlong == null || isNaN(howlong)) {
howlong = "custom date range"
} else {
if (howlong >= 365) {
howlong = parseInt(howlong/365) + " year"
} else if (howlong >= 30) {
howlong = "last " + parseInt(howlong/30) + " month" + (howlong>59 ? "s" : "")
} else {
howlong = howlong + " day"
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = "Deep Search, " + howlong + " view <a class='btn btn-warning' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='getListInfo(xlist)'>Clear filters</a>"
return false;
// Adds an opensearch engine to the browser
function addSearchEngine() {
window.external.AddSearchProvider(URL_BASE + "/api/websearch.lua?" + gxdomain)
// for firefox (chrome doesn't seem to get it just yet): add an opensearch header element,
// so the browser will notice that it's available, and inform the user in the quick search bar
function addSearchBar() {
var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
var sl = document.createElement('link')
sl.setAttribute("rel", "search")
sl.setAttribute("type", "application/opensearchdescription+xml")
sl.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/api/websearch.lua?" + gxdomain)
sl.setAttribute("title", "PonyMail: " + gxdomain + " mailing lists")
Fetched from dev/ponymail_seeders.js
// seedGetListInfo: Callback that seeds the list index and sets up account stuff
function seedGetListInfo(json, state) {
all_lists = json.lists
if (typeof json.preferences != undefined && json.preferences) {
prefs = json.preferences
// did the backend supply us with a valid login?
// if so, set up the menu bar and save locally
if (typeof json.login != undefined && json.login) {
login = json.login
if (login.credentials) {
// Actual callback: render list
getListInfo(state.l, state.x, state.n)
// seedPrefs: get prefs/login and call something else
function seedPrefs(json, state) {
if (typeof json.preferences != undefined && json.preferences) {
prefs = json.preferences
// logged in? render user nav bar then
if (typeof json.login != undefined && json.login) {
login = json.login
if (login.credentials) {
// Do we have a callback waiting? if so, run it
if (state && state.docall) {
GetAsync(state.docall[0], null, state.docall[1])
// preGetListInfo: Callback that fetches preferences and sets up list data
// invoked by onload in list.html and search.html
function preGetListInfo(list, xdomain, nopush) {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", {
l: list,
x: xdomain,
n: nopush
}, seedGetListInfo)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_stats.js
// showStats: Show the ML stats on the front page
function showStats(json) {
var obj = document.getElementById('list_stats')
// top bar stats
obj.innerHTML = "<h3 style='margin-top: -10px;'>Overall 14 day activity:</h3>"
obj.innerHTML += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"> </span> ' + json.participants.toLocaleString() + " People &nbsp; "
obj.innerHTML += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"> </span> ' + json.hits.toLocaleString() + ' messages &nbsp';
obj.innerHTML += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt"> </span> ' + json.no_threads.toLocaleString() + " topics &nbsp; "
obj.innerHTML += '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"> </span> ' + json.no_active_lists.toLocaleString() + " active lists."
// Make a table (cheap way to graph stuff) for the daily stats
var ts = "<table border='0' style='float: right; margin-top: -30px;'><tr>"
// find the max no. of emails in a single day, for calculating max height of the 14 day chart
var max = 1
for (var i in json.activity) {
max = Math.max(max, json.activity[i][1])
// for each day, make a bar, taking into account the max value
for (var i in json.activity) {
var day = new Date(json.activity[i][0]).toDateString()
ts += "<td style='padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: bottom'><div title='" + day + ": " + json.activity[i][1] + " emails' style='background: #369; width: 6px; height: " + parseInt((json.activity[i][1] / max) * 48) + "px;'> </div></td>"
ts += "</tr></table>"
obj.innerHTML += ts
Fetched from dev/ponymail_timetravel.js
// simple func that just redirects to the original thread URL we just got if possible
function timeTravelSingleThreadRedirect(json) {
if (json && json.emails[0]) {
location.href = URL_BASE + "/thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID(json.emails[0].mid) : encodeURIComponent(json.emails[0].mid))
// Func that fetches the timetravel data for the current thread (permalink mode)
function timeTravelSingleThread() {
var mid = current_thread_json[0].mid
GetAsync("/api/thread.lua?timetravel=true&id=" + mid, null, timeTravelSingleThreadRedirect)
// time travel in list view mode, callback from the API:
function timeTravelListRedirect(json, state) {
if (json && json.emails) {
for (var i in json.emails) {
// Did we receive timetravel data?
if (json && json.emails[0]) {
var osubs = countSubs(current_thread_json[])
var nsubs = countSubs(json.emails[0])
var oid = current_thread_json[].tid
// Did we actually get more emails now than we had before?
if (nsubs > osubs || nsubs >= osubs && !json.emails[0].irt) {
if (prefs.displayMode == 'threaded') {
current_thread_json[] = json.emails[0]
} else if (prefs.displayMode == 'treeview') {
current_thread_json[] = json.emails[0]
var subs = countSubs(json.emails[0])
var parts = countParts(json.emails[0])
// If we have subs/people labels available, change them and set the newly found stats
if (document.getElementById('subs_' + != null) {
document.getElementById('subs_' + = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span> " + subs + " replies"
document.getElementById('people_' + = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + parts + " people"
document.getElementById('people_' + = parts > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden"
// Note to user whether we found something new or not
document.getElementById('magic_' + = "<i>Voila! We've found the oldest email in this thread for you and worked our way forward. Enjoy!</i>"
// Nope, nothing new - bummer!
else {
document.getElementById('magic_' + = "<i>Hm, we couldn't find any more messages in this thread. bummer!</i>"
// Should we jump in the HTML to somewhere?
if (state.jump) {
var thread = findEpoch(state.jump)
if (thread) {
thread.setAttribute("meme", "true") = "rgba(200,200,255, 0.25)"
xyz = thread.getAttribute("id")
window.setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById(xyz).scrollIntoView() }, 1000)
} else {
document.getElementById('magic_' +;
document.getElementById('magic_' + = "Showing the thread in its entirety"
current_thread_json[].magic = true
// time travel inside a list view
function timeTravelList(id, jump) {
var mid = current_thread_json[id].tid
GetAsync("/api/thread.lua?timetravel=true&id=" + mid, {id: id, jump: jump}, timeTravelListRedirect)
Fetched from dev/ponymail_trends.js
// showTrends: Show the ML trends on trends.html
function showTrends(json, state) {
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
// Do we have a trend DOM object to edit?
var obj = document.getElementById('trends')
if (!obj) {
// size down trend obj = "660px"
// Make sure we actually have a timespan > 0 days to analyze.
if (state.tspan == 0) {
obj.innerHTML += "<h4>Invalid date range specified!</h4>"
// Add the timespan if it makes sense (has a beginning and end)
var daterange = ""
if (state.dfrom || state.dto) {
daterange = " between " + (state.dfrom ? state.dfrom.toDateString() : "beginning of time") + " and " + (state.dto ? state.dto.toDateString() : "now")
// Link back to list view if possible
var lname = json.list;
if (\*/) == -1) {
lname = "<a href='list.html?" + lname + "'>" + lname + "</a>"
// Set page title
var title = "<div><h2>Statistics for " + lname + "<br/><small>" + daterange + ":</small></h2>"
if ((state.query && state.query.length > 0) || (state.nquery && state.nquery.length > 0)) {
title += "<i>(NB: You are using a search query which may distort these results)"
title += "</div>"
obj.innerHTML = title
// for sake of displaying "N days" or just "days", make tspan empty string if null
if (state.tspan == null) {
state.tspan = ""
// save each daily stat for later canvas drawing
var daily = {}
// total emails sent in the past N days
var total_emails_current = 0;
var total_emails_past = 0;
// For each email, count the ones in this and the previous time span
for (var i in json.emails) {
var f = parseInt(json.emails[i].epoch/86400)
daily[f] = daily[f] ? daily[f]+1 : 1
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.emails[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
} else {
// change since past timespan as relative number and percentage
var diff = total_emails_current-total_emails_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_emails_past)*100)
// Make div for emails sent
var emls_sent = document.createElement('div')
emls_sent.setAttribute("style", "float: left; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #F8684E; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 300px;")
emls_sent.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span> " + total_emails_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2><span style='font-size: 13px;'>Emails sent during these " + state.tspan + " days,<br/></span>"
// If a comparison with previous timespan makes sense (can be calculated), show it
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_emails_current >= total_emails_past) {
emls_sent.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_emails_current-total_emails_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
} else {
emls_sent.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_emails_past-total_emails_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
// total topics started in the past 3 months
var total_topics_current = 0;
var total_topics_past = 0;
// For each thread, count the ones _started_ in this time span and the previous one
for (var i in json.thread_struct) {
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.thread_struct[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
} else {
var diff = total_topics_current-total_topics_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_topics_past)*100)
// Make div for topics started
var topics_sent = document.createElement('div')
topics_sent.setAttribute("style", "float: left; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #F99A00; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 300px;")
topics_sent.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt'> </span> " + total_topics_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2><span style='font-size: 13px;'>topics started during these " + state.tspan + " days,<br/></span>"
// If a comparison with previous timespan makes sense (can be calculated), show it
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_topics_current >= total_topics_past) {
topics_sent.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_topics_current-total_topics_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
} else {
topics_sent.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_topics_past-total_topics_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
// people participating in the past 3 months
// As we can't just count them, we'll construct a hash and count the no. of elements in it
var total_people_current = 0;
var total_people_past = 0;
var hc = {}
var hp = {}
// For each email, add to the sender hash for current and previous time span. Count 'em later
for (var i in json.emails) {
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.emails[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
hc[json.emails[i].from] = (hc[json.emails[i].from] ? hc[json.emails[i].from] : 0) + 1
} else {
hp[json.emails[i].from] = (hp[json.emails[i].from] ? hp[json.emails[i].from] : 0) + 1
// count elements in the hashes
for (var i in hc) { total_people_current++;}
for (var i in hp) { total_people_past++;}
var diff = total_people_current-total_people_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_people_past)*100)
// Make div for participants
var parts = document.createElement('div')
parts.setAttribute("style", "float: left; break-after: always; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #00A757; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 300px;")
parts.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + total_people_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2><span style='font-size: 13px;'>Participants during these " + state.tspan + " days,</span><br/>"
// If a comparison with previous timespan makes sense (can be calculated), show it
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_people_current >= total_people_past) {
parts.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_people_current-total_people_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
} else {
parts.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 11px;'><b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_people_past-total_people_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days.</span>"
// Display charts if possible
if (state.dfrom && state.dto) {
if (!pm_config.trendPie) {
document.getElementById('trendCanvas').setAttribute("height", "340")
document.getElementById('top10pie').setAttribute("height", "0")
['Previous timespan', 'Current timespan'],
["Emails sent", total_emails_past, total_emails_current],
["Topics started", total_topics_past, total_topics_current],
["Participants", total_people_past, total_people_current],
{ stack: false, curve: false, title: "Stats for the past " + state.tspan + " days (compared to previous timespan)", nox: false }
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?list='+state.listname+'&domain='+state.domain+'&d=' + state.dspan + "&q=" + ((state.query && state.query.length > 0) ? state.query : "") + state.nquery, {tspan: state.tspan}, showTop)
// daily chart rendering with quokka
var days = []
for (var d in daily) {
var arr = []
// Start from the beginning
var D = new Date(state.dfrom)
// For each day from $beginning to $now, push the no. of emails sent that day into an array
while (D <= state.dto) {
var day = new Date(D)
var d = parseInt(D.getTime()/86400/1000) // make correct pointer to daily[] array
// if in this timespan, color it blue
if (day.getTime() >= state.dfrom.getTime()) {
arr.push([day, daily[d] ? daily[d] : 0, '#00C0F1'])
// else, color it green
} else {
arr.push([day, daily[d] ? daily[d] : 0, '#2DC47B'])
// draw the chart
quokkaBars("dayCanvas", ['Current timespan', '', 'Previous timespan'], arr, {verts: false, title: "Daily email stats"})
// Add ngrams teaser
var obj = document.getElementById('ngrams')
obj.innerHTML = "Interested in more data? Try our <a href='ngrams.html?" + + "'> n-grams page</a>!"
// callback for top10 stats
function showTop(json, state) {
// Make sure we have a trend object to edit in the DOM
var obj = document.getElementById('trends')
if (!obj) {
var daterange = ""
// Can't do much analysis if the timespan is 0 days
if (state.tspan == 0) {
// Top 10 participants
var top10 = document.createElement('div')
top10.setAttribute("style", "float: left; margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #00C0F1; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 300px; min-height: 300px;")
top10.innerHTML = "<h3 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty'> </span> Top 10 participants:</h3>"
var l = "<ul style='margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 0px; list-style: none;'>"
var ph = []
var max = 0
for (var i in json.participants) {
var part = json.participants[i]
ph.push({title:, value: part.count})
max += part.count
l += "<li style='font-size: 13px;'><img src='" + part.gravatar + ".jpg?s=24&r=g&d=mm' style='margin-top: 3px; margin-right: 5px;'/><b>" +</, "&lt;") + ": </b>" + part.count + " email" + (part.count == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</li>"
l += "</ul>"
top10.innerHTML += l
ph.push({title: 'Others', value: json.hits - max})
obj.insertBefore(top10, obj.childNodes[1])
if (pm_config.trendPie) {
quokkaCircle("top10pie", ph);
// onload func that figures out what we want and then asks the API for stats
// invoked by onload in trends.html
function gatherTrends() {
// get list, timespan and query from the html page
var args =
var a_arr = args.split(/:/, 3)
var list = a_arr[0]
var dspan = a_arr[1]
var query = a_arr[2]
if (!valid_address(list)) {
alert("Invalid mailing list address supplied!");
// Try to detect header searches, if present
var nquery = ""
if (query && query.length > 0) {
var stuff = ['from', 'subject', 'body']
for (var k in stuff) {
// can we find 'header=foo' stuff?
var r = RegExp(stuff[k] + "=(.+)", "mi")
var m = query.match(r)
if (m) {
query = query.replace(m[0], "")
// append to the header_foo query
nquery += "&header_" + stuff[k] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(m[1])
// don't let JavaScript try to send 'undefined' as an actual query here.
if (query == undefined) {
query = ""
// default to 1 month view if nothing else is supplied
if (!dspan || dspan.length == 0) {
// figure out when this is and what the double is (for comparisons)
var xa = datePickerDouble(dspan)
// split list name for stats.lua
var arr = list.split(/@/)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
// Get us some data
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?list='+listname+'&domain='+domain+'&d=' + xa[0] + "&q=" + ((query && query.length > 0) ? encodeURIComponent(query) : "") + nquery, { nquery: nquery, listname: listname, domain: domain, dbl: xa[0], dfrom: xa[1], dto: xa[2], tspan: xa[3], dspan: dspan, query: query }, showTrends)
document.title = "Stats for " + list + " - Pony Mail!"
Fetched from dev/ponymail_user_preferences.js
// logout: log out a user
// call the logout URL, then refresh this page - much simple!
function logout() {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua?logout=true", null, function() { location.href = document.location; })
// savePreferences: save account prefs to ES
function savePreferences() {
var prefarr = []
// for each preference
for (var i in pref_keys) {
var key = pref_keys[i]
// try to fetch the input field holding this pref
var o = document.getElementById(key)
var val = o ? o.value : null
// if it's a select box, fetch the selected value
if (o && o.selectedIndex) {
val = o.options[o.selectedIndex].value
// if we found a value, push it to a form hash and the prefs hash
if (val) {
prefarr.push(key + "=" + val)
prefs[key] = val
// save preferences on backend
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua?save=true&" + prefarr.join("&"), null, hideComposer)
// Save ephemeral settings
if (localStorageAvailable) {
window.localStorage.setItem("ponymail_config_ephemeral", JSON.stringify(prefs))
// showPreferences: show the account prefs in the splash window
function showPreferences() {
var obj = document.getElementById('splash') = "block"
obj.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: right;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideComposer(event)' style='color: #FFF;'>Hit escape to close this window or click here<big> &#x2612;</big></a></p><h3>User preferences:</h3>"
obj.innerHTML += "<p>You can change your preferences here. Some changes may not take place til you refresh your view.</p>"
// set up account section
var section = document.createElement('div')
section.setAttribute("class", "bs-callout bs-callout-success prefs")
section.innerHTML = "<h4>Account information:</h4>"
// full name
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('fullname', 'Full name:', 'text', prefs.fullname ? prefs.fullname : login.credentials.fullname))
// set up view section
var section = document.createElement('div')
section.setAttribute("class", "bs-callout bs-callout-primary prefs")
section.innerHTML = "<h4>Viewing preferences:</h4>"
// Display mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('displayMode', 'Display mode, list view:', 'select', {
threaded: "Threaded view",
flat: "Flat view",
treeview: "Threaded with treeview"
}, prefs.displayMode))
// groupBy mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('groupBy', 'Display mode, email view:', 'select', {
thread: "Threaded view, nest by reference",
date: "Flat view, order by date"
}, prefs.groupBy))
// sortOrder mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('sortOrder', 'Sort order in email view:', 'select', {
forward: "Sort emails by date, ascending",
backward: "Sort emails by date, descending"
}, prefs.sortOrder))
// compactQuotes mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('compactQuotes', 'Compact quotes in emails:', 'select', {
yes: "Yes",
no: "No"
}, prefs.compactQuotes))
// social mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('theme', 'Email view theme:', 'select', {
social: "Social theme",
compact: "Compact theme",
default: "Default theme"
}, prefs.theme))
// hideStats mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('hideStats', 'Hide statistics window:', 'select', {
yes: "Yes",
no: "No"
}, prefs.hideStats))
// autoScale mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('autoScale', 'Scale results per page to window height:', 'select', {
no: "No",
yes: "Yes"
}, prefs.autoScale))
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-warning")
btn.setAttribute("value", "Save preferences")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "savePreferences()")
// set up notifications section
var section = document.createElement('div')
section.setAttribute("class", "bs-callout bs-callout-success prefs")
section.innerHTML = "<h4>Notification preferences:</h4>"
// notifications mode
section.appendChild(generateFormDivs('notifications', 'Notify me on:', 'select', {
direct: "Only direct replies to my emails",
indirect: "Any reply that references my email",
none: "Don't notify me at all!"
}, prefs.notifications))
// Save button
// setupUser: Set up the user dropdown (top right)
function setupUser() {
var uimg = document.getElementById('uimg')
if (!uimg) {
uimg.setAttribute("src", URL_BASE + "/images/user.png")
uimg.setAttribute("title", "Logged in as " + login.credentials.fullname)
if (login.notifications && login.notifications > 0) {
uimg.setAttribute("src", URL_BASE + "/images/user_notif.png")
uimg.setAttribute("title", "Logged in as " + login.credentials.fullname + " - You have " + login.notifications + " new notifications!")
var pd = document.getElementById('prefs_dropdown')
pd.innerHTML = ""
// thread item
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode("Start a new discussion")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "compose(null, 'xlist')")
// Prefs item
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode((prefs.fullname ? prefs.fullname : login.credentials.fullname) + "'s preferences")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "showPreferences()")
// Notifications item
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode("Notifications")
a.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/notifications.html")
if (login.notifications && login.notifications > 0) {
a.setAttribute("style", "font-weight: bold;")
t.nodeValue = "Notifications (" + login.notifications + ")"
a.innerHTML += ' <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"> </span>'
// Favorites
if (login.favorites && login.favorites.length > 0) {
var li = document.createElement("li")
li.setAttribute("class", "dropdown-submenu pull-left")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode("Favorite lists")
a.setAttribute("href", "#")
var ul = document.createElement('ul')
ul.setAttribute("class", "dropdown-menu")
a.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1")
li.appendChild(a) = "0"
for (var i in login.favorites) {
var l = login.favorites[i]
var sli = document.createElement('li')
sli.setAttribute("class", "pull-left")
var st = document.createTextNode(l)
var sa = document.createElement('a')
sa.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/list.html?" + l)
// Merge accounts item
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode("Manage email addresses")
a.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/merge.html")
// Logout item
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode("Log out")
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "logout()")
// set theme, both in prefs and localstorage (for non-logged-in-users)
function setTheme(theme) {
prefs.theme = theme
if (localStorageAvailable) {
window.localStorage.setItem("pm_theme", theme)
if (document.getElementById('emails')) {
} else {
alert("You need to have session and local storage enabled to set a theme!")
Fetched from dev/ponymail_zzz.js
// dealWithKeyboard: Handles what happens when you hit the escape key
function dealWithKeyboard(e) {
// escape key: hide composer/settings/thread
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
if (document.getElementById('splash').style.display == 'block') {
document.getElementById('splash').style.display = "none"
} else if (\.html/) != -1) { // should only work for the list view
// If datepicker popup is shown, hide it on escape
var thread = document.getElementById('thread_' + current_thread.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
// try treeview if all else fails
if (!thread) {
thread = document.getElementById('thread_treeview_' + current_thread.toString().replace(/@<.+>/, ""))
if (document.getElementById('datepicker_popup') && document.getElementById('datepicker_popup').style.display == "block") {
document.getElementById('datepicker_popup').style.display = "none"
// otherwise, collapse a thread?
else if (thread) {
if ( == 'block') {
if (prefs.displayMode == 'treeview') {
toggleEmails_threaded(current_thread, true)
toggleEmails_treeview(current_thread, true)
} else {
toggleEmails_threaded(current_thread, true)
} else {
// Close all threads?
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.body, '(thread|helper)_', 'DIV')
for (var i in kiddos) {
kiddos[i].style.display = 'none';
// Make sure the below shortcuts don't interfere with normal operations
if (document.getElementById('splash').style.display != 'block' && document.activeElement.nodeName != 'INPUT' && !e.ctrlKey) {
// H key: show help
if (e.keyCode == 72) {
popup("Keyboard shortcuts",
<b>H:</b>Show this help menu<br/>\
<b>C:</b>Compose a new email to the current list<br/>\
<b>R:</b>Reply to the last opened email<br/>\
<b>S:</b>Go to the quick search bar<br/>\
<b>Esc:</b>Hide/collapse current email or thread<br/>\
You can also, in some cases, use the mouse wheel to scroll up/down the list view",
// C key: compose
else if (e.keyCode == 67) {
compose(null, xlist, 'new')
// R key: reply
else if (e.keyCode == 82) {
if (openEmail() && last_opened_email) {
compose(last_opened_email, null, 'reply')
// S key: quick search
else if (e.keyCode == 83) {
if (document.getElementById('q')) {
// Add Pony Mail powered-by footer
var footer = document.createElement('footer')
footer.setAttribute("class", 'footer') = "32px" = "100%"
var fd = document.createElement('div')
fd.setAttribute("class", "container")
fd.innerHTML = "<p class='muted' style='text-align: center;'>Powered by <a href=''>Apache Pony Mail (Incubating) v/" + _VERSION_ + "</a>.</p>"
// Add listener for keys (mostly for escape key for hiding stuff)
window.addEventListener("keyup", dealWithKeyboard, false);
// Add listener for when URLs get popped from the browser history
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
getListInfo(null,, true)