tree: c251cd679fca1a9de2017d1b46aa12b59327df60 [path history] [tgz]
  1. aaa_by_email_address.lua
  2. aaa_by_portal.lua
  3. aaa_with_subgroups.lua

AAA Examples

This directory contains example AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Access) libraries for various use cases. These script will require that site/api/lib/config.lua has one or more OAuth providers specified as authorities, as such:

-- This adds Persona and Google OAuth as authorities
admin_oauth = { "", "" }

AAA by email address:

aaa_by_email_address.lua checks against a GLOB (valid_email), and if a logged-in user's email address matches this, provides access to private lists, provided the OAuth provider used is listed in config.lua as a valid authority.

AAA by OAuth portal:

aaa_by_portal.lua checks which OAuth portal was used to log in. If it's the right (Google in the example), then access to private lists is granted.

AAA with access list:

aaa_with_subgroups.lua checks validated accounts against an access list, and if found, provides access to a specific set of lists for each individual user.