blob: 87c4b43dc7f5d56cca5d4459cdbb6e94a0ba14da [file] [log] [blame]
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// loadList_threaded: Same as above, but threaded display
function loadList_threaded(mjson, limit, start, deep) {
if (localStorageAvailable) {
var th = window.localStorage.getItem("pm_theme")
if (th) {
prefs.theme = th
// Set displayed posts per page to 10 if social/compact theme, or auto-scale
if (prefs.theme && (prefs.theme == "social" || prefs.theme == "compact")) {
d_ppp = 10
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / (prefs.theme == 'social' ? 128 : 48) ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// otherwise default to 15 or auto-scale
} else {
d_ppp = 15
if (prefs.autoScale && prefs.autoScale == 'yes') {
d_ppp = Math.floor( ( (window.innerHeight - 450) / 28 ) / 5 ) * 5
if (d_ppp <= 0) {
d_ppp = 5
// reset open email counter hash
open_emails = []
// set display limit to default ppp if not set by call
limit = limit ? limit : d_ppp;
// If no flat JSON is supplied (as with next/prev page clicks), fall back to the previous JSON,
// otherwise, sort it descending by epoch
var fjson = mjson ? ('emails' in mjson && isArray(mjson.emails) ? mjson.emails.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.epoch - a.epoch
}) : []) : current_flat_json
// sync JSON
current_flat_json = fjson
// same with threaded JSON
var json = mjson ? sortIt(mjson.thread_struct) : current_thread_json
current_thread_json = json
// get $now
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
// start = start or 0 (first email)
if (!start) {
start = 0
// start nesting HTML
nest = '<ul class="list-group">'
c_page = start
// for each email from start to finish (or page limit), do...
for (var i = start; i < json.length; i++) {
if (i >= (start + limit)) {
// Get the email
var eml = findEml(json[i].tid)
// allow for empty subject
if (eml && eml.subject.length == 0) {
eml.subject = '(no subject)'
// truncate subject (do we need this?)
if (eml && eml.subject.length > 90) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 90) + "..."
// do some counting
var subs = countSubs(json[i])
var people = countParts(json[i])
var latest = countNewest(json[i])
// coloring for labels
var ls = 'default'
if (subs > 0) {
ls = 'primary'
var lp = 'success'
if (people > 1) {
lp = 'success'
var ld = 'default'
var ti = ''
// orange label for new timestamps
if (latest > (now - 86400)) {
ld = 'warning'
ti = "Has activity in the past 24 hours"
var d = ''
var estyle = ""
// if deep search (multi-list), show the list name label as well
var qdeep = document.getElementById('checkall') ? document.getElementById('checkall').checked : false
if ((qdeep || deep || global_deep) && current_query.length > 0) {
eml.list = eml.list ? eml.list : eml.list_raw // Sometimes, .list isn't available
var elist = eml.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
var elist2 = elist
// shortlist? show dev@ instead of then
if (pm_config.shortLists) {
elist = elist.replace(/\.[^.]+\.[^.]+$/, "")
d = "<a href='list.html?" + elist2 + "'><label class='label label-warning' style='width: 150px;'>" + elist + "</label></a> &nbsp;"
// truncate subject even more if list labels are there
if (eml.subject.length > 75) {
eml.subject = eml.subject.substr(0, 75) + "..."
// escape subject
var subject = eml.subject.replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var mdate = formatEpochUTC(latest)
var pds = people > 1 ? "visible" : "hidden"
// style based on view before or not??
if (localStorageAvailable) {
if (! window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + || (subs > 0 && parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("viewed_" + < latest )){
estyle = "font-weight: bold;"
var people_label = "<label style='visibility:" + pds + "; float: right; margin-right: 8px; ' id='people_"+i+"' class='listview_label label label-" + lp + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + people + " <span class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>people</span></label>"
var subs_label = "<label id='subs_" + i + "' style='float: right; margin-right: 8px;' class='label label-" + ls + "'> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 16px; text-align: right;'>" + subs + "</span>&nbsp;<span style='display: inline-block; width: 40px; text-align: left;' class='hidden-xs hidden-sm'>" + (subs != 1 ? "replies" : "reply") + "</span></label>"
// social theme display
if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "social") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item' style='min-height: 64px; float: left; width:100%;'><div style='min-height: 64px;'><div style='width:100%; float: left; padding-left: 70px;'>" +
d +
"<a style='" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" +
subject +
"</a> <label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" +
mdate +
"</label> &nbsp; " + subs_label + people_label +
"<br/>By " + from + "</div>"
nest += "<div style='width: 100%; float: left; min-height: 64px;' id='bubble_"+i+"'>" +
"<div style='width: 64px; float: left;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=48&r=g&d=mm'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div class='bubble-topic' style='float: left; width:calc(100% - 70px);'>"+ (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "<br/>" +
"<a class='label label-info' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' style='font-size: 85%; padding: 2px;' onclick='latestEmailInThread = " +
latest +
"; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>Read more..</a>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
"<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></div></li>"
// compact theme display
else if (prefs.theme && prefs.theme == "compact") {
var from = eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "").length > 0 ? eml.from.replace(/<.*>/, "") : eml.from.replace(/[<>]+/g, "")
from = "<span class='from_name'>" + from.replace(/\"/g, "") + "</span>"
var sbody = (eml.body||json[i].body||'').replace(/</g, "&lt;") + "&nbsp;"
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div><div style='width: 190px; float: left; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" +
"<img src='" + eml.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm'/>&nbsp;<b>" +
from +
"</b></div> " +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 230px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "&nbsp; " +
"</div><div style='width: calc(100% - 270px); color: #999; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;'>" + sbody +
"</div></div>" + "<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
// default theme display
else {
nest += "<li class='list-group-item'>" +
"<div style='width: calc(100% - 200px); white-space:nowrap; overflow: hidden;'>" +
d + "<a style='overflow:hidden;" + estyle + "' href='thread.html/" + (pm_config.shortLinks ? shortenID( : encodeURIComponent( + "' onclick='\"\"; latestEmailInThread = " + latest+ "; toggleEmails_threaded(" + i + "); latestEmailInThread = 0; return false;'>" + subject +
"</div></a> <div style='float: right;position:absolute;right:4px;top:12px;';><a style='float: right; opacity: 0.75; margin-left: 2px; margin-top: -3px;' href='api/atom.lua?mid=" + + "'><img src='images/atom.png' title='Subscribe to this thread as an atom feed'/></a><label style='float: right; width: 110px;' class='label label-" + ld + "' title='" + ti + "'>" + mdate + "</label>" +
subs_label + people_label + "&nbsp; " + "</div>" + "<div id='thread_" + i + "' style='display:none';></div></li>"
nest += "</ul>"
var bulk = document.getElementById('emails')
bulk.innerHTML = ""
// Top nav buttons
var tnav = "<div style='width: 100%; position: relative;'>"
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
var remain
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
tnav += '<div style="width: 40%; float: right;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
tnav += "</div><br/><br>"
// Emails
bulk.innerHTML += tnav + nest
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes') {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-10")
} else {
bulk.parentNode.setAttribute("class", "well col-md-10 col-lg-7")
var dp = (deep || (global_deep && current_query.length > 0)) ? 'true' : 'false'
// Bottom nav buttons
if (start > 0) {
var nstart = Math.max(0, start - limit)
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: left;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + nstart + ');">Show previous '+d_ppp+'</a> &nbsp </div>'
} else {
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">&nbsp;</div>'
// subscribe button
var sublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-subscribe@")
var innerbuttons = '<a href="mailto:' + sublist + '" title="Click to subscribe to this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Subscribe</a>'
var unsublist = xlist.replace(/@/, "-unsubscribe@")
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="mailto:' + unsublist + '" title="Click to unsubscribe from this list" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-primary">Unsubscribe</a>'
if (login && login.credentials) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="compose(null, \'' + xlist + '\');">Start a new thread</a>'
// Favorite or forget
if (login && login.credentials && xlist) {
var found = false
for (var i in (login.favorites || [])) {
if (login.favorites[i] == xlist) {
found = true
innerbuttons += '<span id="favbtn">'
if (found) {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-default" onclick="favorite(false, \'' + xlist + '\');">Remove from favorites</a>'
} else {
innerbuttons += ' &nbsp; <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="margin: 0 auto" class="btn btn-info" onclick="favorite(true, \'' + xlist + '\');">Add list to favorites</a>'
innerbuttons += '</span>'
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;">' + innerbuttons + '</div>'
if (json.length > (start + limit)) {
remain = Math.min(d_ppp, json.length - (start + limit))
bulk.innerHTML += '<div style="width: 33%; float: left;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" style="float: right;" class="btn btn-success" onclick="loadList_threaded(false, ' + d_ppp + ', ' + (start + d_ppp) + ');">Show next ' + remain + '</a></div>'
// loadEmails_threaded: Callback for receiving a doc via ES, save and displays the email
function loadEmails_threaded(json, state) {
current_thread_mids = {}
saved_emails[json.tid ? json.tid : json.mid] = json
displayEmailThreaded(json, {
main: state.blockid,
before: state.blockid
}, state.object)
getChildren(state.blockid, state.thread)