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// showTrends: Show the ML trends on trends.html
function showTrends(json, state) {
var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000
var obj = document.getElementById('trends')
if (!obj) {
var daterange = ""
if (state.tspan == 0) {
obj.innerHTML += "<h4>Invalid date range specified!</h4>"
// Add the timespan if it makes sense (has a beginning and end)
if (state.dfrom || state.dto) {
daterange = " between " + (state.dfrom ? state.dfrom.toDateString() : "beginning of time") + " and " + (state.dto ? state.dto.toDateString() : "now")
// Link back to list view if possible
var lname = json.list.replace(/</, "&lt;")
if (\*/) == -1) {
lname = "<a href='/list.html?" + lname + "'>" + lname + "</a>"
// Set page title
obj.innerHTML = "<h2>Statistics for " + lname + daterange + ":</h2>"
if ((state.query && state.query.length > 0) || (state.nquery && state.nquery.length > 0)) {
obj.innerHTML += "<i>(NB: You are using a search query which may distort these results)"
// for sake of displaying "N days" or just "days", make tspan empty string if null
if (state.tspan == null) {
state.tspan = ""
// save each daily stat for later canvas drawing
var daily = {}
// total emails sent in the past N days
var total_emails_current = 0;
var total_emails_past = 0;
for (var i in json.emails) {
var f = parseInt(json.emails[i].epoch/86400)
daily[f] = daily[f] ? daily[f]+1 : 1
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.emails[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
} else {
// change since past timespan as relative number and percentage
var diff = total_emails_current-total_emails_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_emails_past)*100)
var emls_sent = document.createElement('div')
emls_sent.setAttribute("style", "margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #F8684E; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 420px;")
emls_sent.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-envelope'> </span> " + total_emails_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2>Emails sent during these " + state.tspan + " days,<br/>"
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_emails_current >= total_emails_past) {
emls_sent.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_emails_current-total_emails_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
} else {
emls_sent.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_emails_past-total_emails_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
// total topics started in the past 3 months
var total_topics_current = 0;
var total_topics_past = 0;
for (var i in json.thread_struct) {
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.thread_struct[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
} else {
var diff = total_topics_current-total_topics_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_topics_past)*100)
var topics_sent = document.createElement('div')
topics_sent.setAttribute("style", "margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #F99A00; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 420px;")
topics_sent.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-list-alt'> </span> " + total_topics_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2>topics started during these " + state.tspan + " days,<br/>"
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_topics_current >= total_topics_past) {
topics_sent.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_topics_current-total_topics_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
} else {
topics_sent.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_topics_past-total_topics_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
// people participating in the past 3 months
// As we can't just count them, we'll construct a hash and count the no. of elements in it
var total_people_current = 0;
var total_people_past = 0;
var hc = {}
var hp = {}
for (var i in json.emails) {
if ((state.dfrom == null) || json.emails[i].epoch >= (state.dfrom.getTime()/1000)) {
hc[json.emails[i].from] = (hc[json.emails[i].from] ? hc[json.emails[i].from] : 0) + 1
} else {
hp[json.emails[i].from] = (hp[json.emails[i].from] ? hp[json.emails[i].from] : 0) + 1
// count elements in the hashes
for (var i in hc) { total_people_current++;}
for (var i in hp) { total_people_past++;}
var diff = total_people_current-total_people_past
var pct = parseInt((diff / total_people_past)*100)
var parts = document.createElement('div')
parts.setAttribute("style", "margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #00A757; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 420px;")
parts.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'> </span> " + total_people_current.toLocaleString() + "</h2>Participants during these " + state.tspan + " days,<br/>"
if (!isNaN(pct)) {
if (total_people_current >= total_people_past) {
parts.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#00D0F1'>up</b> " + (total_people_current-total_people_past) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
} else {
parts.innerHTML += "<b style='color:#F9BA00'>down</b> " + (total_people_past-total_people_current) + " (" + pct + "%) compared to previous " + state.tspan + " days."
// Display charts if possible
if (state.dfrom && state.dto) {
['Previous timespan', 'Current timespan'],
["Emails sent", total_emails_past, total_emails_current],
["Topics started", total_topics_past, total_topics_current],
["Participants", total_people_past, total_people_current],
{ stack: false, curve: false, title: "Stats for the past " + state.tspan + " days (compared to previous timespan)", nox: false }
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?list='+state.listname+'&domain='+state.domain+'&d=' + state.dspan + "&q=" + ((state.query && state.query.length > 0) ? state.query : "") + state.nquery, {tspan: state.tspan}, showTop)
// daily chart rendering with quokka
var days = []
for (var d in daily) {
var arr = []
// for each element, reconstruct the date
for (var d in days) {
var day = new Date(days[d]*86400*1000)
// if in this timespan, color it blue
if (day.getTime() >= state.dfrom.getTime()) {
arr.push([day, daily[days[d]], '#00C0F1'])
// else, color it green
} else {
arr.push([day, daily[days[d]], '#2DC47B'])
// draw the chart
quokkaBars("dayCanvas", ['Current timespan', '', 'Previous timespan'], arr, {verts: false, title: "Daily email stats"})
// callback for top10 stats
function showTop(json, state) {
var obj = document.getElementById('trends')
if (!obj) {
var daterange = ""
if (state.tspan == 0) {
// Top 10 participants
var top10 = document.createElement('div')
top10.setAttribute("style", "margin: 10px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; border-radius: 8px; background: #00C0F1; color: #FFF; font-family: sans-serif; width: 420px;")
top10.innerHTML = "<h2 style='margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty'> </span> Top 10 participants:</h2>"
var l = "<ul>"
for (var i in json.participants) {
var part = json.participants[i]
l += "<li><img src='" + part.gravatar + ".jpg?s=24&r=g&d=mm' style='margin: 5px;'/><b>" +</, "&lt;") + ": </b>" + part.count + " email" + (part.count == 1 ? "" : "s") + "</li>"
l += "</ul>"
top10.innerHTML += l
// onload func that figures out what we want and then asks the API for stats
function gatherTrends() {
// get list, timespan and query from the html page
var args =
var a_arr = args.split(/:/, 3)
var list = a_arr[0]
var dspan = a_arr[1]
var query = a_arr[2]
// Try to detect header searches, if present
var nquery = ""
if (query && query.length > 0) {
var stuff = ['from', 'subject', 'body']
for (var k in stuff) {
// can we find 'header=foo' stuff?
var r = RegExp(stuff[k] + "=(.+)", "mi")
var m = query.match(r)
if (m) {
query = query.replace(m[0], "")
// append to the header_foo query
nquery += "&header_" + stuff[k] + "=" + escape(m[1])
if (query == undefined) {
query = ""
// default to 1 month view if nothing else is supplied
if (!dspan || dspan.length == 0) {
dspan = "lte=1M"
// figure out when this is and what the double is (for comparisons)
var xa = datePickerDouble(dspan)
// split list name for stats.lua
var arr = list.split(/@/)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
// Get us some data
GetAsync('/api/stats.lua?list='+listname+'&domain='+domain+'&d=' + xa[0] + "&q=" + ((query && query.length > 0) ? query : "") + nquery, { nquery: nquery, listname: listname, domain: domain, dbl: xa[0], dfrom: xa[1], dto: xa[2], tspan: xa[3], dspan: dspan, query: query }, showTrends)
document.title = "Stats for " + list + " - Pony Mail!"