blob: 65675a1b6f0678698387349009deb851ed6ec850 [file] [log] [blame]
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// toggleCalendar: Expands/contracts years in the calendar (to show/hide months)
function toggleCalendar(year) {
var cal = document.getElementById('cal_' + year)
if (cal) { = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
for (var i = 1970; i < 3000; i++) {
var x = document.getElementById('cal_' + i)
if (x && x != cal) { = 'none'
// buildCalendar: build the calendar
function buildCalendar(firstYear, lastYear) {
var dp = document.getElementById('datepicker') = "150px"
dp.innerHTML = "<h3>Archive:</h3>"
var fyear = lastYear ? lastYear : new Date().getFullYear();
// Check we don't esplode
if (fyear > new Date().getFullYear()) {
fyear = new Date().getFullYear();
for (var year = fyear; year >= (firstYear ? firstYear : current_cal_min); year--) {
var n = "none";
if (fyear == firstYear) {
n = "block"
dp.innerHTML += "<label onmouseout='this.setAttribute(\"class\", \"label label-success\");' onmouseover='this.setAttribute(\"class\", \"label label-warning\");' onclick='toggleCalendar(" + year + ");' class='label label-success' style='float: left; width: 120px; font-size: 11pt; cursor: pointer'>" + year + "</label><br/>"
var cale = "<div style='float: left; width: 90%; display: " + n + "; padding-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 15px;' id='cal_" + year + "'>"
var em = (new Date().getFullYear() == year) ? new Date().getMonth() : 11;
for (var y = em; y >= 0; y--) {
var url = "/list.html?" + xlist + ":" + (year+"-"+(y+1))
cale += "<a href='" + url + "' onclick='return false;'><label id='calmonth_" + (year+"-"+(y+1)) + "' style='width: 80px; float: left;cursor: pointer;' class='label label-default label-hover' onclick='toggleEmail(" + year + ", " + (y + 1) + ");' >" + months[y] + "</label></a><br/>"
cale += "</div>"
dp.innerHTML += cale
// dailyStats: compiles the day-by-day stats for a chunk of emails
function dailyStats(json) {
var days = {}
for (var i in json) {
var day = new Date(json[i].epoch * 1000).getDate()
days[day] = days[day] ? (days[day] + 1) : 1
var stats = []
for (var z = 0; z < 32; z++) {
stats.push(days[z] ? days[z] : 0)
return stats
function clearCalendarHover() {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
// checkCalendar: keep the calendar in check with the result set
function checkCalendar(json) {
if (json.list && !list_year[json.list]) {
xlist = (json.list &&\*/) == -1) ? json.list : xlist
list_year[json.list] = json.firstYear
buildCalendar(json.firstYear, json.lastYear)
if (xlist != json.list || current_cal_min != json.firstYear) {
buildCalendar(json.firstYear, json.lastYear)
xlist = (json.list &&\*/) == -1) ? json.list : xlist
current_cal_min = json.firstYear
// buildStats: build the stats window
function buildStats(json, state, show) {
var stats = document.getElementById('stats') = "300px"
stats.innerHTML = "<br/><h4>Stats for this blob of emails:</h4>"
if (!json.emails || json.emails.length == 0) {
stats.innerHTML = "<br/><br/>No emails found matching this criteria"
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML = ""
if (json.emails && json.emails.length >= json.max) {
stats.innerHTML += "<font color='#FA0'>More than " + json.max.toLocaleString() + " emails found, truncating!</font><br/>"
var ap = ""
if (json.numparts && json.numparts > 1) {
ap = " by " + json.numparts + " people"
stats.innerHTML += (json.emails.length ? json.emails.length : 0) + " emails sent" + ap + ", divided into " + json.no_threads + " topics."
stats.innerHTML += "[<a href='/trends.html" + + "'>details</a>]"
stats.innerHTML += "<br/>"
var ts = "<table border='0'><tr>"
var ms = dailyStats(json.emails)
var max = 1
for (var i in ms) {
max = Math.max(max, ms[i])
for (var i in ms) {
ts += "<td style='padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: bottom'><div title='" + ms[i] + " emails' style='background: #369; width: 6px; height: " + parseInt((ms[i] / max) * 60) + "px;'> </div></td>"
ts += "</tr></table>"
stats.innerHTML += ts
stats.innerHTML += "<h4>Top 10 contributors:</h4>"
for (var i in json.participants) {
if (i >= 10) {
var par = json.participants[i]
if ( > 24) { =, 23) + "..."
if ( == 0) { =
stats.innerHTML += "<img src='" + par.gravatar + ".jpg?s=32&r=g&d=mm' style='vertical-align:middle'/>&nbsp;<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='do_search(\"" + + "\", \"" + current_retention + "\")'><b>" +[<>]/g, "") + "</a>:</b> " + par.count + " email(s)<br/>";
// Show display modes
stats.innerHTML += "<br/><br/><b>Display mode:</b><br/>"
for (var mode in viewModes) {
var btn = document.createElement('a')
btn.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-" + ((prefs.displayMode == mode) ? 'info' : 'default'))
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "prefs.displayMode='" + mode + "'; buildPage();") = "10px"
btn.innerHTML = mode
var btn = document.createElement('a')
btn.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-warning")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "prefs.hideStats='yes'; buildStats(old_json, old_state, false);") = "10px"
btn.innerHTML = "Hide me!"
if (prefs.hideStats == 'yes' || show == false) {
document.getElementById('emails').style.width = "calc(100% - 190px)"
// Resize on resize to work around CSS bug. Might wanna move this elsewhere later on..
window.onresize = function() {
document.getElementById('emails').style.width = "calc(100% - 190px)"
stats.setAttribute("class", "col-md-1 vertical-text")
stats.innerHTML = "<div onclick=\"prefs.hideStats='no'; buildStats(old_json, old_state, true);\">Show stats panel..</div>"
if (prefs.hideStats == 'no' || show == true) {
stats.setAttribute("class", "hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md col-lg-3")
var sw = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth + 30 + stats.offsetWidth;
document.getElementById('emails').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
// Resize on resize to work around CSS bug. Might wanna move this elsewhere later on..
window.onresize = function() {
var sw = document.getElementById('datepicker').offsetWidth + 30 + stats.offsetWidth;
document.getElementById('emails').style.width = "calc(100% - " + sw + "px)"
// = "block"
if ( {
for (var i in {
stats.innerHTML += "<h4 style='text-align: center;'>Hot topics:</h4>"
stats.appendChild(wordCloud(, 250, 80))
break // so..this'll run if cloud has stuff, otherwise not.
// buildPage: build the entire page!
function buildPage(json, state) {
start = new Date().getTime()
pb_refresh = start
json = json ? json : old_json
old_json = json
old_state = state
current_thread_mids = []
document.title = json.list + " - Pony Mail!"
// if we have xdomain, rewrite the wording in quick search.
var lcheckall = document.getElementById('lcheckall')
if (lcheckall && gxdomain) {
lcheckall.innerHTML = "Search all " + gxdomain + " lists"
// Add Opensearch title to OS image
var os = document.getElementById('opensearch')
if (os){
os.setAttribute("title", "Add " + gxdomain + " archives to your search engines")
buildStats(json, state, null)
nest = ""
viewModes[prefs.displayMode].list(json, 0, 0, state ? state.deep : false);
if (!json.emails || !json.emails.length || json.emails.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<h3>No emails found fitting this criteria</h3>"
if (json.private && json.private == true) {
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<h4>Looks like you don't have access to this archive. Maybe you need to be logged in?</h4>"
if (json.took) {
var rtime = new Date().getTime() - start
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<br/><br/><small><i>Compiled in " + parseInt(json.took / 1000) + "ms, rendered in " + rtime + "ms</i></small>"
if (json.debug && pm_config.debug) {
document.getElementById('emails').innerHTML += "<br/><br/><small><i>Debug times: " + json.debug.join(" + ") + "</i></small>"
// getListInfo: Renders the top ML index
function getListInfo(list, xdomain, nopush) {
current_query = ""
var dealtwithit = false
if (xdomain &&"utm_source=opensearch") != -1) {
var strs = xdomain.split(/&/)
for (var i in strs) {
var kv = strs[i].split(/=/)
if (kv[0] == "websearch") {
current_query = kv[1]
if (kv[0] == "domain") {
xdomain = kv[1]
xlist = "*@" + xdomain;
list = xlist;
if (document.getElementById('checkall')) {
document.getElementById('checkall').checked = true
nopush = true
dealtwithit = true
search(current_query, "lte=1M", true, true)
else if (xdomain && xdomain != "") {
if (xdomain.length <= 1) {
xdomain = null
} else {
if ( != -1) {
var arr = xdomain.split(/:/)
xdomain = arr[0]
xlist = xdomain
if (arr[1].search(/-/) != -1 && arr[1].search("|") == -1) {
var ya = arr[1].split(/-/)
toggleEmail(ya[0], ya[1], nopush)
dealtwithit = true
} else {
current_retention = parseInt(arr[1])
if (("x"+current_retention) != ("x"+arr[1])) {
current_retention = arr[1]
nopush = true
current_query = unescape(arr[2])
if ( != -1) {
list = xdomain;
xlist = list
xdomain = xdomain.replace(/^.*?@/, "")
if (xdomain == undefined || xdomain == "" && list) {
xdomain = list.replace(/^.*?@/, "")
if (!list || list.length <= 1) {
list = 'dev@' + xdomain
if (!firstVisit && !nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist);
firstVisit = false
var dp = document.getElementById('dp')
dp[0].text = datePickerValue(current_retention)
dp[0].value = current_retention
document.getElementById('q').value = unescape(current_query)
document.getElementById('aq').value = unescape(current_query)
xlist = list;
var arr = list.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
var lc = document.getElementById('lc_dropdown');
lc.innerHTML = ""
var dom_sorted = []
for (var dom in all_lists) {
// Sort out available domains with MLs
for (var i in dom_sorted.sort()) {
var dom = dom_sorted[i]
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(dom)
a.setAttribute("href", "list.html?" + dom)
// If we have a domain ML listing, sort out the nav bar
if (all_lists[xdomain]) {
var ll = document.getElementById('listslist')
ll.innerHTML = ""
var listnames = []
for (var key in all_lists[xdomain]) {
var overlaps = []
listnames = listnames.sort(function(a, b) {
return all_lists[xdomain][b] - all_lists[xdomain][a]
for (var i in listnames) {
var key = listnames[i]
var collapse = ''
if (i >= 4) {
collapse = 'hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg'
var ln = key + '@' + xdomain
//alert("adding" + ln)
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(key + '@')
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "getListInfo(this.getAttribute('id'))")
a.setAttribute("id", ln)
if (!all_lists[xdomain][listname]) {
listname = key
list = ln
xlist = ln
if (list == ln) {
li.setAttribute("class", "active " + collapse)
} else {
li.setAttribute("class", collapse)
if (overlaps.length > 0) {
ll.innerHTML += '<li class="dropdown navbar-right" id="otherlists"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Other lists:<span class="caret"></span></a><ul class="dropdown-menu" id="otherlists_dropdown"></ul></li>'
var ul = document.getElementById('otherlists_dropdown')
for (var i in overlaps) {
var key = overlaps[i]
var ln = key + '@' + xdomain
var li = document.createElement("li")
var a = document.createElement("a")
var t = document.createTextNode(key + '@')
a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(0);")
a.setAttribute("onclick", "getListInfo(this.getAttribute('id'))")
a.setAttribute("id", ln)
if (list == ln) {
li.setAttribute("class", "active")
} else {
li.setAttribute("class", "")
gxdomain = xdomain
if (!dealtwithit) {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = list + ", last month"
if (current_query == "") {
global_deep = false
current_query = ""
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain, null, buildPage)
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist);
} else {
search(current_query, current_retention, nopush)