blob: e7dea0ecaf1b51f14ebd4455d6d34c567132e700 [file] [log] [blame]
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// findEml: Finds and returns an email object based on message ID
function findEml(id) {
for (var i in current_flat_json) {
if (current_flat_json[i].id == id) {
return current_flat_json[i]
// countSubs: counts the number of replies to an email
function countSubs(eml, state) {
var n = 0;
if (!state) {
n = -1
state = state ? state : {}
var x = eml.tid ? eml.tid : eml.mid
if (!state[x]) {
state[x] = true
for (var i in eml.children) {
if (true) {
//state[eml.children[i].tid] = true
n += countSubs(eml.children[i], state);
return n
// countNewest: finds the newest email in a thread
function countNewest(eml) {
var n = eml.epoch;
for (var i in eml.children) {
n = Math.max(n, countNewest(eml.children[i]));
return n
// countParts: counts the number of unique participants in a thread
function countParts(eml, kv) {
var n = 0;
var email = findEml(eml.tid)
kv = kv ? kv : {}
if (!email) {
return n
if (!kv[email.from]) {
kv[email.from] = true
for (var i in eml.children) {
n += countParts(eml.children[i], kv);
return n
// sortIt: sort function for emails: sorts by age
function sortIt(json) {
for (var i in json) {
json[i].latest = countNewest(json[i])
if (json && json != undefined && json.sort) {
json.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.latest - a.latest
return (json && json.sort) ? json : []
// getChildren: fetch all replies to a topic from ES
function getChildren(main, email, level) {
level = level ? level : 1
var pchild = null
if (email.children && email.children.sort) {
email.children.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.epoch - a.epoch
for (var i in email.children) {
var child = email.children[i]
if (child.tid != email.mid) {
var eml = saved_emails[child.tid]
if (!eml || !eml.from) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + child.tid, {
main: main,
before: email.tid,
pchild: pchild,
child: child,
level: level+1
}, displayEmailThreaded)
} else {
displayEmailThreaded(eml, {
main: main,
before: email.tid,
pchild: pchild,
child: child,
level: level+1
pchild = child.tid
// permaLink: redirect to an email permalink
function permaLink(id, type) {
var t = 'thread'
if (prefs.groupBy == 'date') {
t = 'permalink'
var eml = findEml(id)
if (eml) { // This is so, in case you move to another list software, you'll keep back compat
id = eml['message-id']
}"/" + t + ".html/" + id, "_new")
// getSingleEmail: fetch an email from ES and go to callback
function getSingleEmail(id) {
GetAsync("/api/email.lua?id=" + id, null, displaySingleEmail)
// seedGetSingleThread: pre-caller for the above.
function seedGetSingleThread(id) {
GetAsync("/api/preferences.lua", {docall:["/api/thread.lua?id=" + id, displaySingleThread]}, seedPrefs)
Number.prototype.pad = function(size) {
var str = String(this);
while (str.length < size) {
str = "0" + str;
return str;
function formatDate(date){
return (date.getFullYear() + "-" +
(date.getMonth()+1).pad(2) + "-" +
date.getDate().pad(2) + " " +
date.getHours().pad(2) + ":" +