blob: 7e4caf40f258cc6aaa152b97b97fd71234678d60 [file] [log] [blame]
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function saveDraft() {
// If the user was composing a new thread, let's save the contents (if any)
// for next time
if (document.getElementById('reply_body')) {
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (composeType == "new") {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_body_" + xlist, document.getElementById('reply_body').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_subject_" + xlist, document.getElementById('reply_subject').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_list", xlist)
composeType = ""
// Likewise, if composing a reply, save it in case the user wants to revisit
// the draft
} else if (composeType == "reply" && current_reply_eid) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_body_eid_" + current_reply_eid, document.getElementById('reply_body').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_subject_eid_" + current_reply_eid, document.getElementById('reply_subject').value)
window.sessionStorage.setItem("reply_list_eid_", current_reply_eid)
composeType = ""
// hideComposer: hide the composer (splash) window
function hideComposer(evt, nosave) {
var es = evt ? ( || evt.srcElement) : null;
if (!es || !es.getAttribute || !es.getAttribute("class") || (es.nodeName != 'A' && es.getAttribute("class").search(/label/) == -1)) {
if (!nosave) {
document.getElementById('splash').style.display = "none"
// sendEmail: send an email
function sendEmail(form) {
// We have a bit of a mix here due to nginx not supporting multipart form data
var of = []
for (var k in compose_headers) {
of.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(compose_headers[k]))
// Push the subject and email body into the form data
of.push("subject=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('reply_subject').value))
of.push("body=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('reply_body').value))
if (login && login.alternates && document.getElementById('alt')) {
of.push("alt=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('alt').options[document.getElementById('alt').selectedIndex].value))
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", URL_BASE + "/api/compose.lua");
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.send(of.join("&")) // send email as a POST string
// Clear the draft stuff
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (compose_headers.eid && compose_headers.eid.length > 0) {
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_subject_eid_" + compose_headers.eid)
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_body_eid_" + compose_headers.eid)
// Clear new draft too if need be
if (composeType == "new") {
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)
window.sessionStorage.removeItem("reply_body_" + xlist)
hideComposer(null, true)
// Open the annoying popup dialogue :)
popup("Email dispatched!", "Provided it passes spam checks, your email should be on its way to the mailing list now. <br/><b>Do note:</b> Some lists are always moderated, so your reply may be held for moderation for a while.", 5, "composer")
// compose: render a compose dialog for a reply to an email
function compose(eid, lid, type) {
var email = null
// If a list ID is supplied, try to work out which list,
// and create a dummy email object, as we're not
// replying to an email here.
if (lid) {
if (lid == "xlist") {
if (xlist != null && xlist.length > 4) {
lid = xlist;
} else {
lid = null
if (lid != null) {
email = {
'message-id': "",
'list': xlist.replace("@", "."),
'subject': "",
'body': "",
'from': "",
'date': ""
composeType = "new"
else {
composeType = "reply"
email = saved_emails[eid]
// If we have a valid dummy email or are replying to an email, then...
if (email != null) {
var truncated = false
if (login.credentials) {
current_reply_eid = eid
// Turn list-id into an actual email address to send to
var listname = email['list'].replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/^([^.]+)\./, "$1@")
// Save some smtp headers for later
compose_headers = {
'eid': eid,
'in-reply-to': email['message-id'],
'references': email['message-id'] + " " + (email['references'] ? email['references'] : ""),
'to': listname
// find the composer pane and show it
var obj = document.getElementById('splash') = "block"
// Set the right title of the pane
what = "Reply to email"
if (lid) {
what = "Start a new thread"
obj.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: right;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideComposer(event)' style='color: #FFF;'>Hit escape to close this window or click here<big> &#x2612;</big></a></p><h3>" + what + " on " + listname + ":</h3>"
// Append the previous email body, if such exists
var area = document.createElement('textarea') = "660px" = "400px";
area.setAttribute("id", "reply_body")
var eml = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from.replace(/</mg, "&lt;") + " wrote: \n"
email.body = email.body.replace(/\r/mg, "")
eml += email.body.replace(/^([^\n]*)/mg, "&gt; $1")
var eml_raw = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from + " wrote: \n"
eml_raw += email.body.replace(/^([^\n]*)/mg, "> $1")
var subject = "Re: " + email.subject.replace(/^Re:\s*/mg, "").replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
// If it's a new email, scrap what we just did...gee, swell!
if (lid) {
eml = ""
eml_raw = ""
subject = ""
// Do we have alternate email addresses associated?
// If so, let the user pick which to send from
if (login.alternates && login.alternates.length !== undefined) {
var alts = {}
alts[] =
for (var i in login.alternates) {
alts[login.alternates[i]] = login.alternates[i]
obj.appendChild(generateFormDivs('alt', 'Send as:', 'select', alts,
obj.innerHTML += "<div>&nbsp;</div>"
// Set up a subject text field, populate it
obj.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Subject: '))
var txt = document.createElement('input')
txt.setAttribute("type", "text")
txt.setAttribute("style", "width: 500px;")
txt.value = subject
txt.setAttribute("id", "reply_subject")
// Set email body in HTML
area.innerHTML = eml
// Do we need to fetch cache here?
if (sessionStorageAvailable) {
if (composeType == "new" && window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)) {
area.innerHTML = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_body_" + xlist)
txt.value = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_" + xlist)
} else if (composeType == "reply" && window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_eid_" + eid)) {
area.innerHTML = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_body_eid_" + eid)
txt.value = window.sessionStorage.getItem("reply_subject_eid_" + eid)
// submit button
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success") = "#51A351 !important"
btn.setAttribute("value", lid ? "Send email" : "Send reply")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "sendEmail(this.form)")
// reply-via-mua button
if (!lid) {
// construct long and winding mailto: link
// Make sure we don't go over 16k chars in the body,
// or we'll risk a namespace error in the link
var eml_raw_short = eml_raw
var N = 16000
if (eml_raw_short.length > N) {
truncated = true
eml_raw_short = eml_raw_short.substring(0, N) + "\n[message truncated...]"
var xlink = 'mailto:' + listname + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&amp;In-Reply-To=" + encodeURIComponent(email['message-id']) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(eml_raw_short)
// Make a button object
var btn = document.createElement('input')
btn.setAttribute("type", "button")
btn.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-info") = "right" = "#51A351 !important"
btn.setAttribute("value", "reply via your own mail client")
btn.setAttribute("onclick", "location.href=\"" + xlink + "\";")
// Focus on body or subject, depending on what's going on
if (composeType == "new" && txt.value.length == 0) {
// If not logged in, we don't show the UI, but we do show a "reply-via-MUA" button
} else {
// Same as above, construct mailto: link
var eml_raw = "\n\nOn " + + ", " + email.from + " wrote: \n"
eml_raw += email.body.replace(/([^\r\n]*)/mg, "> $1")
// Same as before, we have to truncate very large emails
// or the URL to MUA won't work and throw a namespace error
var eml_raw_short = eml_raw
var N = 16000
if (eml_raw_short.length > N) {
truncated = true
eml_raw_short = eml_raw_short.substring(0, N) + "\n[message truncated...]"
var subject = "Re: " + email.subject.replace(/^Re:\s*/mg, "").replace(/</mg, "&lt;")
var link = 'mailto:' + email.list.replace(/[<>]/g, "").replace(/([^.]+)\./, "$1@") + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&In-Reply-To=" + encodeURIComponent(email['message-id']) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(eml_raw_short)
// Get compose pane, show it
var obj = document.getElementById('splash') = "block"
obj.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: right;'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='hideComposer(event)' style='color: #FFF;'>Hit escape to close this window or click here<big> &#x2612;</big></a></p><h3>Reply to email:</h3>"
// "sorry, but..." text + mua link
obj.innerHTML += "<p>You need to be logged in to reply online.<br/>If you have a regular mail client, you can reply to this email by clicking below:<br/><h4><a style='color: #FFF;' class='btn btn-success' onclick='hideComposer(event);' href=\"" + link + "\">Reply via Mail Client</a></h4>"
// truncation warning for very long emails
if (composeType == 'reply' && truncated) {
obj.innerHTML += "<div><br/><i><b>Note: </b>In case of very long emails such as this, the body may be truncated if you choose to reply using your own mail client</i></div>"
} else {
alert("I don't know which list to send an email to, sorry :(")