Installing Pony Mail


You will need the following software installed on your machine:

  • ElasticSearch >= 1.3 (2.0 is not supported yet)
  • Python 3.x for the archiver plugin ( will handle dependencies) and importer
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.4.x with mod_lua (see if you need to build mod_lua manually)
  • Lua 5.2 or 5.1 with the following modules: cjson, luasec, luasocket

Download and Install

  • Download the git repo: git clone
  • Start ElasticSearch on the machine it needs to run on.
  • Run in the tools dir:
      $cd toosl
      ...[follow instructions in the setup script]
  • Edit site/js/config.js to suit your needs (usually very little editing is needed)

Using auth for ElasticSearch

If your ElasticSearch instance requires authentication for the importer/archiver, please add the following lines in the elasticsearch block of ponymail.cfg once generated:

user:           [username for ES]
password:       [password for ES]

Using Apache HTTP Server:

  • Set up a VirtualHost block in Apache httpd that points to the site/ directory in Pony Mail
  • Add the configuration snippets from configs/ponymail_httpd.conf to the virtual host
  • Start Apache httpd to enable the user-facing interface

Using nginx:

  • To use nginx, you will also need to install the lua-apr module from your distro.
  • Set up a Server block in nginx that points to the site/ directory in Pony Mail
  • Add the configuration snippets from configs/ponymail_nginx.conf to the server config
  • Start nginx to enable the user-facing interface

Setting up the archiver

If your mailing list supports feeding emails to a program, feed the incoming new emails to python3 /path/to/tools/ and it will use STDIN as the transport mechanism. If you are simply using aliases or dot-forwards and no ML system, you can add (for example) "|/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/tools/" to your alias file to enable archiving. If you are not using a Mailing List manager, you will need to tell Pony Mail which email header determines the list ID using the --altheader argument, for instance:

    foolist: "|/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/tools/ --altheader delivered-to"

If you are using MailMan 3, you can add as an archive by following the instructions inside the python script:

  • Copy the file to $mailman_plugin_dir/mailman_ponymail/
  • Copy ponymail.cfg to the same dir (for ES configuration)
  • Enable the module by adding the following to your mailman.cfg file::
  # Pony Mail
  class: mailman_ponymail.Archiver
  enable: yes

Public versus private lists

In MailMan 3, this should be auto-detected and is not a concern. When using other ML systems via piping to STDIN, you should add the --private arg to the python script to mark an email as private:

    foolist-private: "|/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/tools/ --private"
    foolist-public: "|/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/tools/"

Bulk editing lists

You can use to perform bulk operations:

  • Rename lists
  • Mark entire lists are private or public

Run python3 --help for CLI args.

Setting up OAuth for Pony Mail

If you want people to be able to log in and reply via the Web UI, you can either use the default Persona login (works for all email addresses) or specify an OAuth provider.

Setting up or disabling Persona

Persona is enabled by default, as it's a fast and convenient way to enable logins for public lists. Should you wish to disable Persona, set the enabled variable to false in the persona section of site/js/config.js. Persona will only ever work for public lists. For private lists, you will need to specify and implement an OAuth provider.

Setting up an OAuth provider

Pony Mail comes with a default Apache OAuth example in site/js/config.js, that enables the ASF Oauth. You probably don't want this, so comment it out or edit it to suit your own needs. This is a standard OAuth that expects the backend to supply the following JSON data on success:

        "fullname": "The full name of the authed user",
        "email": "The user's email address",
        "uid": "(optional) The unique user ID of the logged in user (for instance, LDAP UID)",
        "isMember": true/false (optional, specifies whether the person is a privileged user with access to all lists)

For private list browsing, Pony Mail supplies an example AAA library in site/api/lib/aaa.lua that does LDAP lookups to determine which groups a person belongs to, and thus which lists said person has access to. Again, this is modelled on the Apache LDAP structure, so you may wish to change this to suit your need.

Whitelisting replies via the Web UI

To have Pony Mail accept replies done via the Web UI, you must make sure that site/api/lib/config.lua contains the appropriate string (or array of strings) matching the domain(s) you wish to allow new email for. To allow replies to everything, set this to * (NOT RECOMMENDED). You can also allow based on GLOBs or an array of accepted domains and sub-domains:

    accepted_domains = "*" -- This would allow posts to any email address, baaaad choice.
    accepted_domains = "" -- Allow only to *
    accepted_domains = "*" -- Allow only posts to *@*, but not *
    accepted_domains = { "", "*" } -- Allow posts both to * and

Setting email footers

It is possible to set email footers in each email sent via the Web UI. This is done by configuring the email_footer variable in site/api/lib/config.lua. You may use the following variables in the footer:

    $list: The mailing list being sent to (foo@bar.tld)
    $hostname: The hostname of the server
    $port: The port of the server (80, 443 etc)
    $msgid: The message ID of the email (for permalinks etc)

An example footer could be:

    Sent via Pony Mail for $list.
    To view this list online, visit: https://my.tld/list.html?$list
    To view this email (and subsequent replies), visit:

A note on email headers

By default, headers such as to/cc are not shown in the normal email view. To enable these headers, set full_headers to true in the site/api/lib/config.lua file.