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function resetPage() {
var obj = document.getElementById('emails')
if (obj) {
obj.innerHTML = ""
// toggleEmail: Fetch a list of emails from an ML in a specific year/month
function toggleEmail(year, mo, nopush) {
if (typeof year == 'string' && && typeof(mo) == 'undefined') {
var m = year.split(/-/)
year = parseInt(m[0])
mo = parseInt(m[1])
global_deep = false
current_query = ""
current_retention = year + "-" + mo
var arr = xlist.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var domain = arr[1]
var s = year + "-" + mo
var e = s
// if year and month is supplied, the calendar (to the left) should show where we are
// so let's open up the right year and set the CSS for the selected month
if (year && mo) {
kiddos = []
traverseThread(document.getElementById('datepicker'), 'calmonth', 'LABEL')
for (var n in kiddos) {
// if this is the active month, blue-ify it
if (kiddos[n].getAttribute("id") == ("calmonth_" + year + "-" + mo)) {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-info")
// otherwise, default css
} else {
kiddos[n].setAttribute("class", "label label-default label-hover")
// if month is supplied, prettify it
var xmo = mo ? parseInt(mo).toString() : ""
if (mo.length > 0 && mo <= 9) {
xmo = '0' + xmo
// push history state, fetch the data from API
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + xlist + ":" + year + '-' + xmo);
// update the quick search box
var dp = document.getElementById('d')
dp.value = datePickerValue(current_retention)
dp.setAttribute("data", current_retention)
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain + "&s=" + s + "&e=" + e, null, buildPage)
// set list title to list and year/month
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = xlist + " (" + months[mo - 1] + ", " + year + ")" + " &nbsp;<a rel='nofollow' href='api/mbox.lua?list=" + xlist + "&date=" + year + "-" + mo + "'><img src='images/download.png' title='Download this month as an mbox archive'/></a>"
// Top 10 search alias - for some reason search() can't be called from there... o.O
function searchTop(a,b,c,d) {
var obj = document.getElementById('q')
if (obj) {
obj.value = a
// search: run a search
function search(q, d, nopush, all) {
keywords = q
current_retention = d // we use this later in the pagebuilder
current_query = q // ditto
var arr = xlist.split('@', 2)
var listname = arr[0]
var olist = listname
var domain = arr[1]
// are we checking *@foo.tld ?
if (document.getElementById('checkall')) {
all = document.getElementById('checkall').checked
// If checking multiple lists, the globa_deep will tell the pagebuilder to also
// include the mailing list name in each result
global_deep = false
if (all == true) {
listname = "*"
global_deep = true
// we just made a new search, clear the selected month in the calendar to the left if that makes sense
// As usual, push new history state
if (!nopush) {
window.history.pushState({}, "", "list.html?" + listname + "@" + domain + ":" + d + ":" + encodeURIComponent(q));
// get the data from backend, push to page builder func
GetAsync("/api/stats.lua?list=" + listname + "&domain=" + domain + "&q=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&d=" + d, null, buildPage)
// for the list title, prepare the date range
// TODO: improve this much like we have with trends.html
var arr = datePickerDouble(d)
var howlong = datePickerValue(d)
// howlong may begin with a month which should not be lower-cased.
// or it may be 'Less than 1 month ago'
// Avoid checking by starting a new sentence
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = listname + "@" + domain + " (Quick Search. " + howlong + ") <a class='btn btn-warning' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='getListInfo(xlist)'>Clear filters</a>"
xlist = olist + "@" + domain
return false;
// searchAll: run a deep search of all lists
// much the same as search(), but with added stuff for from and subject field searches.
function searchAll(q, dspan, from, subject, where) {
keywords = q
current_retention = dspan
current_query = q
global_deep = true
var wherel = "*"
var whered = "*"
if (where && where == 'xlist') {
var a = xlist.split(/@/)
wherel = a[0]
whered = a[1]
var url = "/api/stats.lua?list="+wherel+"&domain="+whered+"&q=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&d=" + encodeURIComponent(dspan)
if (from) {
url += "&header_from=" + "\""+ encodeURIComponent(from) + "\""
current_query += " FROM:" + "\""+ encodeURIComponent(from) + "\""
if (subject) {
url += "&header_subject=\"" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "\""
current_query += " SUBJECT:\"" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "\""
GetAsync(url, {
deep: true
}, buildPage)
var arr = datePickerDouble(dspan)
var howlong = arr[3]
if (howlong == null || isNaN(howlong)) {
howlong = "custom date range"
} else {
if (howlong >= 365) {
howlong = parseInt(howlong/365) + " year"
} else if (howlong >= 30) {
howlong = "last " + parseInt(howlong/30) + " month" + (howlong>59 ? "s" : "")
} else {
howlong = howlong + " day"
document.getElementById('listtitle').innerHTML = "Deep Search, " + howlong + " view <a class='btn btn-warning' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='getListInfo(xlist)'>Clear filters</a>"
return false;
// Adds an opensearch engine to the browser
function addSearchEngine() {
window.external.AddSearchProvider(URL_BASE + "/api/websearch.lua?" + gxdomain)
// for firefox (chrome doesn't seem to get it just yet): add an opensearch header element,
// so the browser will notice that it's available, and inform the user in the quick search bar
function addSearchBar() {
var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
var sl = document.createElement('link')
sl.setAttribute("rel", "search")
sl.setAttribute("type", "application/opensearchdescription+xml")
sl.setAttribute("href", URL_BASE + "/api/websearch.lua?" + gxdomain)
sl.setAttribute("title", "PonyMail: " + gxdomain + " mailing lists")