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| From: Swapnil M Mane <swapnilmmane@apache.org> |
| Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2020 10:26:48 +0530 |
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| Subject: Re: Graduation or..? |
| To: dev@ponymail.incubator.apache.org |
| Cc: dev@ponymail.apache.org |
| Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" |
| |
| +1 to looks towards graduating to TLP. |
| My experience with Pony mail is also very good and it seems we are |
| good for graduation. |
| |
| |
| Best regards, |
| Swapnil M Mane, |
| www.apache.org |
| |
| On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 4:02 AM Daniel Gruno <humbedooh@apache.org> wrote: |
| > |
| > Hi folks, |
| > I've been asked a few times about this, and so I'm turning to the |
| > community for some feedback, maybe start a vote or I dunno. |
| > |
| > I am satisfied that the community around Pony Mail knows their way |
| > around the ASF, and that we do not have outstanding issues with learning |
| > how to conduct ourselves - that is to say, the incubator cannot teach us |
| > more, and so we should look towards either graduating to TLP or leaving |
| > the foundation. I'm in favor of the former, but I'd like to hear what |
| > other people have to say. Even a +1 to graduating would be appreciated. |
| > |
| > If we do move towards graduation, I'd also like for the respective PPMC |
| > members to state whether they are still active and want a role in the |
| > PMC, so we can draft a graduation proposal for the incubator and the board. |
| > |
| > With regards, |
| > Daniel. |
| |