blob: 08fe5be5b281046594eb3b52d213befab0bb2f9f [file] [log] [blame]
let mua_headers = {}; // communication between compose_email and compose_send
function compose_send() {
let content = [];
for (let k in mua_headers) {
content.push(k + "=" + encodeURIComponent(mua_headers[k]));
// Push the subject and email body into the form data
content.push("subject=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('composer_subject').value));
content.push("body=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('composer_body').value));
if (G_ponymail_preferences.login && G_ponymail_preferences.login.alternates && document.getElementById('composer_alt')) {
content.push("alt=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('composer_alt').options[document.getElementById('composer_alt').selectedIndex].value));
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "%sapi/compose.lua".format(G_apiURL));
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.send(content.join("&")); // send email as a POST string
request.onreadystatechange = function(state) {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
document.getElementById('composer_modal').style.display = 'none';
let response = JSON.parse(request.responseText)
if (response.error) {
modal("Message dispatch failed!", response.error, "error");
} else {
modal("Message dispatched!", "Your email has been sent. Depending on moderation rules, it may take a while before it shows up in the archives.", "help");
function compose_email(replyto, list) {
let email = null;
let mua_trigger = null;
let loggedIn = (G_ponymail_preferences.login && G_ponymail_preferences.login.credentials) ? true : false;
if (replyto) email = G_full_emails[replyto || ''];
let listname = list;
mua_headers = {};
if (email) {
listname = email.list_raw.replace(/[<>]/g, '').replace('.', '@', 1);
mua_trigger = mua_link(email);
if (email['message-id'] && email['message-id'].length > 0) mua_headers['in-reply-to'] = email['message-id'];
if (email['message-id'] && email['message-id'].length > 0) mua_headers.references = email['message-id'];
mua_headers.eid = email.mid;
} else {
mua_trigger = mua_link(null, listname);
} = listname;
// Not logged in? MUA it is, then!
if (!loggedIn) {
if (email) {
let a = new HTML('a', {
href: mua_trigger
}, "Reply via your own email client");
let p = new HTML('p', {}, [
"In order to reply to emails using the web interface, you need to be ",
new HTML('a', {
href: '/oauth.html'
}, "logged in first"),
". You can however still reply to this email using your own email client: ",
composer("Reply to thread:", p);
} else {
modal("Please log in", "You need to be logged in before you can start a new thread.", "warning");
// Replying to an email and logged in?
let eml_subject = "";
let eml_body = "";
let eml_title = `Start a new thread on ${listname}:`;
if (email) {
eml_subject = email.subject;
if (!eml_subject.match(/^Re:\s+/i)) { // Add "Re: " if needed only.
eml_subject = "Re: " + eml_subject;
eml_body = composer_re(email);
eml_title = `Reply to email on ${listname}:`;
let form = [];
form.push(new HTML('b', {}, "Sending as:"));
let s = new HTML('select', {
id: 'composer_alt'
s.inject(new HTML('option', {},;
if (G_ponymail_preferences.login && G_ponymail_preferences.login.alternates) {
for (let alternate of G_ponymail_preferences.login.alternates) {
s.inject(new HTML('option', {}, alternate));
form.push(new HTML('br'));
form.push(new HTML('br'));
form.push(new HTML('b', {}, "Subject:"));
form.push(new HTML('br'));
form.push(new HTML('input', {
style: {
width: '90%'
id: 'composer_subject',
type: 'text',
value: eml_subject
form.push(new HTML('br'));
form.push(new HTML('b', {}, "Reply:"));
form.push(new HTML('br'));
let body = new HTML('textarea', {
style: {
width: '90%',
minHeight: '400px'
id: 'composer_body'
}, eml_body);
let btn = new HTML('button', {
onclick: 'compose_send();'
}, "Send reply");
form.push(" ");
form.push(new HTML('a', {
href: mua_trigger,
style: {
marginLeft: '10px'
}, "Or compose via your own email client"));
composer(eml_title, form);
if (email) document.getElementById('composer_body').focus();
// Generic modal function
function composer(title, contents) {
let composer_modal = document.getElementById('composer_modal');
if (composer_modal == undefined) {
composer_modal = new HTML('div', {
id: 'composer_modal'
}, [
new HTML('div', {
id: 'composer_modal_content'
}, [
new HTML('span', {
id: 'composer_modal_close',
onclick: 'document.getElementById("composer_modal").style.display = "none";'
}, 'X'),
new HTML('h2', {
id: 'composer_modal_title'
}, title),
new HTML('div', {
id: 'composer_modal_contents'
}, contents)
} else {
document.getElementById('composer_modal_title').innerText = title;
document.getElementById('composer_modal_contents').innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('composer_modal_contents').inject(contents || '');
} = 'block';
// Constructor for email body in replies...
function composer_re(email) {
let lines = email.body.split(/\r?\n/);
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = '> ' + lines[i];
let re = `\n\nOn ${} ${email.from.replace(/\s*<.+?>/, '')} wrote:\n`;
re += lines.join("\n");
return re;
// MUA mailto: link generator
function mua_link(email, xlist) {
if (!email && xlist) {
return `mailto:${xlist}?subject=Subject+goes+here`;
let eml_raw_short = composer_re(email);
let subject = "RE: " + email.subject || '';
let N = 16000; // Anything above 16K can cause namespace issues with links.
if (eml_raw_short.length > N) {
eml_raw_short = eml_raw_short.substring(0, N) + "\n[message truncated...]";
let listname = email.list_raw.replace(/[<>]/g, '').replace('.', '@', 1);
let xlink = 'mailto:' + listname + "?subject=" + encodeURIComponent(subject) + "&amp;In-Reply-To=" + encodeURIComponent(email['message-id']) + "&body=" + encodeURIComponent(eml_raw_short);
return xlink;