Installation instructions

Basic requirements

  • Linux or other UNIX-like operating system
  • ElasticSearch 7.x or higher installed
  • Python 3.7.3 or higher
  • PipEnv program (typically apt install pipenv or yum install pipenv etc)
  • A web server of your choice with proxy capabilities

Warning: the ElasticSearch client libraries from 7.14 have strict server version checking and will not run with the wrong version. You may need to update the requirements.txt files in tools/ and server/ accordingly.

Installation steps:

  • Clone the Foal git repository to your machine: git clone foal
  • Install the Python requirements for the setup:
cd foal/tools
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
  • Install any desired optional dependencies, for example:
    • html2text (GNU GPL 3) - convert HTML to plain text
    • mailman (GPLv3+) - interface with Mailman lists
    • zope (Zope Public Licence 2.1) - required for Mailman integration
  • Run the setup process:
pipenv run python3
cd ..
  • Import any mailboxes you need to, using tools/ OR migrate your old Pony Mail database using the Foal migrator.
  • Install the server requirements:
cd server/
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
  • start the server:
pipenv run python3
  • use a web server like httpd or nginx to serve UI and proxy to the API. A sample httpd configuration could be:
# Load required modules
LoadModule proxy_module ...
LoadModule proxy_http_module ...
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/ponymail-foal/webui/
    ProxyPass /api/ http://localhost:8080/api/
    # PathInfo is needed for threads
    AcceptPathInfo On
    # Also needed for threads to be able to handle message-ids with embedded /:
    AllowEncodedSlashes On # (or NoDecode)

A sample nginx config could be:

server {
    root /var/www/ponymail-foal/webui/;
    index index.html index.htm;
    location /api/ {

Archiving new emails via Postfix or the likes

To set up archiving, the easiest path is to edit your /etc/aliases file on the machine that receives email. If your receiving address for email is inbox@yourmachine.tld, your alias entry should look like this:

inbox: "| /path/to/foal/tools/"

For privately archived emails, use the --private flag for your command:

inbox: "| /path/to/foal/tools/ --private"

Once you have added the entry, be sure to run the newaliases command to update the compiled alias list. will automatically sort out which list the email is for, if there is a List-ID header. You can override or manually set a list using the --lid flag:

inbox-somealias: "| /path/to/foal/tools/ --lid somealias@mydomain.tld"

Setting up OAuth

By default, OAuth is enabled for the following providers:

  • Google
  • GitHub
  • Generic (like

None of these are marked as authoritative by default. Authoritative OAuth domains allow users to compose emails via the UI and see private emails (unless you reshape the AAA plugin). Non-authoritative domains only allows the user to log in, nothing more.

To set an OAuth provider as authoritative, you need to add or uncomment the authoritative_domains section of the oauth configuration in server/ponymail.yaml:

    - myoauthprovider.tld

For administrative access to certain features, such as deleting/moving email via the UI, you can set a list of people who, via an authoritative oauth provider, will have access to this, as such:


Currently, you will also need to enable or tweak your webui/js/config.js file to match your choice of OAuth providers, though that is subject to change.

Setting up Google OAuth

To begin using Google OAuth, you must procure an OAUth2 client id from the Gooogle Developers Console. Callback URL must be oauth.html in your webui installation.

Once you have a Client ID, you should set it in server/ponymail.yaml in the google_client_id directive. You will also need to currently set it in webui/js/config.js.

After this is done, OAuth should work with Google, and you may enable authoritativeness by adding to the authoritative_domains section in server/ponymail.yaml.

Setting up GitHub OAuth

To begin using GitHub OAuth, create an OAuth app at the GitHub Developer Console. Callback URL must be oauth.html in your webui installation.

Once you have created your OAuth app, copy the client ID and client secret to your server/ponymail.yaml oauth section, as github_client_id and github_client_secret respectively.

When you've done that, you must currently also edit webui/js/config.js and set the client_id for GitHub to the correct value.

Setting up web replies

It is possible to reply to emails on a list via the web interface, provided you have enabled this feature. To do so, you must set a mailhost option as well as designate certain domains and subdomains as allowed recipients of email. This is done in the server/ponymail.yaml file, under ui:

  wordcloud: true
  mailhost: smtp.mydomain.tld:25
  sender_domains: mydomain.tld *.mydomain.tld

You may use wildcards in your domain names, as per standard GLOB/fnmatch rules, separating each entry with a single space:

  • to allow email for list@mydomain.tld, sender_domains must include mydomain.tld
  • to allow email for list@sub.mydomain.tld, you should add sub.mydomain.tld
  • to allow email for all lists at any subdomain under mydomain.tld, you should add *.mydomain.tld

Only users logged in via authoritative OAuth will be able to compose replies via the web interface.

Online Management Console

the ui paragraph of the server configuration allows for enabling an administrative interface for editing or removing emails from the archives. To enable this, set mgmtconsole to true. For GDPR compliance (deleting an email deletes from disk), set allow_delete to true. If left out or set to false, deleted emails are merely hidden, and can be recovered at a later stage by an administrator.

  mgmtconsole:     true
  allow_delete:       true

The administrative interface can be accessed by clicking on the yellow cog in the context menu of an email. Admins are defined in the OAuth configuration.

Hiding tracebacks from users

By default, API errors will include a full traceback for debugging purposes. If you wish to instead have this be printed to the system journal (stderr), you can set the traceback option to false in server/ponymail.yaml. This will instead print an error ID to the user, corresponding to a traceback in stderr.

If the error ID is, for instance, a06f7d4b-3a82-4ecf, you can find the corresponding traceback by grepping your programs output. If you are running Foal as a systemd service, you could find the traceback with: journalctl --no-pager -u yourservicename | grep a06f7d4b-3a82-4ecf

Archiving options

To enable the storage in elasticsearch of extra properties related to threading, the following configuation snippet can be used in the server/ponymail.yaml file:

  threadinfo: yes
  threadparents: 10
  threadtimeout: 5

The threadparents value limits the number of existing messages that will be queried for thread information at archive time when a new message is received. The threadtimeout value limits the duration of each query to elasticsearch.

Enabling threadinfo means that top, thread, and previous properties will be added to each stored message. The top property is a boolean, indicating whether or not the message is the start of a new thread. The thread property gives the generated Foal ID of the top of the current thread; this will be the same as the ID of the current message if top is true. The previous property gives the generated Foal ID of either the most recent parent message if the message is not the top of a thread, or the top of the most recent thread otherwise.