blob: 79047d9a9dc2829267326158fde4cf28e94dafa7 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
function search(query, date) {
let list = G_current_list;
let global = false;
let domain = G_current_domain;
if (G_ponymail_search_list == 'global') {
list = '*';
domain = '*';
global = true;
if (G_ponymail_search_list == 'domain') {
list = '*';
global = true;
let listid = '%s@%s'.format(list, domain);
G_current_list = list;
G_current_domain = domain;
let header_from = document.getElementById('header_from');
let header_subject = document.getElementById('header_subject');
let header_to = document.getElementById('header_to');
let header_body = document.getElementById('header_body');
let qparts = query.split('&'); // look for additional query options
if (qparts.length > 0) { // i.e. query + header bits
query = qparts.shift(); // Keep only the query
// store the values to be picked up below
for (let part of qparts) {
let hv = part.split('=',2);
if (hv[0] == 'header_from') {
header_from.value = hv[1];
if (hv[0] == 'header_subject') {
header_subject.value = hv[1];
if (hv[0] == 'header_to') {
header_to.value = hv[1];
if (hv[0] == 'header_body') {
header_body.value = hv[1];
// N.B. other options are currently ignored
let newhref = "list?%s:%s:%s".format(listid, date, query);
let sURL = '%sapi/stats.lua?d=%s&list=%s&domain=%s&q=%s'.format(
G_apiURL, encodeURIComponent(date), encodeURIComponent(list), encodeURIComponent(domain), encodeURIComponent(query)
if (header_from.value.length > 0) {
sURL += "&header_from=%s".format(encodeURIComponent(header_from.value));
newhref += "&header_from=%s".format(header_from.value);
header_from.value = "";
if (header_subject.value.length > 0) {
sURL += "&header_subject=%s".format(encodeURIComponent(header_subject.value));
newhref += "&header_subject=%s".format(header_subject.value);
header_subject.value = "";
if (header_to.value.length > 0) {
sURL += "&header_to=%s".format(encodeURIComponent(header_to.value));
newhref += "&header_to=%s".format(header_to.value);
header_to.value = "";
if (header_body.value.length > 0) {
sURL += "&header_body=%s".format(encodeURIComponent(header_body.value));
newhref += "&header_body=%s".format(header_body.value);
header_body.value = "";
GET(sURL, renderListView, {
search: true,
global: global
if (location.href !== newhref) {
window.history.pushState({}, null, newhref);
url: sURL,
search: true,
query: query,
list: list,
domain: domain
document.getElementById('q').value = query;
return false;
// set the list(s) to search, update links
function search_set_list(what) {
G_ponymail_search_list = what;
let links = document.getElementsByClassName('searchlistoption');
let whatxt = "this list"
for (let el of links) {
if (el.getAttribute("id").match(what)) {
el.setAttribute("class", "searchlistoption checked");
whatxt = el.innerText.toLowerCase();
} else {
el.setAttribute("class", "searchlistoption");
document.getElementById('q').setAttribute("placeholder", "Search %s...".format(whatxt));