blob: c042aa82fa5fb316848207050f3113f2a8fa1643 [file] [log] [blame]
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let calendar_index = 0;
let current_calendar_size = CALENDAR_YEARS_SHOWN;
let calendar_state = {}
function calendar_max_height() {
let body = document.body;
let html = document.documentElement;
let height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight,
html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight);
let width = Math.max(body.scrollWidth,
html.clientWidth, html.scrollWidth);
let year_height = 48; // Height of one calendar year
height -= document.getElementById("emails").getBoundingClientRect().y + 16; // top area height plus footer
let number_of_years = Math.max(5, Math.floor(height / year_height));
return number_of_years;
function renderCalendar(state) {
calendar_state = state ? state : calendar_state;
calendar_index = 0;
current_calendar_size = G_show_stats_sidebar ? CALENDAR_YEARS_SHOWN : calendar_max_height();
// Only render if calendar div is present
let cal = document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar');
if (!cal) {
let now = new Date();
let CY = now.getFullYear();
let CM = now.getMonth() + 1;
let SY = Math.min(calendar_state.LY, CY); // last year in calendar, considering current date
// If Last Year is into the future, set Last Month to this one.
if (calendar_state.LY > CY) {
calendar_state.LM = CM;
let cdiv = new HTML('div', {
class: 'sidebar_calendar'
let N = 0;
// Chevron for moving to later years
let chevron = new HTML('div', {
class: 'sidebar_calendar_chevron'
chevron.inject(new HTML('span', {
onclick: 'calendar_scroll(this, -1);',
style: {
display: 'none'
id: 'sidebar_calendar_up',
class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-up',
title: "Show later years"
}, " "));
// Create divs for each year, assign all visible
for (let Y = SY; Y >= calendar_state.FY; Y--) {
let ydiv = new HTML('div', {
class: 'sidebar_calendar_year',
id: 'sidebar_calendar_' + N++
ydiv.inject(new HTML('br'));
for (let i = 0; i < MONTHS_SHORTENED.length; i++) {
let mon = MONTHS_SHORTENED[i];
let mdiv = new HTML('div', {
onclick: 'calendar_click(%u, %u);'.format(Y, i + 1),
class: 'sidebar_calendar_month'
}, mon);
// Mark out-of-bounds segments
let ym = '%04u-%02u'.format(Y, i+1);
let c_active = true;
if (calendar_state.activity && !calendar_state.activity[ym]) {
c_active = false;
if ((Y == SY && i >= calendar_state.LM) || (Y == CY && i > CM)) {
c_active = false;
if (Y == calendar_state.FY && ((i + 1) < calendar_state.FM)) {
c_active = false;
if (!c_active) {
mdiv.setAttribute("class", "sidebar_calendar_month_nothing");
mdiv.setAttribute("onclick", "javascript:void(0);");
} else if (calendar_state.activity && calendar_state.activity[ym]) {
let count = calendar_state.activity[ym];
if (count >= 1000) {
count = Math.round(count/100.0); // nearest century
count = Math.floor(count/10) + "k" + (count % 10); // thousands and remainder
} else {
count = count.toString();
mdiv.inject(new HTML('span', {title: `${calendar_state.activity[ym].pretty()} emails this month`, class: 'calendar_count'}, count));
cal.innerHTML = "<p style='text-align: center;'>Archives (%u - %u):</p>".format(calendar_state.FY, SY);
chevron = new HTML('div', {
class: 'sidebar_calendar_chevron'
chevron.inject(new HTML('span', {
onclick: 'calendar_scroll(this, 1);',
style: {
display: 'none'
id: 'sidebar_calendar_down',
class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-down',
title: "Show earlier years"
}, " "));
// If we have > N years, hide the rest
if (N > current_calendar_size) {
for (let i = current_calendar_size; i < N; i++) {
let obj = document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_' + i);
if (obj) { = "none";
document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_down').style.display = 'block';
function calendar_scroll(me, direction) {
let x = direction * current_calendar_size;
let years = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar_calendar_year');
calendar_index = Math.max(Math.min(years.length - x, calendar_index + x), 0);
if (calendar_index > 0) {
document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_up').style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_up').style.display = 'none';
if (calendar_index < (years.length - x)) {
document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_down').style.display = 'block';
} else {
document.getElementById('sidebar_calendar_down').style.display = 'none';
for (let i = 0; i < years.length; i++) {
let year = years[i];
if (typeof(year) == 'object') {
if (i >= calendar_index && i < (calendar_index + Math.abs(x))) { = "block";
} else { = "none";
function calendar_click(year, month) {
G_current_year = year;
G_current_month = month;
let searching = false;
let q = "";
let calendar_current_list = G_current_list;
let calendar_current_domain = G_current_domain;
if (G_current_json && G_current_json.searchParams) {
q = G_current_json.searchParams.q || "";
calendar_current_list = G_current_json.searchParams.list;
calendar_current_domain = G_current_json.searchParams.domain;
// Weave in header parameters
for (let key of Object.keys((G_current_json.searchParams || {}))) {
if (key.match(/^header_/)) {
let value = G_current_json.searchParams[key];
q += `&${key}=${value}`;
let newhref = "list?%s@%s:%u-%u".format(calendar_current_list, calendar_current_domain, year, month);
if (q && q.length > 0) newhref += ":" + q;
if (location.href !== newhref) {
window.history.pushState({}, null, newhref);
G_apiURL, encodeURIComponent(calendar_current_list),
encodeURIComponent(year), encodeURIComponent(month),
renderListView, {
to: (q && q.length > 0) ? 'search' : '%s@%s'.format(calendar_current_list, calendar_current_domain),
update_calendar: false,
search: (q && q.length > 0)