blob: e4c2c4158e614e0a786c0a7059ecbeab8c0d1afe [file] [log] [blame]
let admin_current_email = null;
let admin_email_meta = {};
let audit_page = 0;
let audit_size = 30;
let mgmt_prefs = {}
async function POST(url, formdata, state) {
const resp = await fetch(url, {
credentials: "same-origin",
mode: "same-origin",
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: formdata
return resp
// Removes an attachment from the archives
async function admin_del_attachment(hash) {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish remove this attachment from the archives?")) {
// rewrite attachments for email
let new_attach = [];
for (let el of admin_email_meta.attachments) {
if (el.hash != hash) {
admin_email_meta.attachments = new_attach;
let formdata = JSON.stringify({
action: "delatt",
document: hash
// remove attachment
let rv = await POST('%sapi/mgmt.json'.format(G_apiURL), formdata, {});
let response = await rv.text();
// Edit email in place
if (rv.status == 200) {
modal("Attachment removed", "Server responded with: " + response, "help");
} else {
modal("Something went wrong!", "Server responded with: " + response, "error");
// Hides an email from the archives
async function admin_hide_email() {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish to hide this email from the archives?")) {
let formdata = JSON.stringify({
action: "hide",
document: admin_current_email
let rv = await POST('%sapi/mgmt.json'.format(G_apiURL), formdata, {});
let response = await rv.text();
if (rv.status == 200) {
modal("Email hidden", "Server responded with: " + response, "help");
} else {
modal("Something went wrong!", "Server responded with: " + response, "error");
async function admin_unhide_email() {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish to unhide this email?")) {
let formdata = JSON.stringify({
action: "unhide",
document: admin_current_email
let rv = await POST('%sapi/mgmt.json'.format(G_apiURL), formdata, {});
let response = await rv.text();
if (rv.status == 200) {
modal("Email unhidden", "Server responded with: " + response, "help");
} else {
modal("Something went wrong!", "Server responded with: " + response, "error");
// Fully deletes an email from the archives
async function admin_delete_email() {
if (!confirm("Are you sure you wish to remove this email from the archives?")) {
let formdata = JSON.stringify({
action: "delete",
document: admin_current_email
let rv = await POST('%sapi/mgmt.json'.format(G_apiURL), formdata, {});
let response = await rv.text();
if (rv.status == 200) {
modal("Email removed", "Server responded with: " + response, "help");
} else {
modal("Something went wrong!", "Server responded with: " + response, "error");
// Saves an email with edits
async function admin_save_email(edit_attachment = false) {
let from = document.getElementById('email_from').value;
let subject = document.getElementById('email_subject').value;
let listname = document.getElementById('email_listname').value;
let is_private = document.getElementById('email_private').value;
let body = document.getElementById('email_body').value;
let attach = null;
if (edit_attachment) {
attach = admin_email_meta.attachments;
let formdata = JSON.stringify({
action: "edit",
document: admin_current_email,
from: from,
subject: subject,
list: listname,
private: is_private,
body: body,
attachments: attach
let rv = await POST('%sapi/mgmt.json'.format(G_apiURL), formdata, {});
let response = await rv.text();
if (edit_attachment && rv.status == 200) return
if (rv.status == 200) {
modal("Email changed", "Server responded with: " + response, "help");
} else {
modal("Something went wrong!", "Server responded with: " + response, "error");
function admin_email_preview(stats, json) {
admin_current_email = json.mid;
admin_email_meta = json;
let cp = document.getElementById("panel");
let div = new HTML('div', {
style: {
margin: '5px'
div.inject(new HTML('h1', {}, "Editing email " + json.mid + ":"));
// Author
let author_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv_edit'
let author_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "From: ");
let author_value = new HTML('input', {
id: 'email_from',
style: {
width: "480px"
value: json.from
author_field.inject([author_key, author_value]);
// Subject
let subject_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv_edit'
let subject_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "Subject: ");
let subject_value = new HTML('input', {
id: 'email_subject',
style: {
width: "480px"
value: json.subject
subject_field.inject([subject_key, subject_value]);
// Date
let date_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv_edit'
let date_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "Date: ");
let date_value = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_value'
}, new Date(json.epoch * 1000.0).ISOBare());
date_field.inject([date_key, date_value]);
// List
let listname = json.list_raw.replace(".", "@", 1).replace(/[<>]/g, "");
let list_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv_edit'
let list_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "List: ");
let list_value = new HTML('input', {
id: 'email_listname',
style: {
width: "480px"
value: listname
list_field.inject([list_key, list_value]);
// Private email?
let priv_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv_edit'
let priv_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "Visibility: ");
let priv_value = new HTML('select', {
id: 'email_private'
priv_value.inject(new HTML('option', {
value: 'no',
style: {
color: 'green'
selected: json.private ? null : "selected"
}, "Public"));
priv_value.inject(new HTML('option', {
value: 'yes',
style: {
color: 'red'
selected: json.private ? "selected" : null
}, "Private"));
priv_field.inject([priv_key, priv_value]);
// Attachments?
if (json.attachments && json.attachments.length > 0) {
let attach_field = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_kv'
let attach_key = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_key'
}, "Attachment(s): ");
let alinks = [];
for (let attachment of json.attachments) {
let link = `${G_apiURL}api/email.lua?attachment=true&id=${encodeURIComponent(json.mid)}&file=${encodeURIComponent(attachment.hash)}`;
let a = new HTML('a', {
href: link,
target: '_blank'
}, attachment.filename);
let fs = ` ${attachment.size} bytes`;
if (attachment.size >= 1024) fs = ` ${Math.floor(attachment.size/1024)} KB`;
if (attachment.size >= 1024 * 1024) fs = ` ${Math.floor(attachment.size/(1024*10.24))/100} MB`;
let adel = new HTML('a', {
onclick: `admin_del_attachment('${attachment.hash}');`,
href: "javascript:void(0);"
}, "Delete attachment");
alinks.push(new HTML('br'));
let attach_value = new HTML('div', {
class: 'email_value'
}, alinks);
attach_field.inject([attach_key, attach_value]);
let text = new HTML('textarea', {
id: 'email_body',
style: {
width: "100%",
height: "480px"
}, json.body);
let btn_edit = new HTML('button', {
onclick: "admin_save_email();"
}, "Save changes to archive");
let btn_del = new HTML('button', {
onclick: "admin_delete_email();",
style: {
marginLeft: "36px",
color: 'red'
}, "Delete email from archives");
let btn_hide = new HTML('button', {
onclick: "admin_hide_email();",
style: {
marginLeft: "36px",
color: 'purple'
}, "Hide email from archives");
if (admin_email_meta.deleted) {
btn_hide = new HTML('button', {
onclick: "admin_unhide_email();",
style: {
marginLeft: "36px",
color: 'purple'
}, "Unhide email from archives");
div.inject(new HTML('br'));
div.inject(new HTML('br'));
div.inject(new HTML('small', {}, "Modifying emails will remove the option to view their sources via the web interface, as the source may contain traces that reveal the edit."))
div.inject(new HTML('br'));
if (!mgmt_prefs.login.credentials.fully_delete) {
div.inject(new HTML('small', {}, "Emails that are deleted may still be recovered by the base system administrator. For complete expungement, please contact the system administrator."))
} else {
div.inject(new HTML('small', {style:{color: 'red'}}, "As full delete enforcement is enabled on this server, emails are removed forever from the archive when deleted, and cannot be recovered."))
function admin_audit_view(state, json) {
let headers = ['Date', 'Author', 'Remote', 'Action', 'Target', 'Log'];
let cp = document.getElementById("panel");
let div = document.getElementById('auditlog_entries');
if (!div) {
div = new HTML('div', {
id: "auditlog",
style: {
margin: '5px'
div.inject(new HTML('h1', {}, "Audit log:"));
let table = document.getElementById('auditlog_entries');
if (json.entries && json.entries.length > 0 || table) {
if (!table) {
table = new HTML('table', {
border: "1",
id: "auditlog_entries",
class: "auditlog_entries"
let trh = new HTML('tr');
for (let header of headers) {
let th = new HTML('th', {}, header + ":");
let btn = new HTML('button', {
onclick: "admin_audit_next();"
}, "Load more entries");
for (let entry of json.entries) {
let tr = new HTML('tr', {
class: "auditlog_entry"
for (let header of headers) {
let key = header.toLowerCase();
let value = entry[key];
if (key == 'target') {
value = new HTML('a', {
href: "/admin/" + value
}, value);
if (key == 'action') {
let action_colors = {
edit: 'blue',
delete: 'red',
default: 'black'
value = new HTML('spam', {
style: {
color: action_colors[value] ? action_colors[value] : action_colors['default']
}, value);
let th = new HTML('td', {}, value);
} else {
div.inject("Audit log is empty");
function admin_audit_next() {
GET('%sapi/mgmt.json?action=log&page=%u&size=%u'.format(G_apiURL, audit_page, audit_size), admin_audit_view, null);
// Onload function for admin.html
function admin_init() {
init_preferences(); // blank call to load defaults like social rendering
GET('%sapi/preferences.lua'.format(G_apiURL), (state, json) => {
mgmt_prefs = json
init_preferences(state, json);
}, null);
let mid = decodeURIComponent(location.href.split('/').pop());
// Specific email/list handling?
if (mid.length > 0) {
// List handling?
if (mid.match(/^<.+>$/)) {
// Email handling?
else {
GET('%sapi/email.json?id=%s'.format(G_apiURL, encodeURIComponent(mid)), admin_email_preview, null);
} else { // View audit log
GET('%sapi/mgmt.json?action=log&page=%s&size=%u'.format(G_apiURL, audit_page, audit_size), admin_audit_view, null);