
Design Goals

Disk-Migrator is used for migrating data among different local disks within one node. This feature is different from node-rebalance that is for migrating data among different nodes.

Flow Process

Disk-Migrator operates by sending RPC_REPLICA_DISK_MIGRATE rpc to the targeted node that triggers the node to migrate the specified replica from one disk to another. The whole migration process is as follow:

+---------------+      +---------------+       +--------------+
| Client(shell) +------+ replicaServer +-------+  metaServer  |
+------+--------+      +-------+-------+       +-------+------+
       |                       |                       |
       +------migrateRPC-----> +-----IDLE              |
       |                       |       | (validate rpc)|
       |                       |     MOVING            |
       |                       |       | (migrate data)|
       |                       |     MOVED             |
       |                       |       | (rename dir)  |
       |                       |     CLOSED            |
       |                       |       |               |
       |                +----- +<----LEARN<------------+
       |                |      |                       |
       |                |      |                       |
       |           LearnSuccess|                       |
       |                |      |                       |
       |                |      |                       |
       |                +----->+                       |
  1. The targeted node receives the migrateRPC and starts validating the request arguments.
  2. If the RPC is valid, node starts migrating the specified replica.
  3. After replica migration finishes successfuly, the original replica will be closed and ReplicaServer re-opens the new replica.
  4. If the new replica's data is inconsistent with its primary, MetaServer will automatically start to trigger replica-learn to catch up with the latest data.
  5. After the learning process is completed, the entire disk-migration ends.

Replica States

In the process of migration, the original replica and the new replica will have different states as follow: | process |origin replica status[dir name] | new replica status[dir name] | |---|---|---| |IDEL |primary/secondary[gpid.pegasus] |--[--] | |START |secondary[gpid.pegasus] |--[--] | |MOVING |secondary[gpid.pegasus] |--[gpid.pegasus.disk.migrate.tmp] | |MOVED |secondary[gpid.pegasus] |--[gpid.pegasus.disk.migrate.tmp] | |CLOSED |error[gpid.pegasus.disk.migrate.ori] |--[gpid.pegasus] | |LEARNING |error[gpid.pegasus.disk.migrate.ori] |potential_secondary[gpid.pegasus] | | COMPLETED |error[gpid.pegasus.disk.migrate.ori] |secondary[gpid.pegasus] |


  • If replica status is primary, you need assign it as secondary manually via propose.
  • Once any process is failed, the operation will be failed and reverted the IDEL status.

Client Command

The client sending migrateRPC is admin-cli which supports disk-capacity, disk-replica and disk-migrate commands.

Use help to see the command manuals. For example:

# query replica capacity
disk-capacity -n node -d disk
# query replica count
disk-replica -n node -d disk
# migrate data
disk-migrate -n node -g gpid -f disk1 -t disk2 

It should be noticed that disk migration is currently a manual operation. It's in our future plan to design a disk-rebalance planner. It can generate a series of steps, which automatically migrate data and eventually make all disks balanced.