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permalink: administration/manual-compact
注:manual compact功能从v1.8.1版本开始支持。
# 原理
RocksDB除了根据需要自动触发compaction外,还能通过接口手动触发compaction,这个功能称之为[Manual Compaction](。其提供了`CompactRange()`接口,如下:
// CompactRangeOptions is used by CompactRange() call.
struct CompactRangeOptions {
// If true, no other compaction will run at the same time as this
// manual compaction
bool exclusive_manual_compaction = true;
// If true, compacted files will be moved to the minimum level capable
// of holding the data or given level (specified non-negative target_level).
bool change_level = false;
// If change_level is true and target_level have non-negative value, compacted
// files will be moved to target_level.
int target_level = -1;
// Compaction outputs will be placed in options.db_paths[target_path_id].
// Behavior is undefined if target_path_id is out of range.
uint32_t target_path_id = 0;
// By default level based compaction will only compact the bottommost level
// if there is a compaction filter
BottommostLevelCompaction bottommost_level_compaction =
// Compact the underlying storage for the key range [*begin,*end].
// The actual compaction interval might be superset of [*begin, *end].
// In particular, deleted and overwritten versions are discarded,
// and the data is rearranged to reduce the cost of operations
// needed to access the data. This operation should typically only
// be invoked by users who understand the underlying implementation.
// begin==nullptr is treated as a key before all keys in the database.
// end==nullptr is treated as a key after all keys in the database.
// Therefore the following call will compact the entire database:
// db->CompactRange(options, nullptr, nullptr);
// Note that after the entire database is compacted, all data are pushed
// down to the last level containing any data. If the total data size after
// compaction is reduced, that level might not be appropriate for hosting all
// the files. In this case, client could set options.change_level to true, to
// move the files back to the minimum level capable of holding the data set
// or a given level (specified by non-negative options.target_level).
virtual Status CompactRange(const CompactRangeOptions& options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
const Slice* begin, const Slice* end) = 0;
对应地,Pegasus对该功能在上层进行了封装,提供了表级别的Manual Compact功能,其作用是:
* 通过compaction去掉垃圾数据,减少数据量,降低文件层数,提升读操作的性能。
* 对最高层做compaction,可以清理掉Delete标记数据。
* 配合[Usage Scenario功能](usage-scenario)中表的bulk_load模式,可以在灌数据完成后执行一次Manual Compact,去除垃圾数据,整理数据和文件夹结构,提升读性能。
* 扩展RocksDB,在Manifest中记录上一次执行Manual Compact的时间,并提供`GetLastManualCompactFinishTime()`方法来获取该时间。
* 利用[Table环境变量](table-env),来设置两类Manual Compect的环境变量:
* 单次Manual Compact
* `manual_compact.once.trigger_time`:格式为Unix时间戳的秒数,可通过shell命令`date +%s`获取当前时间戳。如果LastManualCompactFinishTime旧于该trigger_time,就触发Manual Compaction的执行。
* `manual_compact.once.target_level`:用于设置`CompactRangeOptions::target_level`。如果不设置,则使用默认值-1
* `manual_compact.once.bottommost_level_compaction`:可设置为`skip`或者`force`。如果是`skip`,则不对最高层做compaction;如果是`force`,则强制对最高层做compaction。如果不设置,则默认为`skip`
* 周期Manual Compact
* `manual_compact.periodic.trigger_time`:格式为逗号分隔的时钟,譬如`3:00,21:00`,表示每一天的3:0021:00都触发一次Manual Compaction的执行。
* `manual_compact.periodic.target_level`:用于设置`CompactRangeOptions::target_level`。如果不设置,则使用默认值-1
* `manual_compact.periodic.bottommost_level_compaction`:可设置为`skip`或者`force`。如果是`skip`,则不对最高层做compaction;如果是`force`,则强制对最高层做compaction。如果不设置,则默认为`skip`
* Manual Compact总开关:
* `manual_compact.disabled`(从v1.9.0版本开始支持):如果为true,则关闭Manual Compact功能,并且取消正在执行中的Manual Compact动作。如果不设置,默认为false
* `manual_compact.max_concurrent_running_count`(从v1.11.3版本开始支持):指定最大并发数。实际上,可执行的最大并发数由`该env参数``服务端MANUAL_COMPACT_THRAD_POOL的线程数`共同决定,取两者的较小值。
* Manual Compact功能是分派到独立的Compact线程池中执行的,每个线程同一时刻只能处理一个replicafull compaction,因为并发处理量与Compact线程池的线程数量有关,可以通过配置文件的`worker_count`进行配置,如果使用Manual Compact比较频繁,建议调大线程数量(譬如设置为cpu core数量接近):
name = compact
partitioned = false
max_input_queue_length = 128
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 16
* Manual Compact属于CPUIO密集型操作,处理过程中会使CPU使用率长期处于高位,容易对集群的读写性能造成影响,所以**建议在流量低峰时段进行操作**。如果启动后发现读写性能下降影响了业务,可以立即通过设置该表的环境变量`manual_compact.disabled=true`来中止。
* Manual Compact过程中可能需要较多的额外磁盘空间。因为compaction前后文件变化较大,而Pegasus一般又会保留最近3个版本的checkpoint,所以基本上额外需要的磁盘空间量大约等于执行Manual Compact的表的数据存储量。所以,在执行Manual Compact前需**确认集群有足够的存储空间**,同时在执行过程中**关注磁盘空间使用情况**,避免因为磁盘空间耗尽导致集群节点宕机,影响集群可用度。
# 如何设置
## 通过shell设置
既然Manual Compact功能是利用[Table环境变量](table-env)触发的,那么可以直接通过shell功能的[set_app_envs命令](/overview/shell#set_app_envs)来设置。需要设置的环境变量参照上面的描述,环境变量设置后不会立即生效,大约需要等几十秒后才能在所有replica上生效。
## 通过脚本设置
$ ./scripts/
This tool is for manual compact specified table(app).
USAGE: ./scripts/ -c cluster -a app-name [-t periodic|once] [-w] [-g trigger_time] [...]
-h|--help print help message
-c|--cluster <str> cluster meta server list, default is ","
-a|--app_name <str> target table(app) name
-t|--type <str> manual compact type, should be periodic or once, default is once
-w|--wait_only this option is only used when the type is once!
not trigger but only wait the last once compact to finish
-g|--trigger_time <str> this option is only used when the type is periodic!
specify trigger time of periodic compact in 24-hour format,
e.g. "3:00,21:00" means 3:00 and 21:00 everyday
--target_level <num> number in range of [-1,num_levels], -1 means automatically, default is -1
--bottommost_level_compaction <skip|force>
skip or force, default is skip
more details:
--max_concurrent_running_count <num>
max concurrent running count limit, should be positive integer.
if not set, means no limit.
for example:
1) Start once type manual compact with default options:
./scripts/ -c, -a temp
2) Only wait last once type manual compact to finish:
./scripts/ -c, -a temp -w
3) Config periodic type manual compact with specified options:
./scripts/ -c, -a temp -t periodic -g 3:00,21:00 \
--target_level 2 --bottommost_level_compaction force
譬如,在[bulk load](usage-scenario#支持场景)完成后执行once manual compact如下:
$ ./scripts/ -c, -a temp