permalink: administration/remote-commands


Send remote commands to the Pegasus cluster through the remote_command command of the Pegasus shell tool, which includes a command name and 0 or more parameters, and can achieve functions such as information collection and configuration modification.

Performing operations through remote commands has these benefits:

  • Direct communication: The command will be sent directly to the target remote process without the need for routing or forwarding.
  • Quick take effect: commands are usually executed immediately and take effect without waiting for time.
  • Easy development: No need to introduce new RPC, just register a new command name, parameter parsing method, and callback function.

Supported commands

Pegasus supports different remote commands for different roles (MetaServer, ReplicaServer). You can query all supported commands through shell tool remote_command help command.


Obtain remote commands supported by MetaServer, for example:

>>> remote_command -l help

CALL [user-specified] [] succeed:
help|h|H|Help - Display help information
repeat|r|R|Repeat - Execute a command periodically in every interval seconds for the max count time (0 for infinite)
config-dump - Dump all configurations to a server local path or to stdout
engine - Get engine internal information, including threadpools and threads and queues in each threadpool
fd.allow_list - Show the allow list of failure detector
flush-log - Flush log to stderr or file
meta.live_percentage - node live percentage threshold for update
perf-counters - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of POSIX basic regular expressions
perf-counters-by-postfix - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of postfix strings
perf-counters-by-prefix - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of prefix strings
perf-counters-by-substr - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of substrs
reset-log-start-level - Reset the log start level
server-info - Query server information
server-stat - Query selected perf counters
system.queue - Get queue internal information, including the threadpool each queue belongs to, and the queue name and size
task-code - Query task code containing any given keywords
task.queue_max_length - Get the current or set a new max task queue length of a specific thread_pool. It can be set it to INT_MAX which means a big enough value, but it can't be cancelled the delay/reject policy dynamically

Succeed count: 1
Failed count: 0


Obtain remote commands supported by ReplicaServer, for example:

>>> remote_command -l help

CALL [user-specified] [] succeed:
help|h|H|Help - Display help information
repeat|r|R|Repeat - Execute a command periodically in every interval seconds for the max count time (0 for infinite)
config-dump - Dump all configurations to a server local path or to stdout
engine - Get engine internal information, including threadpools and threads and queues in each threadpool
flush-log - Flush log to stderr or file
nfs.max_copy_rate_megabytes_per_disk - The maximum bandwidth (MB/s) of writing data per local disk when copying from remote node, 0 means no limit, should be greater than 'nfs_copy_block_bytes' which is 4194304
nfs.max_send_rate_megabytes_per_disk - The maximum bandwidth (MB/s) of reading data per local disk when transferring data to remote node, 0 means no limit
perf-counters - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of POSIX basic regular expressions
perf-counters-by-postfix - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of postfix strings
perf-counters-by-prefix - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of prefix strings
perf-counters-by-substr - Query perf counters, filtered by OR of substrs
replica.deny-client - control if deny client read & write request
replica.get-tcmalloc-status - Get the status of tcmalloc
replica.kill_partition - Kill partitions by (all, one app, one partition)
replica.max-concurrent-bulk-load-downloading-count - The maximum concurrent bulk load downloading replica count
replica.mem-release-max-reserved-percentage - control tcmalloc max reserved but not-used memory percentage
replica.query-app-envs - Query app envs on the underlying storage engine by app_id or app_id.partition_id
replica.query-compact - Query full compact status on the underlying storage engine by app_id or app_id.partition_id
replica.release-all-reserved-memory - Release tcmalloc all reserved-not-used memory back to operating system
replica.release-tcmalloc-memory - control if try to release tcmalloc memory
replica.trigger-checkpoint - Trigger replicas to do checkpoint by app_id or app_id.partition_id
replica.verbose-client-log - control if print verbose error log when reply read & write request
replica.verbose-commit-log - control if print verbose log when commit mutation
reset-log-start-level - Reset the log start level
server-info - Query server information
server-stat - Query selected perf counters
system.queue - Get queue internal information, including the threadpool each queue belongs to, and the queue name and size
task-code - Query task code containing any given keywords
task.queue_max_length - Get the current or set a new max task queue length of a specific thread_pool. It can be set it to INT_MAX which means a big enough value, but it can't be cancelled the delay/reject policy dynamically

Succeed count: 1
Failed count: 0

How to use it

Refer to: remote_command command