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<title>Responsive Images</title>
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<h1>Responsive Images</h1>
<p class="note"><strong>Note: New filter as of</strong></p>
The 'Responsive Images' filter requires the 'Resize Images' filter;
these filters are enabled by specifying:
<dt>Apache:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>ModPagespeedEnableFilters responsive_images,resize_images</pre>
<dt>Nginx:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>pagespeed EnableFilters responsive_images,resize_images;</pre>
in the configuration file. An additional zoom feature can be enabled by
<dt>Apache:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>ModPagespeedEnableFilters responsive_images_zoom</pre>
<dt>Nginx:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>pagespeed EnableFilters responsive_images_zoom;</pre>
<p id="pagespeed_no_transform">
The 'Responsive Images' filter won't optimize an image if it has
the <code>data-pagespeed-no-transform</code>
or <code>pagespeed_no_transform</code> attribute. Usage:
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;img src="example.png" data-pagespeed-no-transform&gt;
This filter makes images responsive by adding <code>srcset</code> attributes
which provide multiple versions for different pixel density screens.
If <code>responsive_images_zoom</code> is enabled, it also extends the
default srcset functionality by loading higher resolution images when the
user zooms in.
In order to take advantage of this filter, the original image must
explicitly specify <code>height</code> and <code>width</code> attributes
and src must be a high enough resolution image (at least 2x larger than
these height and width values).
For example, if the original HTML looks like this:
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;img src="foo.png" width="100" height="100"&gt;
and <code>foo.png</code> is 1000x1000, then PageSpeed will rewrite it into:
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;img src="100x100xfoo.png.pagespeed.ic.HASH1.png" width="100" height="100"
srcset="150x150xfoo.png.pagespeed.ic.HASH2.png 1.5x,200x200xfoo.png.pagespeed.ic.HASH3.png 2x,300x300xfoo.png.pagespeed.ic.HASH4.png 3x, foo.png 10x"&gt;
Which will load the normal 100x100 image on standard displays,
higher-resolution 150x150, 200x200 or 300x300 image on 1.5x, 2x, or 3x
displays, or the full original 1000x1000 image when users zoom in enough.
If <code>foo.png</code> is 200x200, no 3x or higher version will be added to
If <code>foo.png</code> is only 100x100, no srcset will be added at all.
<h3>Online Example</h3>
You can see the filter in action at <a href=";PageSpeedFilters=responsive_images,responsive_images_zoom,rewrite_images,inline_images,resize_images,insert_image_dimensions"><code></code></a>.
<li>Before, PageSpeed would not optimize images referenced in
existing <code>srcset</code> attributes.</li>
<li>Images must have explicit <code>height</code> and <code>width</code>
attributes and src must refer to a higher resolution image.</li>
<li>PageSpeed does not mix inline images with <code>srcset</code>s. If the
largest size image is inlinable, we just inline that. Otherwise we do not
inline any of the images and use a <code>srcset</code> instead.</li>
<li>The Responsive Images filter is not compatible with the
<a href="filter-local-storage-cache">Local Storage Cache filter</a>.
Images modified by the Responsive Images filter will not be stored in
Local Storage.</li>
<li>PageSpeed's default memory limits keep it from processing images larger
than 8 million pixels (8MP). If you have images larger than this, it won't
be able to resize them to generate the lower resolution versions. See
<a href="reference-image-optimize#ImageResolutionLimitBytes"
>ImageResolutionLimitBytes</a> for more details on increasing this limit or
resizing source images to be under the limit.</li>
This filter will increase cache usage by 4x for all images which have
explicit <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> attributes.
(This is true even if the original image is only 1x.) If this pushes
your cache over the <a href=system#file_cache><code>FileCacheSize</code></a>,
then you may experience cache churn which makes PageSpeed much less effective.
This filter has the same risks inherent in the 'Resize Images' filter.
See <a href="filter-image-optimize#Risks">Optimize Images - Risks</a>
for more information.
This filter adds a <code>srcset</code> attribute to images. This will break
any JavaScript which changes images by modifying their <code>src</code>
attribute. On high-density displays, modifying the <code>src</code> attribute
will not actually change the image. As a work-around, you can add a
<a href="#pagespeed_no_transform"><code>data-pagespeed-no-transform</code></a>
attribute to any <code>&lt;img&gt;</code> tag to prevent PageSpeed from adding
a <code>srcset</code>.
If using <code>responsive_images_zoom</code>, the JavaScript used to
implement that feature may conflict with other JS on the page.
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