blob: 0fe88048e33ea0331164e5864ba75a7dc01c0d5b [file] [log] [blame]
* pngxrpnm.c - libpng external I/O: PNM reader.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Cosmin Truta.
#include "pngxtern.h"
#include "pngxutil.h"
#include "pnmio.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pngxpriv.h"
#if UINT_MAX >= 0x7fffffffUL
#define PNGX_PNM_LENGTH_MAX 0x7fffffffU
static const char pbm_fmt_name[] = "PBM";
static const char pgm_fmt_name[] = "PGM";
static const char ppm_fmt_name[] = "PPM";
static const char pam_fmt_name[] = "PAM";
static const char pbm_fmt_long_name[] = "Portable Bitmap";
static const char pgm_fmt_long_name[] = "Portable Graymap";
static const char ppm_fmt_long_name[] = "Portable Pixmap";
static const char pam_fmt_long_name[] = "Portable Anymap";
int /* PRIVATE */
pngx_sig_is_pnm(png_bytep sig, size_t sig_size,
png_const_charpp fmt_name_ptr,
png_const_charpp fmt_long_name_ptr)
static const char *fmt_names[] =
pbm_fmt_name, pgm_fmt_name, ppm_fmt_name,
pbm_fmt_name, pgm_fmt_name, ppm_fmt_name,
static const char *fmt_long_names[] =
pbm_fmt_long_name, pgm_fmt_long_name, ppm_fmt_long_name,
pbm_fmt_long_name, pgm_fmt_long_name, ppm_fmt_long_name,
/* Require at least the PNM magic signature and the trailing whitespace. */
if (sig_size < 4)
return -1; /* insufficient data */
if (sig[0] != 'P' || sig[1] < '1' || sig[1] > '7')
return 0; /* not PNM */
if (sig[2] != ' ' && sig[2] != '\t' && sig[2] != '\n' && sig[2] != '\r' &&
sig[2] != '#')
return 0; /* not PNM */
/* Store the format name. */
if (fmt_name_ptr != NULL)
*fmt_name_ptr = fmt_names[sig[1] - '1'];
if (fmt_long_name_ptr != NULL)
*fmt_long_name_ptr = fmt_long_names[sig[1] - '1'];
return 1; /* PNM */
static int
pnm_fpeek_eof(pnm_struct *pnm_ptr, FILE *stream)
int ch;
if (pnm_ptr->format >= PNM_P1 && pnm_ptr->format <= PNM_P3)
ch = getc(stream);
if (ch == '#') /* skip comments */
ch = getc(stream);
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r');
if (ch == EOF)
return 1;
} while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r');
ch = getc(stream);
if (ch == EOF)
return 1;
ungetc(ch, stream);
return 0;
int /* PRIVATE */
pngx_read_pnm(png_structp png_ptr, png_infop info_ptr, FILE *stream)
pnm_struct pnminfo;
unsigned int format, depth, width, height, maxval;
unsigned int max_width, num_samples, sample_size;
unsigned int *pnmrow;
size_t row_size;
png_bytepp row_pointers;
png_color_8 sig_bit;
unsigned int i, j;
int failed, overflow;
/* Read the PNM header. */
if (pnm_fget_header(&pnminfo, stream) != 1)
return 0; /* not PNM */
format = pnminfo.format;
depth = pnminfo.depth;
width = pnminfo.width;
height = pnminfo.height;
maxval = pnminfo.maxval;
if (format > PNM_P6)
png_error(png_ptr, "Can't handle PNM formats newer than PPM (\"P6\")");
max_width =
(sizeof(size_t) <= sizeof(unsigned int)) ?
UINT_MAX / sizeof(unsigned int) / depth : UINT_MAX;
if (max_width > PNGX_PNM_LENGTH_MAX)
max_width = PNGX_PNM_LENGTH_MAX;
if (width > max_width)
png_error(png_ptr, "Can't handle exceedingly large PNM dimensions");
sample_size = 1;
row_size = num_samples = depth * width;
if (maxval > 65535)
png_error(png_ptr, "Can't handle PNM samples larger than 16 bits");
else if (maxval > 255)
sample_size = 2;
row_size *= 2;
/* Set the PNG image type. */
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr,
width, height,
(maxval <= 255) ? 8 : 16,
for (i = 1, j = 2; j - 1 < maxval; ++i, j <<= 1) { }
if (j - 1 != maxval)
"Possibly inexact sample conversion from PNM to PNG");
else if (i % 8 != 0 && (depth > 1 || 8 % i != 0))
{ = = = sig_bit.gray = (png_byte)i;
sig_bit.alpha = 0;
png_set_sBIT(png_ptr, info_ptr, &sig_bit);
/* Allocate memory. */
row_pointers = pngx_malloc_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, -1);
if ((format >= PNM_P4) && (maxval == 255 || maxval == 65535))
pnmrow = NULL; /* can read raw data directly into row_pointers */
pnmrow = (unsigned int *)
png_malloc(png_ptr, num_samples * sizeof(unsigned int));
/* Read the image data. */
failed = 0;
overflow = 0;
if (pnmrow != NULL)
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
if (pnm_fget_values(&pnminfo, pnmrow, 1, stream) <= 0)
failed = 1;
/* Transfer the samples, even on partial (unsuccessful) reads. */
if (maxval <= 255)
for (j = 0; j < num_samples; ++j)
unsigned int val = pnmrow[j];
if (val > maxval)
val = 255;
overflow = 1;
else if (maxval != 255)
val = (val * 255 + maxval/2) / maxval;
row_pointers[i][j] = (png_byte)val;
else /* maxval > 255 */
for (j = 0; j < num_samples; ++j)
png_uint_32 val = pnmrow[j];
if (val > maxval)
val = 65535;
overflow = 1;
else if (maxval != 65535)
val = (val * 65535 + maxval/2) / maxval;
row_pointers[i][2 * j] = (png_byte)(val >> 8);
row_pointers[i][2 * j + 1] = (png_byte)(val & 0xff);
if (failed)
else /* read the raw data directly */
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
if (pnm_fget_bytes(&pnminfo,
row_pointers[i], sample_size, 1, stream) <= 0)
failed = 1;
/* Wipe out the portion left unread. */
for ( ; i < height; ++i)
memset(row_pointers[i], 0, row_size);
/* Deallocate the temporary row buffer. */
if (pnmrow != NULL)
png_free(png_ptr, pnmrow);
/* Check the results. */
if (overflow)
png_warning(png_ptr, "Overflow in PNM samples");
if (failed)
png_error(png_ptr, "Error in PNM image file");
else if (!pnm_fpeek_eof(&pnminfo, stream))
png_warning(png_ptr, "Extraneous data found after PNM image");
/* FIXME: A PNM file can have more than one image. */
return 1; /* one image has been successfully read */