blob: c0deb16968f3c5de2a432eb904dac31d83080a96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Code for deferring javascript on client side.
* This javascript is part of JsDefer filter.
* @author (Atul Vasu)
* @author (Kishore Simbili)
* Defer javascript will be executed in two phases. First phase will be for
* high priority scripts and second phase is for low priority scripts. Order
* of execution will be:
* 1) High priority scripts.
* 2) Low priority scripts.
* 3) Onload of high priority scripts.
* 4) Onload of low priority scripts.
* In case of blink, order will be:
* 1) High priority scripts present in above the fold.
* 2) Low priority scripts present in above the fold.
* 3) High priority scripts which are below the fold.
* 4) Low priority scripts which are below the fold.
* 5) Onload of high priority scripts.
* 6) Onload of low priority scripts.
* Exporting functions using quoted attributes to prevent js compiler from
* renaming them.
* See
window['pagespeed'] = window['pagespeed'] || {};
var pagespeed = window['pagespeed'];
pagespeed['deferJsNs'] = {};
var deferJsNs = pagespeed['deferJsNs'];
* @constructor
deferJsNs.DeferJs = function() {
* Queue of tasks that need to be executed in order.
* @type {!Array<function()>}
* @private
this.queue_ = [];
* Array of logs, for debugging.
* @type {Array<string>}
this.logs = [];
* Next item in the queue to be executed.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.next_ = 0;
* Number of scripts dynamically inserted which are not yet executed.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.dynamicInsertedScriptCount_ = 0;
* Scripts dynamically inserted by other scripts.
* @type {Array<Element>}
* @private
this.dynamicInsertedScript_ = [];
* document.write() strings get buffered here, they get rendered when the
* current script is finished executing.
* @private
this.documentWriteHtml_ = '';
// TODO(sriharis): Can we have a listener module that is used for the
// following.
* Map of events to event listeners.
* @type {!Object}
* @private
this.eventListenersMap_ = {};
* Valid Mime types for Javascript.
this.jsMimeTypes =
* We override certain builtin browser functions, such as document.write.
* After OnLoad, however, these should go back to behaving as they originally
* did. This flag deals with the case where client JS code in turn overrides
* our overridden implementations.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.overrideDefaultImplementation_ = true;
* Original document.getElementById handler.
* @private
this.origGetElementById_ = document.getElementById;
* Original document.getElementsByTagName handler.
* @private
this.origGetElementsByTagName_ = document.getElementsByTagName;
* Original document.write handler.
* @private
this.origDocWrite_ = document.write;
* Original handler.
* @private
this.origDocOpen_ =;
* Original document.close handler.
* @private
this.origDocClose_ = document.close;
* Original document.addEventListener handler.
* @private
this.origDocAddEventListener_ = document.addEventListener;
* Original window.addEventListener handler.
* @private
this.origWindowAddEventListener_ = window.addEventListener;
* Original document.addEventListener handler.
* @private
this.origDocAttachEvent_ = document.attachEvent;
* Original window.addEventListener handler.
* @private
this.origWindowAttachEvent_ = window.attachEvent;
* Original document.createElement handler.
* @private
this.origCreateElement_ = document.createElement;
* Maintains the current state for the deferJs.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.NOT_STARTED;
* Maintains the last fired event.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.eventState_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.NOT_STARTED;
* This variable indicates whether deferJs is called for the first time.
* This is set to false if deferJs is called again.
* @private
this.firstIncrementalRun_ = true;
* This variable indicates whether deferJs is called for the last time.
* This is set to false in registerScriptTags if deferJs will be called again
* @private
this.lastIncrementalRun_ = true;
* Callback to call when current incremental scripts are done executing.
* @private
this.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_ = null;
* This variable counts the total number of async scripts created by no defer
* scripts.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.noDeferAsyncScriptsCount_ = 0;
* Async scripts created by no defer scripts.
* @type {Array<Element>}
* @private
this.noDeferAsyncScripts_ = [];
* Type of the javascript node that will get executed.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.psaScriptType_ = '';
* Attribute added for nodes which are not processed yet.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.psaNotProcessed_ = '';
* Last Index until incremental scripts will be executed, rest scripts will
* be executed after the execution of incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_.
* @type {!number}
* @private
this.optLastIndex_ = -1;
* Indicates if experimental js in deferJS is active.
* @type {boolean}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.isExperimentalMode = false;
* State Machine
* ^ |
* | |
* \ |
* \ |
* Constants for different states of deferJs exeuction.
* @enum {number}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES = {
* Start state.
* This state used to mark when critical scripts are done.
* In this state all script tags with type as 'text/psajs' are registered for
* deferred execution.
* Script execution is in process.
* All the sync scripts are executed but some async scripts may not executed
* till now.
* Waiting for onload event to be triggered.
* Final state.
* Constants for different events used by deferJs.
* @enum {number}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT = {
* Start event state.
* Event triggered before executing deferred scripts.
* Event corresponding to DOMContentLoaded.
* Event corresponding to onload.
LOAD: 3,
* Event triggered after executing deferred scripts.
* Name of the attribute set for the nodes that are not reached so far during
* priority scripts execution.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PRIORITY_PSA_NOT_PROCESSED = 'priority_psa_not_processed';
* Name of the attribute set for the nodes that are not reached so far during
* scripts execution.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_NOT_PROCESSED = 'psa_not_processed';
* Name of the attribute set for the current node to mark the current location.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_CURRENT_NODE = 'psa_current_node';
* Name of the attribute to mark the script node for deletion after the
* execution.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_TO_BE_DELETED = 'psa_to_be_deleted';
* Value for psa dummy script nodes.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_SCRIPT_TYPE = 'text/psajs';
* Value of psa dummmy priority script nodes.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PRIORITY_PSA_SCRIPT_TYPE = 'text/prioritypsajs';
* Name of orig_type attribute in deferred script node.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_TYPE = 'data-pagespeed-orig-type';
* Name of orig_src attribute in deferred script node.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_SRC = 'data-pagespeed-orig-src';
* Name of orig_index attribute in deferred script node.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_INDEX = 'data-pagespeed-orig-index';
* Name of the deferred onload attribute.
* @const {string}
deferJsNs.DeferJs.PAGESPEED_ONLOAD = 'data-pagespeed-onload';
* Add to defer_logs if logs are enabled.
* @param {string} line line to be added to log.
* @param {Error=} opt_exception optional exception to pass to log.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.log = function(line, opt_exception) {
if (this.logs) {
this.logs.push('' + line);
if (opt_exception) {
if (typeof(console) != 'undefined' &&
typeof(console.log) != 'undefined') {
console.log('PSA ERROR: ' + line + opt_exception.message);
* Adds task to the end of queue, unless position is explicitly given.
* @param {!function()} task Function closure to be executed later.
* @param {number=} opt_pos optional position for ordering of jobs.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.submitTask = function(task, opt_pos) {
var pos = opt_pos ? opt_pos : this.queue_.length;
this.queue_.splice(pos, 0, task);
* @param {string} str to be evaluated.
* @param {Element=} opt_script_elem Script element to copy attributes into the
* new script node.
* @return {Element} Script cloned element which is created.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.globalEval = function(str, opt_script_elem) {
var script = this.cloneScriptNode(opt_script_elem);
script.text = str;
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
var currentElem = this.getCurrentDomLocation();
currentElem.parentNode.insertBefore(script, currentElem);
return script;
* Defines a new var in the name of id's present in the doc. This is the fix for
* IE, where setting value to the var with same name as an id in the doc throws
* exception. While creating vars, skip the names which have '-', ':', '.'.
* Also, variable names cannot start with digits.
* These characters are allowed in id names but not allowed in variable
* names.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.createIdVars = function() {
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
var idVarsString = '';
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
// Don't use since it leads to problem in forms.
if (elems[i].hasAttribute('id')) {
var idStr = elems[i].getAttribute('id');
if (idStr &&[-:.]/) == -1 &&^[0-9]/) == -1) {
try {
if (window[idStr] && window[idStr].tagName) {
idVarsString += 'var ' + idStr +
'=document.getElementById("' + idStr + '");';
} catch (err) {
this.log('Exception while evaluating.', err);
if (idVarsString) {
var script = this.globalEval(idVarsString);
script.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_NOT_PROCESSED, '');
script.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PRIORITY_PSA_NOT_PROCESSED, '');
* Tries to prefetch the file using rel-preload.
* @param {!string} url Url to be downloaded.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.attemptPrefetchOrQueue = function(url) {
var newLink =, 'link');
newLink.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
newLink.setAttribute('as', 'script');
newLink.setAttribute('href', url);
* Defers execution of scriptNode, by adding it to the queue.
* @param {Element} script script node.
* @param {number=} opt_pos Optional position for ordering.
* @param {boolean=} opt_prefetch Script file is prefetched if true.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addNode = function(script, opt_pos, opt_prefetch) {
var src = script.getAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_SRC) ||
if (src) {
if (opt_prefetch) {
this.addUrl(src, script, opt_pos);
} else {
// ||'ed with empty string to make sure the the value of str is not
// undefined or null.
var str = script.innerHTML || script.textContent || || '';
this.addStr(str, script, opt_pos);
* Defers execution of 'str', by adding it to the queue.
* @param {!string} str valid javascript snippet.
* @param {Element} script_elem Psa inserted script used as context element.
* @param {number=} opt_pos Optional position for ordering.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addStr = function(str, script_elem, opt_pos) {
if (this.isFireFox()) {
// This is due to some bug identified in firefox.
// Got this workaround from the bug raised on firefox.
this.addUrl('data:text/javascript,' + encodeURIComponent(str),
this.logs.push('Add to queue str: ' + str);
var me = this; // capture closure.
this.submitTask(function() {
var node = me.nextPsaJsNode();
node.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_CURRENT_NODE, '');
try {
me.globalEval(str, script_elem);
} catch (err) {
me.log('Exception while evaluating.', err);
me.log('Evaluated: ' + str);
// TODO(ksimbili): Detach stack here to prevent recursion issues.
}, opt_pos);
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['addStr'] = deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addStr;
* Clones a Script Node. This is equivalent of 'cloneNode'.
* @param {Element=} opt_script_elem Psa inserted script used for cloning the
* new element.
* @return {Element} Script Element with all attributes copied from
* opt_script_elem.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.cloneScriptNode = function(opt_script_elem) {
var newScript =, 'script');
if (opt_script_elem) {
// Copy attributes.
for (var a = opt_script_elem.attributes, n = a.length, i = n - 1;
i >= 0; --i) {
// Ignore 'type' and 'src' as they are set later.
// Ignore 'async' and 'defer', as our current.
// TODO(ksimbili): If a script has async then don't wait for it to load.
if (a[i].name != 'type' && a[i].name != 'src' &&
a[i].name != 'async' && a[i].name != 'defer' &&
a[i].name != deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_TYPE &&
a[i].name != deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_SRC &&
a[i].name != deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_INDEX &&
a[i].name != deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_CURRENT_NODE &&
a[i].name != this.psaNotProcessed_) {
newScript.setAttribute(a[i].name, a[i].value);
return newScript;
* Creates a dummy script node on load of which the next deferred script is
* executed.
* Note, this function needs to be called after a synchronous script node.
* @param {!string} url returns javascript when fetched.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.scriptOnLoad = function(url) {
var script =, 'script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.async = false;
script.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_TO_BE_DELETED, '');
script.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_NOT_PROCESSED, '');
script.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PRIORITY_PSA_NOT_PROCESSED, '');
var me = this; // capture closure.
var runNextHandler = function() {
if (document.querySelector) {
// Find the script node we inserted and remove it.
var node = document.querySelector(
'[' + deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_TO_BE_DELETED + ']');
if (node) {
me.log('Executed: ' + url);
// The onload of the new script node is guaranteed which marks as the load
// completion of 'url'.
deferJsNs.addOnload(script, runNextHandler);
pagespeedutils.addHandler(script, 'error', runNextHandler);
script.src = 'data:text/javascript,' +
var currentElem = this.getCurrentDomLocation();
currentElem.parentNode.insertBefore(script, currentElem);
* Defers execution of contents of 'url'.
* @param {!string} url returns javascript when fetched.
* @param {Element} script_elem Psa inserted script used as context element.
* @param {number=} opt_pos Optional position for ordering.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addUrl = function(url, script_elem, opt_pos) {
this.logs.push('Add to queue url: ' + url);
var me = this; // capture closure.
this.submitTask(function() {
var script = me.cloneScriptNode(script_elem);
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
var useSyncScript = true;
if ('async' in script) {
script.async = false;
} else if (script.readyState) {
useSyncScript = false;
var stateChangeHandler = function() {
if (script.readyState == 'complete' ||
script.readyState == 'loaded') {
script.onreadystatechange = null;
me.log('Executed: ' + url);
pagespeedutils.addHandler(script, 'readystatechange', stateChangeHandler);
script.setAttribute('src', url);
// If a script node with src also has a node inside it
// (as innerHTML etc.), we simply create an equivalent text node so
// that the DOM remains the same. Note that we do not try to execute
// the contents of this node.
var str = script_elem.innerHTML ||
script_elem.textContent ||;
if (str) {
var currentElem = me.nextPsaJsNode();
currentElem.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_CURRENT_NODE, '');
currentElem.parentNode.insertBefore(script, currentElem);
if (useSyncScript) {
// We cannot depend on the onload of the script node we just inserted,
// because of the way we preload the js resources. Hence we are using
// 'scriptOnLoad' to insert a dummy script tag whose onload is fired
// reliably.
}, opt_pos);
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['addUrl'] = deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addUrl;
* Remove psaNotProcessed_ attribute till the given node.
* @param {Node=} opt_node Stop node.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.removeNotProcessedAttributeTillNode = function(
opt_node) {
if (document.querySelectorAll && !(this.getIEVersion() <= 8)) {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(
'[' + this.psaNotProcessed_ + ']');
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var dom_node = nodes.item(i);
if (dom_node == opt_node) {
if (dom_node.getAttribute('type') != this.psaScriptType_) {
* Set 'psa_not_processed' attribute to all Nodes in DOM.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.setNotProcessedAttributeForNodes = function() {
var nodes =, '*');
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var dom_node = nodes.item(i);
dom_node.setAttribute(this.psaNotProcessed_, '');
* Get the next script psajs node to be executed.
* @return {Element} Element having type attribute set to 'text/psajs'.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.nextPsaJsNode = function() {
var current_node = null;
if (document.querySelector) {
current_node = document.querySelector(
'[type="' + this.psaScriptType_ + '"]');
return current_node;
* Get the current location in DOM for the new nodes insertion. New nodes are
* inserted before the returned node.
* @return {Element} Element having 'psa_current_node' attribute.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.getCurrentDomLocation = function() {
var current_node;
if (document.querySelector) {
current_node = document.querySelector(
'[' + deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_CURRENT_NODE + ']');
return current_node ||, 'psanode')[0];
* Removes the processed script node with 'text/psajs'.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.removeCurrentDomLocation = function() {
var oldNode = this.getCurrentDomLocation();
// getCurrentDomLocation can return 'psanode' which is not a script.
if (oldNode.nodeName == 'SCRIPT') {
* Called when the script Queue execution is finished.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.onComplete = function() {
if (this.state_ >= deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.WAITING_FOR_ONLOAD) {
if (this.lastIncrementalRun_ && this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
// ReadyState should be restored only during the last onComplete,
// so that document.readyState returns 'loading' till the last deferred
// script is executed.
if (this.getIEVersion() && document.documentElement['originalDoScroll']) {
document.documentElement.doScroll =
if (Object.defineProperty) {
// Delete document.readyState so that browser can restore it.
delete document['readyState'];
if (this.getIEVersion()) {
if (Object.defineProperty) {
// Delete document.all so that browser can restore it.
delete document['all'];
this.overrideDefaultImplementation_ = false;
if (this.lastIncrementalRun_) {
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.WAITING_FOR_ONLOAD;
if (this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
var me = this;
if (document.readyState != 'complete') {
deferJsNs.addOnload(window, function() {
} else {
// Here there is a chance that window.onload is triggered twice.
// But we have no way of finding this.
// TODO(ksimbili): Fix the above scenario.
if (document.onreadystatechange) {
this.exec(document.onreadystatechange, document);
// Execute window.onload
if (window.onload) {
psaAddEventListener(window, 'onload', window.onload);
window.onload = null;
} else {
} else {
// The following state change is only for debugging.
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.WAITING_FOR_NEXT_RUN;
this.firstIncrementalRun_ = false;
if (this.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_ && this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
pagespeed.deferJs = pagespeed.highPriorityDeferJs;
pagespeed['deferJs'] = pagespeed.highPriorityDeferJs;
this.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_ = null;
} else {
* Fires 'onload' event.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.fireOnload = function() {
// Add all the elements whose onloads are deferred.
// Note, by the time we come here, all the images, iframes etc all should have
// been loaded. Because main page onload gets triggered when all it's
// resources are loaded.So we can blindly trigger all those onloads.
if (this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
if (this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
// Clean up psanode elements from the DOM.
var psanodes = document.body.getElementsByTagName('psanode');
for (var i = (psanodes.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
// Clean up all prefetch containers we added.
var prefetchContainers =
for (var i = (prefetchContainers.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_DONE;
* Finalize function for high priority scripts execution that start the
* execution of low priority scripts.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.highPriorityFinalize = function() {
var me = this;
window.setTimeout(function() {
pagespeed.deferJs = pagespeed.lowPriorityDeferJs;
pagespeed['deferJs'] = pagespeed.lowPriorityDeferJs;
if (me.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_) {
me.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_ = null;
} else {
}, 0);
* Checks if node is present in the dom.
* @param {Node} node Node whose presence in the dom is checked.
* @return {boolean} returns true if node is present in the Node, false
* otherwise.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.checkNodeInDom = function(node) {
while (node = node.parentNode) {
if (node == document) {
return true;
return false;
* Script onload is not triggered if src is empty because such scripts
* are not async scripts as these scripts will be executed while parsing
* the dom.
* @param {Array<Element>} dynamicInsertedScriptList is the list of dynamic
* inserted scripts.
* @return {number} returns the number of scripts whose onload will not get
* triggered.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.getNumScriptsWithNoOnload =
function(dynamicInsertedScriptList) {
var count = 0;
var len = dynamicInsertedScriptList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var node = dynamicInsertedScriptList[i];
var parent = node.parentNode;
var src = node.src;
var text = node.textContent;
// IE behaves differently for async scripts compared to other browsers.
// IE triggeres script onload only if parent is not null and src or
// textContent is not empty. But other browsers trigger onload only if
// node is present in the dom and src is not empty.
if (((this.getIEVersion() > 8) &&
(!parent || (src == '' && text == ''))) ||
(!this.getIEVersion() &&
(!this.checkNodeInDom(node) || src == ''))) {
return count;
* Checks if onComplete() function can be called or not.
* @return {boolean} returns true if onComplete() can be called.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.canCallOnComplete = function() {
// TODO(pulkitg): Handle scenario where somebody sets innetHTML and references
// in the this.dynamicInsertedScriptCount_ become invalid.
if (this.state_ != deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SYNC_SCRIPTS_DONE) {
return false;
var count = 0;
if (this.dynamicInsertedScriptCount_ != 0) {
count = this.getNumScriptsWithNoOnload(this.dynamicInsertedScript_);
if (this.dynamicInsertedScriptCount_ == count) {
return true;
return false;
* Whether all the deferred scripts are done executing.
* @return {boolean} true if all deferred scripts are done executing, false
* otherwise.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.scriptsAreDone = function() {
return this.state_ === deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_DONE;
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['scriptsAreDone'] =
* Schedules the next task in the queue.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.runNext = function() {
if (this.next_ < this.queue_.length) {
// Done here to prevent another _run_next() in stack from
// seeing the same value of next, and get into infinite
// loop.
this.queue_[this.next_ - 1].call(window);
} else {
if (this.lastIncrementalRun_) {
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SYNC_SCRIPTS_DONE;
if (this.canCallOnComplete()) {
} else {
* Converts from NodeList to array of nodes.
* @param {!NodeList} nodeList NodeList from a DOM node.
* @return {!Array<Node>} Array of nodes returned.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.nodeListToArray = function(nodeList) {
var arr = [];
var len = nodeList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
return arr;
* SetUp needed before deferrred scripts execution.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.setUp = function() {
var me = this;
if (this.firstIncrementalRun_ && !this.isLowPriorityDeferJs()) {
// TODO(ksimbili): Remove this once context is not optional.
// Place where document.write() happens if there is no context element
// present. Happens if there is no context registering that happened in
// registerNoScriptTags.
var initialContextNode = document.createElement('psanode');
initialContextNode.setAttribute('psa_dw_target', 'true');
if (this.getIEVersion()) {
if (Object.defineProperty) {
try {
// Shadow document.readyState
var propertyDescriptor = { configurable: true };
propertyDescriptor.get = function() {
return (me.state_ >= deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SYNC_SCRIPTS_DONE) ?
'interactive' : 'loading';
Object.defineProperty(document, 'readyState', propertyDescriptor);
} catch (err) {
this.log('Exception while overriding document.readyState.', err);
if (this.getIEVersion()) {
// In IE another approach for identifying DOMContentLoaded is popularly
// used. It is described in .
// And JQuery is one of the libraries which employs this strategy.
document.documentElement['originalDoScroll'] =
document.documentElement.doScroll = function() {
throw ('psa exception');
if (Object.defineProperty) {
try {
// Shadow document.all
var propertyDescriptor = { configurable: true };
propertyDescriptor.get = function() { return undefined; };
Object.defineProperty(document, 'all', propertyDescriptor);
} catch (err) {
this.log('Exception while overriding document.all.', err);
// override AddEventListeners.
// TODO(ksimbili): Restore the following functions to their original.
document.writeln = function(x) {
me.writeHtml(x + '\n');
document.write = function(x) {
}; = function() {
if (!me.overrideDefaultImplementation_) {;
document.close = function() {
if (!me.overrideDefaultImplementation_) {;
document.getElementById = function(str) {
var node =, str);
return (node == null ||
node.hasAttribute(me.psaNotProcessed_)) ? null : node;
if (document.querySelectorAll && !(me.getIEVersion() <= 8)) {
// TODO(ksimbili): Support IE8
// TODO(jmaessen): More to the point, this only sort of works even on modern
// browsers; origGetElementsByTagName returns a live list that changes to
// reflect DOM changes and querySelectorAll does not (and is known to be
// massively slower on many browsers as a result). We might be able to get
// around this using delegates a la document.readyState, but it'll be hard.
document.getElementsByTagName = function(tagName) {
if (me.overrideDefaultImplementation_) {
try {
return document.querySelectorAll(
tagName + ':not([' + me.psaNotProcessed_ + '])');
} catch (err) {
// Fall through and emulate original behavior
return, tagName);
// Overriding createElement().
// Attaching onload & onerror function if script node is created.
document.createElement = function(str) {
var elem =, str);
if (me.overrideDefaultImplementation_ &&
str.toLowerCase() == 'script') {
var onload = function() {
var index = me.dynamicInsertedScript_.indexOf(this);
if (index != -1) {
me.dynamicInsertedScript_.splice(index, 1);
if (me.canCallOnComplete()) {
deferJsNs.addOnload(elem, onload);
pagespeedutils.addHandler(elem, 'error', onload);
return elem;
* Start the execution of the deferred script only if there is no async script
* pending that was created by non deferred.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.execute = function() {
if (this.state_ != deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_REGISTERED) {
var count = 0;
if (this.noDeferAsyncScriptsCount_ != 0) {
count = this.getNumScriptsWithNoOnload(this.noDeferAsyncScripts_);
if (this.noDeferAsyncScriptsCount_ == count) {;
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['execute'] = deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.execute;
* Starts the execution of all the deferred scripts.
*/ = function() {
if (this.state_ != deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_REGISTERED) {
if (this.firstIncrementalRun_) {
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_EXECUTING;
// Starts executing the defer_js closures.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['run'] =;
* Parses the given html snippet.
* @param {!string} html to be parsed.
* @return {!Node} returns a DIV containing parsed nodes as children.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.parseHtml = function(html) {
var div =, 'div');
// IE HACK -- Two options.
// 1) Either add a dummy character at the start and delete it after parsing.
// 2) Add some non-empty node infront of html.
div.innerHTML = '<div>_</div>' + html;
return div;
* Removes the node from its parent if it has one.
* @param {Node} node Node to be disowned from parent.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.disown = function(node) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
* Inserts all the nodes before elem. It must have a parentNode for this
* operation to succeed. (either actually inserted in DOM)
* @param {!NodeList} nodes to insert.
* @param {!Node} elem context element.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.insertNodesBeforeElem = function(nodes, elem) {
var nodeArray = this.nodeListToArray(nodes);
var len = nodeArray.length;
var parentNode = elem.parentNode;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var node = nodeArray[i];
parentNode.insertBefore(node, elem);
* Returns if the node is JavaScript Node.
* @param {!Node} node valid script Node.
* @return {boolean} true if script node is javascript node.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.isJSNode = function(node) {
if (node.nodeName != 'SCRIPT') {
return false;
if (node.hasAttribute('type')) {
var type = node.getAttribute('type');
return !type || (this.jsMimeTypes.indexOf(type) != -1);
} else if (node.hasAttribute('language')) {
var lang = node.getAttribute('language');
return !lang ||
(this.jsMimeTypes.indexOf('text/' + lang.toLowerCase()) != -1);
return true;
* Given the list of nodes, sets the not_processed attributes to all nodes and
* generates list of script nodes.
* @param {!Node} node starting node for DFS.
* @param {!Array<!Element>} scriptNodes array of script elements (output).
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.markNodesAndExtractScriptNodes = function(
node, scriptNodes) {
if (!node.childNodes) {
var nodeArray = this.nodeListToArray(node.childNodes);
var len = nodeArray.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var child = nodeArray[i];
// <script id='A'>
// command1
// document.write('<script id='B'>command2<script>');
// command3
// <\/script>
// Browser behaviour for above script node is as follows- first execute
// command1 and after the execution of command1, scriptB starts executing
// and only after the complete execution of script B, command3 will execute.
// But with deferJs turned on, after the execution of command 1, command3
// gets executed and only after the complete execution of script A, script B
// will execute.
// TODO(pulkitg): Make both behaviour consistent.
if (child.nodeName == 'SCRIPT') {
if (this.isJSNode(child)) {
// TODO(jud): Rewrite this function to just iterate over children,
// instead of childNodes, and then we only have to operate over elements
// instead of nodes.
scriptNodes.push(/** @type {!Element} */ (child));
child.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_TYPE, child.type);
child.setAttribute('type', this.psaScriptType_);
child.setAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_SRC, child.src);
child.setAttribute('src', '');
child.setAttribute(this.psaNotProcessed_, '');
} else {
this.markNodesAndExtractScriptNodes(child, scriptNodes);
* @param {!Array<Element>} scripts Array of script nodes to be deferred.
* @param {!number} pos position for script ordering.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.deferScripts = function(scripts, pos) {
var len = scripts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
this.addNode(scripts[i], pos + i, !!i);
* Inserts html in the before elem, with scripts inside added to queue at pos.
* @param {!string} html contains the snippet.
* @param {!number} pos optional position to add to queue.
* @param {Element=} opt_elem optional context element.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.insertHtml = function(html, pos, opt_elem) {
// Parse the html.
var node = this.parseHtml(html);
// Extract script nodes out for deferring them.
var scriptNodes = [];
this.markNodesAndExtractScriptNodes(node, scriptNodes);
// Add non-script nodes before elem
if (opt_elem) {
this.insertNodesBeforeElem(node.childNodes, opt_elem);
} else {
this.log('Unable to insert nodes, no context element found');
// Add script nodes for deferring.
this.deferScripts(scriptNodes, pos);
* Renders the document.write() buffer before the context
* element.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.handlePendingDocumentWrites = function() {
if (this.documentWriteHtml_ == '') {
this.log('handle_dw: ' + this.documentWriteHtml_);
var html = this.documentWriteHtml_;
// Reset early because insertHtml may internally end up calling this function
// recursively.
this.documentWriteHtml_ = '';
var currentElem = this.getCurrentDomLocation();
this.insertHtml(html, this.next_, currentElem);
* Writes html like document.write to the current context item.
* @param {string} html Html to be written before current context elem.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.writeHtml = function(html) {
if (this.overrideDefaultImplementation_) {
this.log('dw: ' + html);
this.documentWriteHtml_ += html;
} else {, html);
* Adds page onload event listeners to our own list and called them later.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addDeferredOnloadListeners = function() {
var onloadDeferredElements;
if (document.querySelectorAll) {
onloadDeferredElements = document.querySelectorAll(
'[' + deferJsNs.DeferJs.PAGESPEED_ONLOAD + '][data-pagespeed-loaded]');
for (var i = 0; i < onloadDeferredElements.length; i++) {
var elem = onloadDeferredElements.item(i);
var handlerStr = elem.getAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PAGESPEED_ONLOAD);
var functionStr = 'var psaFunc=function() {' + handlerStr + '};';
// Define a function with the string above.
window['eval'].call(window, functionStr);
if (typeof window['psaFunc'] != 'function') {
this.log('Function is not defined', new Error(''));
psaAddEventListener(elem, 'onload', window['psaFunc']);
* Adds functions that run as the first thing in run().
* @param {!function()} func onload listener.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addBeforeDeferRunFunctions = function(func) {
psaAddEventListener(window, 'onbeforescripts', func);
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['addBeforeDeferRunFunctions'] =
* Adds functions that run after all the deferred scripts, DOM ready listeners
* and onload listeners have run.
* @param {!function()} func onload listener.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.addAfterDeferRunFunctions = function(func) {
psaAddEventListener(window, 'onafterscripts', func);
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['addAfterDeferRunFunctions'] =
* Firing event will execute all listeners registered for the event.
* @param {!deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.<number>} evt Event to be fired.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.fireEvent = function(evt) {
this.eventState_ = evt;
this.log('Firing Event: ' + evt);
var eventListeners = this.eventListenersMap_[evt] || [];
for (var i = 0; i < eventListeners.length; ++i) {
eventListeners.length = 0;
* Execute function under try catch.
* @param {!function()} func Function to be executed.
* @param {Window|Element|Document=} opt_scopeObject Element to be used as
* scope.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.exec = function(func, opt_scopeObject) {
try { || window);
} catch (err) {
this.log('Exception while evaluating.', err);
* Override native event registration function on window and document objects.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.overrideAddEventListeners = function() {
var me = this;
// override AddEventListeners.
if (window.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener = function(eventName, func, capture) {
psaAddEventListener(document, eventName, func,
me.origDocAddEventListener_, capture);
window.addEventListener = function(eventName, func, capture) {
psaAddEventListener(window, eventName, func,
me.origWindowAddEventListener_, capture);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent = function(eventName, func) {
psaAddEventListener(document, eventName, func,
window.attachEvent = function(eventName, func) {
psaAddEventListener(window, eventName, func,
* Registers an event with the element.
* @param {!(Window|Node|Document)} elem Element which is registering for the
* event.
* @param {!string} eventName Name of the event.
* @param {(Function|EventListener|function())} func Event handler.
* @param {Function=} opt_originalAddEventListener Original Add event Listener
* function.
* @param {boolean=} opt_capture Capture event.
var psaAddEventListener = function(elem, eventName, func,
opt_originalAddEventListener, opt_capture) {
var deferJs = pagespeed['deferJs'];
if (deferJs.state_ >= deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.WAITING_FOR_ONLOAD) {
// At this point we ought to revert to the original event listener
// behavior.
if (opt_originalAddEventListener) {, eventName, func, opt_capture);
// Unless there wasn't an event listener provided, in which case we are
// calling psaAddEventListener internally and should check whether we have
// work to do and fall through if so. (Note that if we return
// unconditionally here we miss event registrations and break pages.)
if (deferJs.state_ >= deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_DONE) {
var deferJsEvent;
var deferJsEventName;
if (deferJs.eventState_ < deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.DOM_READY &&
(eventName == 'DOMContentLoaded' || eventName == 'readystatechange' ||
eventName == 'onDOMContentLoaded' ||
eventName == 'onreadystatechange')) {
deferJsEvent = deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.DOM_READY;
deferJsEventName = 'DOMContentLoaded';
} else if (deferJs.eventState_ < deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.LOAD &&
(eventName == 'load' || eventName == 'onload')) {
deferJsEvent = deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.LOAD;
deferJsEventName = 'load';
} else if (eventName == 'onbeforescripts') {
deferJsEvent = deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.BEFORE_SCRIPTS;
} else if (eventName == 'onafterscripts') {
deferJsEvent = deferJsNs.DeferJs.EVENT.AFTER_SCRIPTS;
} else {
if (opt_originalAddEventListener) {, eventName, func, opt_capture);
var eventListenerClosure = function() {
// HACK HACK: This is specifically to solve for jquery libraries, who try
// to read the event being passed.
// Note we are not setting any of the other params in event. We don't see
// them as a need for now.
// This is set based on documentation from
var customEvent = {};
customEvent['bubbles'] = false;
customEvent['cancelable'] = false;
customEvent['eventPhase'] = 2; // Event.AT_TARGET
customEvent['timeStamp'] = new Date().getTime();
customEvent['type'] = deferJsEventName;
// has to be some element in DOM. It can never be window.
customEvent['target'] = (elem != window) ? elem : document;
// This can be safely 'elem' because the two events "DOMContentLoaded' and
// 'load' cannot bubble.
customEvent['currentTarget'] = elem;, customEvent);
if (!deferJs.eventListenersMap_[deferJsEvent]) {
deferJs.eventListenersMap_[deferJsEvent] = [];
* Registers all script tags which are marked text/psajs, by adding themselves
* as the context element to the script embedded inside them.
* @param {function()=} opt_callback Called when critical scripts are
* done executing.
* @param {number=} opt_last_index till where its safe to run scripts.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.registerScriptTags =
function(opt_callback, opt_last_index) {
if (this.state_ >= deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_REGISTERED) {
if (opt_callback) {
if (!deferJsNs.DeferJs.isExperimentalMode) {
this.lastIncrementalRun_ = false;
this.incrementalScriptsDoneCallback_ = opt_callback;
if (opt_last_index) {
this.optLastIndex_ = opt_last_index;
} else {
this.lastIncrementalRun_ = true;
this.state_ = deferJsNs.DeferJs.STATES.SCRIPTS_REGISTERED;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var len = scripts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var isFirstScript = (this.queue_.length == this.next_);
var script = scripts[i];
// TODO(ksimbili): Use orig_type
if (script.getAttribute('type') == this.psaScriptType_) {
if (opt_callback) {
var scriptIndex =
if (scriptIndex <= this.optLastIndex_) {
this.addNode(script, undefined, !isFirstScript);
} else {
if (script.getAttribute(deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_ORIG_INDEX) <
this.optLastIndex_) {
this.log('Executing a script twice. Orig_Index: ' +
new Error(''));
this.addNode(script, undefined, !isFirstScript);
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['registerScriptTags'] =
* Runs the function when element is loaded.
* @param {Window|Element} elem Element to attach handler.
* @param {!function()} func New onload handler.
deferJsNs.addOnload = function(elem, func) {
pagespeedutils.addHandler(elem, 'load', func);
pagespeed['addOnload'] = deferJsNs.addOnload;
* @return {boolean} true if browser is Firefox.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.isFireFox = function() {
return (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') != -1);
* @return {boolean} true if browser is WebKit based.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.isWebKit = function() {
return (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1);
* @return {number} version number if browser is IE.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.getIEVersion = function() {
var version = /(?:MSIE.(\d+\.\d+))/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
return (version && version[1]) ?
(document.documentMode || parseFloat(version[1])) :
* Set the type of the scripts which will be executed.
* @param {string} type of psa dummy nodes that need to be processed.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.setType = function(type) {
this.psaScriptType_ = type;
* Set the psaNotProcessed marker.
* @param {string} psaNotProcessed marker.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.setPsaNotProcessed = function(psaNotProcessed) {
this.psaNotProcessed_ = psaNotProcessed;
* Whether defer javascript is executing low priority scripts.
* @return {boolean} returns true if defer javascript is executing low priority
* scripts.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.isLowPriorityDeferJs = function() {
if (this.psaScriptType_ == deferJsNs.DeferJs.PSA_SCRIPT_TYPE) {
return true;
return false;
* Overrides createElement for the non-deferred scripts. Any async script
* created by non-deferred script should be executed before deferred scripts
* gets executed.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.noDeferCreateElementOverride = function() {
// Attaching onload & onerror function if script node is created.
var me = this;
document.createElement = function(str) {
var elem =, str);
if (me.overrideDefaultImplementation_ &&
str.toLowerCase() == 'script') {
var onload = function() {
var index = me.noDeferAsyncScripts_.indexOf(this);
if (index != -1) {
me.noDeferAsyncScripts_.splice(index, 1);
deferJsNs.addOnload(elem, onload);
pagespeedutils.addHandler(elem, 'error', onload);
return elem;
* @return {boolean} true if deferJs is running with experimental flag.
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype.isExperimentalMode = function() {
return deferJsNs.DeferJs.isExperimentalMode;
deferJsNs.DeferJs.prototype['isExperimentalMode'] =
* Initialize defer javascript.
deferJsNs.deferInit = function() {
if (pagespeed['deferJs']) {
deferJsNs.DeferJs.isExperimentalMode = pagespeed['defer_js_experimental'];
pagespeed.highPriorityDeferJs = new deferJsNs.DeferJs();
pagespeed.lowPriorityDeferJs = new deferJsNs.DeferJs();
pagespeed.deferJs = pagespeed.highPriorityDeferJs;
pagespeed['deferJs'] = pagespeed.deferJs;
* Indicates if deferJs started executing.
* @type {boolean}
pagespeed.deferJsStarted = false;
* Starts deferJs execution.
deferJsNs.startDeferJs = function() {
if (pagespeed.deferJsStarted) {
pagespeed.deferJsStarted = true;
deferJsNs['startDeferJs'] = deferJsNs.startDeferJs;
pagespeedutils.addHandler(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', deferJsNs.startDeferJs);
deferJsNs.addOnload(window, deferJsNs.startDeferJs);