blob: ff72818682c3ee4a3158fae36cfda0ef069137a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Code for detecting and sending to server the critical images (images above
* the fold) on the client side.
* @param {string} beaconUrl The URL on the server to send the beacon to.
* @param {string} htmlUrl URL of the page the beacon is being inserted on.
* @param {string} optionsHash The hash of the rewrite options. This is required
* to perform the property cache lookup when the beacon is handled by the
* sever.
* @param {boolean} checkRenderedImageSizes The bool to show if resizing is
* being done using the rendered dimensions. If yes we capture the rendered
* dimensions and send it back with the beacon.
* @param {string} nonce The nonce sent by the server.
* @constructor
* @private
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_ = function(
beaconUrl, htmlUrl, optionsHash, checkRenderedImageSizes, nonce) {
this.beaconUrl_ = beaconUrl;
this.htmlUrl_ = htmlUrl;
this.optionsHash_ = optionsHash;
this.nonce_ = nonce;
/** @private {{height: number, width: number}} */
this.windowSize_ = pagespeedutils.getWindowSize();
this.checkRenderedImageSizes_ = checkRenderedImageSizes;
/** @private {!Object.<string, boolean>} */
this.imgLocations_ = {};
// TODO(jud): Consider using goog.structs.Set instead of using an array + map
// combination below.
* Array of critical image URL hash keys.
* @private {!Array.<string>}
this.criticalImages_ = [];
* Object used to store the keys from this.criticalImages_ so that we get a
* unique list of them.
* @private {!Object.<string, boolean>}
this.criticalImagesKeys_ = {};
* Returns the absolute position of the top left corner of the element.
* @param {!Element} element DOM element to calculate the location of.
* @return {{top: number, left: number}}
* @private
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.elLocation_ = function(element) {
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
// getBoundingClientRect() is w.r.t. the viewport. Add the amount scrolled to
// calculate the absolute position of the element.
// From
var body = document.body;
var scrollX = 'pageXOffset' in window ? window.pageXOffset :
(document.documentElement || body.parentNode || body).scrollLeft;
var scrollY = 'pageYOffset' in window ? window.pageYOffset :
(document.documentElement || body.parentNode || body).scrollTop;
return {
top: + scrollY,
left: rect.left + scrollX
* Returns true if an element is critical, meaning it is visible upon initial
* page load.
* @param {!Element} element The DOM element to check for visibility.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.isCritical_ = function(element) {
// TODO(jud): We can perform a more efficient critical image check if lazyload
// images is enabled, and this beacon code runs after the lazyload JS has
// initially executed. Specifically, we know an image is not critical if it
// still has the 'data-pagespeed-lazy-src' attribute, meaning that the image
// was not visible in the viewport yet. This will save us potentially many
// calls to the expensive getBoundingClientRect().
// Make sure the element is visible first before checking its position on the
// page. Note, this check works correctly with the lazyload placeholder image,
// since that image is a 1x1 pixel, and styling it display=none also sets
// offsetWidth and offsetHeight to 0.
if (element.offsetWidth <= 0 && element.offsetHeight <= 0) {
return false;
var elLocation = this.elLocation_(element);
// Only return one image as critical if there are multiple images that have
// the same location. This is to handle sliders with many images in the same
// location, but most of which only appear after onload.
var elLocationStr = + ',' + elLocation.left;
if (this.imgLocations_.hasOwnProperty(elLocationStr)) {
return false;
} else {
this.imgLocations_[elLocationStr] = true;
return <= this.windowSize_.height &&
elLocation.left <= this.windowSize_.width;
* Inserts the image key string into criticalImages_ and criticalImagesKeys_
* if it is critical (visible).
* @param {!Element} element The DOM element to check for visibility.
* @private
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.insertIfImageIsCritical_ =
function(element) {
var key = element.getAttribute('data-pagespeed-url-hash');
if (key && !(key in this.criticalImagesKeys_) &&
this.isCritical_(element)) {
this.criticalImagesKeys_[key] = true;
* Checks position of image element on onload of the image to decide whether
* it is visible or not and adds it to a map if critical.
* @param {!Element} element The DOM element to check for visibility.
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.checkImageForCriticality =
function(element) {
// TODO(jud): Remove the check for getBoundingClientRect below, either by
// making elLocation_ work correctly if it isn't defined, or updating the
// user agent whitelist to exclude UAs that don't support it correctly.
if (element.getBoundingClientRect) {
* Checks position of image element on onload of the image to decide whether
* it is visible or not and adds it to a map if critical.
* @param {Element} element The DOM element to check for visibility.
* @export
pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality = function(element) {
* Check all images to see if they are critical and beacon when finished. Should
* be called either at page onload, or when the onload handler for all images
* has finished running if lazyload_images is enabled.
* @export
pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages = function() {
* Check position of images and input tags and beacon back all visible images.
* This method is triggered on page onload and goes over all image elements
* available at this point, and merges this set with the set of visible image
* elements detected via image onload logic (via checkImageForCriticality).
* Images detected at image-onload time are more accurate in detecting initial
* images of slideshow-like features.
* @private
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.checkCriticalImages_ = function() {
// Start with a fresh imgLocations_ map so that anything that did not get a
// chance to get detected at image-onload time because of accidental overlap
// between image locations will now have a chance to get identified. Note that
// in case of slideshows, this can cause duplicate images to be detected, but
// the correct first slideshow image would already have been detected at image
// onload time.
this.imgLocations_ = {};
// Generate a list of the elements that can be considered critical.
var tags = [goog.dom.TagName.IMG, goog.dom.TagName.INPUT];
var elemsToCheck = [];
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
elemsToCheck = elemsToCheck.concat(
// Return early if there aren't any items to check.
if (elemsToCheck.length == 0) { return; }
// Verify that the browser supports all the features we need, and bail out if
// it doesn't.
// TODO(jud): Remove the check for getBoundingClientRect, either by making
// elLocation_ work correctly if it isn't defined, or updating the user agent
// whitelist to exclude UAs that don't support it correctly.
if (!elemsToCheck[0].getBoundingClientRect) { return; }
for (var i = 0, element; element = elemsToCheck[i]; ++i) {
var data = 'oh=' + this.optionsHash_;
if (this.nonce_) {
data += '&n=' + this.nonce_;
var isDataAvailable = this.criticalImages_.length != 0;
if (isDataAvailable) {
data += '&ci=' + encodeURIComponent(this.criticalImages_[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < this.criticalImages_.length; ++i) {
var tmp = ',' + encodeURIComponent(this.criticalImages_[i]);
if (data.length + tmp.length <= pagespeedutils.MAX_POST_SIZE) {
data += tmp;
// Add rendered image dimensions as a query param to the beacon URL.
if (this.checkRenderedImageSizes_) {
var tmp = '&rd=' +
if (data.length + tmp.length <= pagespeedutils.MAX_POST_SIZE) {
data += tmp;
isDataAvailable = true;
// Export the URL for testing purposes.
pagespeed.CriticalImages.beaconData_ = data;
if (isDataAvailable) {
// TODO(jud): This beacon should coordinate with the add_instrumentation JS
// so that only one beacon request is sent if both filters are enabled.
pagespeedutils.sendBeacon(this.beaconUrl_, this.htmlUrl_, data);
* Retrieves the rendered width and height of images. The returned object uses
* abbreviated key names (rw = rendered width, oh = original height, etc.) to
* keep the data sent back in the beacon compact.
* @return {!Object.<string, {
* rw: number,
* rh: number,
* ow: number,
* oh: number}>} Object mapping an image's data-pagespeed-url-hash to its
* original and rendered widths and heights.
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_.prototype.getImageRenderedMap = function() {
var renderedImageDimensions = {};
// TODO(poojatandon): Get elements for 'input' tag with type="image". This
// currently doesn't work because input tags don't support naturalWidth and
// naturalHeight.
var images = goog.dom.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.IMG);
if (images.length == 0) { return {}; }
// naturalWidth and naturalHeight is defined for all browsers except in IE
// versions 8 and before (non HTML5 support).
var img = images[0];
if (!('naturalWidth' in img) || !('naturalHeight' in img)) { return {}; }
for (var i = 0; img = images[i]; ++i) {
var key = img.getAttribute('data-pagespeed-url-hash');
if (!key) { continue; }
if ((!(key in renderedImageDimensions) &&
img.width > 0 && img.height > 0 &&
img.naturalWidth > 0 && img.naturalHeight > 0) ||
((key in renderedImageDimensions) &&
img.width >= renderedImageDimensions[key].rw &&
img.height >= renderedImageDimensions[key].rh)) {
renderedImageDimensions[key] = {
'rw' : img.width,
'rh' : img.height,
'ow' : img.naturalWidth,
'oh' : img.naturalHeight
// TODO(poojatandon): Some background images are larger than the view port,
// especially on mobile devices. In such cases it would be better to resize
// (or crop) the background image to the viewport size, because this would cut
// down the image size significantly. But we don't do this yet.
return renderedImageDimensions;
/** @private string */
pagespeed.CriticalImages.beaconData_ = '';
/** @private Object Beacon object */
* Gets the data sent in the beacon after pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run()
* completes. Used to verify that the beacon ran correctly in tests.
* @return {string}
* @export
pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData = function() {
return pagespeed.CriticalImages.beaconData_;
* Scans images and beacons back the visible ones at the onload event.
* @param {string} beaconUrl The URL on the server to send the beacon to.
* @param {string} htmlUrl URL of the page the beacon is being inserted on.
* @param {string} optionsHash The hash of the rewrite options.
* @param {boolean} sendBeaconAtOnload Controls whether the beacon should be
* sent at page onload. This should be set to false if lazyload is also
* enabled, since we want to wait to check all images on the page until they
* have finished running their onload handlers.
* @param {boolean} checkRenderedImageSizes The bool to show if resizing is
* being done using the rendered dimensions. If yes we capture the rendered
* dimensions and send it back with the beacon.
* @param {string} nonce The nonce sent by the server.
* @export
pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run = function(
beaconUrl, htmlUrl, optionsHash, sendBeaconAtOnload,
checkRenderedImageSizes, nonce) {
var beacon = new pagespeed.CriticalImages.Beacon_(
beaconUrl, htmlUrl, optionsHash, checkRenderedImageSizes, nonce);
pagespeed.CriticalImages.beaconObj_ = beacon;
// If lazyload is enabled on the page, then it will handle calling the beacon
// when all images have finished loading. Otherwise, call at onload when all
// images are loaded.
if (sendBeaconAtOnload) {
var beaconOnload = function() {
// Attempt not to block other onload events on the page by wrapping in
// setTimeout().
window.setTimeout(function() { beacon.checkCriticalImages_(); }, 0);
pagespeedutils.addHandler(window, 'load', beaconOnload);