Update to Envoy ff49762696b2e6ed3f408a22e1f7a1b7d2487318 (Oct 11th) (#2104)

* Update Envoy to 1a79dd654d0502816511bc4f43d26a71b9a144a0 (Sep 12th)

Add pagespeed.bazelrc with our modifications so that our .bazelrc
will be identical to Envoy's

* Update to Envoy ff49762696b2e6ed3f408a22e1f7a1b7d2487318 (Oct 11th)

- Note: needed to define ABSL_LEGACY_THREAD_ANNOTATIONS.
Looks like some of absl's annotations have been renamed
- fmt started complaining about StringPiece as an input.
Needed to tweak logging and introduce some tech debt to
strip newlines at the end of the log line without adding
memory copying
5 files changed
tree: b08571789593346dc730497f5fb081a71f2d149b
  1. .vscode/
  2. base/
  3. bazel/
  4. benchmark/
  5. build/
  6. devel/
  7. external/
  8. html/
  9. install/
  10. net/
  11. pagespeed/
  12. test/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  15. .bazelrc
  16. .bazelversion
  17. .clang-format
  18. .gitignore
  19. .gitmodules
  20. .travis.yml
  21. BUILD
  23. extensions_build_config.bzl
  24. extract_so_from_deb.sh
  26. mod_pagespeed.code-workspace
  27. NOTICE
  28. pagespeed-envoy.yaml
  29. pagespeed.bazelrc
  30. README.md



TravisBuild Status

mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache module created by Google to help Make the Web Faster by rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth.

mod_pagespeed releases are available as precompiled linux packages or as source. (See Release Notes for information about bugs fixed)

mod_pagespeed is an open-source Apache module which automatically applies web performance best practices to pages, and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow.

mod_pagespeed is built on PageSpeed Optimization Libraries, deployed across 100,000+ web-sites, and provided by popular hosting and CDN providers such as DreamHost, GoDaddy, EdgeCast, and others. There are 40+ available optimizations filters, which include:

  • Image optimization, compression, and resizing
  • CSS & JavaScript concatenation, minification, and inlining
  • Cache extension, domain sharding, and domain rewriting
  • Deferred loading of JavaScript and image resources
  • and many others...


Try itmodpagespeed.com
Read about ithttps://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module
Download ithttps://modpagespeed.com/doc/download
Check announcementshttps://groups.google.com/group/mod-pagespeed-announce
Discuss ithttps://groups.google.com/group/mod-pagespeed-discuss

Curious to learn more about mod_pagespeed? Check out our GDL episode below, which covers the history of the project, an architectural overview of how mod_pagespeed works under the hood, and a number of operational tips and best practices for deploying mod_pagespeed.

GDL Episode