blob: 8b00106d7e09651327765b38923863e647a85172 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Testing utilities for DOM related tests.
* @author (Robby Walker)
* @return {!Node} A DIV node with a unique ID identifying the
* {@code END_TAG_MARKER_}.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.createEndTagMarker_ = function() {
var marker = goog.dom.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.DIV); = goog.getUid(marker);
return marker;
* A unique object to use as an end tag marker.
* @private {!Node}
* @const
goog.testing.dom.END_TAG_MARKER_ = goog.testing.dom.createEndTagMarker_();
* Tests if the given iterator over nodes matches the given Array of node
* descriptors. Throws an error if any match fails.
* @param {goog.iter.Iterator} it An iterator over nodes.
* @param {Array<Node|number|string>} array Array of node descriptors to match
* against. Node descriptors can be any of the following:
* Node: Test if the two nodes are equal.
* number: Test node.nodeType == number.
* string starting with '#': Match the node's id with the text
* after "#".
* other string: Match the text node's contents.
goog.testing.dom.assertNodesMatch = function(it, array) {
var i = 0;
goog.iter.forEach(it, function(node) {
if (array.length <= i) {
fail('Got more nodes than expected: ' + goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(
var expected = array[i];
if (goog.dom.isNodeLike(expected)) {
assertEquals('Nodes should match at position ' + i, expected, node);
} else if (goog.isNumber(expected)) {
assertEquals('Node types should match at position ' + i, expected,
} else if (expected.charAt(0) == '#') {
assertEquals('Expected element at position ' + i,
goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT, node.nodeType);
var expectedId = expected.substr(1);
assertEquals('IDs should match at position ' + i,
} else {
assertEquals('Expected text node at position ' + i,
goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT, node.nodeType);
assertEquals('Node contents should match at position ' + i,
expected, node.nodeValue);
assertEquals('Used entire match array', array.length, i);
* Exposes a node as a string.
* @param {Node} node A node.
* @return {string} A string representation of the node.
goog.testing.dom.exposeNode = function(node) {
return (node.tagName || node.nodeValue) + ( ? '#' + : '') +
':"' + (node.innerHTML || '') + '"';
* Exposes the nodes of a range wrapper as a string.
* @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range A range.
* @return {string} A string representation of the range.
goog.testing.dom.exposeRange = function(range) {
// This is deliberately not implemented as
// goog.dom.AbstractRange.prototype.toString, because it is non-authoritative.
// Two equivalent ranges may have very different exposeRange values, and
// two different ranges may have equal exposeRange values.
// (The mapping of ranges to DOM nodes/offsets is a many-to-many mapping).
if (!range) {
return 'null';
return goog.testing.dom.exposeNode(range.getStartNode()) + ':' +
range.getStartOffset() + ' to ' +
goog.testing.dom.exposeNode(range.getEndNode()) + ':' +
* Determines if the current user agent matches the specified string. Returns
* false if the string does specify at least one user agent but does not match
* the running agent.
* @param {string} userAgents Space delimited string of user agents.
* @return {boolean} Whether the user agent was matched. Also true if no user
* agent was listed in the expectation string.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.checkUserAgents_ = function(userAgents) {
if (goog.string.startsWith(userAgents, '!')) {
if (goog.string.contains(userAgents, ' ')) {
throw new Error('Only a single negative user agent may be specified');
return !goog.userAgent[userAgents.substr(1)];
var agents = userAgents.split(' ');
var hasUserAgent = false;
for (var i = 0, len = agents.length; i < len; i++) {
var cls = agents[i];
if (cls in goog.userAgent) {
hasUserAgent = true;
if (goog.userAgent[cls]) {
return true;
// If we got here, there was a user agent listed but we didn't match it.
return !hasUserAgent;
* Map function that converts end tags to a specific object.
* @param {Node} node The node to map.
* @param {undefined} ignore Always undefined.
* @param {!goog.iter.Iterator<Node>} iterator The iterator.
* @return {Node} The resulting iteration item.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.endTagMap_ = function(node, ignore, iterator) {
return iterator.isEndTag() ? goog.testing.dom.END_TAG_MARKER_ : node;
* Check if the given node is important. A node is important if it is a
* non-empty text node, a non-annotated element, or an element annotated to
* match on this user agent.
* @param {Node} node The node to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether this node should be included for iteration.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.nodeFilter_ = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
// If a node is part of a string of text nodes and it has spaces in it,
// we allow it since it's going to affect the merging of nodes done below.
if (goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(node.nodeValue) &&
(!node.previousSibling ||
node.previousSibling.nodeType != goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) &&
(!node.nextSibling ||
node.nextSibling.nodeType != goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT)) {
return false;
// Allow optional text to be specified as [[BROWSER1 BROWSER2]]Text
var match = node.nodeValue.match(/^\[\[(.+)\]\]/);
if (match) {
return goog.testing.dom.checkUserAgents_(match[1]);
} else if (node.className && goog.isString(node.className)) {
return goog.testing.dom.checkUserAgents_(node.className);
return true;
* Determines the text to match from the given node, removing browser
* specification strings.
* @param {Node} node The node expected to match.
* @return {string} The text, stripped of browser specification strings.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.getExpectedText_ = function(node) {
// Strip off the browser specifications.
return node.nodeValue.match(/^(\[\[.+\]\])?(.*)/)[2];
* Describes the given node.
* @param {Node} node The node to describe.
* @return {string} A description of the node.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_ = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
return '[Text: ' + node.nodeValue + ']';
} else {
return '<' + node.tagName + ( ? ' #' + : '') + ' .../>';
* Assert that the html in {@code actual} is substantially similar to
* htmlPattern. This method tests for the same set of styles, for the same
* order of nodes, and the presence of attributes. Breaking whitespace nodes
* are ignored. Elements can be
* annotated with classnames corresponding to keys in goog.userAgent and will be
* expected to show up in that user agent and expected not to show up in
* others.
* @param {string} htmlPattern The pattern to match.
* @param {!Node} actual The element to check: its contents are matched
* against the HTML pattern.
* @param {boolean=} opt_strictAttributes If false, attributes that appear in
* htmlPattern must be in actual, but actual can have attributes not
* present in htmlPattern. If true, htmlPattern and actual must have the
* same set of attributes. Default is false.
goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch = function(htmlPattern, actual,
opt_strictAttributes) {
var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
div.innerHTML = htmlPattern;
var errorSuffix = '\nExpected\n' + htmlPattern + '\nActual\n' +
var actualIt = goog.iter.filter( goog.dom.TagIterator(actual),
var expectedIt = goog.iter.filter(new goog.dom.NodeIterator(div),
var actualNode;
var preIterated = false;
var advanceActualNode = function() {
// If the iterator has already been advanced, don't advance it again.
if (!preIterated) {
actualNode = /** @type {Node} */ (goog.iter.nextOrValue(actualIt, null));
preIterated = false;
// Advance the iterator so long as it is return end tags.
while (actualNode == goog.testing.dom.END_TAG_MARKER_) {
actualNode = /** @type {Node} */ (goog.iter.nextOrValue(actualIt, null));
// HACK(brenneman): IE has unique ideas about whitespace handling when setting
// innerHTML. This results in elision of leading whitespace in the expected
// nodes where doing so doesn't affect visible rendering. As a workaround, we
// remove the leading whitespace in the actual nodes where necessary.
// The collapsible variable tracks whether we should collapse the whitespace
// in the next Text node we encounter.
goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('9');
var collapsible = true;
var number = 0;
goog.iter.forEach(expectedIt, function(expectedNode) {
expectedNode = /** @type {Node} */ (expectedNode);
assertNotNull('Finished actual HTML before finishing expected HTML at ' +
'node number ' + number + ': ' +
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(expectedNode) + errorSuffix,
// Do no processing for expectedNode == div.
if (expectedNode == div) {
assertEquals('Should have the same node type, got ' +
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(actualNode) + ' but expected ' +
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(expectedNode) + '.' + errorSuffix,
expectedNode.nodeType, actualNode.nodeType);
if (expectedNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
var expectedElem = goog.asserts.assertElement(expectedNode);
var actualElem = goog.asserts.assertElement(actualNode);
assertEquals('Tag names should match' + errorSuffix,
expectedElem.tagName, actualElem.tagName);
assertObjectEquals('Should have same styles' + errorSuffix,,;
goog.testing.dom.assertAttributesEqual_(errorSuffix, expectedElem,
actualElem, !!opt_strictAttributes);
if (IE_TEXT_COLLAPSE &&, 'display') != 'inline') {
// Text may be collapsed after any non-inline element.
collapsible = true;
} else {
// Concatenate text nodes until we reach a non text node.
var actualText = actualNode.nodeValue;
preIterated = true;
while ((actualNode = /** @type {Node} */
(goog.iter.nextOrValue(actualIt, null))) &&
actualNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
actualText += actualNode.nodeValue;
// Collapse the leading whitespace, unless the string consists entirely
// of whitespace.
if (collapsible && !goog.string.isEmptyOrWhitespace(actualText)) {
actualText = goog.string.trimLeft(actualText);
// Prepare to collapse whitespace in the next Text node if this one does
// not end in a whitespace character.
collapsible = /\s$/.test(actualText);
var expectedText = goog.testing.dom.getExpectedText_(expectedNode);
if ((actualText && !goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(actualText)) ||
(expectedText && !goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(expectedText))) {
var normalizedActual = actualText.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var normalizedExpected = expectedText.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
assertEquals('Text should match' + errorSuffix, normalizedExpected,
assertNull('Finished expected HTML before finishing actual HTML' +
errorSuffix, goog.iter.nextOrValue(actualIt, null));
* Assert that the html in {@code actual} is substantially similar to
* htmlPattern. This method tests for the same set of styles, and for the same
* order of nodes. Breaking whitespace nodes are ignored. Elements can be
* annotated with classnames corresponding to keys in goog.userAgent and will be
* expected to show up in that user agent and expected not to show up in
* others.
* @param {string} htmlPattern The pattern to match.
* @param {string} actual The html to check.
goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlMatches = function(htmlPattern, actual) {
var div = goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV);
div.innerHTML = actual;
goog.testing.dom.assertHtmlContentsMatch(htmlPattern, div);
* Finds the first text node descendant of root with the given content. Note
* that this operates on a text node level, so if text nodes get split this
* may not match the user visible text. Using normalize() may help here.
* @param {string|RegExp} textOrRegexp The text to find, or a regular
* expression to find a match of.
* @param {Element} root The element to search in.
* @return {Node} The first text node that matches, or null if none is found.
goog.testing.dom.findTextNode = function(textOrRegexp, root) {
var it = new goog.dom.NodeIterator(root);
var ret = goog.iter.nextOrValue(goog.iter.filter(it, function(node) {
if (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
if (goog.isString(textOrRegexp)) {
return node.nodeValue == textOrRegexp;
} else {
return !!node.nodeValue.match(textOrRegexp);
} else {
return false;
}), null);
return /** @type {Node} */ (ret);
* Assert the end points of a range.
* Notice that "Are two ranges visually identical?" and "Do two ranges have
* the same endpoint?" are independent questions. Two visually identical ranges
* may have different endpoints. And two ranges with the same endpoints may
* be visually different.
* @param {Node} start The expected start node.
* @param {number} startOffset The expected start offset.
* @param {Node} end The expected end node.
* @param {number} endOffset The expected end offset.
* @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The actual range.
goog.testing.dom.assertRangeEquals = function(start, startOffset, end,
endOffset, range) {
assertEquals('Unexpected start node', start, range.getStartNode());
assertEquals('Unexpected end node', end, range.getEndNode());
assertEquals('Unexpected start offset', startOffset, range.getStartOffset());
assertEquals('Unexpected end offset', endOffset, range.getEndOffset());
* Gets the value of a DOM attribute in deterministic way.
* @param {!Node} node A node.
* @param {string} name Attribute name.
* @return {*} Attribute value.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.getAttributeValue_ = function(node, name) {
// These hacks avoid nondetermistic results in the following cases:
// IE7: document.createElement('input').height returns a random number.
// FF3: getAttribute('disabled') returns different value for <div disabled="">
// and <div disabled="disabled">
// WebKit: Two radio buttons with the same name can't be checked at the same
// time, even if only one of them is in the document.
if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT && node.tagName == 'INPUT' &&
node['type'] == 'radio' && name == 'checked') {
return false;
return goog.isDef(node[name]) &&
typeof node.getAttribute(name) != typeof node[name] ?
node[name] : node.getAttribute(name);
* Assert that the attributes of two Nodes are the same (ignoring any
* instances of the style attribute).
* @param {string} errorSuffix String to add to end of error messages.
* @param {!Element} expectedElem The element whose attributes we are expecting.
* @param {!Element} actualElem The element with the actual attributes.
* @param {boolean} strictAttributes If false, attributes that appear in
* expectedNode must also be in actualNode, but actualNode can have
* attributes not present in expectedNode. If true, expectedNode and
* actualNode must have the same set of attributes.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.assertAttributesEqual_ = function(errorSuffix,
expectedElem, actualElem, strictAttributes) {
if (strictAttributes) {
goog.testing.dom.compareClassAttribute_(expectedElem, actualElem);
var expectedAttributes = expectedElem.attributes;
var actualAttributes = actualElem.attributes;
for (var i = 0, len = expectedAttributes.length; i < len; i++) {
var expectedName = expectedAttributes[i].name;
var expectedValue = goog.testing.dom.getAttributeValue_(expectedElem,
var actualAttribute = actualAttributes[expectedName];
var actualValue = goog.testing.dom.getAttributeValue_(actualElem,
// IE enumerates attribute names in the expected node that are not present,
// causing an undefined actualAttribute.
if (!expectedValue && !actualValue) {
if (expectedName == 'id' && goog.userAgent.IE) {
/** @type {string} */ (expectedValue), actualAttribute,
strictAttributes, errorSuffix);
if (goog.testing.dom.ignoreAttribute_(expectedName)) {
assertNotUndefined('Expected to find attribute with name ' +
expectedName + ', in element ' +
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(actualElem) + errorSuffix,
assertEquals('Expected attribute ' + expectedName +
' has a different value ' + errorSuffix,
if (strictAttributes) {
for (i = 0; i < actualAttributes.length; i++) {
var actualName = actualAttributes[i].name;
var actualAttribute = actualAttributes.getNamedItem(actualName);
if (!actualAttribute || goog.testing.dom.ignoreAttribute_(actualName)) {
assertNotUndefined('Unexpected attribute with name ' +
actualName + ' in element ' +
goog.testing.dom.describeNode_(actualElem) + errorSuffix,
* Assert the class attribute of actualElem is the same as the one in
* expectedElem, ignoring classes that are useragents.
* @param {!Element} expectedElem The DOM element whose class we expect.
* @param {!Element} actualElem The DOM element with the actual class.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.compareClassAttribute_ = function(expectedElem,
actualElem) {
var classes = goog.dom.classlist.get(expectedElem);
var expectedClasses = [];
for (var i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!(classes[i] in goog.userAgent)) {
var actualClasses = goog.array.toArray(goog.dom.classlist.get(actualElem));
'Expected class was: ' + expectedClasses.join(' ') +
', but actual class was: ' + actualElem.className,
expectedClasses, actualClasses);
* Set of attributes IE adds to elements randomly.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.testing.dom.BAD_IE_ATTRIBUTES_ = goog.object.createSet(
'methods', 'CHECKED', 'dataFld', 'dataFormatAs', 'dataSrc');
* Whether to ignore the attribute.
* @param {string} name Name of the attribute.
* @return {boolean} True if the attribute should be ignored.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.ignoreAttribute_ = function(name) {
if (name == 'style' || name == 'class') {
return true;
return goog.userAgent.IE && goog.testing.dom.BAD_IE_ATTRIBUTES_[name];
* Compare id attributes for IE. In IE, if an element lacks an id attribute
* in the original HTML, the element object will still have such an attribute,
* but its value will be the empty string.
* @param {string} expectedValue The expected value of the id attribute.
* @param {Attr} actualAttribute The actual id attribute.
* @param {boolean} strictAttributes Whether strict attribute checking should be
* done.
* @param {string} errorSuffix String to append to error messages.
* @private
goog.testing.dom.compareIdAttributeForIe_ = function(expectedValue,
actualAttribute, strictAttributes, errorSuffix) {
if (expectedValue === '') {
if (strictAttributes) {
assertTrue('Unexpected attribute with name id in element ' +
errorSuffix, actualAttribute.value == '');
} else {
assertNotUndefined('Expected to find attribute with name id, in element ' +
errorSuffix, actualAttribute);
assertNotEquals('Expected to find attribute with name id, in element ' +
errorSuffix, '', actualAttribute.value);
assertEquals('Expected attribute has a different value ' + errorSuffix,
expectedValue, actualAttribute.value);