blob: 37828134fd68103a98033ca5da0b75f6befb740c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
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* @fileoverview Base class for all Protocol Buffer 2 serializers.
* Abstract base class for PB2 serializers. A serializer is a class which
* implements the serialization and deserialization of a Protocol Buffer Message
* to/from a specific format.
* @constructor
goog.proto2.Serializer = function() {};
* @define {boolean} Whether to decode and convert symbolic enum values to
* actual enum values or leave them as strings.
goog.define('goog.proto2.Serializer.DECODE_SYMBOLIC_ENUMS', false);
* Serializes a message to the expected format.
* @param {goog.proto2.Message} message The message to be serialized.
* @return {*} The serialized form of the message.
goog.proto2.Serializer.prototype.serialize = goog.abstractMethod;
* Returns the serialized form of the given value for the given field if the
* field is a Message or Group and returns the value unchanged otherwise, except
* for Infinity, -Infinity and NaN numerical values which are converted to
* string representation.
* @param {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor} field The field from which this
* value came.
* @param {*} value The value of the field.
* @return {*} The value.
* @protected
goog.proto2.Serializer.prototype.getSerializedValue = function(field, value) {
if (field.isCompositeType()) {
return this.serialize(/** @type {goog.proto2.Message} */ (value));
} else if (goog.isNumber(value) && !isFinite(value)) {
return value.toString();
} else {
return value;
* Deserializes a message from the expected format.
* @param {goog.proto2.Descriptor} descriptor The descriptor of the message
* to be created.
* @param {*} data The data of the message.
* @return {!goog.proto2.Message} The message created.
goog.proto2.Serializer.prototype.deserialize = function(descriptor, data) {
var message = descriptor.createMessageInstance();
this.deserializeTo(message, data);
goog.asserts.assert(message instanceof goog.proto2.Message);
return message;
* Deserializes a message from the expected format and places the
* data in the message.
* @param {goog.proto2.Message} message The message in which to
* place the information.
* @param {*} data The data of the message.
goog.proto2.Serializer.prototype.deserializeTo = goog.abstractMethod;
* Returns the deserialized form of the given value for the given field if the
* field is a Message or Group and returns the value, converted or unchanged,
* for primitive field types otherwise.
* @param {goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor} field The field from which this
* value came.
* @param {*} value The value of the field.
* @return {*} The value.
* @protected
goog.proto2.Serializer.prototype.getDeserializedValue = function(field, value) {
// Composite types are deserialized recursively.
if (field.isCompositeType()) {
if (value instanceof goog.proto2.Message) {
return value;
return this.deserialize(field.getFieldMessageType(), value);
// Decode enum values.
if (field.getFieldType() == goog.proto2.FieldDescriptor.FieldType.ENUM) {
// If it's a string, get enum value by name.
// NB: In order this feature to work, property renaming should be turned off
// for the respective enums.
if (goog.proto2.Serializer.DECODE_SYMBOLIC_ENUMS && goog.isString(value)) {
// enumType is a regular Javascript enum as defined in field's metadata.
var enumType = field.getNativeType();
if (enumType.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
return enumType[value];
// Return unknown values as is for backward compatibility.
return value;
// Return the raw value if the field does not allow the JSON input to be
// converted.
if (!field.deserializationConversionPermitted()) {
return value;
// Convert to native type of field. Return the converted value or fall
// through to return the raw value. The JSON encoding of int64 value 123
// might be either the number 123 or the string "123". The field native type
// could be either Number or String (depending on field options in the .proto
// file). All four combinations should work correctly.
var nativeType = field.getNativeType();
if (nativeType === String) {
// JSON numbers can be converted to strings.
if (goog.isNumber(value)) {
return String(value);
} else if (nativeType === Number) {
// JSON strings are sometimes used for large integer numeric values, as well
// as Infinity, -Infinity and NaN.
if (goog.isString(value)) {
// Handle +/- Infinity and NaN values.
if (value === 'Infinity' || value === '-Infinity' || value === 'NaN') {
return Number(value);
// Validate the string. If the string is not an integral number, we would
// rather have an assertion or error in the caller than a mysterious NaN
// value.
if (/^-?[0-9]+$/.test(value)) {
return Number(value);
return value;