blob: 3519e923179486e3691166964dc4fec2087f99b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var COMPLEX_HTML = '<!DOCTYPE root-element [SYSTEM OR PUBLIC FPI] "uri" [' +
'<!-- internal declarations -->]>' +
'<html><head><title>My HTML</title><!-- my comment --></head>' +
'<body><h1>My Header</h1>My text.<br><b>My bold text.</b><hr>' +
'<pre>My\npreformatted <br> HTML.</pre>5 < 10</body>' +
var mockClock;
var mockClockTicks;
function setUp() {
mockClockTicks = 0;
mockClock = new goog.testing.MockClock();
mockClock.getCurrentTime = function() {
return mockClockTicks++;
function tearDown() {
if (mockClock) {
function testSimpleHtml() {
var actual = goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('<br><b>bold</b>');
assertEquals('<br>\n<b>bold</b>\n', actual);
assertEquals(actual, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(actual));
function testSimpleHtmlMixedCase() {
var actual = goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('<BR><b>bold</b>');
assertEquals('<BR>\n<b>bold</b>\n', actual);
assertEquals(actual, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(actual));
function testComplexHtml() {
var actual = goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(COMPLEX_HTML);
var expected = '<!DOCTYPE root-element [SYSTEM OR PUBLIC FPI] "uri" [' +
'<!-- internal declarations -->]>\n' +
'<html>\n' +
'<head>\n' +
'<title>My HTML</title>\n' +
'<!-- my comment -->' +
'</head>\n' +
'<body>\n' +
'<h1>My Header</h1>\n' +
'My text.<br>\n' +
'<b>My bold text.</b>\n' +
'<hr>\n' +
'<pre>My\npreformatted <br> HTML.</pre>\n' +
'5 < 10' +
'</body>\n' +
assertEquals(expected, actual);
assertEquals(actual, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(actual));
function testTimeout() {
var pp = new goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter(3);
var actual = pp.format(COMPLEX_HTML);
var expected = '<!DOCTYPE root-element [SYSTEM OR PUBLIC FPI] "uri" [' +
'<!-- internal declarations -->]>\n' +
'<html>\n' +
'<head><title>My HTML</title><!-- my comment --></head>' +
'<body><h1>My Header</h1>My text.<br><b>My bold text.</b><hr>' +
'<pre>My\npreformatted <br> HTML.</pre>5 < 10</body>' +
assertEquals(expected, actual);
function testKeepLeadingIndent() {
var original = ' <b>Bold</b> <i>Ital</i> ';
var expected = ' <b>Bold</b> <i>Ital</i>\n';
assertEquals(expected, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
function testTrimLeadingLineBreaks() {
var original = '\n \t\r\n \n <b>Bold</b> <i>Ital</i> ';
var expected = ' <b>Bold</b> <i>Ital</i>\n';
assertEquals(expected, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
function testExtraLines() {
var original = '<br>\ntombrat';
assertEquals(original + '\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
function testCrlf() {
var original = '<br>\r\none\r\ntwo<br>';
assertEquals(original + '\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
function testEndInLineBreak() {
assertEquals('foo\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo'));
assertEquals('foo\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo\n'));
assertEquals('foo\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo\n\n'));
assertEquals('foo<br>\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo<br>'));
assertEquals('foo<br>\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo<br>\n'));
function testTable() {
var original = '<table>' +
'<tr><td></td><td>one.two</td></tr>' +
'<tr><td></td><td>two.two</td></tr>' +
var expected = '<table>\n' +
'<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td>one.two</td>\n</tr>\n' +
'<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td>two.two</td>\n</tr>\n' +
assertEquals(expected, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
* We have a sanity check in HtmlPrettyPrinter to make sure the regex index
* advances after every match. We should never hit this, but we include it on
* the chance there is some corner case where the pattern would match but not
* process a new token. It's not generally a good idea to break the
* implementation to test behavior, but this is the easiest way to mimic a
* bad internal state.
function testRegexMakesProgress() {
var original = goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_;
try {
// This regex matches \B, an index between 2 word characters, so the regex
// index does not advance when matching this.
goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_ =
// It would work on this string.
assertEquals('f o o\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('f o o'));
// But not this one.
var ex = assertThrows('should have failed for invalid regex - endless loop',
goog.partial(goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format, COMPLEX_HTML));
assertEquals('Regex failed to make progress through source html.',
} finally {
goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_ = original;
* FF3.0 doesn't like \n between </li> and </ul>. See bug 1520665.
function testLists() {
var original = '<ul><li>one</li><ul><li>two</li></UL><li>three</li></ul>';
var expected =
assertEquals(expected, goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format(original));
* We have a sanity check in HtmlPrettyPrinter to make sure the regex fully
* tokenizes the string. We should never hit this, but we include it on the
* chance there is some corner case where the pattern would miss a section of
* original string. It's not generally a good idea to break the
* implementation to test behavior, but this is the easiest way to mimic a
* bad internal state.
function testAvoidDataLoss() {
var original = goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_;
try {
// This regex does not match stranded '<' characters, so does not fully
// tokenize the string.
goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_ =
// It would work on this string.
assertEquals('foo\n', goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format('foo'));
// But not this one.
var ex = assertThrows('should have failed for invalid regex - data loss',
goog.partial(goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.format, COMPLEX_HTML));
assertEquals('Lost data pretty printing html.', ex.message);
} finally {
goog.format.HtmlPrettyPrinter.TOKEN_REGEX_ = original;