blob: 38b201327e3c0113e7cdb5bcb3f55c47a8308ed3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Definition of the ErrorReporter class, which creates an error
* handler that reports any errors raised to a URL.
* Constructs an error reporter. Internal Use Only. To install an error
* reporter see the {@see #install} method below.
* @param {string} handlerUrl The URL to which all errors will be reported.
* @param {function(!Error, !Object<string, string>)=}
* opt_contextProvider When a report is to be sent to the server,
* this method will be called, and given an opportunity to modify the
* context object before submission to the server.
* @param {boolean=} opt_noAutoProtect Whether to automatically add handlers for
* onerror and to protect entry points. If apps have other error reporting
* facilities, it may make sense for them to set these up themselves and use
* the ErrorReporter just for transmission of reports.
* @constructor
* @extends {}
goog.debug.ErrorReporter = function(
handlerUrl, opt_contextProvider, opt_noAutoProtect) {
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.base(this, 'constructor');
* Context provider, if one was provided.
* @type {?function(!Error, !Object<string, string>)}
* @private
this.contextProvider_ = opt_contextProvider || null;
* The string prefix of any optional context parameters logged with the error.
* @private {string}
this.contextPrefix_ = 'context.';
* The number of bytes after which the ErrorReporter truncates the POST body.
* If null, the ErrorReporter won't truncate the body.
* @private {?number}
this.truncationLimit_ = null;
* Additional arguments to append to URL before sending XHR.
* @private {!Object<string,string>}
this.additionalArguments_ = {};
* XHR sender.
* @type {function(string, string, string, (Object|goog.structs.Map)=)}
* @private
this.xhrSender_ = goog.debug.ErrorReporter.defaultXhrSender;
* The URL at which all errors caught by this handler will be logged.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.handlerUrl_ = handlerUrl;
if (goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT) {
if (!opt_noAutoProtect) {
* The internal error handler used to catch all errors.
* @private {goog.debug.ErrorHandler}
this.errorHandler_ = null;
} else if (!opt_noAutoProtect) {
'opt_noAutoProtect cannot be false while ' +
'goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT is false. Setting ' +
'ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT to false removes the necessary auto-protect code ' +
'in compiled/optimized mode.');
* @define {boolean} If true, the code that provides additional entry point
* protection and setup is exposed in this file. Set to false to avoid
* bringing in a lot of code from ErrorHandler and entryPointRegistry in
* compiled mode.
goog.define('goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT', true);
* Event broadcast when an exception is logged.
* @param {Error} error The exception that was was reported.
* @param {!Object<string, string>} context The context values sent to the
* server alongside this error.
* @constructor
* @extends {}
* @final
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ExceptionEvent = function(error, context) {, goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ExceptionEvent.TYPE);
* The error that was reported.
* @type {Error}
this.error = error;
* Context values sent to the server alongside this report.
* @type {!Object<string, string>}
this.context = context;
* Event type for notifying of a logged exception.
* @type {string}
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ExceptionEvent.TYPE ='exception');
* Extra headers for the error-reporting XHR.
* @type {Object|goog.structs.Map|undefined}
* @private
* Logging object.
* @type {goog.log.Logger}
* @private
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.logger_ =
* Installs an error reporter to catch all JavaScript errors raised.
* @param {string} loggingUrl The URL to which the errors caught will be
* reported.
* @param {function(!Error, !Object<string, string>)=}
* opt_contextProvider When a report is to be sent to the server,
* this method will be called, and given an opportunity to modify the
* context object before submission to the server.
* @param {boolean=} opt_noAutoProtect Whether to automatically add handlers for
* onerror and to protect entry points. If apps have other error reporting
* facilities, it may make sense for them to set these up themselves and use
* the ErrorReporter just for transmission of reports.
* @return {!goog.debug.ErrorReporter} The error reporter.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.install = function(
loggingUrl, opt_contextProvider, opt_noAutoProtect) {
var instance = new goog.debug.ErrorReporter(
loggingUrl, opt_contextProvider, opt_noAutoProtect);
return instance;
* Default implementation of XHR sender interface.
* @param {string} uri URI to make request to.
* @param {string} method Send method.
* @param {string} content Post data.
* @param {Object|goog.structs.Map=} opt_headers Map of headers to add to the
* request.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.defaultXhrSender = function(uri, method, content,
opt_headers) {, null, method, content, opt_headers);
* Installs exception protection for an entry point function in addition
* to those that are protected by default.
* Has no effect in IE because window.onerror is used for reporting
* exceptions in that case.
* @this {goog.debug.ErrorReporter}
* @param {Function} fn An entry point function to be protected.
* @return {Function} A protected wrapper function that calls the entry point
* function or null if the entry point could not be protected.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.protectAdditionalEntryPoint =
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT ?
function(fn) {
if (this.errorHandler_) {
return this.errorHandler_.protectEntryPoint(fn);
return null;
} :
function(fn) {
'Cannot call protectAdditionalEntryPoint while ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT ' +
'is false. If ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT is false, the necessary ' +
'auto-protect code in compiled/optimized mode is removed.');
return null;
if (goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT) {
* Sets up the error reporter.
* @private
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setup_ = function() {
if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('10')) {
// Use "onerror" because caught exceptions in IE don't provide line
// number.
goog.bind(this.handleException, this), false, null);
} else {
// "onerror" doesn't work with FF2 or Chrome
this.errorHandler_ = new goog.debug.ErrorHandler(
goog.bind(this.handleException, this));
* Add headers to the logging url.
* @param {Object|goog.structs.Map} loggingHeaders Extra headers to send
* to the logging URL.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setLoggingHeaders =
function(loggingHeaders) {
this.extraHeaders_ = loggingHeaders;
* Set the function used to send error reports to the server.
* @param {function(string, string, string, (Object|goog.structs.Map)=)}
* xhrSender If provided, this will be used to send a report to the
* server instead of the default method. The function will be given the URI,
* HTTP method request content, and (optionally) request headers to be
* added.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setXhrSender = function(xhrSender) {
this.xhrSender_ = xhrSender;
* Handler for caught exceptions. Sends report to the LoggingServlet and
* notifies any listeners.
* @param {Object} e The exception.
* @param {!Object<string, string>=} opt_context Context values to optionally
* include in the error report.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.handleException = function(e,
opt_context) {
var error = /** @type {!Error} */ (goog.debug.normalizeErrorObject(e));
// Construct the context, possibly from the one provided in the argument, and
// pass it to the context provider if there is one.
var context = opt_context ? goog.object.clone(opt_context) : {};
if (this.contextProvider_) {
try {
this.contextProvider_(error, context);
} catch (err) {
'Context provider threw an exception: ' + err.message);
// Truncate message to a reasonable length, since it will be sent in the URL.
// The entire URL length historically needed to be 2,083 or less, so leave
// some room for the rest of the URL.
var message = error.message.substring(0, 1900);
this.sendErrorReport(message, error.fileName, error.lineNumber, error.stack,
try {
new goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ExceptionEvent(error, context));
} catch (ex) {
// Swallow exception to avoid infinite recursion.
* Sends an error report to the logging URL. This will not consult the context
* provider, the report will be sent exactly as specified.
* @param {string} message Error description.
* @param {string} fileName URL of the JavaScript file with the error.
* @param {number} line Line number of the error.
* @param {string=} opt_trace Call stack trace of the error.
* @param {!Object<string, string>=} opt_context Context information to include
* in the request.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.sendErrorReport =
function(message, fileName, line, opt_trace, opt_context) {
try {
// Create the logging URL.
var requestUrl = goog.uri.utils.appendParams(this.handlerUrl_,
'script', fileName, 'error', message, 'line', line);
if (!goog.object.isEmpty(this.additionalArguments_)) {
requestUrl = goog.uri.utils.appendParamsFromMap(requestUrl,
var queryMap = {};
queryMap['trace'] = opt_trace;
// Copy context into query data map
if (opt_context) {
for (var entry in opt_context) {
queryMap[this.contextPrefix_ + entry] = opt_context[entry];
// Copy query data map into request.
var queryData = goog.uri.utils.buildQueryDataFromMap(queryMap);
// Truncate if truncationLimit set.
if (goog.isNumber(this.truncationLimit_)) {
queryData = queryData.substring(0, this.truncationLimit_);
// Send the request with the contents of the error.
this.xhrSender_(requestUrl, 'POST', queryData, this.extraHeaders_);
} catch (e) {
var logMessage = goog.string.buildString(
'Error occurred in sending an error report.\n\n',
'script:', fileName, '\n',
'line:', line, '\n',
'error:', message, '\n',
'trace:', opt_trace);, logMessage);
* @param {string} prefix The prefix to appear prepended to all context
* variables in the error report body.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setContextPrefix = function(prefix) {
this.contextPrefix_ = prefix;
* @param {?number} limit Size in bytes to begin truncating POST body. Set to
* null to prevent truncation. The limit must be >= 0.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setTruncationLimit = function(limit) {
goog.asserts.assert(!goog.isNumber(limit) || limit >= 0,
'Body limit must be valid number >= 0 or null');
this.truncationLimit_ = limit;
* @param {!Object<string,string>} urlArgs Set of key-value pairs to append
* to handlerUrl_ before sending XHR.
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.setAdditionalArguments = function(urlArgs) {
this.additionalArguments_ = urlArgs;
/** @override */
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
if (goog.debug.ErrorReporter.ALLOW_AUTO_PROTECT) {
goog.debug.ErrorReporter.base(this, 'disposeInternal');