blob: e73c5baabc5773ad3927dccfd1267b34617d9259 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: (Joshua Marantz)
goog.require(''); // abstraction gzipped size cost: 336 bytes.
* Constants used for tracking the state of requesting a Google Voice number
* and dialing. This is needed to delay the dialing of the phone until
* the GV request completes or times out.
* @enum {number}
* @private
mob.button.DialerState_ = {
IDLE: 0,
* Creates a phone dialer.
* This constructor has just one non-test call-site which is called with
* data populated from our C++ server via externs. The phone information
* may not be present in the configuration for the site, in which case the
* variables will be null, but they will always be passed in.
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} color
* @param {string} phoneNumber
* @param {?string} conversionId
* @param {?string} conversionLabel
* @constructor
* @extends {mob.button.AbstractButton}
mob.button.Dialer = function(color, phoneNumber, conversionId,
conversionLabel) {
* The fallback phone number to be used if no google voice number from adwords
* is generated.
* @private {string}
this.fallbackPhoneNumber_ = phoneNumber;
* The google voice number either requested from adwords, or set in a cookie
* from a previous request.
* @private {?string}
this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_ = null;
* Adwords conversion ID.
* @private {?string}
this.conversionId_ = conversionId;
* Adwords phone conversion label.
* @private {?string}
this.conversionLabel_ = conversionLabel;
/** @private {!} */
this.cookies_ = new;
* Track how long the request to get the conversion number takes.
* @private {?number}
this.jsonpTime_ = null;
* State whether we are currently requesting a google-voice number, so
* we should wait for that request to complete before dialing a phone.
* @private {!mob.button.DialerState_}
this.dialState_ = mob.button.DialerState_.IDLE;
mob.button.Dialer.base(this, 'constructor', mob.util.ElementId.DIALER_BUTTON,
mob.button.Dialer.ICON_, color,
goog.inherits(mob.button.Dialer, mob.button.AbstractButton);
* GIF image of dial button. To view this image, add prefix of
* 'data:image/gif;base64,' to it.
* Generated with 'curl $url | convert - gif:- | base64'
* @const {string}
* @private
mob.button.Dialer.ICON_ =
'AGAAYAAAAv6Mj6nL7Q+jnLTai7PevPsPhuJIluaJpurKtu4Lx/KsAvaN5zcd6r7P8/yGuSCH' +
'iAQYN0niUtMcPjPR3xRTBV4tWd2W28V9K2HxeFI2nyNp21rSVr4h8Tm9bX/E5fnFvt9QB+iH' +
'N6ggaIiAmHiQxngY9giZJTkZVUnYhJmJtMmQ5PnpFMrpRSqqdWpZpFqq1tpoBZsgNRsraxtQ' +
'mzvKu2v7O9sLHAw7bHzc2ulbrLpM3IzGegV6UW10Le0Ik3232KLp/cfdvfoNHm5+7pJ+u7dD' +
'c2nwbhpPv81zX/akT8nf324JwGdTBkbDZnDamITw3jDsY9BQP0b3MK171IVZqhBcHDt6/Agy' +
* The text to insert next to the dial button.
* @private @const {string}
mob.button.Dialer.LABEL_ = 'CALL US';
* Cookie to use to store phone dialer information to reduce query volume
* to
* @private @const {string}
mob.button.Dialer.WCM_COOKIE_ = 'psgwcm';
* Cookie lifetime in seconds.
* @private @const {number}
mob.button.Dialer.MAX_WCM_COOKIE_LIFETIME_SEC_ = 3600 * 24 * 90;
* Prefix for constructing URLs for generating Google Voice numbers used to
* help track durations of phone calls in responses to phone-dialer clicks.
* @private @const {string}
mob.button.Dialer.CONVERSION_HANDLER_ =
/** @override */
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.createButton = function() {
mob.button.Dialer.base(this, 'createButton');
this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_ = this.getPhoneNumberFromCookie_();
if (!this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_) {
/** @override */
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.clickHandler = function(e) {
if (this.dialState_ == mob.button.DialerState_.IDLE) {
} else {
this.dialState_ = mob.button.DialerState_.DIAL_WHEN_REQUEST_COMPLETES;
* Obtains a dynamic Google-Voice number to track conversions. We do this
* when loading a page.
* @private
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.requestPhoneNumber_ = function() {
if (this.dialState_ != mob.button.DialerState_.IDLE) {
var url = this.constructRequestPhoneNumberUrl_();
if (url) {
this.debugAlert_('requesting dynamic phone number: ' + url);
var req = new;
req.setRequestTimeout(2000 /* ms */);
this.jsonpTime_ =;
this.dialState_ = mob.button.DialerState_.REQUESTING;
req.send(null, goog.bind(this.receivePhoneNumber_, this, true),
goog.bind(this.receivePhoneNumber_, this, false));
* Constructs a URL to request a Google Voice phone number to track
* call-conversions. Returns null on failure.
* @return {?string}
* @private
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.constructRequestPhoneNumberUrl_ = function() {
// The protocol for requesting the gvoice number from googleadservices
// requires that we pass the fallback phone number into the URL. So
// to request a gvoice number we must have a fallback phone number already.
if (this.conversionLabel_ && this.conversionId_) {
var label = window.encodeURIComponent(this.conversionLabel_);
return mob.button.Dialer.CONVERSION_HANDLER_ +
window.encodeURIComponent(this.conversionId_) + '/wcm?cl=' + label +
'&fb=' + window.encodeURIComponent(this.fallbackPhoneNumber_);
return null;
* Dials a phone number.
* @private
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.dialPhone_ = function() {
var phoneNumber;
var ev;
// Always prefer the google voice number if it is available, otherwise use the
// fallback number.
if (this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_) {
phoneNumber = this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_;
ev = mob.util.BeaconEvents.CALL_GV_NUMBER;
} else {
phoneNumber = this.fallbackPhoneNumber_;
ev = mob.util.BeaconEvents.CALL_FALLBACK_NUMBER;
this.debugAlert_('Dialing phone: ' + phoneNumber + '(' + ev + ')');
ev, function() { = 'tel:' + phoneNumber; });
* Produce error description from wcm response.
* @private
* @param {?number} backoff backoff value from wcm call.
* @return {?string} description of error.
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.backoffErrorCode_ = function(backoff) {
if (backoff) {
switch (backoff) {
case 300:
return 'temporary-error';
case 86400:
return 'no-ad-click';
case 86402:
return 'not-tracked';
// Other cases are unknown errors.
return 'error' + backoff;
return null;
* Extracts a dynamic phone number from a jsonp response, storing the phone
* number in a cookie and in this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_.
* @private
* @param {boolean} success True if the jsonp request succeeded.
* @param {?Object} json
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.receivePhoneNumber_ = function(success, json) {
var responseTime = - this.jsonpTime_;
var wcm = json && json['wcm'];
var phoneNumber = wcm && wcm['mobile_number'];
var err = this.backoffErrorCode_(wcm && wcm['backoff']);
var is_gv = !!(phoneNumber && phoneNumber != this.fallbackPhoneNumber_);
mob.util.sendBeaconEvent(mob.util.BeaconEvents.CALL_CONVERSION_RESPONSE, null,
'&s=' + success.toString() + '&t=' + responseTime +
'&gv=' + is_gv.toString() +
(err ? '&err=' + err : ''));
if (phoneNumber && phoneNumber != this.fallbackPhoneNumber_) {
// Save the phoneNumber in a cookie to reduce server requests.
// TODO(jud): Use localstorage instead of a cookie.
var cookieValue = {
'expires': wcm['expires'],
'formatted_number': wcm['formatted_number'],
'mobile_number': phoneNumber,
'clabel': this.conversionLabel_,
'fallback': this.fallbackPhoneNumber_
cookieValue = goog.json.serialize(cookieValue);
this.debugAlert_('saving phoneNumber in cookie: ' + cookieValue);
var expires = parseInt(wcm['expires'], 10);
if (expires) {
expires -= Math.floor( / 1000);
expires =
Math.min(expires, mob.button.Dialer.MAX_WCM_COOKIE_LIFETIME_SEC_);
} else {
expires = mob.button.Dialer.MAX_WCM_COOKIE_LIFETIME_SEC_;
window.encodeURIComponent(cookieValue), expires, '/');
this.googleVoicePhoneNumber_ = phoneNumber;
if (err) {
this.debugAlert_('WCM request: ' + err);
if (this.dialState_ == mob.button.DialerState_.DIAL_WHEN_REQUEST_COMPLETES) {
this.dialState_ = mob.button.DialerState_.IDLE;
* Attempts to get a static phone number, either as a debug
* fallback or from a cookie, returning null if we don't have
* the right phone number available.
* @private
* @return {?string}
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.getPhoneNumberFromCookie_ = function() {
// Check to see if the phone number we want was previously saved
// in a valid cookie, with matching fallback number and conversion label.
var gwcmCookie = this.cookies_.get(mob.button.Dialer.WCM_COOKIE_);
if (gwcmCookie) {
var cookieData = goog.json.parse(window.decodeURIComponent(gwcmCookie));
if ((cookieData['fallback'] == this.fallbackPhoneNumber_) &&
(cookieData['clabel'] == this.conversionLabel_)) {
var phoneNumber = cookieData['mobile_number'];
this.debugAlert_('found phone number in cookie: ' + phoneNumber);
return phoneNumber;
this.debugAlert_('no phone number found in cookie');
return null;
* Pops up an alert if the page is viewed in debug mode by requesting it
* with ?PageSpeedFilters=+debug.
* We debug with alert() here because it is hard to debug on the
* physical phone with console.log. And while most of our code
* can be debugged on the chrome emulator, this code only works
* on actual phones.
* @param {string} message
* @private
mob.button.Dialer.prototype.debugAlert_ = function(message) {
if (window.psDebugMode) {