blob: 2073ffd76d390f2d2fd638e0fce1a831b493fc0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Michael Piatek)
#include <set>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/logging/request_timing_info.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractLogRecord;
class AbstractMutex;
class RequestContext;
class RequestTrace;
class ThreadSystem;
class Timer;
typedef RefCountedPtr<RequestContext> RequestContextPtr;
// A class which wraps state associated with a request.
// This object should be reference counted, wrapped in a RequestContextPtr. We
// use reference counting because, depending on the timing of asynchronous
// rewrites, RPC calls, and so on, a RequestContext may outlive the original
// HTTP request serving, or not. Reference counting avoids the complexity of
// explicit transfer of ownership in these cases.
class RequestContext : public RefCounted<RequestContext> {
// Types of split html request.
enum SplitRequestType {
// |logging_mutex| will be passed to the request context's AbstractLogRecord,
// which will take ownership of it. If you will be doing logging in a real
// (threaded) environment, pass in a real mutex. If not, a NullMutex is fine.
// |timer| will be passed to the RequestTimingInfo, which will *not* take
// ownership. Passing NULL for |timer| is allowed.
RequestContext(const HttpOptions& options, AbstractMutex* logging_mutex,
Timer* timer);
// If you use this constructor, you MUST set_options() later.
RequestContext(AbstractMutex* logging_mutex, Timer* timer);
// TODO(marq): Move this test context factory to a test-specific file.
// Makes a request context for running tests.
// Note: Test RequestContexts do not pay attention to options.
static RequestContextPtr NewTestRequestContext(ThreadSystem* thread_system) {
return NewTestRequestContextWithTimer(thread_system, NULL);
static RequestContextPtr NewTestRequestContextWithTimer(
ThreadSystem* thread_system, Timer* timer);
static RequestContextPtr NewTestRequestContext(AbstractLogRecord* log_record);
// Creates a new, unowned AbstractLogRecord, for use by some subordinate
// action. Also useful in case of background activity where logging is
// required after the response is written out, e.g., blink flow.
virtual AbstractLogRecord* NewSubordinateLogRecord(
AbstractMutex* logging_mutex);
// The root trace context is associated with the user request which we
// are attempting to serve. If this is a request with constituent resources
// that we rewrite, there may be several dependent fetches synthesized
// by PSOL during rewrites. Those are traced separately.
RequestTrace* root_trace_context() { return root_trace_context_.get(); }
// Takes ownership of the given context.
void set_root_trace_context(RequestTrace* x);
// Creates a new RequestTrace associated with a request depending on the
// root user request; e.g., a subresource fetch for an HTML page.
// This implementation is a no-op. Subclasses should customize this based
// on their underlying tracing system. A few interface notes:
// - The caller is not responsible for releasing memory or managing the
// lifecycle of the RequestTrace.
// - A call to CreateDependentTraceContext() need not be matched by a call
// to ReleaseDependentTraceContext(). Cleanup should be automatic and
// managed by RequestContext subclass implementations.
virtual RequestTrace* CreateDependentTraceContext(const StringPiece& label) {
return NULL;
// Releases this object's reference to the given context and frees memory.
// Calls to CreateDependentTraceContext need not be matched by
// calls to this function. If a dependent trace span is not released when
// the request context reference count drops to zero, this object will clean
// all dependent traces.
// Note that automatic cleanup of dependent traces is provided for safety.
// To provide meaningful performance statistics, cleanup should be
// coupled with the completion of the event being traced.
// Subclasses should customize this based on their underlying tracing system.
virtual void ReleaseDependentTraceContext(RequestTrace* t);
// The log record for the this request, created when the request context is.
virtual AbstractLogRecord* log_record();
// Determines whether this request is using the SPDY protocol.
bool using_spdy() const { return using_spdy_; }
void set_using_spdy(bool x) { using_spdy_ = x; }
// The minimal private suffix for the hostname specified in this request.
// This should be calculated from the hostname by considering the list of
// public suffixes and including one additional component. So if a host is
// "a.b.c.d.e.f.g" and "e.f.g" is on the public suffix list then the minimal
// private suffix is "d.e.f.g".
// There are two ways of specifying the host -- with the Host header, or on
// the initial request line. The caller should make sure to look in both
// places.
// If a system doesn't want to fragment the cache by minimal private suffix,
// it may set value to the empty string.
const GoogleString& minimal_private_suffix() const {
return minimal_private_suffix_;
void set_minimal_private_suffix(StringPiece minimal_private_suffix) {
// Indicates whether the request-headers tell us that a browser can
// render webp images.
void SetAcceptsWebp(bool x);
bool accepts_webp() const { return accepts_webp_; }
// Indicates whether the request-headers tell us that a browser can extract
// gzip compressed data.
void SetAcceptsGzip(bool x);
bool accepts_gzip() const { return accepts_gzip_; }
// Indicates the type of split html request.
SplitRequestType split_request_type() const {
return split_request_type_;
void set_split_request_type(SplitRequestType type) {
split_request_type_ = type;
int64 request_id() const {
return request_id_;
void set_request_id(int64 x) {
request_id_ = x;
const GoogleString& sticky_query_parameters_token() const {
return sticky_query_parameters_token_;
void set_sticky_query_parameters_token(StringPiece x) {
// Authorized a particular external domain to be fetched from. The caller of
// this method MUST ensure that the domain is not some internal site within
// the firewall/LAN hosting the server. Note that this doesn't affect
// rewriting at all.
// TODO(morlovich): It's not clearly this is the appropriate mechanism
// for all the authorizations --- we may want to scope this to a request
// only.
void AddSessionAuthorizedFetchOrigin(const GoogleString& origin) {
// Returns true for exactly the origins that were authorized for this
// particular session by calls to AddSessionAuthorizedFetchOrigin()
bool IsSessionAuthorizedFetchOrigin(const GoogleString& origin) const {
return session_authorized_fetch_origins_.find(origin)
!= session_authorized_fetch_origins_.end();
// Prepare the AbstractLogRecord for a subsequent call to WriteLog. This
// might include propagating information collected in the RequestContext,
// RequestTimingInfo for example, to the underlying logging infrastructure.
void PrepareLogRecordForOutput();
// Write the log for background rewriting into disk.
void WriteBackgroundRewriteLog();
// Return the log record for background rewrites. If it doesn't exist, create
// a new one.
AbstractLogRecord* GetBackgroundRewriteLog(
ThreadSystem* thread_system,
bool log_urls,
bool log_url_indices,
int max_rewrite_info_log_size);
const RequestTimingInfo& timing_info() const { return timing_info_; }
RequestTimingInfo* mutable_timing_info() { return &timing_info_; }
void set_options(const HttpOptions& options) {
options_set_ = true;
options_ = options;
// This allows changing options already set.
// TODO(sligocki): It would be nice if we could make sure options are only
// set once. Is it worth the complexity to force that to be true?
void ResetOptions(const HttpOptions& options) {
options_set_ = true;
options_ = options;
const HttpOptions& options() const {
return options_;
void Freeze() { frozen_ = true; }
bool frozen() const { return frozen_; }
// TODO(gee): Fix this, it sucks.
// The default constructor will not create a LogRecord. Subclass constructors
// must do this explicitly.
RequestContext(const HttpOptions& options, AbstractMutex* mutex,
Timer* timer, AbstractLogRecord* log_record);
// Destructors in refcounted classes should be protected.
virtual ~RequestContext();
// Set default values of accepts webp, accepts gzip, and uses spdy.
void Init();
// Always non-NULL.
scoped_ptr<AbstractLogRecord> log_record_;
RequestTimingInfo timing_info_;
// Logs tracing events associated with the root request.
scoped_ptr<RequestTrace> root_trace_context_;
// Log for recording background rewritings.
scoped_ptr<AbstractLogRecord> background_rewrite_log_record_;
StringSet session_authorized_fetch_origins_;
bool using_spdy_;
bool accepts_webp_;
bool accepts_gzip_;
bool frozen_;
GoogleString minimal_private_suffix_;
SplitRequestType split_request_type_;
int64 request_id_;
// The token specified by query parameter or header that must match the
// configured value for options to be converted to cookies.
GoogleString sticky_query_parameters_token_;
bool options_set_;
HttpOptions options_;
} // namespace net_instaweb