blob: 841ec608e33ed59b985cd5f7d39134d86b68753a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// Implements a cache that can be used to store multiple properties on
// a key. This can be useful if the origin data associated with the
// key is not cacheable itself, but we think some properties of it
// might be reasonably stable. The cache can optionally track how
// frequently the properties change, so that when a property is read,
// the reader can gauge how stable it is. It also will manage
// time-based expirations of property-cache data (NYI).
// It supports properties with widely varying update frequences,
// though these must be specified by the programmer by grouping
// objects of similar frequency in a Cohort.
// Terminology:
// PropertyCache -- adds property semantics & grouping to the raw
// name/value Cache Interface.
// PropertyValue -- a single name/value pair with stability
// metadata, so that users of the PropertyValue can find out whether
// the property being measured appears to be stable.
// PropertyCache::Cohort -- labels a group of PropertyValues that
// are expected to have similar write-frequency. Properties are
// grouped together to minimize the number of cache lookups and
// puts. But we do not want to put all values into a single Cohort
// to avoid having fast-changing properties stomp on a slow-changing
// properties that share the same cache entry. Thus we initiate
// lookpus for all Cohorts immediately on receiving a URL, but
// we write back each Cohort independently, under programmer control.
// The concurrent read of all Cohorts can be implemented on top of
// a batched cache lookup if the platform supports it, to reduce
// RPCs.
// Note that the Cohort* is simply a label, and doesn't hold the
// properties or the data.
// PropertyPage -- this tracks all the PropertyValues in all the
// Cohorts for a key (e.g., an HTML page URL). Generally a
// PropertyPage must be read prior to being written, so that
// unmodified PropertyValues in a Cohort are not erased by updating
// a single Cohert property. The page executes a Read/Modify/Write
// sequence, but there is no locking. Multiple processes & threads
// are potentially writing entries to the cache simultaneously, so
// there can be races which might stomp on writes for individual
// properties in a Cohort.
// The value of aggregating multiple properties into a Cohort is
// to reduce the query-traffic on caches.
// Let's study an example for URL "http://..." with two Cohorts,
// "dom_metrics" and "render_data", where we expect dom_metrics to be
// updated very frequently. In dom_metrics we have (not that this is
// useful) "num_divs" and "num_a_tags". In "render_data" we have
// "critical_image_list" and "referenced_resources". When we get a
// request for "" we'll make a batched
// lookup for 2 keys:
// "prop/".
// "prop/".
// Within the values for
// "prop/"
// we'll have a 2-element array of Property values for "num_divs" and
// "num_a_tags". We'll write to that cache entry; possibly every
// time is rewritten, so that we can track
// how stable the number of divs and a_tags is, so that rewriters that
// might wish to exploit advance knowledge of how many tags are going to
// be in the document can determine how reliable that information is.
// In the future we might track real-time & limit the frequency of
// updates for a given entry.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/cache_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/http/request_context.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractLogRecord;
class AbstractMutex;
class AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback;
class PropertyCacheValues;
class PropertyValueProtobuf;
class PropertyPage;
class PropertyStore;
class Statistics;
class ThreadSystem;
class Timer;
typedef std::vector<PropertyPage*> PropertyPageStarVector;
// Holds the value & stability-metadata for a property.
class PropertyValue {
StringPiece value() const;
bool has_value() const { return valid_; }
// The timestamp of the last time this data was written (in
// milliseconds since 1970).
int64 write_timestamp_ms() const;
// Determines whether a read was completed. Thus was_read() can be true
// even if !has_value().
bool was_read() { return was_read_; }
// Determines whether this property is sufficiently stable to be considered
// useful. E.g. if 30% of the time a property is wrong, then it probably
// cannot be relied upon for making optimization decisions.
bool IsStable(int stable_hit_per_thousand_threshold) const;
// Returns true if the value has not changed for last num_writes_unchanged
// writes and false otherwise.
bool IsRecentlyConstant(int num_writes_unchanged) const;
// Returns true if the index of least set bit for value is less than given
// index. The results are undefined when index is > 64.
static bool IsIndexOfLeastSetBitSmaller(uint64 value, int index);
friend class PropertyCache;
friend class PropertyPage;
// PropertyValues are managed by PropertyPage.
void set_was_read(bool was_read) { was_read_ = was_read; }
// Initializes the value based on a parsed protobuf from the physical cache.
void InitFromProtobuf(const PropertyValueProtobuf& value);
// Updates the value of a property, tracking stability so future
// Readers can get a sense of how stable it is. This is called from
// PropertyPage::UpdateValue only.
// Updating the value here buffers it in a protobuf, but does not commit
// it to the cache. PropertyPage::WriteCohort() is required to commit.
void SetValue(const StringPiece& value, int64 now_ms);
PropertyValueProtobuf* protobuf() { return proto_.get(); }
scoped_ptr<PropertyValueProtobuf> proto_;
bool changed_;
bool valid_;
bool was_read_;
// Adds property-semantics to a raw cache API.
class PropertyCache {
// A Cohort is a set of properties that update at roughly the
// same expected frequency. The PropertyCache object keeps track of
// the known set of Cohorts but does not actually keep any data for
// them. The data only arrives when we do a lookup.
class Cohort {
explicit Cohort(StringPiece name) {
const GoogleString& name() const { return name_; }
GoogleString name_;
typedef std::vector<const Cohort*> CohortVector;
// Does not take ownership of the property_store, timer, stats, or threads
// objects.
PropertyCache(PropertyStore* property_store,
Timer* timer,
Statistics* stats,
ThreadSystem* threads);
// Reads all the PropertyValues in all the known Cohorts from
// cache, calling PropertyPage::Done when done. It is essential
// that the Cohorts are established prior to calling this function.
void Read(PropertyPage* property_page) const;
// Reads all the PropertyValues in the specified Cohorts from
// cache, calling PropertyPage::Done when done.
void ReadWithCohorts(const CohortVector& cohort_list,
PropertyPage* property_page) const;
// Returns all the cohorts from cache.
const CohortVector GetAllCohorts() const { return cohort_list_; }
// Determines whether a value that was read is reasonably stable.
bool IsStable(const PropertyValue* property) const {
return property->IsStable(mutations_per_1000_writes_threshold_);
// Determines whether a value is expired relative to the specified TTL.
// It is an error (DCHECK) to call this method when !property->has_value().
// Note; we could also store the TTL in the cache-value itself. That would
// be useful if we derived the TTL from the data or other transients. But
// our envisioned usage has the TTL coming from a configuration that is
// available at read-time, so for now we just use that.
bool IsExpired(const PropertyValue* property_value, int64 ttl_ms) const;
void set_mutations_per_1000_writes_threshold(int x) {
mutations_per_1000_writes_threshold_ = x;
// Establishes a new Cohort for this property cache. Note that you must call
// InitCohortStats prior to calling AddCohort.
const Cohort* AddCohort(const StringPiece& cohort_name);
// Returns the specified Cohort* or NULL if not found. Cohorts must
// be established at startup time, via AddCohort before any pages
// are processed via Read & Write.
const Cohort* GetCohort(const StringPiece& cohort_name) const;
// Allows turning off all reads/writes with a switch. Writes to a
// disabled cache are ignored. Reads cause Done(false) to be called
// immediately.
void set_enabled(bool x) { enabled_ = x; }
// Indicates if the property cache is enabled.
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
// Initialize stats for the specified cohort.
static void InitCohortStats(const GoogleString& cohort,
Statistics* statistics);
// Creates stats prefix for the given cohort.
static GoogleString GetStatsPrefix(const GoogleString& cohort_name);
// Returns timer pointer.
Timer* timer() const { return timer_; }
ThreadSystem* thread_system() const { return thread_system_; }
PropertyStore* property_store() { return property_store_; }
// TODO(jmarantz): add some statistics tracking for stomps, stability, etc.
PropertyStore* property_store_;
Timer* timer_;
Statistics* stats_;
ThreadSystem* thread_system_;
int mutations_per_1000_writes_threshold_;
typedef std::map<GoogleString, Cohort*> CohortMap;
CohortMap cohorts_;
// For MutltiRead to scan all cohorts.
CohortVector cohort_list_;
bool enabled_;
// Abstract interface for implementing a PropertyPage.
class AbstractPropertyPage {
virtual ~AbstractPropertyPage();
// Gets a property given the property name. The property can then be
// mutated, prior to the PropertyPage being written back to the cache.
virtual PropertyValue* GetProperty(
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const StringPiece& property_name) = 0;
// Updates the value of a property, tracking stability & discarding
// writes when the existing data is more up-to-date.
virtual void UpdateValue(
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort, const StringPiece& property_name,
const StringPiece& value) = 0;
// Updates a Cohort of properties into the cache. It is a
// programming error (dcheck-fail) to Write a PropertyPage that
// was not read first. It is fine to Write after a failed Read.
virtual void WriteCohort(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort) = 0;
// This function returns the cache state for a given cohort.
virtual CacheInterface::KeyState GetCacheState(
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort) = 0;
// Deletes a property given the property name.
virtual void DeleteProperty(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const StringPiece& property_name) = 0;
// Holds the property values associated with a single key. See more
// extensive comment for PropertyPage above.
class PropertyPage : public AbstractPropertyPage {
// The cache type associated with this callback.
enum PageType {
virtual ~PropertyPage();
// Gets a property given the property name. The property can then be
// mutated, prior to the PropertyPage being written back to the cache.
// The returned PropertyValue object is owned by the PropertyPage and
// should not be deleted by the caller.
// This function creates the PropertyValue if it didn't already
// exist, either from a previous call or a cache-read.
// It is a programming error to call GetProperty on a PropertyPage
// that has not yet been read.
// Note that all the properties in all the Cohorts on a Page are read
// via PropertyCache::Read. This allows cache implementations that support
// batching to do so on the read. However, properties are written back to
// cache one Cohort at a time, via PropertyCache::WriteCohort.
virtual PropertyValue* GetProperty(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const StringPiece& property_name);
// Updates the value of a property, tracking stability & discarding
// writes when the existing data is more up-to-date.
virtual void UpdateValue(
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort, const StringPiece& property_name,
const StringPiece& value);
// Updates a Cohort of properties into the cache. It is a
// programming error (dcheck-fail) to Write a PropertyPage that
// was not read first. It is fine to Write after a failed Read.
// Even if a PropertyValue was not changed since it was read, Write
// should be called periodically to update stability metrics.
virtual void WriteCohort(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort);
// This function returns the cache state for a given cohort.
// It is a programming error to call GetCacheState on a PropertyPage
// that has not yet been read.
CacheInterface::KeyState GetCacheState(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort);
// This function set the cache state for a given cohort. This is used by test
// code and CacheCallback to populate the state.
void SetCacheState(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
CacheInterface::KeyState x);
// Deletes a property given the property name.
// This function deletes the PropertyValue if it already exists, otherwise
// it is a no-op function.
// It is a programming error to call DeleteProperty on a PropertyPage
// that has not yet been read.
// This function actually does not commit it to cache.
void DeleteProperty(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const StringPiece& property_name);
AbstractLogRecord* log_record() {
return request_context_->log_record();
// Read the property page from cache.
void Read(const PropertyCache::CohortVector& cohort_list);
// Abort the reading of PropertyPage.
void Abort();
// Called immediately after the underlying cache lookup is done, from
// PropertyCache::CacheInterfaceCallback::Done().
virtual bool IsCacheValid(int64 write_timestamp_ms) const { return true; }
// Populate PropertyCacheValues to the respective cohort in PropertyPage.
void AddValueFromProtobuf(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
const PropertyValueProtobuf& proto);
// Returns the type of the page.
PageType page_type() { return page_type_; }
// Returns true if cohort present in the PropertyPage.
bool IsCohortPresent(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort);
// Finishes lookup for all the cohorts and call PropertyPage::Done() as fast
// as possible.
void FastFinishLookup();
// Generates PropertyCacheValues object from all the properties in the given
// cohort.
// Returns false, if cohort does not exists in the PropertyPage or no
// property is present in the cohort.
bool EncodePropertyCacheValues(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
PropertyCacheValues* values);
// Suffix for property cache keys for given page type.
static StringPiece PageTypeSuffix(PageType type);
// The Page takes ownership of the mutex.
// TODO(pulkitg): Instead of passing full PropertyCache object, just pass
// objects which PropertyPage needs.
PropertyPage(PageType page_type,
StringPiece url,
StringPiece options_signature_hash,
StringPiece cache_key_suffix,
const RequestContextPtr& request_context,
AbstractMutex* mutex,
PropertyCache* property_cache);
// Called as a result of PropertyCache::Read when the data is available.
virtual void Done(bool success) = 0;
void SetupCohorts(const PropertyCache::CohortVector& cohort_list);
// Returns true if for the given cohort any property is deleted.
bool HasPropertyValueDeleted(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort);
void CallDone(bool success) {
was_read_ = true;
typedef std::map<GoogleString, PropertyValue*> PropertyMap;
struct PropertyMapStruct {
explicit PropertyMapStruct(AbstractLogRecord* log)
: has_deleted_property(false),
has_value(false) {}
PropertyMap pmap;
bool has_deleted_property;
AbstractLogRecord* log_record;
CacheInterface::KeyState cache_state;
bool has_value;
typedef std::map<const PropertyCache::Cohort*, PropertyMapStruct*>
CohortDataMap cohort_data_map_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> mutex_;
GoogleString url_;
GoogleString options_signature_hash_;
GoogleString cache_key_suffix_;
RequestContextPtr request_context_;
bool was_read_;
PropertyCache* property_cache_; // Owned by the caller.
// AbstractPropertyStoreCallback is safe to use until
// AbstractPropertyStoreCallback::DeleteWhenDone() which is called in
// PropertyPage destructor, so property_store_callback_ lives longer than
// PropertyPage.
AbstractPropertyStoreGetCallback* property_store_callback_;
PageType page_type_;
} // namespace net_instaweb