blob: 61557705d0faf31c71bba57fed3d0444827ca92c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jan-Willem Maessen)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/scheduler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_mutex.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/function.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/platform.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/worker_test_base.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// Many tests cribbed from mock_timer_test, only without the mockery. This
// actually restricts the timing dependencies we can detect, though not in a
// terrible way.
class SchedulerTest : public WorkerTestBase {
: thread_system_(Platform::CreateThreadSystem()),
scheduler_(thread_system_.get(), timer_.get()) { }
int Compare(const Scheduler::Alarm* a, const Scheduler::Alarm* b) const {
Scheduler::CompareAlarms comparator;
return comparator(a, b);
void LockAndProcessAlarms() {
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.ProcessAlarmsOrWaitUs(0); // Don't block!
void QuiesceAlarms(int64 timeout_us) {
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
int64 now_us = timer_->NowUs();
int64 end_us = now_us + timeout_us;
while (now_us < end_us && !scheduler_.NoPendingAlarms()) {
scheduler_.ProcessAlarmsOrWaitUs(end_us - now_us);
now_us = timer_->NowUs();
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem> thread_system_;
scoped_ptr<Timer> timer_;
Scheduler scheduler_;
namespace {
const int64 kDsUs = Timer::kSecondUs / 10;
const int64 kYearUs = Timer::kYearMs * Timer::kMsUs;
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, AlarmsGetRun) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
// Note that we give this test extra time (50ms) to start up so that
// we don't attempt to compare already-run (and thus deleted) alarms
// when running under valgrind.
Scheduler::Alarm* alarm1 =
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 52 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
Scheduler::Alarm* alarm2 =
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 54 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
Scheduler::Alarm* alarm3 =
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 53 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
if (counter == 0) {
// In rare cases under Valgrind, we run over the 50ms limit and the
// callbacks get run and freed. We skip these checks in that case.
// Ordinarily these can be observed to run (change the above test to true ||
// and run under valgrind to observe this).
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm1, alarm1));
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm2, alarm2));
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm3, alarm3));
EXPECT_TRUE(Compare(alarm1, alarm2));
EXPECT_TRUE(Compare(alarm1, alarm3));
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm2, alarm1));
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm2, alarm3));
EXPECT_FALSE(Compare(alarm3, alarm1));
EXPECT_TRUE(Compare(alarm3, alarm2));
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.BlockingTimedWaitMs(55); // Never signaled, should time out.
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 55 * Timer::kMsUs, end_us);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MidpointBlock) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 6 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 3 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.BlockingTimedWaitMs(4); // Never signaled, should time out.
int64 mid_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 4 * Timer::kMsUs, mid_us);
EXPECT_LE(2, counter);
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 6 * Timer::kMsUs, end_us);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, AlarmInPastRuns) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us - 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
Scheduler::Alarm* alarm2 =
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
LockAndProcessAlarms(); // Don't block!
EXPECT_EQ(1, counter);
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_LT(start_us, end_us);
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MidpointCancellation) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 3 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
Scheduler::Alarm* alarm3 =
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.BlockingTimedWaitMs(4); // Never signaled, should time out.
int64 mid_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 4 * Timer::kMsUs, mid_us);
EXPECT_EQ(2, counter);
// No longer safe to cancel first two alarms.
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(-98, counter);
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 3 * Timer::kMsUs, end_us);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SimultaneousAlarms) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.AddAlarmAtUs(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs,
new CountFunction(&counter));
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 2 * Timer::kMsUs, end_us);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TimedWaitExpire) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(2, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(4, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(3, new CountFunction(&counter));
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
EXPECT_LT(start_us + 5 * Timer::kMsUs, end_us);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TimedWaitSignal) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(2, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(4, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(3, new CountFunction(&counter));
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TimedWaitMidpointSignal) {
int64 start_us = timer_->NowUs();
int counter = 0;
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(3, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(2, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.TimedWaitMs(Timer::kYearMs, new CountFunction(&counter));
scheduler_.BlockingTimedWaitMs(4); // Will time out
EXPECT_EQ(2, counter);
int64 end_us = timer_->NowUs();
EXPECT_EQ(3, counter);
// Note: we assume this will terminate within 1 min., and will have hung
// noticeably if it didn't.
EXPECT_GT(start_us + Timer::kMinuteUs, end_us);
// Function that retries a TimedWait when invoked until 10ms have passed.
class RetryWaitFunction : public Function {
RetryWaitFunction(Timer* timer, int64 start_ms, Scheduler* scheduler,
int* counter)
: timer_(timer), start_ms_(start_ms),
scheduler_(scheduler), counter_(counter) {
virtual ~RetryWaitFunction() {}
virtual void Run() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(scheduler_->mutex()) {
if ((timer_->NowMs() - start_ms_) < 10) {
// Note that we want the retry delay here to place us later than
// the original timeout the first invocation had, as that will
// place us later inside the wait queue ordering. In the past,
// that would cause Signal() to instantly detect us in the queue
// and run us w/o returning control.
10, new RetryWaitFunction(timer_, start_ms_, scheduler_, counter_));
Timer* timer_;
int64 start_ms_;
Scheduler* scheduler_;
int* counter_;
TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TimedWaitFromSignalWakeup) {
int counter = 0;
int64 start_ms = timer_->NowMs();
ScopedMutex lock(scheduler_.mutex());
5, new RetryWaitFunction(timer_.get(), start_ms, &scheduler_,
QuiesceAlarms(20 * Timer::kMsUs);
EXPECT_GE(2, counter);
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb