blob: e35d6b489cf14620c4145f2ca77624f75461db14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: Victor Chudnovsky
// This file defines the MultipleFrame API for reading
// and writing static and animated images.
#include <cstddef>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_status.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
namespace pagespeed {
namespace image_compression {
using net_instaweb::MessageHandler;
struct FrameSpec;
struct ImageSpec {
void Reset();
size_px width;
size_px height;
size_px num_frames;
// This is the total number of times to loop through all the frames
// (NOT the *repeat* number).
unsigned int loop_count;
PixelRgbaChannels bg_color;
bool use_bg_color;
// Whether the image size was adjusted (as can happen when
// implementing some quirks modes).
bool image_size_adjusted;
// Returns x truncated to a valid column index in [0, width]. Note
// that a value of 'width' denotes the first invalid index.
size_px TruncateXIndex(size_px x) const;
// Returns y truncated to a valid row index in [0, height]. Note
// that a value of 'height' denotes the first invalid index.
size_px TruncateYIndex(size_px y) const;
// Returns true iff frame_spec fits entirely within this ImageSpec.
bool CanContainFrame(const FrameSpec& frame_spec) const;
GoogleString ToString() const;
bool Equals(const ImageSpec& other) const;
// FrameSpec must fit entirely within its image; in other words
// ImageSpec::CanContainFrame(frame_spec) should return true.
struct FrameSpec {
enum DisposalMethod {
// TODO(vchudnov): May not be supported by WebP. If that's the
// case, treat as DISPOSAL_BACKGROUND instead.
void Reset();
size_px width;
size_px height;
size_px top;
size_px left;
PixelFormat pixel_format;
size_t duration_ms;
DisposalMethod disposal;
// Whether this frame was progressively encoded by the origin site, so that
// it could begin to be rendered even before the entire image was
// transferred. This does not affect the data format passed in or out of
// this API, but provides a hint that API clients may choose to take.
bool hint_progressive;
GoogleString ToString() const;
bool Equals(const FrameSpec& other) const;
#if defined(IF_OK_RUN)
#error "Preprocessor macro collision."
// Boilerplate for the convenience methods below. This code snippet
// invokes _CALL only if _STATUS does not indicate a pre-existing
// error, and returns a bool indicating success or failure of the
// preceding state as well as _CALL, if invoked. Note that this
// snippet returns from the function in which it is embedded.
#define IF_OK_RUN(_STATUS, _CALL) \
if (!_STATUS->Success()) { \
return false; \
} \
return _STATUS->Success();
// Interface for reading both animated and static images.
// Typical usage of this API is as follows:
// Initialize()
// GetImageSpec() // optional
// while (HasMoreFrames()) {
// PrepareNextFrame()
// GetFrameSpec() // optional
// while (HasMoreScanlines()) {
// ReadNextScanline()
// }
// }
// The "optional" lines above are not necessary for just reading an
// image. You might want to call them, though, if the metadata they
// contain is of interest, or if you're passing the read image to a
// MultipleFrameWriter, which needs the metadata in ImageSpec and
// FrameSpec (see below).
class MultipleFrameReader {
explicit MultipleFrameReader(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~MultipleFrameReader();
// Resets the MultipleFrameReader to its initial state.
virtual ScanlineStatus Reset() = 0;
// Initializes MultipleFrameReader to read image data of length
// 'buffer_length_' from 'image_buffer_'. This function should take
// care of calling Reset() if necessary, so that the sequence
// "Reset(); Initialize();" is never needed.
virtual ScanlineStatus Initialize() = 0;
// Sets 'buffer_length_' and 'image_buffer_' and calls
// Initialize(). Do not override this function; override the no-arg
// overload instead.
ScanlineStatus Initialize(const void* image_buffer, size_t buffer_length) {
image_buffer_ = image_buffer;
buffer_length_ = buffer_length;
return Initialize();
// Returns true iff the image being read has additional frames beyond
// the current frame being read. For any well-formed image with at
// least one frame (or for a well-formed static image), this will
// return true before the first call to PrepareNextFrame().
virtual bool HasMoreFrames() const = 0;
// Returns true iff the current frame has more scanlines that have
// not yet been read.
virtual bool HasMoreScanlines() const = 0;
// Prepares to read scanlines from the frame after the current
// one. Must be called before reading from the first frame.
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareNextFrame() = 0;
// Reads the next available scanline in the current frame and copies
// a pointer to it into '*out_scanline_bytes'. This class retains
// ownership of the read scanline. The scanline encodes as many
// pixels as the width of the current frame, which is not
// necessarily the width of the whole image.
virtual ScanlineStatus ReadNextScanline(const void** out_scanline_bytes) = 0;
// Assigns to '*frame_spec' the FrameSpec describing
// the current frame.
// TODO(vchudnov): Consider simplifying this method to return
// frame_spec rather than the ScanlineStatus.
virtual ScanlineStatus GetFrameSpec(FrameSpec* frame_spec) const = 0;
// Copies into '*image_spec' the ImageSpec describing
// the image.
virtual ScanlineStatus GetImageSpec(ImageSpec* image_spec) const = 0;
// The message handler used by this class. Neither the caller nor
// this class have ownership.
MessageHandler* message_handler() const {
return message_handler_;
virtual ScanlineStatus set_quirks_mode(QuirksMode quirks_mode) {
quirks_mode_ = quirks_mode;
return ScanlineStatus(SCANLINE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
virtual QuirksMode quirks_mode() const {
return quirks_mode_;
// Convenience forms of the methods above. If 'status' indicates an
// error on entry, each of these methods does nothing and returns
// false. Otherwise, it calls the corresponding method above,
// updates 'status', and returns true iff the call succeeded.
bool Reset(ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, Reset());
bool Initialize(const void* image_buffer, size_t buffer_length,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, Initialize(image_buffer, buffer_length));
bool Initialize(ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, Initialize());
bool PrepareNextFrame(ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, PrepareNextFrame());
bool ReadNextScanline(const void** out_scanline_bytes,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, ReadNextScanline(out_scanline_bytes));
bool GetFrameSpec(FrameSpec* frame_spec,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, GetFrameSpec(frame_spec));
bool GetImageSpec(ImageSpec* image_spec,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, GetImageSpec(image_spec));
bool set_quirks_mode(QuirksMode quirks_mode,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, set_quirks_mode(quirks_mode));
const void* image_buffer_;
size_t buffer_length_;
// Handles logging info, warning, and error messages.
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
// The browser quirks mode to implement, if any.
QuirksMode quirks_mode_;
// Interface for writing both animated and static images.
// Typical usage of this API is as follows:
// Initialize();
// PrepareImage();
// while (have_frame) {
// PrepareNextFrame();
// while (have_scanline) {
// WriteNextScanline();
// }
// }
// FinalizeWrite();
class MultipleFrameWriter {
explicit MultipleFrameWriter(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~MultipleFrameWriter();
// Initializes the writer to use the format-specific configuration
// in 'config' to write an image to 'out'. It is up to the client to
// ensure 'config' points to data of the right type for the given
// child class it invokes.
virtual ScanlineStatus Initialize(const void* config,
GoogleString* out) = 0;
// Prepares to write an image with the characteristics in
// 'image_spec'.
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareImage(const ImageSpec* image_spec) = 0;
// Prepares to write scanlines to the frame after the current one by
// setting its properties to 'frame_spec'. Must be called before
// writing to the first frame.
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareNextFrame(const FrameSpec* frame_spec) = 0;
// Writes 'scanline_bytes' to the next scanline of the current
// frame. The scanline's width in pixels and pixel format (and thus,
// its width in bytes) are as set in the preceding call to
// PrepareNextFrame(); that many bytes from '*scanline_bytes' are
// read.
virtual ScanlineStatus WriteNextScanline(const void *scanline_bytes) = 0;
// Finalizes the image once all the frames have been written.
virtual ScanlineStatus FinalizeWrite() = 0;
// The message handler used by this class. Neither the caller nor
// this class have ownership.
MessageHandler* message_handler() const {
return message_handler_;
// Convenience forms of the methods above. If 'status' indicates an
// error on entry, each of these methods does nothing and returns
// false. Otherwise, it calls the corresponding method above,
// updates 'status', and returns true iff the call succeeded.
bool Initialize(const void* config, GoogleString* out,
ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, Initialize(config, out));
bool PrepareImage(const ImageSpec* image_spec, ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, PrepareImage(image_spec));
bool PrepareNextFrame(const FrameSpec* frame_spec, ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, PrepareNextFrame(frame_spec));
bool WriteNextScanline(const void* scanline_bytes, ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, WriteNextScanline(scanline_bytes));
bool FinalizeWrite(ScanlineStatus* status) {
IF_OK_RUN(status, FinalizeWrite());
// Handles logging info, warning, and error messages.
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
#undef IF_OK_RUN
} // namespace image_compression
} // namespace pagespeed