blob: 5c58bb1e268f14e7a1d6641a418537d11e87c55e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: Huibao Lin
#include <cstddef>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
namespace pagespeed {
namespace image_compression {
class ScanlineReaderInterface;
using net_instaweb::MessageHandler;
const int kNumColorHistogramBins = 256;
// Computes image gradient (i.e., image edge) from the luminance using Sobel
// operator:
// Supports GRAY_8, RGB_888, and RGBA_8888 formats. Alpha is ignored if it
// exists. The gradient has the same size as the input image.
// The following simplifications are used:
// - Pixels on the image border (i.e., first and last rows, first and last
// columns) have zero value for the gradient.
// - The luminance of a pixel is the average of the red, green, and blue
// channels.
bool SobelGradient(const uint8_t* image, int width, int height,
int bytes_per_line, PixelFormat pixel_format,
MessageHandler* handler, uint8_t* gradient);
// Returns histogram of a grayscale image. The histogram has 256 bins,
// and is normalized such that the sum is 1. Pixels at the following locations
// will be used to compute the histogram:
// x0 <= x < x0 + width
// y0 <= y < y0 + height.
void Histogram(const uint8_t* image, int width, int height, int bytes_per_line,
int x0, int y0, float* hist);
// Returns the photographic metric. Photos will have large metric values, while
// computer generated graphics, especially those consisting of only a few colors
// or slowly changing colors will have small values. Graphics usually
// have tall and sharp peaks in their gradient histogram, while photo peaks are
// short and wide. Thus, the width of the widest peak in the color histogram
// can be used as the metric for photo-likeness. The metric can have values
// between 1 and 256, and the recommended threshold for separating graphics
// and photo is around 16.
float PhotoMetric(const uint8_t* image, int width, int height,
int bytes_per_line, PixelFormat pixel_format, float threshold,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Returns the width of the widest peak in the color histogram. A peak is a
// maximum set of contiguous bins such that all of them are greater than or
// equal to (max(hist) * threshold).
float WidestPeakWidth(const float* hist, float threshold);
// Returns true if the image looks like a photo, or false if it looks like
// computer generated graphics. The reader must be initialized with the image
// to be processed.
bool IsPhoto(ScanlineReaderInterface* reader, MessageHandler* handler);
// Return key information of the image. For the information which you do not
// need, set the arguments to NULL so they will not be computed.
// "is_progressive" is only valid for single frame images. For animated images
// it will always be set to "false" even if some frames were encoded in
// progressive format.
bool AnalyzeImage(ImageFormat image_type,
const void* image_buffer,
size_t buffer_length,
int* width,
int* height,
bool* is_progressive,
bool* is_animated,
bool* has_transparency,
bool* is_photo,
int* quality,
ScanlineReaderInterface** reader,
MessageHandler* handler);
} // namespace image_compression
} // namespace pagespeed