blob: 87489952d317d78131b235002bad32408b398371 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: Bryan McQuade
#include <cstddef>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_frame_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/image_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/png_optimizer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_status.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/image/scanline_utils.h"
extern "C" {
#include "third_party/giflib/lib/gif_lib.h"
#include "png.h" // NOLINT
#include "third_party/libpng/src/png.h"
namespace pagespeed {
namespace image_compression {
using net_instaweb::MessageHandler;
class ScopedGifStruct;
// Utility to translate the frame (GIF "image") disposal method from
// the value encoded in the GIF file to the DisposalMethod enum.
FrameSpec::DisposalMethod GifDisposalToFrameSpecDisposal(int gif_disposal);
// Reader for GIF-encoded data.
class GifReader : public PngReaderInterface {
explicit GifReader(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~GifReader();
virtual bool ReadPng(const GoogleString& body,
png_structp png_ptr,
png_infop info_ptr,
int transforms,
bool require_opaque) const;
virtual bool GetAttributes(const GoogleString& body,
int* out_width,
int* out_height,
int* out_bit_depth,
int* out_color_type) const;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
// GifFrameReader decodes GIF images and outputs the raw pixel data,
// image size, pixel type, etc. The class accepts both single frame
// and animated GIFs. The output is RGB_888 if transparent color is
// not specified, or RGBA_8888 otherwise.
// Note: The input image stream must be valid throughout the life of
// the object. In other words, the image_buffer input you set to
// Initialize() cannot be changed until your last call to the
// ReadNextScanline(). That said, if you are sure that your image is
// a single-frame progressive GIF, you can modify image_buffer after
// the first call to ReadNextScanline().
// Note: In the wild, there are many static GIFs that don't conform to
// the GIF standard by having, for example, image dimensions larger
// than frame dimensions. The workaround for such images is to
// properly pad those frames. Because this is such a common
// occurrence, we disallow instantiating GifFrameReader directly and
// instead require that clients call CreateImageFrameReader() to
// instantiate this class.
class GifFrameReader : public MultipleFrameReader {
virtual ~GifFrameReader();
virtual ScanlineStatus Reset();
// Initialize the reader with the given image stream. Note that
// image_buffer must remain unchanged until the last call to
// ReadNextScanlineWithStatus().
virtual ScanlineStatus Initialize();
virtual bool HasMoreFrames() const {
return (image_initialized_ && (next_frame_ < image_spec_.num_frames));
virtual bool HasMoreScanlines() const {
return (frame_initialized_ && (next_row_ < frame_spec_.height));
virtual ScanlineStatus PrepareNextFrame();
// Return the next row of pixels. For non-progressive GIF,
// ReadNextScanline will decode one row of pixels each time when it
// is called, but for progressive GIF, ReadNextScanline will decode
// the entire image at the first time when it is called.
virtual ScanlineStatus ReadNextScanline(const void** out_scanline_bytes);
virtual ScanlineStatus GetFrameSpec(FrameSpec* frame_spec) const {
if (frame_spec == NULL) {
return PS_LOGGED_STATUS(PS_LOG_DFATAL, message_handler(),
"Unexpected NULL pointer.");
*frame_spec = frame_spec_;
return ScanlineStatus(SCANLINE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
virtual ScanlineStatus GetImageSpec(ImageSpec* image_spec) const {
if (image_spec == NULL) {
return PS_LOGGED_STATUS(PS_LOG_DFATAL, message_handler(),
"Unexpected NULL pointer.");
*image_spec = image_spec_;
return ScanlineStatus(SCANLINE_STATUS_SUCCESS);
virtual ScanlineStatus set_quirks_mode(QuirksMode quirks_mode);
// Apply the specified browser-specific tweaking of image_spec based
// on the first frame's frame_spec and whether an explicit
// loop_count was read from the GIF file.
static void ApplyQuirksModeToImage(QuirksMode quirks_mode,
bool has_loop_count,
const FrameSpec& frame_spec,
ImageSpec* image_spec);
// Apply the specified browser-specific tweaking of the first
// frame's frame_spec based on image_spec.
static void ApplyQuirksModeToFirstFrame(QuirksMode quirks_mode,
const ImageSpec& image_spec,
FrameSpec* frame_spec);
// Clients should call this function to instantiate
// GifFrameReader. This function is defined in
friend MultipleFrameReader* InstantiateImageFrameReader(
ImageFormat image_type,
MessageHandler* handler,
ScanlineStatus* status);
// Used in and
friend class TestGifFrameReader;
// To instantiate this class, use InstantiateImageFrameReader, which
// is declared a friend function above.
explicit GifFrameReader(MessageHandler* handler);
// The GIF format can specify one palette index which is treated as
// transparent; we store this index in frame_transparent_index_. In
// case the GIF file does not employ transparency, we store the
// special "index" value kNoTransparentIndex instead.
static const int kNoTransparentIndex;
// Decodes a progressive image.
ScanlineStatus DecodeProgressiveGif();
// Decodes a non-progressive image.
ScanlineStatus DecodeNonProgressiveGif();
ScanlineStatus CreateColorMap();
// Gets the image-scope meta-data (GIF screen size, global palette,
// number of frames, etc.), resetting the GIF file offset before
// returning.
ScanlineStatus GetImageData();
// Helper function for GetImageData() that reads the GIF application
// extension.
ScanlineStatus ProcessExtensionAffectingImage(bool past_first_frame);
// Helper function for PrepareNextFrame that gets the frame-scope
// metadata (duration, disposal, etc.) from the GIF Graphics
// Extension Block.
ScanlineStatus ProcessExtensionAffectingFrame();
// Whether the image_has been initialized.
bool image_initialized_;
// Whether the current frame has been initialized.
bool frame_initialized_;
// Image metadata.
ImageSpec image_spec_;
// Frame metadata.
FrameSpec frame_spec_;
// Whether we've already encountered the animation loop count.
bool has_loop_count_;
// The next frame to be read AFTER the current frame.
size_px next_frame_;
// The following are for the current frame.
// The next row to output via ReadScanline.
size_px next_row_;
// The palette index of the transparent entry in the current frame,
// or kNoTransparentIndex otherwise. Set by PrepareNextFrame().
int frame_transparent_index_;
// Palette of the image, with 256 entries.
net_instaweb::scoped_array<PaletteRGBA> gif_palette_;
// Buffer for holding the color (RGB or RGBA) for a row of pixels.
net_instaweb::scoped_array<GifByteType> frame_buffer_;
// Buffer for holding the palette index for a row of pixels (for
// non-progressive GIF) or for the entire image (for progressive GIF).
net_instaweb::scoped_array<GifByteType> frame_index_;
// gif_struct_ stores a pointer to the input image stream. It also
// keeps track of the length of data that giflib has read. It is
// initialized in Initialize() and is updated in
// ReadNextScanlineWithStatus().
net_instaweb::scoped_ptr<ScopedGifStruct> gif_struct_;
// We need to know the palette size as we read each frame because,
// in rare cases, images contain pixels referring to out-of-range
// palette entries. In that case, in PrepareNextFrame() we make the
// frame's pixel format be RGBA_8888 and in ReadNextScanline() we
// replace the invalid pixels with transparent pixels. Note that a
// uint8_t would be sufficient for this field, but giflib returns an
// int for the palette size.
int frame_palette_size_;
// For frames that are either progressive or NOT in RGBA_8888
// format, we set this flag in PrepareNextFrame() and then read the
// entire frame to see whether there are any pixels with
// out-of-range palette entries. If so, in PrepareNextFrame() we
// make the frame's pixel format be RGBA_8888 and in
// ReadNextScanline() we replace the invalid pixels with transparent
// pixels.
bool frame_eagerly_read_;
} // namespace image_compression
} // namespace pagespeed