blob: d6e73b01aa91f3a3f6f06f3a1e0b18765ae952c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// String and numeric constants for common HTTP Attributes & status codes.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// Global constants for common HTML attributes names and values.
// TODO(jmarantz): Proactively change all the occurrences of the static strings
// to use these shared constants.
struct HttpAttributes {
static const char kAccept[];
static const char kAcceptEncoding[];
static const char kAccessControlAllowOrigin[];
static const char kAccessControlAllowCredentials[];
static const char kAge[];
static const char kAllow[];
static const char kAttachment[];
static const char kAuthorization[];
static const char kCacheControl[];
static const char kConnection[];
static const char kContentEncoding[];
static const char kContentDisposition[];
static const char kContentLanguage[];
static const char kContentLength[];
static const char kContentType[];
static const char kCookie[];
static const char kCookie2[];
static const char kDate[];
static const char kDeflate[];
static const char kDnt[];
static const char kEtag[];
static const char kExpires[];
static const char kGzip[];
static const char kHost[];
static const char kIfModifiedSince[];
static const char kIfNoneMatch[];
static const char kKeepAlive[];
static const char kLastModified[];
static const char kLink[];
static const char kLocation[];
static const char kMaxAge[];
static const char kNoCache[];
static const char kNoCacheMaxAge0[];
static const char kNoStore[];
static const char kNosniff[];
static const char kOrigin[];
static const char kPragma[];
static const char kPrivate[];
static const char kProxyAuthenticate[];
static const char kProxyAuthorization[];
static const char kPublic[];
static const char kPurpose[];
static const char kReferer[]; // sic
static const char kRefresh[];
static const char kSaveData[];
static const char kServer[];
static const char kSetCookie[];
static const char kSetCookie2[];
static const char kTE[];
static const char kTrailers[];
static const char kTransferEncoding[];
static const char kUpgrade[];
static const char kUserAgent[];
static const char kVary[];
static const char kVia[];
static const char kWarning[];
static const char kXmlHttpRequest[];
static const char kXAssociatedContent[];
static const char kXContentTypeOptions[];
static const char kXForwardedFor[];
static const char kXForwardedProto[];
static const char kXGooglePagespeedClientId[];
static const char kXGoogleRequestEventId[];
// If this header's value matches the configured blocking rewrite key, then
// all rewrites are completed before the response is sent to the client.
static const char kXPsaBlockingRewrite[];
// This header determines how the blocking rewrite will behave; will it wait
// for async events or not.
static const char kXPsaBlockingRewriteMode[];
// Value of the kXPsaBlockingRewriteMode header which makes the blocking
// rewrite wait for async events.
// TODO(bharathbhushan): Does this belong somewhere else?
static const char kXPsaBlockingRewriteModeSlow[];
// A request header for client to specify client options.
static const char kXPsaClientOptions[];
// This header indicates to the distributed task that it should not timeout
// its rewrite.
static const char kXPsaDistributedRewriteBlock[];
// This header is set in distributed rewrite requests that originated from
// fetch requests (.pagespeed. and IPRO).
static const char kXPsaDistributedRewriteFetch[];
// This header is set in distributed rewrite requests that originated from
// HTML requests (HTML and nested filters).
static const char kXPsaDistributedRewriteForHtml[];
// This header is set on optional fetches that got dropped due to load.
static const char kXPsaLoadShed[];
// If this header is present on an incoming request it will be treated as if
// it came over a SPDY connection for purposes of applying special
// configuration or optimizations.
static const char kXPsaOptimizeForSpdy[];
// This header is set in a distributed rewrite task to ask for metadata
// in the response.
static const char kXPsaRequestMetadata[];
// This header is set in a distributed rewrite response and the value
// is the serialized metadata.
static const char kXPsaResponseMetadata[];
// This url param is set when request for the below the fold chunk of the
// split html response.
static const char kXSplit[];
// Values of kXSplit url param for requesting parts of the split html content.
static const char kXSplitAboveTheFold[];
static const char kXSplitBelowTheFold[];
static const char kXRequestedWith[];
// This header is set on optimized responses to indicate the original
// content length.
static const char kXOriginalContentLength[];
static const char kXUACompatible[];
// The config to be used fo the split html xpath.
static const char kXPsaSplitConfig[];
// Sendfile type responses.
static const char kXSendfile[];
static const char kXAccelRedirect[];
// Gets a sorted StringPieceVector containing all the hop-by-hop headers,
// plus Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2, per
// Note: The returned vector contains NULL-terminated char* entries but
// returning it via StringPieceVector causes us to lose this guarantee and we
// end up creating temporary GoogleStrings to convert these back to char*.
// This performance overhead might be revisited if considered important.
static StringPieceVector SortedHopByHopHeaders();
// Gets a StringPieceVector containing the caching-related headers that should
// be removed from responses.
// Note: The returned vector contains NULL-terminated char* entries but
// returning it via StringPieceVector causes us to lose this guarantee and we
// end up creating temporary GoogleStrings to convert these back to char*.
// This performance overhead might be revisited if considered important.
static StringPieceVector CachingHeadersToBeRemoved();
namespace HttpStatus {
// Http status codes.
// Grokked from
enum Code {
kContinue = 100,
kSwitchingProtocols = 101,
kOK = 200,
kCreated = 201,
kAccepted = 202,
kNonAuthoritative = 203,
kNoContent = 204,
kResetContent = 205,
kPartialContent = 206,
kMultipleChoices = 300,
kMovedPermanently = 301,
kFound = 302,
kSeeOther = 303,
kNotModified = 304,
kUseProxy = 305,
kSwitchProxy = 306, // In old spec; no longer used.
kTemporaryRedirect = 307,
kBadRequest = 400,
kUnauthorized = 401,
kPaymentRequired = 402,
kForbidden = 403,
kNotFound = 404,
kMethodNotAllowed = 405,
kNotAcceptable = 406,
kProxyAuthRequired = 407,
kRequestTimeout = 408,
kConflict = 409,
kGone = 410,
kLengthRequired = 411,
kPreconditionFailed = 412,
kEntityTooLarge = 413,
kUriTooLong = 414,
kUnsupportedMediaType = 415,
kRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
kExpectationFailed = 417,
kImATeapot = 418,
kInternalServerError = 500,
kNotImplemented = 501,
kBadGateway = 502,
kUnavailable = 503,
kGatewayTimeout = 504,
kHttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
// Instaweb-specific proxy failure constants.
kProxyPublisherFailure = 520,
kProxyFailure = 521,
kProxyConfigurationFailure = 522,
kProxyDeclinedRequest = 523,
kProxyDnsLookupFailure = 524,
// PSOL-specific response code to indiciate that a distributed connection
// failed.
kDistributedConnectionFailure = 550,
// Instaweb-specific response codes: these are intentionally chosen to be
// outside the normal HTTP range, but we consider these response codes
// to be 'cacheable' in our own cache. These particular ones correspond
// to values of the FetchResponseStatus enum (non-numerically).
kRememberFailureRangeStart = 10001,
// Corresponds to kFetchStatusOtherError
kRememberFetchFailedStatusCode = 10001,
// Note that this includes all non-200 status code responses that are not
// cacheable. Corresponds to kFetchStatusUncacheableError.
kRememberNotCacheableStatusCode = 10002,
// This includes all 200 status code responses that are not cacheable.
// Corresponds to kFetchStatusUncacheable200.
kRememberNotCacheableAnd200StatusCode = 10003,
// Corresponds to kFetchStatus4xxError.
kRememberFetchFailed4xxCode = 10004,
// We do not allow caching empty resources. Remember that.
// Corresponds to kFetchStatusEmpty.
kRememberEmptyStatusCode = 10005,
// For remembering that we load-shed an attempt to fetch this recently.
// Corresponds to kFetchStatusDropped.
kRememberDroppedStatusCode = 10006,
// End point of failure caching range, in the usual [a, b) meaning.
// Status code used when the actual status code of the response is unknown at
// the time of ProxyFetchPropertyCallbackCollector::Detach().
kUnknownStatusCode = 10020,
// Transform a status code into the equivalent reason phrase.
const char* GetReasonPhrase(Code rc);
} // namespace HttpStatus
} // namespace net_instaweb