blob: b07a6b77ca31916705715c6853edbc2fe17d40d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
const char HttpAttributes::kAccept[] = "Accept";
const char HttpAttributes::kAcceptEncoding[] = "Accept-Encoding";
const char HttpAttributes::kAccessControlAllowOrigin[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kAccessControlAllowCredentials[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kAge[] = "Age";
const char HttpAttributes::kAllow[] = "Allow";
const char HttpAttributes::kAttachment[] = "attachment";
const char HttpAttributes::kAuthorization[] = "Authorization";
const char HttpAttributes::kCacheControl[] = "Cache-Control";
const char HttpAttributes::kConnection[] = "Connection";
const char HttpAttributes::kContentDisposition[] = "Content-Disposition";
const char HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding[] = "Content-Encoding";
const char HttpAttributes::kContentLanguage[] = "Content-Language";
const char HttpAttributes::kContentLength[] = "Content-Length";
const char HttpAttributes::kContentType[] = "Content-Type";
const char HttpAttributes::kCookie[] = "Cookie";
const char HttpAttributes::kCookie2[] = "Cookie2";
const char HttpAttributes::kDate[] = "Date";
const char HttpAttributes::kDeflate[] = "deflate";
const char HttpAttributes::kDnt[] = "DNT";
const char HttpAttributes::kEtag[] = "Etag";
const char HttpAttributes::kExpires[] = "Expires";
const char HttpAttributes::kGzip[] = "gzip";
const char HttpAttributes::kHost[] = "Host";
const char HttpAttributes::kIfModifiedSince[] = "If-Modified-Since";
const char HttpAttributes::kIfNoneMatch[] = "If-None-Match";
const char HttpAttributes::kKeepAlive[] = "Keep-Alive";
const char HttpAttributes::kLastModified[] = "Last-Modified";
const char HttpAttributes::kLink[] = "Link";
const char HttpAttributes::kLocation[] = "Location";
const char HttpAttributes::kMaxAge[] = "max-age";
const char HttpAttributes::kNoCache[] = "no-cache";
const char HttpAttributes::kNoCacheMaxAge0[] = "max-age=0, no-cache";
const char HttpAttributes::kNoStore[] = "no-store";
const char HttpAttributes::kNosniff[] = "nosniff";
const char HttpAttributes::kOrigin[] = "Origin";
const char HttpAttributes::kPragma[] = "Pragma";
const char HttpAttributes::kPrivate[] = "private";
const char HttpAttributes::kProxyAuthenticate[] = "Proxy-Authenticate";
const char HttpAttributes::kProxyAuthorization[] = "Proxy-Authorization";
const char HttpAttributes::kPublic[] = "public";
const char HttpAttributes::kPurpose[] = "Purpose";
const char HttpAttributes::kReferer[] = "Referer"; // sic
const char HttpAttributes::kRefresh[] = "Refresh";
const char HttpAttributes::kSaveData[] = "Save-Data";
const char HttpAttributes::kServer[] = "Server";
const char HttpAttributes::kSetCookie2[] = "Set-Cookie2";
const char HttpAttributes::kSetCookie[] = "Set-Cookie";
const char HttpAttributes::kTE[] = "TE";
const char HttpAttributes::kTrailers[] = "Trailers";
const char HttpAttributes::kTransferEncoding[] = "Transfer-Encoding";
const char HttpAttributes::kUpgrade[] = "Upgrade";
const char HttpAttributes::kUserAgent[] = "User-Agent";
const char HttpAttributes::kVary[] = "Vary";
const char HttpAttributes::kVia[] = "Via";
const char HttpAttributes::kWarning[] = "Warning";
const char HttpAttributes::kXAssociatedContent[] = "X-Associated-Content";
const char HttpAttributes::kXContentTypeOptions[] = "X-Content-Type-Options";
const char HttpAttributes::kXForwardedFor[] = "X-Forwarded-For";
const char HttpAttributes::kXForwardedProto[] = "X-Forwarded-Proto";
const char HttpAttributes::kXmlHttpRequest[] = "XMLHttpRequest";
const char HttpAttributes::kXGooglePagespeedClientId[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXGoogleRequestEventId[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXOriginalContentLength[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaBlockingRewrite[] = "X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite";
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaBlockingRewriteMode[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaBlockingRewriteModeSlow[] = "slow";
// Warning: The header name is subject to change.
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaClientOptions[] = "X-PSA-Client-Options";
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaDistributedRewriteBlock[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaDistributedRewriteFetch[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaDistributedRewriteForHtml[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaOptimizeForSpdy[] = "X-PSA-Optimize-For-SPDY";
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaLoadShed[] = "X-Psa-Load-Shed";
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaRequestMetadata[] =
// TODO(jkarlin): Make sure (with tests) that this header does not leak beyond
// pagespeed servers.
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaResponseMetadata[] =
const char HttpAttributes::kXSplit[] = "x_split";
const char HttpAttributes::kXSplitAboveTheFold[] = "atf";
const char HttpAttributes::kXSplitBelowTheFold[] = "btf";
const char HttpAttributes::kXRequestedWith[] = "X-Requested-With";
const char HttpAttributes::kXUACompatible[] = "X-UA-Compatible";
const char HttpAttributes::kXPsaSplitConfig[] = "X-PSA-Split-Config";
const char HttpAttributes::kXSendfile[] = "X-Sendfile";
const char HttpAttributes::kXAccelRedirect[] = "X-Accel-Redirect";
const char* HttpStatus::GetReasonPhrase(HttpStatus::Code rc) {
switch (rc) {
case HttpStatus::kContinue : return "Continue";
case HttpStatus::kSwitchingProtocols : return "Switching Protocols";
case HttpStatus::kOK : return "OK";
case HttpStatus::kCreated : return "Created";
case HttpStatus::kAccepted : return "Accepted";
case HttpStatus::kNonAuthoritative :
return "Non-Authoritative Information";
case HttpStatus::kNoContent : return "No Content";
case HttpStatus::kResetContent : return "Reset Content";
case HttpStatus::kPartialContent : return "Partial Content";
// 300 range: redirects
case HttpStatus::kMultipleChoices : return "Multiple Choices";
case HttpStatus::kMovedPermanently : return "Moved Permanently";
case HttpStatus::kFound : return "Found";
case HttpStatus::kSeeOther : return "See Other";
case HttpStatus::kNotModified : return "Not Modified";
case HttpStatus::kUseProxy : return "Use Proxy";
case HttpStatus::kTemporaryRedirect : return "OK";
// 400 range: client errors
case HttpStatus::kBadRequest : return "Bad Request";
case HttpStatus::kUnauthorized : return "Unauthorized";
case HttpStatus::kPaymentRequired : return "Payment Required";
case HttpStatus::kForbidden : return "Forbidden";
case HttpStatus::kNotFound : return "Not Found";
case HttpStatus::kMethodNotAllowed : return "Method Not Allowed";
case HttpStatus::kNotAcceptable : return "Not Acceptable";
case HttpStatus::kProxyAuthRequired :
return "Proxy Authentication Required";
case HttpStatus::kRequestTimeout : return "Request Time-out";
case HttpStatus::kConflict : return "Conflict";
case HttpStatus::kGone : return "Gone";
case HttpStatus::kLengthRequired : return "Length Required";
case HttpStatus::kPreconditionFailed : return "Precondition Failed";
case HttpStatus::kEntityTooLarge :
return "Request Entity Too Large";
case HttpStatus::kUriTooLong : return "Request-URI Too Large";
case HttpStatus::kUnsupportedMediaType : return "Unsupported Media Type";
case HttpStatus::kRangeNotSatisfiable :
return "Requested range not satisfiable";
case HttpStatus::kExpectationFailed : return "Expectation Failed";
// 500 range: server errors
case HttpStatus::kInternalServerError : return "Internal Server Error";
case HttpStatus::kNotImplemented : return "Not Implemented";
case HttpStatus::kBadGateway : return "Bad Gateway";
case HttpStatus::kUnavailable : return "Service Unavailable";
case HttpStatus::kGatewayTimeout : return "Gateway Time-out";
// Instaweb proxy failures
case HttpStatus::kProxyPublisherFailure : return "Proxy Publisher Failure";
case HttpStatus::kProxyFailure : return "Proxy Failure";
case HttpStatus::kProxyConfigurationFailure: return "Proxy Config Failure";
case HttpStatus::kProxyDeclinedRequest : return "Proxy Declined Request";
// We don't have a name for this response code, so we'll just
// take the blame
return "Internal Server Error";
return "";
StringPieceVector HttpAttributes::SortedHopByHopHeaders() {
const int kReserveSize = 10;
int index = 0;
StringPieceVector names(kReserveSize);
// This exact mechanism of initializing the names is used because it allows
// populating a StringPieceVector from locally defined string constants
// without having runtime calls to strlen to find the length.
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kConnection);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kKeepAlive);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kProxyAuthenticate);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kProxyAuthorization);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kSetCookie);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kSetCookie2);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kTE);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kTrailers);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kTransferEncoding);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kUpgrade);
DCHECK_EQ(kReserveSize, index);
return names;
StringPieceVector HttpAttributes::CachingHeadersToBeRemoved() {
const int kReserveSize = 3;
int index = 0;
StringPieceVector names(kReserveSize);
// This exact mechanism of initializing the names is used because it allows
// populating a StringPieceVector from locally defined string constants
// without having runtime calls to strlen to find the length.
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kLastModified);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kExpires);
names[index++] = StringPiece(HttpAttributes::kEtag);
DCHECK_EQ(kReserveSize, index);
return names;
} // namespace net_instaweb