blob: 61d8c5c39fe0213f276397180267ec64e45b59aa [file] [log] [blame]
start_test "shortcut icons aren't inlined"
# We expect to see just one inline image, because of the img tag.
fetch_until -save $URL 'grep -c data:image/png' 1
# All four icon link tags should be optimized but not inlined.
check_from "$OUT" grep \
'<link rel="icon" href="[^<]*xCuppa.png.pagespeed.ic'
check_from "$OUT" grep \
'<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="[^<]*xCuppa.png.pagespeed.ic'
check_from "$OUT" grep \
'<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="[^<]*xCuppa.png.pagespeed.ic'
check_from "$OUT" grep \
'<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="[^<]*xCuppa.png.pagespeed.ic'
# The image tag should have been inlined instead.
check_not_from "$OUT" grep \
'<img src="[^<]*xCuppa.png.pagespeed.ic'
function appears_exactly_four_times() {
test $(grep -c "$@") = 4
check_from "$OUT" appears_exactly_four_times \
"The image was not inlined because it is a shortcut icon."