blob: f7623ccfd210ec2bfe100fc031eca8ab6ff53b43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Matt Atterbury)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/css_inline_import_to_link_filter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/css_tag_scanner.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/css_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_node.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "util/utf8/public/unicodetext.h"
#include "webutil/css/media.h"
#include "webutil/css/parser.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// names for Statistics variables.
const char kCssImportsToLinks[] = "css_imports_to_links";
} // namespace
CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::CssInlineImportToLinkFilter(RewriteDriver* driver,
Statistics* statistics)
: driver_(driver),
counter_(statistics->GetVariable(kCssImportsToLinks)) {
CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::~CssInlineImportToLinkFilter() {}
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::InitStats(Statistics* statistics) {
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::StartDocument() {
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::EndDocument() {
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::StartElement(HtmlElement* element) {
DCHECK(style_element_ == NULL); // HTML Parser guarantees this.
if (style_element_ == NULL && element->keyword() == HtmlName::kStyle) {
// The contents are ok to rewrite iff its type is text/css or it has none.
// See
const char* type = element->AttributeValue(HtmlName::kType);
if (type == NULL || strcmp(type, kContentTypeCss.mime_type()) == 0) {
style_element_ = element;
style_characters_ = NULL;
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::EndElement(HtmlElement* element) {
if (style_element_ == element) {
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* characters) {
if (style_element_ != NULL) {
DCHECK(style_characters_ == NULL); // HTML Parser guarantees this.
style_characters_ = characters;
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::Flush() {
// If we were flushed in a style element, we cannot rewrite it.
if (style_element_ != NULL) {
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::ResetState() {
style_element_ = NULL;
style_characters_ = NULL;
namespace {
// Extract the given style's media attribute, if any. Fail if can't decode it.
bool ExtractMediaFromStyle(const HtmlElement* style_element,
GoogleString* media_attribute) {
const HtmlElement::Attribute* styles_media =
if (styles_media!= NULL) {
const char* decoded_value = styles_media->DecodedValueOrNull();
if (decoded_value == NULL) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Determine if the import has a single simple media that matches the style's.
bool MediaMatch(const GoogleString& media_attribute,
const Css::Import* import) {
bool result = false;
if (media_attribute.empty()) {
// The style doesn't have a media attribute to match against.
} else if (import->media_queries().size() != 1) {
// The import doesn't have a single media.
} else if (css_util::IsComplexMediaQuery(*import->media_queries()[0])) {
// The import doesn't have a simple media.
} else {
// TODO(jmarantz): this code would feel a bit better if
// attribute-decoding supported UTF8.
const StringPiece import_media(
result = media_attribute == import_media;
return result;
// Check if the given import can be converted to a link elements.
// media_attribute is the original style's media attribute; link_media is set
// to the import's media iff it has one and the style doesn't; style_media is
// used to store the vectorized version of media_attribute and is lazily
// initialized by this function when it is first required;
// style_media_is_determined is the flag that records that style_media is set.
bool CheckConversionOfImportToLink(const Css::Import* import,
const GoogleString& media_attribute,
GoogleString* link_media,
bool* style_media_is_determined,
StringVector* style_media) {
if (import->link().utf8_length() == 0) {
// Empty URLs are problematic so we give up if we hit any.
return false;
} else if (import->media_queries().empty()) {
// No media queries is easy - just copy any media into the link.
} else if (MediaMatch(media_attribute, import)) {
// A 'simple' media query that matches the style's is also good.
} else {
// If the style has media then the @import may specify no media or the
// same media; if the style has no media use the @import's, if any.
StringVector import_media;
if (css_util::ConvertMediaQueriesToStringVector(
import->media_queries(), &import_media)) {
if (!media_attribute.empty()) {
if (!*style_media_is_determined) {
css_util::VectorizeMediaAttribute(media_attribute, style_media);
std::sort(style_media->begin(), style_media->end());
*style_media_is_determined = true;
// VectorizeMediaAttribute returns an empty vector if any medium
// is "all", so be careful to do the same to import_media.
std::sort(import_media.begin(), import_media.end());
// We have sorted both the vectors because the order of media is not
// significant as they're additive: screen,print == print,screen.
return (*style_media == import_media);
} else {
// Note the import's media to copy it to the corresponding link.
*link_media = css_util::StringifyMediaVector(import_media);
} else {
// If we can't parse the media query then it's too complex for us.
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
// Pull out each @import from a <style> element into <link> elements.
void CssInlineImportToLinkFilter::InlineImportToLinkStyle() {
// Conditions for rewriting @imports from within a style element:
// * The element isn't empty.
// * The element is rewritable.
// * It doesn't already have an href or rel attribute, since we add these.
// * It doesn't have a scoped attribute, since scoped styles can't be
// done with a <link>
// * It begins with one or more valid @import statement.
// * Each @import actually imports something (the url isn't empty).
// * Each @import's media, if any, are the same as style's, if any.
if (style_characters_ != NULL &&
driver_->IsRewritable(style_element_) &&
style_element_->FindAttribute(HtmlName::kHref) == NULL &&
style_element_->FindAttribute(HtmlName::kRel) == NULL &&
style_element_->FindAttribute(HtmlName::kScoped) == NULL) {
// Parse imports until we hit the end of them; if there's anything else
// in the CSS we leave that in the inline style.
Css::Parser parser(style_characters_->contents());
Css::Imports imports;
Css::Import* import;
StringVector media;
// Extract the style's media attribute, if any. Fail if we can't decode it.
GoogleString media_attribute;
bool ok = ExtractMediaFromStyle(style_element_, &media_attribute);
// The style's media converted to a vector of media types. This is parsed
// and set on first use but it's actually a loop invariant that could be
// set before the loop, but we don't in case we never end up needing it.
StringVector style_media;
bool style_media_is_determined = false;
// Check each import in turn, failing if any of them have a problem.
while (ok && (import = parser.ParseNextImport()) != NULL) {
// Default the media for the link to the style's media attribute;
// CheckConversion... overrides that if the @import has its own media.
ok = CheckConversionOfImportToLink(import, media_attribute, &media.back(),
if (ok && (imports.size() > 0) &&
(parser.errors_seen_mask() == Css::Parser::kNoError)) {
for (int i = 0, n = imports.size(); i < n; ++i) {
Css::Import* import = imports[i];
StringPiece url(import->link().utf8_data(),
// Create new link element to replace the @import.
HtmlElement* link_element =
driver_->NewElement(style_element_->parent(), HtmlName::kLink);
if (driver_->MimeTypeXhtmlStatus() != RewriteDriver::kIsNotXhtml) {
driver_->AddAttribute(link_element, HtmlName::kRel,
driver_->AddAttribute(link_element, HtmlName::kHref, url);
// Add all of the style attributes to the link.
const HtmlElement::AttributeList& attrs(style_element_->attributes());
for (HtmlElement::AttributeConstIterator j(attrs.begin());
j != attrs.end(); ++j) {
const HtmlElement::Attribute& attr = *j;
// If there's a media attribute, forget our remembered one so that we
// copy over the import's rather than the style's; although they're
// equivalent it's best to keep the "original".
if ( == HtmlName::kMedia) {
if (!media[i].empty()) {
driver_->AddAttribute(link_element, HtmlName::kMedia, media[i]);
// Add the link to the DOM.
driver_->InsertNodeBeforeNode(style_element_, link_element);
if (parser.Done()) {
// <style> contained only @imports, so remove it now.
if (!driver_->DeleteNode(style_element_)) {
driver_->ErrorHere("Failed to delete inline style element");
} else {
// Erase parsed @imports from contents, but leave rest of CSS.
int parser_offset = parser.CurrentOffset();
style_characters_->mutable_contents()->erase(0, parser_offset);
// Note: parser cannot be used after this point. It contains invalid
// pointers into the old style_characters_->contents().
} // namespace net_instaweb