blob: e204ebf55b158098c654350e77c19f9d8183c935 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache_failure.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/atomic_bool.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest_prod.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/cache_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class Hasher;
class MessageHandler;
class Statistics;
class Timer;
class Variable;
// Implements HTTP caching semantics, including cache expiration and
// retention of the originally served cache headers.
class HTTPCache {
// Names of statistics variables: exported for tests.
static const char kCacheTimeUs[];
static const char kCacheHits[];
static const char kCacheMisses[];
static const char kCacheBackendHits[];
static const char kCacheBackendMisses[];
static const char kCacheFallbacks[];
static const char kCacheExpirations[];
static const char kCacheInserts[];
static const char kCacheDeletes[];
// The prefix used for Etags.
static const char kEtagPrefix[];
// Function to format etags.
static GoogleString FormatEtag(StringPiece hash);
// Does not take ownership of any inputs.
HTTPCache(CacheInterface* cache, Timer* timer, Hasher* hasher,
Statistics* stats);
enum FindResultClassification {
// When a lookup is done in the HTTP Cache, it returns one of these values.
struct FindResult {
: status(kNotFound), failure_details(kFetchStatusNotSet) {}
FindResult(FindResultClassification in_status,
FetchResponseStatus in_failure_details)
: status(in_status), failure_details(in_failure_details) {}
bool operator==(const FindResult& other) const {
return status == other.status &&
failure_details == other.failure_details;
bool operator!=(const FindResult& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
FindResultClassification status;
// This should be kFetchStatusNotSet if status is kNotFound.
// This should be OK if status is kFound.
// This should be one of the other values of FetchResponseStatus if
// status is kRecentFailure, describing exactly the kind of failure that
// got remembered.
FetchResponseStatus failure_details;
void set_hasher(Hasher* hasher) { hasher_ = hasher; }
// Class to handle an asynchronous cache lookup response.
// TODO(jmarantz): consider inheriting from AsyncFetch with an implementation
// of Write/Flush/HeadersComplete -- we'd have to make Done take true/false so
// this would impact callers.
class Callback {
// The 1-arg constructor does not learn anything about the
// request, and thus pessimistically will assume it has cookies,
// invalidating any response that has vary:cookie. However it
// will optimistically assume there is no authorization
// requirement. So a request-aware call to
// ResponseHeaders::IsProxyCacheable (e.g. via the 2-arg Callback
// constructor) must be applied when needed.
explicit Callback(const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx)
: response_headers_(NULL),
is_background_(false) {
// The 2-arg constructor can be used in situations where we are confident
// that the cookies and authorization in the request-headers are valid.
Callback(const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx,
RequestHeaders::Properties req_properties)
: response_headers_(NULL),
is_background_(false) {
virtual ~Callback();
virtual void Done(FindResult find_result) = 0;
// A method that allows client Callbacks to apply invalidation checks. We
// first (in check whether the entry is expired using normal
// http semantics, and if it is not expired, then this check is called --
// thus callbacks can apply any further invalidation semantics it wants on
// otherwise valid entries. But there's no way for a callback to override
// when the HTTP semantics say the entry is expired.
// See also OptionsAwareHTTPCacheCallback in rewrite_driver.h for an
// implementation you probably want to use.
virtual bool IsCacheValid(const GoogleString& key,
const ResponseHeaders& headers) {
return true;
// A method that allows client Callbacks to check if the response in cache
// is fresh enough, in addition to it being valid. This is used while
// freshening resources to check that the response in cache is not only
// valid, but is also not going to expire anytime soon.
// Note that if the response in cache is valid but not fresh, the HTTPCache
// calls Callback::Done with find_result = kNotFound and fills in
// fallback_http_value() with the cached response.
virtual bool IsFresh(const ResponseHeaders& headers) { return true; }
// Overrides the cache ttl of the cached response with the given value. Note
// that this has no effect if the returned value is negative or less than
// the cache ttl of the stored value.
virtual int64 OverrideCacheTtlMs(const GoogleString& key) { return -1; }
// Called upon completion of a cache lookup trigged by HTTPCache::Find by
// the HTTPCache code with the latency in milliseconds. Will invoke
// ReportLatencyMsImpl for non-background fetches in order for system
// implementations, like RequestTimingInfo, to record the cache
// latency. Can be called multiple times for various levels of cache.
void ReportLatencyMs(int64 latency_ms);
// Determines whether this Get request was made in the context where
// arbitrary Vary headers should be respected.
// Note that Vary:Accept-Encoding is ignored at this level independent
// of this setting, and Vary:Cookie is always respected independent of
// this setting. Vary:Cookie prevents cacheing resources. For HTML,
// however, we can cache Vary:Cookie responses as long as there is
// no cookie in the request.
virtual ResponseHeaders::VaryOption RespectVaryOnResources() const = 0;
// TODO(jmarantz): specify the dataflow between http_value and
// response_headers.
HTTPValue* http_value() { return &http_value_; }
ResponseHeaders* response_headers() {
if (response_headers_ == NULL) {
response_headers_ = new ResponseHeaders(request_ctx_->options());
owns_response_headers_ = true;
return response_headers_;
const ResponseHeaders* response_headers() const {
return const_cast<Callback*>(this)->response_headers();
void set_response_headers(ResponseHeaders* headers) {
if (owns_response_headers_) {
delete response_headers_;
response_headers_ = headers;
owns_response_headers_ = false;
HTTPValue* fallback_http_value() { return &fallback_http_value_; }
const RequestContextPtr& request_context() { return request_ctx_; }
void set_is_background(bool is_background) {
is_background_ = is_background;
RequestHeaders::Properties req_properties() const {
return req_properties_;
HTTPValue http_value_;
// Stale value that can be used in case a fetch fails. Note that Find()
// may fill in a stale value here but it will still return kNotFound.
HTTPValue fallback_http_value_;
ResponseHeaders* response_headers_;
RequestHeaders::Properties req_properties_;
bool owns_response_headers_;
RequestContextPtr request_ctx_;
int cache_level_;
bool is_background_;
// Makes the cache ignore put requests that do not record successes.
void SetIgnoreFailurePuts();
// Non-blocking Find. Calls callback when done. 'handler' must all
// stay valid until callback->Done() is called.
void Find(const GoogleString& key,
const GoogleString& fragment,
MessageHandler* handler,
Callback* callback);
// Note that Put takes a non-const pointer for HTTPValue so it can
// bump the reference count.
void Put(const GoogleString& key,
const GoogleString& fragment,
RequestHeaders::Properties req_properties,
const HttpOptions& http_options,
HTTPValue* value,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Note that Put takes a non-const pointer for ResponseHeaders* so it
// can update the caching fields prior to storing.
// If you call this method, you must be certain that the outgoing
// request was not sent with Authorization:.
void Put(const GoogleString& key,
const GoogleString& fragment,
RequestHeaders::Properties req_properties,
// TODO(sligocki): Remove this arg and use headers->http_options().
ResponseHeaders::VaryOption respect_vary_on_resources,
ResponseHeaders* headers,
const StringPiece& content, MessageHandler* handler);
// Deletes an element in the cache.
void Delete(const GoogleString& key, const GoogleString& fragment);
void set_force_caching(bool force) { force_caching_ = force; }
bool force_caching() const { return force_caching_; }
void set_disable_html_caching_on_https(bool x) {
disable_html_caching_on_https_ = x;
Timer* timer() const { return timer_; }
CacheInterface* cache() { return cache_; }
// Tell the HTTP Cache to remember that a fetch for particular key
// failed for some reason (such an error, or being uncacheable, or
// load shedding, etc). This will be cached according to
// remember_failure_policy(). This can save work for our backends and us.
void RememberFailure(const GoogleString& key,
const GoogleString& fragment,
FetchResponseStatus the_failure,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Indicates if the response is within the cacheable size limit. Clients of
// HTTPCache must check if they will be eventually able to cache their entries
// before buffering them in memory. If the content length header is not found
// then consider it as cacheable. This could be a chunked response.
bool IsCacheableContentLength(ResponseHeaders* headers) const;
// Indicates if the response body is within the cacheable size limit. If the
// response headers do not have content length header, then the clients of
// HTTPCache must check if the received response body is of cacheable size
// before buffering them in memory.
bool IsCacheableBodySize(int64 body_size) const;
// Initialize statistics variables for the cache
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Returns true if the resource is already at the point of expiration
// and would never be used if inserted into the cache. Otherwise, returns
// false.
// Note that this does not check for general cacheability, only for
// expiration. You must call ResponseHeaders::IsProxyCacheable() if
// you want to also determine cacheability.
bool IsExpired(const ResponseHeaders& headers);
bool IsExpired(const ResponseHeaders& headers, int64 now_ms);
// Stats for the HTTP cache.
Variable* cache_time_us() { return cache_time_us_; }
Variable* cache_hits() { return cache_hits_; }
Variable* cache_misses() { return cache_misses_; }
Variable* cache_fallbacks() { return cache_fallbacks_; }
Variable* cache_expirations() { return cache_expirations_; }
Variable* cache_inserts() { return cache_inserts_; }
Variable* cache_deletes() { return cache_deletes_; }
int failure_caching_ttl_sec(FetchResponseStatus kind) const {
return remember_failure_policy_.ttl_sec_for_status[kind];
void set_failure_caching_ttl_sec(FetchResponseStatus kind, int ttl_sec) {
remember_failure_policy_.ttl_sec_for_status[kind] = ttl_sec;
int max_cacheable_response_content_length() {
return max_cacheable_response_content_length_;
void set_max_cacheable_response_content_length(int64 value);
// Sets how many levels the cache has. Affects reporting of statistics ---
// we don't want them for lower levels of multi-level setups.
void set_cache_levels(int levels) { cache_levels_ = levels; }
int cache_levels() const { return cache_levels_; }
// Sets the compression level of HTTP Cache. 9 being the most compression, -1
// being the gzip default (6), and 0 being off.
void SetCompressionLevel(int level) {
if (level >= -1 && level <= 9) {
compression_level_ = level;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Invalid compression level specified, defaulting to -1";
compression_level_ = -1;
int compression_level() const { return compression_level_; }
GoogleString Name() const { return FormatName(cache_->Name()); }
static GoogleString FormatName(StringPiece cache);
GoogleString CompositeKey(StringPiece key, StringPiece fragment) const {
DCHECK(fragment.find("/") == StringPiece::npos);
// Return "version/fragment/key" if there's a fragment, otherwise just
// return "version/key".
return StrCat(version_prefix_, fragment, fragment.empty() ? "" : "/", key);
friend class HTTPCacheCallback;
FRIEND_TEST(HTTPCacheTest, UpdateVersion);
// If headers is passed as NULL, the response headers will be extracted from
// the HTTPValue. Otherwise, the headers passed in will be used.
void PutInternal(bool preserve_response_headers,
const GoogleString& key,
const GoogleString& fragment,
int64 start_us,
HTTPValue* value,
ResponseHeaders* headers,
MessageHandler* handler);
void DeleteInternal(const GoogleString& key_fragment);
// Used by constructor and tests.
void SetVersion(int version_number);
void set_version_prefix(StringPiece version_prefix) {
bool MayCacheUrl(const GoogleString& url, const ResponseHeaders& headers);
// Requires either content or value to be non-NULL.
// Applies changes to headers. If the headers are actually changed or if value
// is NULL then it builds and returns a new HTTPValue. If content is NULL
// then content is extracted from value.
HTTPValue* ApplyHeaderChangesForPut(
int64 start_us, const StringPiece* content, ResponseHeaders* headers,
HTTPValue* value, MessageHandler* handler);
void UpdateStats(const GoogleString& key, const GoogleString& fragment,
CacheInterface::KeyState backend_state, FindResult result,
bool has_fallback, bool is_expired, MessageHandler* handler);
void RememberFetchFailedOrNotCacheableHelper(
const GoogleString& key, const GoogleString& fragment,
MessageHandler* handler, HttpStatus::Code code, int64 ttl_sec);
CacheInterface* cache_; // Owned by the caller.
Timer* timer_;
Hasher* hasher_;
bool force_caching_;
// Whether to disable caching of HTML content fetched via https.
bool disable_html_caching_on_https_;
int cache_levels_;
int compression_level_;
// Total cumulative time spent accessing backend cache.
Variable* cache_time_us_;
// # of Find() requests which are found in cache and are still valid.
Variable* cache_hits_;
// # of other Find() requests that fail or are expired.
Variable* cache_misses_;
// # of Find() requests which are found in backend cache (whether or not
// they are valid).
Variable* cache_backend_hits_;
// # of Find() requests not found in backend cache.
Variable* cache_backend_misses_;
Variable* cache_fallbacks_;
Variable* cache_expirations_;
Variable* cache_inserts_;
Variable* cache_deletes_;
GoogleString name_;
HttpCacheFailurePolicy remember_failure_policy_;
int64 max_cacheable_response_content_length_;
AtomicBool ignore_failure_puts_;
GoogleString version_prefix_;
} // namespace net_instaweb