blob: 8048ec7ab4bb570314f4973c46ced9f494e08295 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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////////////////////////// NOTE ABOUT EDITING THIS FILE ///////////////////////
// //
// Any edits to this file must be applied to vec3d.js by running: //
// vec3f.js > vec3d.js //
// //
////////////////////////// NOTE ABOUT EDITING THIS FILE ///////////////////////
* @fileoverview Provides functions for operating on 3 element float (32bit)
* vectors.
* The last parameter will typically be the output object and an object
* can be both an input and output parameter to all methods except where
* noted.
* See the README for notes about the design and structure of the API
* (especially related to performance).
/** @suppress {extraRequire} */
/** @typedef {goog.vec.Float32} */ goog.vec.vec3f.Type;
* Creates a vec3f with all elements initialized to zero.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} The new vec3f.
goog.vec.vec3f.create = function() {
return new Float32Array(3);
* Initializes the vector with the given values.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec The vector to receive the values.
* @param {number} v0 The value for element at index 0.
* @param {number} v1 The value for element at index 1.
* @param {number} v2 The value for element at index 2.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return vec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.setFromValues = function(vec, v0, v1, v2) {
vec[0] = v0;
vec[1] = v1;
vec[2] = v2;
return vec;
* Initializes vec3f vec from vec3f src.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec The destination vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} src The source vector.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return vec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.setFromVec3f = function(vec, src) {
vec[0] = src[0];
vec[1] = src[1];
vec[2] = src[2];
return vec;
* Initializes vec3f vec from vec3d src (typed as a Float64Array to
* avoid circular goog.requires).
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec The destination vector.
* @param {Float64Array} src The source vector.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return vec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.setFromVec3d = function(vec, src) {
vec[0] = src[0];
vec[1] = src[1];
vec[2] = src[2];
return vec;
* Initializes vec3f vec from Array src.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec The destination vector.
* @param {Array<number>} src The source vector.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return vec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.setFromArray = function(vec, src) {
vec[0] = src[0];
vec[1] = src[1];
vec[2] = src[2];
return vec;
* Performs a component-wise addition of vec0 and vec1 together storing the
* result into resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The first addend.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec1 The second addend.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to
* receive the result. May be vec0 or vec1.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.add = function(vec0, vec1, resultVec) {
resultVec[0] = vec0[0] + vec1[0];
resultVec[1] = vec0[1] + vec1[1];
resultVec[2] = vec0[2] + vec1[2];
return resultVec;
* Performs a component-wise subtraction of vec1 from vec0 storing the
* result into resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The minuend.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec1 The subtrahend.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to
* receive the result. May be vec0 or vec1.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.subtract = function(vec0, vec1, resultVec) {
resultVec[0] = vec0[0] - vec1[0];
resultVec[1] = vec0[1] - vec1[1];
resultVec[2] = vec0[2] - vec1[2];
return resultVec;
* Negates vec0, storing the result into resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The vector to negate.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to
* receive the result. May be vec0.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.negate = function(vec0, resultVec) {
resultVec[0] = -vec0[0];
resultVec[1] = -vec0[1];
resultVec[2] = -vec0[2];
return resultVec;
* Takes the absolute value of each component of vec0 storing the result in
* resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The source vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the result.
* May be vec0.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.abs = function(vec0, resultVec) {
resultVec[0] = Math.abs(vec0[0]);
resultVec[1] = Math.abs(vec0[1]);
resultVec[2] = Math.abs(vec0[2]);
return resultVec;
* Multiplies each component of vec0 with scalar storing the product into
* resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The source vector.
* @param {number} scalar The value to multiply with each component of vec0.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to
* receive the result. May be vec0.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.scale = function(vec0, scalar, resultVec) {
resultVec[0] = vec0[0] * scalar;
resultVec[1] = vec0[1] * scalar;
resultVec[2] = vec0[2] * scalar;
return resultVec;
* Returns the magnitudeSquared of the given vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The vector.
* @return {number} The magnitude of the vector.
goog.vec.vec3f.magnitudeSquared = function(vec0) {
var x = vec0[0], y = vec0[1], z = vec0[2];
return x * x + y * y + z * z;
* Returns the magnitude of the given vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The vector.
* @return {number} The magnitude of the vector.
goog.vec.vec3f.magnitude = function(vec0) {
var x = vec0[0], y = vec0[1], z = vec0[2];
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
* Normalizes the given vector storing the result into resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The vector to normalize.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to
* receive the result. May be vec0.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.normalize = function(vec0, resultVec) {
var x = vec0[0], y = vec0[1], z = vec0[2];
var ilen = 1 / Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
resultVec[0] = x * ilen;
resultVec[1] = y * ilen;
resultVec[2] = z * ilen;
return resultVec;
* Returns the scalar product of vectors v0 and v1.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v0 The first vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v1 The second vector.
* @return {number} The scalar product.
*/ = function(v0, v1) {
return v0[0] * v1[0] + v0[1] * v1[1] + v0[2] * v1[2];
* Computes the vector (cross) product of v0 and v1 storing the result into
* resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v0 The first vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v1 The second vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the
* results. May be either v0 or v1.
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.cross = function(v0, v1, resultVec) {
var x0 = v0[0], y0 = v0[1], z0 = v0[2];
var x1 = v1[0], y1 = v1[1], z1 = v1[2];
resultVec[0] = y0 * z1 - z0 * y1;
resultVec[1] = z0 * x1 - x0 * z1;
resultVec[2] = x0 * y1 - y0 * x1;
return resultVec;
* Returns the squared distance between two points.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 First point.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec1 Second point.
* @return {number} The squared distance between the points.
goog.vec.vec3f.distanceSquared = function(vec0, vec1) {
var x = vec0[0] - vec1[0];
var y = vec0[1] - vec1[1];
var z = vec0[2] - vec1[2];
return x * x + y * y + z * z;
* Returns the distance between two points.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 First point.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec1 Second point.
* @return {number} The distance between the points.
goog.vec.vec3f.distance = function(vec0, vec1) {
return Math.sqrt(goog.vec.vec3f.distanceSquared(vec0, vec1));
* Returns a unit vector pointing from one point to another.
* If the input points are equal then the result will be all zeros.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 Origin point.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec1 Target point.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the
* results (may be vec0 or vec1).
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.direction = function(vec0, vec1, resultVec) {
var x = vec1[0] - vec0[0];
var y = vec1[1] - vec0[1];
var z = vec1[2] - vec0[2];
var d = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
if (d) {
d = 1 / d;
resultVec[0] = x * d;
resultVec[1] = y * d;
resultVec[2] = z * d;
} else {
resultVec[0] = resultVec[1] = resultVec[2] = 0;
return resultVec;
* Linearly interpolate from vec0 to v1 according to f. The value of f should be
* in the range [0..1] otherwise the results are undefined.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v0 The first vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v1 The second vector.
* @param {number} f The interpolation factor.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the
* results (may be v0 or v1).
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.lerp = function(v0, v1, f, resultVec) {
var x = v0[0], y = v0[1], z = v0[2];
resultVec[0] = (v1[0] - x) * f + x;
resultVec[1] = (v1[1] - y) * f + y;
resultVec[2] = (v1[2] - z) * f + z;
return resultVec;
* Compares the components of vec0 with the components of another vector or
* scalar, storing the larger values in resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The source vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type|number} limit The limit vector or scalar.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the
* results (may be vec0 or limit).
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.max = function(vec0, limit, resultVec) {
if (goog.isNumber(limit)) {
resultVec[0] = Math.max(vec0[0], limit);
resultVec[1] = Math.max(vec0[1], limit);
resultVec[2] = Math.max(vec0[2], limit);
} else {
resultVec[0] = Math.max(vec0[0], limit[0]);
resultVec[1] = Math.max(vec0[1], limit[1]);
resultVec[2] = Math.max(vec0[2], limit[2]);
return resultVec;
* Compares the components of vec0 with the components of another vector or
* scalar, storing the smaller values in resultVec.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} vec0 The source vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type|number} limit The limit vector or scalar.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} resultVec The vector to receive the
* results (may be vec0 or limit).
* @return {!goog.vec.vec3f.Type} Return resultVec so that operations can be
* chained together.
goog.vec.vec3f.min = function(vec0, limit, resultVec) {
if (goog.isNumber(limit)) {
resultVec[0] = Math.min(vec0[0], limit);
resultVec[1] = Math.min(vec0[1], limit);
resultVec[2] = Math.min(vec0[2], limit);
} else {
resultVec[0] = Math.min(vec0[0], limit[0]);
resultVec[1] = Math.min(vec0[1], limit[1]);
resultVec[2] = Math.min(vec0[2], limit[2]);
return resultVec;
* Returns true if the components of v0 are equal to the components of v1.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v0 The first vector.
* @param {goog.vec.vec3f.Type} v1 The second vector.
* @return {boolean} True if the vectors are equal, false otherwise.
goog.vec.vec3f.equals = function(v0, v1) {
return v0.length == v1.length &&
v0[0] == v1[0] && v0[1] == v1[1] && v0[2] == v1[2];