blob: 0375050023921e8fda780c460c82f2d2a8086dbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* @fileoverview A table sorting decorator.
* @author (Robby Walker)
* @see ../demos/tablesorter.html
* A table sorter allows for sorting of a table by column. This component can
* be used to decorate an already existing TABLE element with sorting
* features.
* The TABLE should use a THEAD containing TH elements for the table column
* headers.
* @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper, used for
* document interaction.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.ui.Component}
goog.ui.TableSorter = function(opt_domHelper) {, opt_domHelper);
* The current sort header of the table, or null if none.
* @type {HTMLTableCellElement}
* @private
this.header_ = null;
* Whether the last sort was in reverse.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.reversed_ = false;
* The default sorting function.
* @type {function(*, *) : number}
* @private
this.defaultSortFunction_ = goog.ui.TableSorter.numericSort;
* Array of custom sorting functions per colun.
* @type {Array<function(*, *) : number>}
* @private
this.sortFunctions_ = [];
goog.inherits(goog.ui.TableSorter, goog.ui.Component);
* Row number (in <thead>) to use for sorting.
* @type {number}
* @private
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.sortableHeaderRowIndex_ = 0;
* Sets the row index (in <thead>) to be used for sorting.
* By default, the first row (index 0) is used.
* Must be called before decorate() is called.
* @param {number} index The row index.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.setSortableHeaderRowIndex = function(index) {
if (this.isInDocument()) {
throw Error(goog.ui.Component.Error.ALREADY_RENDERED);
this.sortableHeaderRowIndex_ = index;
* Table sorter events.
* @enum {string}
goog.ui.TableSorter.EventType = {
BEFORESORT: 'beforesort',
SORT: 'sort'
/** @override */
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.canDecorate = function(element) {
return element.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.TABLE;
/** @override */
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.enterDocument = function() {;
var table = this.getElement();
var headerRow = table.tHead.rows[this.sortableHeaderRowIndex_];
this.getHandler().listen(headerRow,, this.sort_);
* @return {number} The current sort column of the table, or -1 if none.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.getSortColumn = function() {
return this.header_ ? this.header_.cellIndex : -1;
* @return {boolean} Whether the last sort was in reverse.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.isSortReversed = function() {
return this.reversed_;
* @return {function(*, *) : number} The default sort function to be used by
* all columns.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.getDefaultSortFunction = function() {
return this.defaultSortFunction_;
* Sets the default sort function to be used by all columns. If not set
* explicitly, this defaults to numeric sorting.
* @param {function(*, *) : number} sortFunction The new default sort function.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.setDefaultSortFunction = function(sortFunction) {
this.defaultSortFunction_ = sortFunction;
* Gets the sort function to be used by the given column. Returns the default
* sort function if no sort function is explicitly set for this column.
* @param {number} column The column index.
* @return {function(*, *) : number} The sort function used by the column.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.getSortFunction = function(column) {
return this.sortFunctions_[column] || this.defaultSortFunction_;
* Set the sort function for the given column, overriding the default sort
* function.
* @param {number} column The column index.
* @param {function(*, *) : number} sortFunction The new sort function.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.setSortFunction = function(column, sortFunction) {
this.sortFunctions_[column] = sortFunction;
* Sort the table contents by the values in the given column.
* @param {} e The click event.
* @private
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.sort_ = function(e) {
// Determine what column was clicked.
// TODO(robbyw): If this table cell contains another table, this could break.
var target = /** @type {Node} */ (;
var th = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(target,
// If the user clicks on the same column, sort it in reverse of what it is
// now. Otherwise, sort forward.
var reverse = th == this.header_ ? !this.reversed_ : false;
// Perform the sort.
if (this.dispatchEvent(goog.ui.TableSorter.EventType.BEFORESORT)) {
if (this.sort(th.cellIndex, reverse)) {
* Sort the table contents by the values in the given column.
* @param {number} column The column to sort by.
* @param {boolean=} opt_reverse Whether to sort in reverse.
* @return {boolean} Whether the sort was executed.
goog.ui.TableSorter.prototype.sort = function(column, opt_reverse) {
var sortFunction = this.getSortFunction(column);
if (sortFunction === goog.ui.TableSorter.noSort) {
return false;
// Remove old header classes.
if (this.header_) {
goog.dom.classlist.remove(this.header_, this.reversed_ ?
goog.getCssName('goog-tablesorter-sorted-reverse') :
// If the user clicks on the same column, sort it in reverse of what it is
// now. Otherwise, sort forward.
this.reversed_ = !!opt_reverse;
var multiplier = this.reversed_ ? -1 : 1;
var cmpFn = function(a, b) {
return multiplier * sortFunction(a[0], b[0]) || a[1] - b[1];
// Sort all tBodies
var table = this.getElement();
goog.array.forEach(table.tBodies, function(tBody) {
// Collect all of the rows into an array.
var values =, function(row, rowIndex) {
return [goog.dom.getTextContent(row.cells[column]), rowIndex, row];
goog.array.sort(values, cmpFn);
// Remove the tBody temporarily since this speeds up the sort on some
// browsers.
var nextSibling = tBody.nextSibling;
// Sort the rows, using the resulting array.
goog.array.forEach(values, function(row) {
// Reinstate the tBody.
table.insertBefore(tBody, nextSibling);
// Mark this as the last sorted column.
this.header_ = table.tHead.rows[this.sortableHeaderRowIndex_].cells[column];
// Update the header class.
goog.dom.classlist.add(this.header_, this.reversed_ ?
goog.getCssName('goog-tablesorter-sorted-reverse') :
return true;
* Disables sorting on the specified column
* @param {*} a First sort value.
* @param {*} b Second sort value.
* @return {number} Negative if a < b, 0 if a = b, and positive if a > b.
goog.ui.TableSorter.noSort = goog.functions.error('no sort');
* A numeric sort function. NaN values (or values that do not parse as float
* numbers) compare equal to each other and greater to any other number.
* @param {*} a First sort value.
* @param {*} b Second sort value.
* @return {number} Negative if a < b, 0 if a = b, and positive if a > b.
goog.ui.TableSorter.numericSort = function(a, b) {
a = parseFloat(a);
b = parseFloat(b);
// foo == foo is false if and only if foo is NaN.
if (a == a) {
return b == b ? a - b : -1;
} else {
return b == b ? 1 : 0;
* Alphabetic sort function.
* @param {*} a First sort value.
* @param {*} b Second sort value.
* @return {number} Negative if a < b, 0 if a = b, and positive if a > b.
goog.ui.TableSorter.alphaSort = goog.array.defaultCompare;
* Returns a function that is the given sort function in reverse.
* @param {function(*, *) : number} sortFunction The original sort function.
* @return {function(*, *) : number} A new sort function that reverses the
* given sort function.
goog.ui.TableSorter.createReverseSort = function(sortFunction) {
return function(a, b) {
return -1 * sortFunction(a, b);