blob: 0b83b7d3515a79bce13c4cfb206df13276a50fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Offered as an alternative to XhrIo as a way for making requests
* via XMLHttpRequest. Instead of mirroring the XHR interface and exposing
* events, results are used as a way to pass a "promise" of the response to
* interested parties.
goog.scope(function() {
var xhr =;
var HttpStatus =;
* Configuration options for an XMLHttpRequest.
* - headers: map of header key/value pairs.
* - timeoutMs: number of milliseconds after which the request will be timed
* out by the client. Default is to allow the browser to handle timeouts.
* - withCredentials: whether user credentials are to be included in a
* cross-origin request. See:
* - mimeType: allows the caller to override the content-type and charset for
* the request. See:
* - responseType: may be set to change the response type to an arraybuffer or
* blob for downloading binary data. See:
* - xmlHttpFactory: allows the caller to override the factory used to create
* XMLHttpRequest objects.
* - xssiPrefix: Prefix used for protecting against XSSI attacks, which should
* be removed before parsing the response as JSON.
* @typedef {{
* headers: (Object<string>|undefined),
* mimeType: (string|undefined),
* responseType: (xhr.ResponseType|undefined),
* timeoutMs: (number|undefined),
* withCredentials: (boolean|undefined),
* xmlHttpFactory: (|undefined),
* xssiPrefix: (string|undefined)
* }}
* Defines the types that are allowed as post data.
* @typedef {(ArrayBuffer|Blob|Document|FormData|null|string|undefined)}
* The Content-Type HTTP header name.
* @type {string}
xhr.CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = 'Content-Type';
* The Content-Type HTTP header value for a url-encoded form.
* @type {string}
xhr.FORM_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
* Supported data types for the responseType field.
* See:
* @enum {string}
xhr.ResponseType = {
ARRAYBUFFER: 'arraybuffer',
BLOB: 'blob',
DOCUMENT: 'document',
JSON: 'json',
TEXT: 'text'
* Sends a get request, returning a promise that will be resolved
* with the response text once the request completes.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request.
* @return {!goog.Promise<string>} A promise that will be resolved with the
* response text once the request completes.
xhr.get = function(url, opt_options) {
return xhr.send('GET', url, null, opt_options).then(function(request) {
return request.responseText;
* Sends a post request, returning a promise that will be resolved
* with the response text once the request completes.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.PostData} data The body of the post request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request.
* @return {!goog.Promise<string>} A promise that will be resolved with the
* response text once the request completes.
*/ = function(url, data, opt_options) {
return xhr.send('POST', url, data, opt_options).then(function(request) {
return request.responseText;
* Sends a get request, returning a promise that will be resolved with
* the parsed response text once the request completes.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request.
* @return {!goog.Promise<Object>} A promise that will be resolved with the
* response JSON once the request completes.
xhr.getJson = function(url, opt_options) {
return xhr.send('GET', url, null, opt_options).then(function(request) {
return xhr.parseJson_(request.responseText, opt_options);
* Sends a get request, returning a promise that will be resolved with the
* response as an array of bytes.
* Supported in all XMLHttpRequest level 2 browsers, as well as IE9. IE8 and
* earlier are not supported.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request. The
* responseType will be overwritten to 'arraybuffer' if it was set.
* @return {!goog.Promise<!Uint8Array|!Array<number>>} A promise that will be
* resolved with an array of bytes once the request completes.
xhr.getBytes = function(url, opt_options) {
if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(9)) {
throw new Error('getBytes is not supported in this browser.');
var options = opt_options || {};
options.responseType = xhr.ResponseType.ARRAYBUFFER;
return xhr.send('GET', url, null, options).then(function(request) {
// Use the ArrayBuffer response in browsers that support XMLHttpRequest2.
// This covers nearly all modern browsers:
if (request.response) {
return new Uint8Array(/** @type {!ArrayBuffer} */ (request.response));
// Fallback for IE9: the response may be accessed as an array of bytes with
// the non-standard responseBody property, which can only be accessed as a
// VBArray. IE7 and IE8 require significant amounts of VBScript to extract
// the bytes.
// See:
if (['VBArray']) {
return new['VBArray'](request['responseBody']).toArray();
// Nearly all common browsers are covered by the cases above. If downloading
// binary files in older browsers is necessary, the MDN article "Sending and
// Receiving Binary Data" provides techniques that may work with
// XMLHttpRequest level 1 browsers:
throw new xhr.Error(
'getBytes is not supported in this browser.', url, request);
* Sends a post request, returning a promise that will be resolved with
* the parsed response text once the request completes.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.PostData} data The body of the post request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request.
* @return {!goog.Promise<Object>} A promise that will be resolved with the
* response JSON once the request completes.
xhr.postJson = function(url, data, opt_options) {
return xhr.send('POST', url, data, opt_options).then(function(request) {
return xhr.parseJson_(request.responseText, opt_options);
* Sends a request, returning a promise that will be resolved
* with the XHR object once the request completes.
* If content type hasn't been set in opt_options headers, and hasn't been
* explicitly set to null, default to form-urlencoded/UTF8 for POSTs.
* @param {string} method The HTTP method for the request.
* @param {string} url The URL to request.
* @param {xhr.PostData} data The body of the post request.
* @param {xhr.Options=} opt_options Configuration options for the request.
* @return {!goog.Promise<!>} A promise that will be
* resolved with the XHR object once the request completes.
xhr.send = function(method, url, data, opt_options) {
return new goog.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var options = opt_options || {};
var timer;
var request = options.xmlHttpFactory ?
options.xmlHttpFactory.createInstance() :;
try {, url, true);
} catch (e) {
// may throw when 'open' is called, for example, IE7
// throws "Access Denied" for cross-origin requests.
reject(new xhr.Error('Error opening XHR: ' + e.message, url, request));
// So sad that IE doesn't support onload and onerror.
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == {;
// Note: When developing locally, XHRs to file:// schemes return
// a status code of 0. We mark that case as a success too.
if (HttpStatus.isSuccess(request.status) ||
request.status === 0 && !xhr.isEffectiveSchemeHttp_(url)) {
} else {
reject(new xhr.HttpError(request.status, url, request));
request.onerror = function() {
reject(new xhr.Error('Network error', url, request));
// Set the headers.
var contentType;
if (options.headers) {
for (var key in options.headers) {
var value = options.headers[key];
if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(value)) {
request.setRequestHeader(key, value);
contentType = options.headers[xhr.CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER];
// Browsers will automatically set the content type to multipart/form-data
// when passed a FormData object.
var dataIsFormData = (['FormData'] &&
(data instanceof['FormData']));
// If a content type hasn't been set, it hasn't been explicitly set to null,
// and the data isn't a FormData, default to form-urlencoded/UTF8 for POSTs.
// This is because some proxies have been known to reject posts without a
// content-type.
if (method == 'POST' && contentType === undefined && !dataIsFormData) {
request.setRequestHeader(xhr.CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER, xhr.FORM_CONTENT_TYPE);
// Set whether to include cookies with cross-domain requests. See:
if (options.withCredentials) {
request.withCredentials = options.withCredentials;
// Allows setting an alternative response type, such as an ArrayBuffer. See:
if (options.responseType) {
request.responseType = options.responseType;
// Allow the request to override the MIME type of the response. See:
if (options.mimeType) {
// Handle timeouts, if requested.
if (options.timeoutMs > 0) {
timer = {
// Clear event listener before aborting so the errback will not be
// called twice.
request.onreadystatechange = goog.nullFunction;
reject(new xhr.TimeoutError(url, request));
}, options.timeoutMs);
// Trigger the send.
try {
} catch (e) {
// XMLHttpRequest.send is known to throw on some versions of FF,
// for example if a cross-origin request is disallowed.
request.onreadystatechange = goog.nullFunction;;
reject(new xhr.Error('Error sending XHR: ' + e.message, url, request));
* @param {string} url The URL to test.
* @return {boolean} Whether the effective scheme is HTTP or HTTPs.
* @private
xhr.isEffectiveSchemeHttp_ = function(url) {
var scheme = goog.uri.utils.getEffectiveScheme(url);
// NOTE(user): Empty-string is for the case under FF3.5 when the location
// is not defined inside a web worker.
return scheme == 'http' || scheme == 'https' || scheme == '';
* JSON-parses the given response text, returning an Object.
* @param {string} responseText Response text.
* @param {xhr.Options|undefined} options The options object.
* @return {Object} The JSON-parsed value of the original responseText.
* @private
xhr.parseJson_ = function(responseText, options) {
var prefixStrippedResult = responseText;
if (options && options.xssiPrefix) {
prefixStrippedResult = xhr.stripXssiPrefix_(
options.xssiPrefix, prefixStrippedResult);
return goog.json.parse(prefixStrippedResult);
* Strips the XSSI prefix from the input string.
* @param {string} prefix The XSSI prefix.
* @param {string} string The string to strip the prefix from.
* @return {string} The input string without the prefix.
* @private
xhr.stripXssiPrefix_ = function(prefix, string) {
if (goog.string.startsWith(string, prefix)) {
string = string.substring(prefix.length);
return string;
* Generic error that may occur during a request.
* @param {string} message The error message.
* @param {string} url The URL that was being requested.
* @param {!} request The XHR that failed.
* @extends {goog.debug.Error}
* @constructor
xhr.Error = function(message, url, request) {
xhr.Error.base(this, 'constructor', message + ', url=' + url);
* The URL that was requested.
* @type {string}
this.url = url;
* The XMLHttpRequest corresponding with the failed request.
* @type {!}
this.xhr = request;
goog.inherits(xhr.Error, goog.debug.Error);
/** @override */ = 'XhrError';
* Class for HTTP errors.
* @param {number} status The HTTP status code of the response.
* @param {string} url The URL that was being requested.
* @param {!} request The XHR that failed.
* @extends {xhr.Error}
* @constructor
* @final
xhr.HttpError = function(status, url, request) {
this, 'constructor', 'Request Failed, status=' + status, url, request);
* The HTTP status code for the error.
* @type {number}
this.status = status;
goog.inherits(xhr.HttpError, xhr.Error);
/** @override */ = 'XhrHttpError';
* Class for Timeout errors.
* @param {string} url The URL that timed out.
* @param {!} request The XHR that failed.
* @extends {xhr.Error}
* @constructor
* @final
xhr.TimeoutError = function(url, request) {
xhr.TimeoutError.base(this, 'constructor', 'Request timed out', url, request);
goog.inherits(xhr.TimeoutError, xhr.Error);
/** @override */ = 'XhrTimeoutError';
}); // goog.scope