blob: 2dadb47a2e3c0d758db42f1444be8142ce19500d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Testing stubs that autoreset after each test run.
var stubs = new goog.testing.PropertyReplacer();
function tearDown() {
function testEmptyPattern() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('');
assertEquals('', fmt.format({}));
function testMissingLeftCurlyBrace() {
var err = assertThrows(function() {
new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('\'\'{}}');
assertEquals('Assertion failed: No matching { for }.', err.message);
function testTooManyLeftCurlyBraces() {
var err = assertThrows(function() {
new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{} {');
assertEquals('Assertion failed: There are mismatched { or } in the pattern.',
function testSimpleReplacement() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('New York in {SEASON} is nice.');
assertEquals('New York in the Summer is nice.',
fmt.format({'SEASON': 'the Summer'}));
function testSimpleSelect() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{GENDER, select,' +
'male {His} ' +
'female {Her} ' +
'other {Its}}' +
' bicycle is {GENDER, select, male {blue} female {red} other {green}}.');
assertEquals('His bicycle is blue.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'male'}));
assertEquals('Her bicycle is red.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female'}));
assertEquals('Its bicycle is green.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'other'}));
assertEquals('Its bicycle is green.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'whatever'}));
function testSimplePlural() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('I see {NUM_PEOPLE, plural, offset:1 ' +
'=0 {no one at all in {PLACE}.} ' +
'=1 {{PERSON} in {PLACE}.} ' +
'one {{PERSON} and one other person in {PLACE}.} ' +
'other {{PERSON} and # other people in {PLACE}.}}');
assertEquals('I see no one at all in Belgrade.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 0,
'PLACE': 'Belgrade'}));
assertEquals('I see Markus in Berlin.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 1,
'PERSON': 'Markus',
'PLACE': 'Berlin'}));
assertEquals('I see Mark and one other person in Athens.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 2,
'PERSON': 'Mark',
'PLACE': 'Athens'}));
assertEquals('I see Cibu and 99 other people in the cubes.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 100,
'PERSON': 'Cibu',
'PLACE': 'the cubes'}));
function testSimplePluralNoOffset() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('I see {NUM_PEOPLE, plural, ' +
'=0 {no one at all} ' +
'=1 {{PERSON}} ' +
'one {{PERSON} and one other person} ' +
'other {{PERSON} and # other people}} in {PLACE}.');
assertEquals('I see no one at all in Belgrade.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 0,
'PLACE': 'Belgrade'}));
assertEquals('I see Markus in Berlin.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 1,
'PERSON': 'Markus',
'PLACE': 'Berlin'}));
assertEquals('I see Mark and 2 other people in Athens.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 2,
'PERSON': 'Mark',
'PLACE': 'Athens'}));
assertEquals('I see Cibu and 100 other people in the cubes.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 100,
'PERSON': 'Cibu',
'PLACE': 'the cubes'}));
function testSelectNestedInPlural() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{CIRCLES, plural, ' +
'one {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} added you to her circle} ' +
' other {{WHO} added you to his circle}}} ' +
'other {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} added you to her # circles} ' +
' other {{WHO} added you to his # circles}}}}');
assertEquals('Jelena added you to her circle',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female',
'WHO': 'Jelena',
'CIRCLES': 1}));
assertEquals('Milan added you to his 1,234 circles',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'male',
'WHO': 'Milan',
'CIRCLES': 1234}));
function testPluralNestedInSelect() {
// Added offset just for testing purposes. It doesn't make sense
// to have it otherwise.
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{GENDER, select, ' +
'female {{NUM_GROUPS, plural, ' +
' one {{WHO} added you to her group} ' +
' other {{WHO} added you to her # groups}}} ' +
'other {{NUM_GROUPS, plural, offset:1' +
' one {{WHO} added you to his group} ' +
' other {{WHO} added you to his # groups}}}}');
assertEquals('Jelena added you to her group',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female',
'WHO': 'Jelena',
'NUM_GROUPS': 1}));
assertEquals('Milan added you to his 1,233 groups',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'male',
'WHO': 'Milan',
'NUM_GROUPS': 1234}));
function testLiteralOpenCurlyBrace() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("Anna's house" +
" has '{0} and # in the roof' and {NUM_COWS} cows.");
assertEquals("Anna's house has {0} and # in the roof and 5 cows.",
fmt.format({'NUM_COWS': '5'}));
function testLiteralClosedCurlyBrace() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("Anna's house" +
" has '{'0'} and # in the roof' and {NUM_COWS} cows.");
assertEquals("Anna's house has {0} and # in the roof and 5 cows.",
fmt.format({'NUM_COWS': '5'}));
function testLiteralPoundSign() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("Anna's house" +
" has '{0}' and '# in the roof' and {NUM_COWS} cows.");
assertEquals("Anna's house has {0} and # in the roof and 5 cows.",
fmt.format({'NUM_COWS': '5'}));
function testNoLiteralsForSingleQuotes() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("Anna's house" +
" 'has {NUM_COWS} cows'.");
assertEquals("Anna's house 'has 5 cows'.", fmt.format({'NUM_COWS': '5'}));
function testConsecutiveSingleQuotesAreReplacedWithOneSingleQuote() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("Anna''s house a'{''''b'");
assertEquals("Anna's house a{''b", fmt.format({}));
function testConsecutiveSingleQuotesBeforeSpecialCharDontCreateLiteral() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat("a''{NUM_COWS}'b");
assertEquals("a'5'b", fmt.format({'NUM_COWS': '5'}));
function testSerbianSimpleSelect() {
stubs.set(goog.i18n.pluralRules, 'select', goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_);
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{GENDER, select, ' +
'female {Njen} other {Njegov}} bicikl je ' +
'{GENDER, select, female {crven} other {plav}}.');
assertEquals('Njegov bicikl je plav.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'male'}));
assertEquals('Njen bicikl je crven.', fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female'}));
function testSerbianSimplePlural() {
stubs.set(goog.i18n.pluralRules, 'select', goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_);
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('Ja {NUM_PEOPLE, plural, offset:1 ' +
'=0 {ne vidim nikoga} ' +
'=1 {vidim {PERSON}} ' +
'one {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osobu} ' +
'few {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osobe} ' +
'many {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osoba} ' +
'other {{PERSON} i jos # osoba}} ' +
'u {PLACE}.');
assertEquals('Ja ne vidim nikoga u Beogradu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 0,
'PLACE': 'Beogradu'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Markusa u Berlinu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 1,
'PERSON': 'Markusa',
'PLACE': 'Berlinu'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Marka i jos 1 osobu u Atini.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 2,
'PERSON': 'Marka',
'PLACE': 'Atini'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Petra i jos 3 osobe u muzeju.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 4,
'PERSON': 'Petra',
'PLACE': 'muzeju'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Cibua i jos 99 osoba u bazenu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 100,
'PERSON': 'Cibua',
'PLACE': 'bazenu'}));
function testSerbianSimplePluralNoOffset() {
stubs.set(goog.i18n.pluralRules, 'select', goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_);
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('Ja {NUM_PEOPLE, plural, ' +
'=0 {ne vidim nikoga} ' +
'=1 {vidim {PERSON}} ' +
'one {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osobu} ' +
'few {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osobe} ' +
'many {vidim {PERSON} i jos # osoba} ' +
'other {{PERSON} i jos # osoba}} ' +
'u {PLACE}.');
assertEquals('Ja ne vidim nikoga u Beogradu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 0,
'PLACE': 'Beogradu'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Markusa u Berlinu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 1,
'PERSON': 'Markusa',
'PLACE': 'Berlinu'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Marka i jos 21 osobu u Atini.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 21,
'PERSON': 'Marka',
'PLACE': 'Atini'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Petra i jos 3 osobe u muzeju.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 3,
'PERSON': 'Petra',
'PLACE': 'muzeju'}));
assertEquals('Ja vidim Cibua i jos 100 osoba u bazenu.',
fmt.format({'NUM_PEOPLE': 100,
'PERSON': 'Cibua',
'PLACE': 'bazenu'}));
function testSerbianSelectNestedInPlural() {
stubs.set(goog.i18n.pluralRules, 'select', goog.i18n.pluralRules.beSelect_);
stubs.set(goog.i18n, 'NumberFormatSymbols', goog.i18n.NumberFormatSymbols_hr);
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{CIRCLES, plural, ' +
'one {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} vas je dodala u njen # kruzok} ' +
' other {{WHO} vas je dodao u njegov # kruzok}}} ' +
'few {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} vas je dodala u njena # kruzoka} ' +
' other {{WHO} vas je dodao u njegova # kruzoka}}} ' +
'many {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} vas je dodala u njenih # kruzoka} ' +
' other {{WHO} vas je dodao u njegovih # kruzoka}}} ' +
'other {{GENDER, select, ' +
' female {{WHO} vas je dodala u njenih # kruzoka} ' +
' other {{WHO} vas je dodao u njegovih # kruzoka}}}}');
assertEquals('Jelena vas je dodala u njen 21 kruzok',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female',
'WHO': 'Jelena',
'CIRCLES': 21}));
assertEquals('Jelena vas je dodala u njena 3 kruzoka',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female',
'WHO': 'Jelena',
'CIRCLES': 3}));
assertEquals('Jelena vas je dodala u njenih 5 kruzoka',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'female',
'WHO': 'Jelena',
'CIRCLES': 5}));
assertEquals('Milan vas je dodao u njegovih 1.235 kruzoka',
fmt.format({'GENDER': 'male',
'WHO': 'Milan',
'CIRCLES': 1235}));
function testFallbackToOtherOptionInPlurals() {
// Use Arabic plural rules since they have all six cases.
// Only locale and numbers matter, the actual language of the message
// does not.
stubs.set(goog.i18n.pluralRules, 'select', goog.i18n.pluralRules.arSelect_);
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{NUM_MINUTES, plural, ' +
'other {# minutes}}');
// These numbers exercise all cases for the arabic plural rules.
assertEquals('0 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 0}));
assertEquals('1 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 1}));
assertEquals('2 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 2}));
assertEquals('3 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 3}));
assertEquals('11 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 11}));
assertEquals('1.5 minutes', fmt.format({'NUM_MINUTES': 1.5}));
function testPoundShowsNumberMinusOffsetInAllCases() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{SOME_NUM, plural, offset:1 ' +
'=0 {#} =1 {#} =2 {#}one {#} other {#}}');
assertEquals('-1', fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '0'}));
assertEquals('0', fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '1'}));
assertEquals('1', fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '2'}));
assertEquals('20', fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '21'}));
function testSpecialCharactersInParamaterDontChangeFormat() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{SOME_NUM, plural,' +
'other {# {GROUP}}}');
// Test pound sign.
assertEquals('10 group#1',
fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '10', 'GROUP': 'group#1'}));
// Test other special characters in parameters, like { and }.
assertEquals('10 } {', fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': '10', 'GROUP': '} {'}));
function testMissingOrInvalidPluralParameter() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{SOME_NUM, plural,' +
'other {result}}');
// Key name doesn't match A != SOME_NUM.
assertEquals('Undefined or invalid parameter - SOME_NUM',
fmt.format({A: '10'}));
// Value is not a number.
assertEquals('Undefined or invalid parameter - SOME_NUM',
fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': 'Value'}));
function testMissingSelectParameter() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{GENDER, select,' +
'other {result}}');
// Key name doesn't match A != GENDER.
assertEquals('Undefined parameter - GENDER',
fmt.format({A: 'female'}));
function testMissingSimplePlaceholder() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{result}');
// Key name doesn't match A != result.
assertEquals('Undefined parameter - result',
fmt.format({A: 'none'}));
function testPluralWithIgnorePound() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{SOME_NUM, plural,' +
'other {# {GROUP}}}');
// Test pound sign.
assertEquals('# group#1',
fmt.formatIgnoringPound({'SOME_NUM': '10', 'GROUP': 'group#1'}));
// Test other special characters in parameters, like { and }.
assertEquals('# } {',
fmt.formatIgnoringPound({'SOME_NUM': '10', 'GROUP': '} {'}));
function testSimplePluralWithIgnorePound() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat(
'I see {NUM_PEOPLE, plural, offset:1 ' +
'=0 {no one at all in {PLACE}.} ' +
'=1 {{PERSON} in {PLACE}.} ' +
'one {{PERSON} and one other person in {PLACE}.} ' +
'other {{PERSON} and # other people in {PLACE}.}}');
assertEquals('I see Cibu and # other people in the cubes.',
fmt.formatIgnoringPound({'NUM_PEOPLE': 100,
'PERSON': 'Cibu',
'PLACE': 'the cubes'}));
function testSimpleOrdinal() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{NUM_FLOOR, selectordinal, ' +
'one {Take the elevator to the #st floor.}' +
'two {Take the elevator to the #nd floor.}' +
'few {Take the elevator to the #rd floor.}' +
'other {Take the elevator to the #th floor.}}');
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 1st floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 1}));
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 2nd floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 2}));
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 3rd floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 3}));
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 4th floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 4}));
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 23rd floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 23}));
// Esoteric example.
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the 0th floor.',
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': 0}));
function testOrdinalWithNegativeValue() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{NUM_FLOOR, selectordinal, ' +
'one {Take the elevator to the #st floor.}' +
'two {Take the elevator to the #nd floor.}' +
'few {Take the elevator to the #rd floor.}' +
'other {Take the elevator to the #th floor.}}');
try {
fmt.format({'NUM_FLOOR': -2});
} catch (e) {
assertEquals('Assertion failed: Argument index smaller than offset.',
fail('Expected an error to be thrown');
function testSimpleOrdinalWithIgnorePound() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{NUM_FLOOR, selectordinal, ' +
'one {Take the elevator to the #st floor.}' +
'two {Take the elevator to the #nd floor.}' +
'few {Take the elevator to the #rd floor.}' +
'other {Take the elevator to the #th floor.}}');
assertEquals('Take the elevator to the #th floor.',
fmt.formatIgnoringPound({'NUM_FLOOR': 100}));
function testMissingOrInvalidOrdinalParameter() {
var fmt = new goog.i18n.MessageFormat('{SOME_NUM, selectordinal,' +
'other {result}}');
// Key name doesn't match A != SOME_NUM.
assertEquals('Undefined or invalid parameter - SOME_NUM',
fmt.format({A: '10'}));
// Value is not a number.
assertEquals('Undefined or invalid parameter - SOME_NUM',
fmt.format({'SOME_NUM': 'Value'}));