blob: c19a660a39c9d7aed084cb1678d207ce6d4e2942 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Functions to style text.
* @author (Nick Santos)
* Functions to style text (e.g. underline, make bold, etc.)
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.editor.Plugin}
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter = function() {;
goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter, goog.editor.Plugin);
/** @override */
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.getTrogClassId = function() {
return 'BTF';
* Logging object.
* @type {goog.log.Logger}
* @protected
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.logger =
* Commands implemented by this plugin.
* @enum {string}
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND = {
LINK: '+link',
FORMAT_BLOCK: '+formatBlock',
INDENT: '+indent',
OUTDENT: '+outdent',
STRIKE_THROUGH: '+strikeThrough',
HORIZONTAL_RULE: '+insertHorizontalRule',
SUBSCRIPT: '+subscript',
SUPERSCRIPT: '+superscript',
UNDERLINE: '+underline',
BOLD: '+bold',
ITALIC: '+italic',
FONT_SIZE: '+fontSize',
FONT_FACE: '+fontName',
FONT_COLOR: '+foreColor',
ORDERED_LIST: '+insertOrderedList',
UNORDERED_LIST: '+insertUnorderedList',
JUSTIFY_CENTER: '+justifyCenter',
JUSTIFY_FULL: '+justifyFull',
JUSTIFY_RIGHT: '+justifyRight',
JUSTIFY_LEFT: '+justifyLeft'
* Inverse map of execCommand strings to
* {@link goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND} constants. Used to
* determine whether a string corresponds to a command this plugin
* handles in O(1) time.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS_ =
* Whether the string corresponds to a command this plugin handles.
* @param {string} command Command string to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the string corresponds to a command
* this plugin handles.
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.isSupportedCommand = function(
command) {
// TODO(user): restore this to simple check once table editing
// is moved out into its own plugin
return command in goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.SUPPORTED_COMMANDS_;
* @return {goog.dom.AbstractRange} The closure range object that wraps the
* current user selection.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.getRange_ = function() {
return this.getFieldObject().getRange();
* @return {!Document} The document object associated with the currently active
* field.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.getDocument_ = function() {
return this.getFieldDomHelper().getDocument();
* Execute a user-initiated command.
* @param {string} command Command to execute.
* @param {...*} var_args For color commands, this
* should be the hex color (with the #). For FORMAT_BLOCK, this should be
* the goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.BLOCK_COMMAND.
* It will be unused for other commands.
* @return {Object|undefined} The result of the command.
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.execCommandInternal = function(
command, var_args) {
var preserveDir, styleWithCss, needsFormatBlockDiv, hasDummySelection;
var result;
var opt_arg = arguments[1];
switch (command) {
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BACKGROUND_COLOR:
// Don't bother for no color selected, color picker is resetting itself.
if (!goog.isNull(opt_arg)) {
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.EATS_EMPTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR) {
} else if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
// backColor will color the block level element instead of
// the selected span of text in Opera.
this.execCommandHelper_('hiliteColor', opt_arg);
} else {
this.execCommandHelper_(command, opt_arg);
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.LINK:
result = this.toggleLink_(opt_arg);
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_CENTER:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_FULL:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_LEFT:
if (goog.userAgent.IE &&
command ==
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FORMAT_BLOCK &&
opt_arg) {
// IE requires that the argument be in the form of an opening
// tag, like <h1>, including angle brackets. WebKit will accept
// the arguemnt with or without brackets, and Firefox pre-3 supports
// only a fixed subset of tags with brackets, and prefers without.
// So we only add them IE only.
opt_arg = '<' + opt_arg + '>';
if (command ==
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_COLOR &&
goog.isNull(opt_arg)) {
// If we don't have a color, then FONT_COLOR is a no-op.
switch (command) {
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.INDENT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.OUTDENT:
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS) {
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
styleWithCss = true;
if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
if (command ==
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.OUTDENT) {
// styleWithCSS actually sets negative margins on <blockquote>
// to outdent them. If the command is enabled without
// styleWithCSS flipped on, then the caret is in a blockquote so
// styleWithCSS must not be used. But if the command is not
// enabled, styleWithCSS should be used so that elements such as
// a <div> with a margin-left style can still be outdented.
// (Opera bug: CORE-21118)
styleWithCss =
} else {
// Always use styleWithCSS for indenting. Otherwise, Opera will
// make separate <blockquote>s around *each* indented line,
// which adds big default <blockquote> margins between each
// indented line.
styleWithCss = true;
// Fall through.
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ORDERED_LIST:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNORDERED_LIST:
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.LEAVES_P_WHEN_REMOVING_LISTS &&
command)) {
// IE leaves behind P tags when unapplying lists.
// If we're not in P-mode, then we want divs
// So, unlistify, then convert the Ps into divs.
needsFormatBlockDiv = this.getFieldObject().queryCommandValue(
goog.editor.Command.DEFAULT_TAG) != goog.dom.TagName.P;
} else if (!goog.editor.BrowserFeature.CAN_LISTIFY_BR) {
// IE doesn't convert BRed line breaks into separate list items.
// So convert the BRs to divs, then do the listify.
// This fix only works in Gecko.
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO &&
!this.queryCommandValue(command)) {
hasDummySelection |= this.beforeInsertListGecko_();
// Fall through to preserveDir block
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FORMAT_BLOCK:
// Both FF & IE may lose directionality info. Save/restore it.
// TODO(user): Does Safari also need this?
// TODO (gmark, jparent): This isn't ideal because it uses a string
// literal, so if the plugin name changes, it would break. We need a
// better solution. See also other places in code that use
// this.getPluginByClassId('Bidi').
preserveDir = !!this.getFieldObject().getPluginByClassId('Bidi');
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUBSCRIPT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUPERSCRIPT:
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.NESTS_SUBSCRIPT_SUPERSCRIPT) {
// This browser nests subscript and superscript when both are
// applied, instead of canceling out the first when applying the
// second.
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNDERLINE:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BOLD:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ITALIC:
// If we are applying the formatting, then we want to have
// styleWithCSS false so that we generate html tags (like <b>). If we
// are unformatting something, we want to have styleWithCSS true so
// that we can unformat both html tags and inline styling.
// TODO(user): What about WebKit and Opera?
styleWithCss = goog.userAgent.GECKO &&
goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS &&
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_COLOR:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_FACE:
// It is very expensive in FF (order of magnitude difference) to use
// font tags instead of styled spans. Whenever possible,
// force FF to use spans.
// Font size is very expensive too, but FF always uses font tags,
// regardless of which styleWithCSS value you use.
styleWithCss = goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS &&
* Cases where we just use the default execCommand (in addition
* to the above fall-throughs)
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.STRIKE_THROUGH:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.HORIZONTAL_RULE:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUBSCRIPT:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUPERSCRIPT:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNDERLINE:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BOLD:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ITALIC:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_SIZE:
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_FACE:
this.execCommandHelper_(command, opt_arg, preserveDir, !!styleWithCss);
if (hasDummySelection) {
this.getDocument_().execCommand('Delete', false, true);
if (needsFormatBlockDiv) {
this.getDocument_().execCommand('FormatBlock', false, '<div>');
// FF loses focus, so we have to set the focus back to the document or the
// user can't type after selecting from menu. In IE, focus is set correctly
// and resetting it here messes it up.
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && !this.getFieldObject().inModalMode()) {
return result;
* Focuses on the field.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.focusField_ = function() {
* Gets the command value.
* @param {string} command The command value to get.
* @return {string|boolean|null} The current value of the command in the given
* selection. NOTE: This return type list is not documented in MSDN or MDC
* and has been constructed from experience. Please update it
* if necessary.
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.queryCommandValue = function(
command) {
var styleWithCss;
switch (command) {
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.LINK:
return this.isNodeInState_(goog.dom.TagName.A);
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_CENTER:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_FULL:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_RIGHT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.JUSTIFY_LEFT:
return this.isJustification_(command);
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FORMAT_BLOCK:
// TODO(nicksantos): See if we can use queryCommandValue here.
return goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.getSelectionBlockState_(
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.INDENT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.OUTDENT:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.HORIZONTAL_RULE:
// TODO: See if there are reasonable results to return for
// these commands.
return false;
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_SIZE:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_FACE:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.FONT_COLOR:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BACKGROUND_COLOR:
// We use queryCommandValue here since we don't just want to know if a
// color/fontface/fontsize is applied, we want to know WHICH one it is.
return this.queryCommandValueInternal_(this.getDocument_(), command,
goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS &&
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNDERLINE:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BOLD:
case goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ITALIC:
styleWithCss = goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS &&
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.STRIKE_THROUGH
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUBSCRIPT
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUPERSCRIPT
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNDERLINE
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BOLD
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ITALIC
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ORDERED_LIST
* goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNORDERED_LIST
// This only works for commands that use the default execCommand
return this.queryCommandStateInternal_(this.getDocument_(), command,
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.prepareContentsHtml =
function(html) {
// If the browser collapses empty nodes and the field has only a script
// tag in it, then it will collapse this node. Which will mean the user
// can't click into it to edit it.
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.COLLAPSES_EMPTY_NODES &&
html.match(/^\s*<script/i)) {
html = '&nbsp;' + html;
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.CONVERT_TO_B_AND_I_TAGS) {
// Some browsers (FF) can't undo strong/em in some cases, but can undo b/i!
html = html.replace(/<(\/?)strong([^\w])/gi, '<$1b$2');
html = html.replace(/<(\/?)em([^\w])/gi, '<$1i$2');
return html;
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.cleanContentsDom =
function(fieldCopy) {
var images = fieldCopy.getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.IMG);
for (var i = 0, image; image = images[i]; i++) {
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.SHOWS_CUSTOM_ATTRS_IN_INNER_HTML) {
// Only need to remove these attributes in IE because
// Firefox and Safari don't show custom attributes in the innerHTML.
// Declare oldTypeIndex for the compiler. The associated plugin may not be
// included in the compiled bundle.
/** @type {string} */ image.oldTabIndex;
// oldTabIndex will only be set if
// goog.editor.BrowserFeature.TABS_THROUGH_IMAGES is true and we're in
// P-on-enter mode.
if (image.oldTabIndex) {
image.tabIndex = image.oldTabIndex;
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.cleanContentsHtml =
function(html) {
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.MOVES_STYLE_TO_HEAD) {
// Safari creates a new <head> element for <style> tags, so prepend their
// contents to the output.
var heads = this.getFieldObject().getEditableDomHelper().
var stylesHtmlArr = [];
// i starts at 1 so we don't copy in the original, legitimate <head>.
var numHeads = heads.length;
for (var i = 1; i < numHeads; ++i) {
var styles = heads[i].getElementsByTagName(goog.dom.TagName.STYLE);
var numStyles = styles.length;
for (var j = 0; j < numStyles; ++j) {
return stylesHtmlArr.join('') + html;
return html;
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.handleKeyboardShortcut =
function(e, key, isModifierPressed) {
if (!isModifierPressed) {
return false;
var command;
switch (key) {
case 'b': // Ctrl+B
command = goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.BOLD;
case 'i': // Ctrl+I
command = goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.ITALIC;
case 'u': // Ctrl+U
command = goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.UNDERLINE;
case 's': // Ctrl+S
// TODO(user): This doesn't belong in here. Clients should handle
// this themselves.
// Catching control + s prevents the annoying browser save dialog
// from appearing.
return true;
if (command) {
return true;
return false;
// Helpers for execCommand
* Regular expression to match BRs in HTML. Saves the BRs' attributes in $1 for
* use with replace(). In non-IE browsers, does not match BRs adjacent to an
* opening or closing DIV or P tag, since nonrendered BR elements can occur at
* the end of block level containers in those browsers' editors.
* @type {RegExp}
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.BR_REGEXP_ =
goog.userAgent.IE ? /<br([^\/>]*)\/?>/gi :
* Convert BRs in the selection to divs.
* This is only intended to be used in IE and Opera.
* @return {boolean} Whether any BR's were converted.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.convertBreaksToDivs_ =
function() {
if (!goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
// This function is only supported on IE and Opera.
return false;
var range = this.getRange_();
var parent = range.getContainerElement();
var doc = this.getDocument_();
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.BR_REGEXP_.lastIndex = 0;
// Only mess with the HTML/selection if it contains a BR.
if (goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.BR_REGEXP_.test(
parent.innerHTML)) {
// Insert temporary markers to remember the selection.
var savedRange = range.saveUsingCarets();
if (parent.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.P) {
// Can't append paragraphs to paragraph tags. Throws an exception in IE.
parent, true);
} else {
// Used to do:
// IE: <div>foo<br>bar</div> --> <div>foo<p id="temp_br">bar</div>
// Opera: <div>foo<br>bar</div> --> <div>foo<p class="temp_br">bar</div>
// To fix bug 1939883, now does for both:
// <div>foo<br>bar</div> --> <div>foo<p trtempbr="temp_br">bar</div>
// TODO(user): Confirm if there's any way to skip this
// intermediate step of converting br's to p's before converting those to
// div's. The reason may be hidden in CLs 5332866 and 8530601.
var attribute = 'trtempbr';
var value = 'temp_br';
var newHtml = parent.innerHTML.replace(
'<p$1 ' + attribute + '="' + value + '">');
goog.editor.node.replaceInnerHtml(parent, newHtml);
var paragraphs =
goog.iter.forEach(paragraphs, function(paragraph) {
if (paragraph.getAttribute(attribute) == value) {
if (goog.string.isBreakingWhitespace(
goog.dom.getTextContent(paragraph))) {
// Prevent the empty blocks from collapsing.
// A <BR> is preferable because it doesn't result in any text being
// added to the "blank" line. In IE, however, it is possible to
// place the caret after the <br>, which effectively creates a
// visible line break. Because of this, we have to resort to using a
// &nbsp; in IE.
var child = goog.userAgent.IE ?
doc.createTextNode(goog.string.Unicode.NBSP) :
// Select the previously selected text so we only listify
// the selected portion and maintain the user's selection.
return true;
return false;
* Convert the given paragraph to being a div. This clobbers the
* passed-in node!
* This is only intended to be used in IE and Opera.
* @param {Node} paragraph Paragragh to convert to a div.
* @param {boolean=} opt_convertBrs If true, also convert BRs to divs.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.convertParagraphToDiv_ =
function(paragraph, opt_convertBrs) {
if (!goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
// This function is only supported on IE and Opera.
var outerHTML = paragraph.outerHTML.replace(/<(\/?)p/gi, '<$1div');
if (opt_convertBrs) {
// IE fills in the closing div tag if it's missing!
outerHTML = outerHTML.replace(
if (goog.userAgent.OPERA && !/<\/div>$/i.test(outerHTML)) {
// Opera doesn't automatically add the closing tag, so add it if needed.
outerHTML += '</div>';
paragraph.outerHTML = outerHTML;
* If this is a goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND,
* convert it to something that we can pass into execCommand,
* queryCommandState, etc.
* TODO(user): Consider doing away with the + and converter completely.
* @param {goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND|string}
* command A command key.
* @return {string} The equivalent execCommand command.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.convertToRealExecCommand_ = function(
command) {
return command.indexOf('+') == 0 ? command.substring(1) : command;
* Justify the text in the selection.
* @param {string} command The type of justification to perform.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.justify_ = function(command) {
this.execCommandHelper_(command, null, false, true);
// Firefox cannot justify divs. In fact, justifying divs results in removing
// the divs and replacing them with brs. So "<div>foo</div><div>bar</div>"
// becomes "foo<br>bar" after alignment is applied. However, if you justify
// again, then you get "<div style='text-align: right'>foo<br>bar</div>",
// which at least looks visually correct. Since justification is (normally)
// idempotent, it isn't a problem when the selection does not contain divs to
// apply justifcation again.
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
this.execCommandHelper_(command, null, false, true);
// Convert all block elements in the selection to use CSS text-align
// instead of the align property. This works better because the align
// property is overridden by the CSS text-align property.
// Only for browsers that can't handle this by the styleWithCSS execCommand,
// which allows us to specify if we should insert align or text-align.
// TODO(user): What about WebKit or Opera?
if (!(goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS &&
goog.userAgent.GECKO)) {
* Converts the block element containing the given node to use CSS text-align
* instead of the align property.
* @param {Node} node The node to convert the container of.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.convertContainerToTextAlign_ =
function(node) {
var container =;
// TODO(user): Fix this so that it doesn't screw up tables.
if (container.align) { = container.align;
* Perform an execCommand on the active document.
* @param {string} command The command to execute.
* @param {string|number|boolean|null=} opt_value Optional value.
* @param {boolean=} opt_preserveDir Set true to make sure that command does not
* change directionality of the selected text (works only if all selected
* text has the same directionality, otherwise ignored). Should not be true
* if bidi plugin is not loaded.
* @param {boolean=} opt_styleWithCss Set to true to ask the browser to use CSS
* to perform the execCommand.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.execCommandHelper_ = function(
command, opt_value, opt_preserveDir, opt_styleWithCss) {
// There is a bug in FF: some commands do not preserve attributes of the
// block-level elements they replace.
// This (among the rest) leads to loss of directionality information.
// For now we use a hack (when opt_preserveDir==true) to avoid this
// directionality problem in the simplest cases.
// Known affected commands: formatBlock, insertOrderedList,
// insertUnorderedList, indent, outdent.
// A similar problem occurs in IE when insertOrderedList or
// insertUnorderedList remove existing list.
var dir = null;
if (opt_preserveDir) {
dir =
goog.editor.Command.DIR_RTL) ? 'rtl' :
goog.editor.Command.DIR_LTR) ? 'ltr' :
command = goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.convertToRealExecCommand_(
var endDiv, nbsp;
if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
var ret = this.applyExecCommandIEFixes_(command);
endDiv = ret[0];
nbsp = ret[1];
if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT) {
endDiv = this.applyExecCommandSafariFixes_(command);
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO) {
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.DOESNT_OVERRIDE_FONT_SIZE_IN_STYLE_ATTR &&
command.toLowerCase() == 'fontsize') {
var doc = this.getDocument_();
if (opt_styleWithCss &&
goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS) {
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true);
if (goog.userAgent.OPERA) {
doc.execCommand(command, false, opt_value);
if (opt_styleWithCss &&
goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_STYLE_WITH_CSS) {
// If we enabled styleWithCSS, turn it back off.
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false);
if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
!goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('526') &&
command.toLowerCase() == 'formatblock' &&
opt_value && /^[<]?h\d[>]?$/i.test(opt_value)) {
if (/insert(un)?orderedlist/i.test(command)) {
// NOTE(user): This doesn't check queryCommandState because it seems to
// lie. Also, this runs for insertunorderedlist so that the the list
// isn't made up of an <ul> for each <li> - even though it looks the same,
// the markup is disgusting.
if (goog.userAgent.WEBKIT &&
!goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(534)) {
if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
if (nbsp) {
// Remove the text node, if applicable. Do not try to instead clobber
// the contents of the text node if it was added, or the same invalid
// node thing as above will happen. The error won't happen here, it
// will happen after you hit enter and then do anything that loops
// through the dom and tries to read that node.
if (endDiv) {
// Remove the dummy div.
// Restore directionality if required and only when unambigous (dir!=null).
if (dir) {
* Applies a background color to a selection when the browser can't do the job.
* NOTE(nicksantos): If you think this is hacky, you should try applying
* background color in Opera. It made me cry.
* @param {string} bgColor backgroundColor from .formatText to .execCommand.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.applyBgColorManually_ =
function(bgColor) {
var needsSpaceInTextNode = goog.userAgent.GECKO;
var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange();
var textNode;
var parentTag;
if (range && range.isCollapsed()) {
// Hack to handle Firefox bug:
// execCommand hiliteColor in Firefox on collapsed selection creates
// a font tag onkeypress
textNode = this.getFieldDomHelper().
createTextNode(needsSpaceInTextNode ? ' ' : '');
var containerNode = range.getStartNode();
// Check if we're inside a tag that contains the cursor and nothing else;
// if we are, don't create a dummySpan. Just use this containing tag to
// hide the 1-space selection.
// If the user sets a background color on a collapsed selection, then sets
// another one immediately, we get a span tag with a single empty TextNode.
// If the user sets a background color, types, then backspaces, we get a
// span tag with nothing inside it (container is the span).
parentTag = containerNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT ?
containerNode : containerNode.parentNode;
if (parentTag.innerHTML == '') {
// There's an Element to work with
// make the space character invisible using a CSS indent hack = '-10000px';
} else {
// No Element to work with; make one
// create a span with a space character inside
// make the space character invisible using a CSS indent hack
parentTag = this.getFieldDomHelper().createDom('span',
{'style': 'text-indent:-10000px'}, textNode);
this.execCommandHelper_('hiliteColor', bgColor, false, true);
if (textNode) {
// eliminate the space if necessary.
if (needsSpaceInTextNode) { = '';
// eliminate the hack. = '';
// execCommand modified our span so we leave it in place.
* Toggle link for the current selection:
* If selection contains a link, unlink it, return null.
* Otherwise, make selection into a link, return the link.
* @param {string=} opt_target Target for the link.
* @return {goog.editor.Link?} The resulting link, or null if a link was
* removed.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.toggleLink_ = function(
opt_target) {
if (!this.getFieldObject().isSelectionEditable()) {
var range = this.getRange_();
// Since we wrap images in links, its possible that the user selected an
// image and clicked link, in which case we want to actually use the
// image as the selection.
var parent = range && range.getContainerElement();
var link = /** @type {Element} */ (
goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(parent, goog.dom.TagName.A));
if (link && goog.editor.node.isEditable(link)) {
} else {
var editableLink = this.createLink_(range, '/', opt_target);
if (editableLink) {
if (!this.getFieldObject().execCommand(
goog.editor.Command.MODAL_LINK_EDITOR, editableLink)) {
var url = this.getFieldObject().getAppWindow().prompt(
goog.ui.editor.messages.MSG_LINK_TO, 'http://');
if (url) {
editableLink.setTextAndUrl(editableLink.getCurrentText() || url, url);
} else {
var savedRange = goog.editor.range.saveUsingNormalizedCarets(
return null;
return editableLink;
return null;
* Create a link out of the current selection. If nothing is selected, insert
* a new link. Otherwise, enclose the selection in a link.
* @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The closure range object for the
* current selection.
* @param {string} url The url to link to.
* @param {string=} opt_target Target for the link.
* @return {goog.editor.Link?} The newly created link, or null if the link
* couldn't be created.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.createLink_ = function(range,
url, opt_target) {
var anchor = null;
var anchors = [];
var parent = range && range.getContainerElement();
// We do not yet support creating links around images. Instead of throwing
// lots of js errors, just fail silently.
// TODO(user): Add support for linking images.
if (parent && parent.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.IMG) {
return null;
// If range is not present, the editable field doesn't have focus, abort
// creating a link.
if (!range) {
return null;
if (range.isCollapsed()) {
var textRange = range.getTextRange(0).getBrowserRangeObject();
if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_W3C_RANGES) {
anchor = this.getFieldDomHelper().createElement(goog.dom.TagName.A);
} else if (goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_IE_RANGES) {
// TODO: Use goog.dom.AbstractRange's surroundContents
textRange.pasteHTML("<a id='newLink'></a>");
anchor = this.getFieldDomHelper().getElement('newLink');
} else {
// Create a unique identifier for the link so we can retrieve it later.
// execCommand doesn't return the link to us, and we need a way to find
// the newly created link in the dom, and the url is the only property
// we have control over, so we set that to be unique and then find it.
var uniqueId = goog.string.createUniqueString();
this.execCommandHelper_('CreateLink', uniqueId);
var setHrefAndLink = function(element, index, arr) {
// We can't do straight comparision since the href can contain the
// absolute url.
if (goog.string.endsWith(element.href, uniqueId)) {
goog.dom.TagName.A), setHrefAndLink);
if (anchors.length) {
anchor = anchors.pop();
var isLikelyUrl = function(a, i, anchors) {
return goog.editor.Link.isLikelyUrl(goog.dom.getRawTextContent(a));
if (anchors.length && goog.array.every(anchors, isLikelyUrl)) {
for (var i = 0, a; a = anchors[i]; i++) {
goog.editor.Link.createNewLinkFromText(a, opt_target);
anchors = null;
return goog.editor.Link.createNewLink(
/** @type {HTMLAnchorElement} */ (anchor), url, opt_target, anchors);
// browser fixes
* The following execCommands are "broken" in some way - in IE they allow
* the nodes outside the contentEditable region to get modified (see
* execCommand below for more details).
* @const
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.brokenExecCommandsIE_ = {
'indent' : 1,
'outdent' : 1,
'insertOrderedList' : 1,
'insertUnorderedList' : 1,
'justifyCenter' : 1,
'justifyFull' : 1,
'justifyRight': 1,
'justifyLeft': 1,
'ltr' : 1,
'rtl' : 1
* When the following commands are executed while the selection is
* inside a blockquote, they hose the blockquote tag in weird and
* unintuitive ways.
* @const
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.blockquoteHatingCommandsIE_ = {
'insertOrderedList' : 1,
'insertUnorderedList' : 1
* Makes sure that superscript is removed before applying subscript, and vice
* versa. Fixes {@link http://buganizer/issue?id=1173491} .
* @param {goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND} command The command
* being applied, either SUBSCRIPT or SUPERSCRIPT.
* @private
prototype.applySubscriptSuperscriptWorkarounds_ = function(command) {
if (!this.queryCommandValue(command)) {
// The current selection doesn't currently have the requested
// command, so we are applying it as opposed to removing it.
// (Note that queryCommandValue() will only return true if the
// command is applied to the whole selection, not just part of it.
// In this case it is fine because only if the whole selection has
// the command applied will we be removing it and thus skipping the
// removal of the opposite command.)
var oppositeCommand =
(command == goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUBSCRIPT ?
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.COMMAND.SUPERSCRIPT :
var oppositeExecCommand = goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.
// Executing the opposite command on a selection that already has it
// applied will cancel it out. But if the selection only has the
// opposite command applied to a part of it, the browser will
// normalize the selection to have the opposite command applied on
// the whole of it.
if (!this.queryCommandValue(oppositeCommand)) {
// The selection doesn't have the opposite command applied to the
// whole of it, so let's exec the opposite command to normalize
// the selection.
// Note: since we know both subscript and superscript commands
// will boil down to a simple call to the browser's execCommand(),
// for performance reasons we can do that directly instead of
// calling execCommandHelper_(). However this is a potential for
// bugs if the implementation of execCommandHelper_() is changed
// to do something more int eh case of subscript and superscript.
this.getDocument_().execCommand(oppositeExecCommand, false, null);
// Now that we know the whole selection has the opposite command
// applied, we exec it a second time to properly remove it.
this.getDocument_().execCommand(oppositeExecCommand, false, null);
* Removes inline font-size styles from elements fully contained in the
* selection, so the font tags produced by execCommand work properly.
* See {@bug 1286408}.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.removeFontSizeFromStyleAttrs_ =
function() {
// Expand the range so that we consider surrounding tags. E.g. if only the
// text node inside a span is selected, the browser could wrap a font tag
// around the span and leave the selection such that only the text node is
// found when looking inside the range, not the span.
var range = goog.editor.range.expand(this.getFieldObject().getRange(),
goog.iter.forEach(goog.iter.filter(range, function(tag, dummy, iter) {
return iter.isStartTag() && range.containsNode(tag);
}), function(node) {, 'font-size', '');
// Gecko doesn't remove empty style tags.
if (goog.userAgent.GECKO && == 0 && node.getAttribute('style') != null) {
* Apply pre-execCommand fixes for IE.
* @param {string} command The command to execute.
* @return {!Array<Node>} Array of nodes to be removed after the execCommand.
* Will never be longer than 2 elements.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.applyExecCommandIEFixes_ =
function(command) {
// IE has a crazy bug where executing list commands
// around blockquotes cause the blockquotes to get transformed
// into "<OL><OL>" or "<UL><UL>" tags.
var toRemove = [];
var endDiv = null;
var range = this.getRange_();
var dh = this.getFieldDomHelper();
if (command in
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.blockquoteHatingCommandsIE_) {
var parent = range && range.getContainerElement();
if (parent) {
var blockquotes = goog.dom.getElementsByTagNameAndClass(
goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE, null, parent);
// If a blockquote contains the selection, the fix is easy:
// add a dummy div to the blockquote that isn't in the current selection.
// if the selection contains a blockquote,
// there appears to be no easy way to protect it from getting mangled.
// For now, we're just going to punt on this and try to
// adjust the selection so that IE does something reasonable.
// TODO(nicksantos): Find a better fix for this.
var bq;
for (var i = 0; i < blockquotes.length; i++) {
if (range.containsNode(blockquotes[i])) {
bq = blockquotes[i];
var bqThatNeedsDummyDiv =
bq || goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(parent, 'BLOCKQUOTE');
if (bqThatNeedsDummyDiv) {
endDiv = dh.createDom('div', {style: 'height:0'});
goog.dom.appendChild(bqThatNeedsDummyDiv, endDiv);
if (bq) {
range = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(bq, 0, endDiv, 0);
} else if (range.containsNode(endDiv)) {
// the selection might be the entire blockquote, and
// it's important that endDiv not be in the selection.
range = goog.dom.Range.createFromNodes(
range.getStartNode(), range.getStartOffset(),
endDiv, 0);
// IE has a crazy bug where certain block execCommands cause it to mess with
// the DOM nodes above the contentEditable element if the selection contains
// or partially contains the last block element in the contentEditable
// element.
// Known commands: Indent, outdent, insertorderedlist, insertunorderedlist,
// Justify (all of them)
// Both of the above are "solved" by appending a dummy div to the field
// before the execCommand and removing it after, but we don't need to do this
// if we've alread added a dummy div somewhere else.
var fieldObject = this.getFieldObject();
if (!fieldObject.usesIframe() && !endDiv) {
if (command in
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.brokenExecCommandsIE_) {
var field = fieldObject.getElement();
// If the field is totally empty, or if the field contains only text nodes
// and the cursor is at the end of the field, then IE stills walks outside
// the contentEditable region and destroys things AND justify will not
// work. This is "solved" by adding a text node into the end of the
// field and moving the cursor before it.
if (range && range.isCollapsed() &&
!goog.dom.getFirstElementChild(field)) {
// The problem only occurs if the selection is at the end of the field.
var selection = range.getTextRange(0).getBrowserRangeObject();
var testRange = selection.duplicate();
if (testRange.isEqual(selection)) {
// For reasons I really don't understand, if you use a breaking space
// here, either " " or String.fromCharCode(32), this textNode becomes
// corrupted, only after you hit ENTER to split it. It exists in the
// dom in that its parent has it as childNode and the parent's
// innerText is correct, but the node itself throws invalid argument
// errors when you try to access its data, parentNode, nextSibling,
// previousSibling or most other properties. WTF.
var nbsp = dh.createTextNode(goog.string.Unicode.NBSP);
selection.move('character', 1);
selection.move('character', -1);;
endDiv = dh.createDom('div', {style: 'height:0'});
goog.dom.appendChild(field, endDiv);
return toRemove;
* Fix a ridiculous Safari bug: the first letters of new headings
* somehow retain their original font size and weight if multiple lines are
* selected during the execCommand that turns them into headings.
* The solution is to strip these styles which are normally stripped when
* making things headings anyway.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.cleanUpSafariHeadings_ =
function() {
goog.iter.forEach(this.getRange_(), function(node) {
if (node.className == 'Apple-style-span') {
// These shouldn't persist after creating headings via
// a FormatBlock execCommand. = ''; = '';
* Prevent Safari from making each list item be "1" when converting from
* unordered to ordered lists.
* (see, fixed by 2010-04-21)
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.fixSafariLists_ = function() {
var previousList = false;
goog.iter.forEach(this.getRange_(), function(node) {
var tagName = node.tagName;
if (tagName == goog.dom.TagName.UL || tagName == goog.dom.TagName.OL) {
// Don't disturb lists outside of the selection. If this is the first <ul>
// or <ol> in the range, we don't really want to merge the previous list
// into it, since that list isn't in the range.
if (!previousList) {
previousList = true;
// The lists must be siblings to be merged; otherwise, indented sublists
// could be broken.
var previousElementSibling = goog.dom.getPreviousElementSibling(node);
if (!previousElementSibling) {
// Make sure there isn't text between the two lists before they are merged
var range = node.ownerDocument.createRange();
if (!goog.string.isEmptyOrWhitespace(range.toString())) {
// Make sure both are lists of the same type (ordered or unordered)
if (previousElementSibling.nodeName == node.nodeName) {
// We must merge the previous list into this one. Moving around
// the current node will break the iterator, so we can't merge
// this list into the previous one.
while (previousElementSibling.lastChild) {
node.insertBefore(previousElementSibling.lastChild, node.firstChild);
* Sane "type" attribute values for OL elements
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.orderedListTypes_ = {
'1' : 1,
'a' : 1,
'A' : 1,
'i' : 1,
'I' : 1
* Sane "type" attribute values for UL elements
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.unorderedListTypes_ = {
'disc' : 1,
'circle' : 1,
'square' : 1
* Changing an OL to a UL (or the other way around) will fail if the list
* has a type attribute (such as "UL type=disc" becoming "OL type=disc", which
* is visually identical). Most browsers will remove the type attribute
* automatically, but IE doesn't. This does it manually.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.fixIELists_ = function() {
// Find the lowest-level <ul> or <ol> that contains the entire range.
var range = this.getRange_();
var container = range && range.getContainer();
while (container &&
container.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.UL &&
container.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.OL) {
container = container.parentNode;
if (container) {
// We want the parent node of the list so that we can grab it using
// getElementsByTagName
container = container.parentNode;
if (!container) return;
var lists = goog.array.toArray(
goog.array.extend(lists, goog.array.toArray(
// Fix the lists
goog.array.forEach(lists, function(node) {
var type = node.type;
if (type) {
var saneTypes =
(node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.UL ?
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.unorderedListTypes_ :
if (!saneTypes[type]) {
node.type = '';
* In WebKit, the following commands will modify the node with
* contentEditable=true if there are no block-level elements.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.brokenExecCommandsSafari_ = {
'justifyCenter' : 1,
'justifyFull' : 1,
'justifyRight': 1,
'justifyLeft': 1,
'formatBlock' : 1
* In WebKit, the following commands can hang the browser if the selection
* touches the beginning of the field.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.hangingExecCommandWebkit_ = {
'insertOrderedList': 1,
'insertUnorderedList': 1
* Apply pre-execCommand fixes for Safari.
* @param {string} command The command to execute.
* @return {!Element|undefined} The div added to the field.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.applyExecCommandSafariFixes_ =
function(command) {
// See the comment on brokenExecCommandsSafari_
var div;
if (goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.
brokenExecCommandsSafari_[command]) {
// Add a new div at the end of the field.
// Safari knows that it would be wrong to apply text-align to the
// contentEditable element if there are non-empty block nodes in the field,
// because then it would align them too. So in this case, it will
// enclose the current selection in a block node.
div = this.getFieldDomHelper().createDom(
'div', {'style': 'height: 0'}, 'x');
goog.dom.appendChild(this.getFieldObject().getElement(), div);
if (!goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(534) &&
hangingExecCommandWebkit_[command]) {
// Add a new div at the beginning of the field.
var field = this.getFieldObject().getElement();
div = this.getFieldDomHelper().createDom(
'div', {'style': 'height: 0'}, 'x');
field.insertBefore(div, field.firstChild);
return div;
* Apply pre-execCommand fixes for Gecko.
* @param {string} command The command to execute.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.applyExecCommandGeckoFixes_ =
function(command) {
if (goog.userAgent.isVersionOrHigher('1.9') &&
command.toLowerCase() == 'formatblock') {
// Firefox 3 and above throw a JS error for formatblock if the range is
// a child of the body node. Changing the selection to the BR fixes the
// problem.
// See
var range = this.getRange_();
var startNode = range.getStartNode();
if (range.isCollapsed() && startNode &&
startNode.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BODY) {
var startOffset = range.getStartOffset();
var childNode = startNode.childNodes[startOffset];
if (childNode && childNode.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) {
// Change the range using getBrowserRange() because goog.dom.TextRange
// will avoid setting <br>s directly.
// @see goog.dom.TextRange#createFromNodes
var browserRange = range.getBrowserRangeObject();
browserRange.setStart(childNode, 0);
browserRange.setEnd(childNode, 0);
* Workaround for Opera bug CORE-23903. Opera sometimes fails to invalidate
* serialized CSS or innerHTML for the DOM after certain execCommands when
* styleWithCSS is on. Toggling an inline style on the elements fixes it.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.invalidateInlineCss_ =
function() {
var ancestors = [];
var ancestor = this.getFieldObject().getRange().getContainerElement();
do {
} while (ancestor = ancestor.parentNode);
var nodesInSelection = goog.iter.chain(
var containersInSelection =
goog.iter.forEach(containersInSelection, function(element) {
var oldOutline =; = '0px solid red'; = oldOutline;
* Work around a Gecko bug that causes inserted lists to forget the current
* font. This affects WebKit in the same way and Opera in a slightly different
* way, but this workaround only works in Gecko.
* WebKit bug:
* Mozilla bug:
* Opera bug:
* TODO: work around this issue in WebKit and Opera as well.
* @return {boolean} Whether the workaround was applied.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.beforeInsertListGecko_ =
function() {
var tag = this.getFieldObject().queryCommandValue(
if (tag == goog.dom.TagName.P || tag == goog.dom.TagName.DIV) {
return false;
// Prevent Firefox from forgetting current formatting
// when creating a list.
// The bug happens with a collapsed selection, but it won't
// happen when text with the desired formatting is selected.
// So, we insert some dummy text, insert the list,
// then remove the dummy text (while preserving its formatting).
// (This formatting bug also affects WebKit, but this fix
// only seems to work in Firefox)
var range = this.getRange_();
if (range.isCollapsed() &&
(range.getContainer().nodeType != goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT)) {
var tempTextNode = this.getFieldDomHelper().
range.insertNode(tempTextNode, false);
return true;
return false;
// Helpers for queryCommandState
* Get the toolbar state for the block-level elements in the given range.
* @param {goog.dom.AbstractRange} range The range to get toolbar state for.
* @return {string?} The selection block state.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.getSelectionBlockState_ =
function(range) {
var tagName = null;
goog.iter.forEach(range, function(node, ignore, it) {
if (!it.isEndTag()) {
// Iterate over all containers in the range, checking if they all have the
// same tagName.
var container =;
var thisTagName = container.tagName;
tagName = tagName || thisTagName;
if (tagName != thisTagName) {
// If we find a container tag that doesn't match, exit right away.
tagName = null;
throw goog.iter.StopIteration;
// Skip the tag.
return tagName;
* Hash of suppoted justifications.
* @type {Object}
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.SUPPORTED_JUSTIFICATIONS_ = {
'center': 1,
'justify': 1,
'right': 1,
'left': 1
* Returns true if the current justification matches the justification
* command for the entire selection.
* @param {string} command The justification command to check for.
* @return {boolean} Whether the current justification matches the justification
* command for the entire selection.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.isJustification_ =
function(command) {
var alignment = command.replace('+justify', '').toLowerCase();
if (alignment == 'full') {
alignment = 'justify';
var bidiPlugin = this.getFieldObject().getPluginByClassId('Bidi');
if (bidiPlugin) {
// BiDi aware version
// TODO: Since getComputedStyle is not used here, this version may be even
// faster. If profiling confirms that it would be good to use this approach
// in both cases. Otherwise the bidi part should be moved into an
// execCommand so this bidi plugin dependence isn't needed here.
/** @type {Function} */
return alignment == bidiPlugin.getSelectionAlignment();
} else {
// BiDi unaware version
var range = this.getRange_();
if (!range) {
// When nothing is in the selection then no justification
// command matches.
return false;
var parent = range.getContainerElement();
var nodes =
function(node) {
return goog.editor.node.isImportant(node) &&
range.containsNode(node, true);
nodes = nodes.length ? nodes : [parent];
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var current = nodes[i];
// If any node in the selection is not aligned the way we are checking,
// then the justification command does not match.
var container =
/** @type {Node} */ (current));
if (alignment !=
container)) {
return false;
// If all nodes in the selection are aligned the way we are checking,
// the justification command does match.
return true;
* Determines the justification for a given block-level element.
* @param {Element} element The node to get justification for.
* @return {string} The justification for a given block-level node.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.getNodeJustification_ =
function(element) {
var value =;
// Strip preceding -moz- or -webkit- (@bug 2472589).
value = value.replace(/^-(moz|webkit)-/, '');
// If there is no alignment, try the inline property,
// otherwise assume left aligned.
// TODO: for rtl languages we probably need to assume right.
if (!goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.
value = element.align || 'left';
return /** @type {string} */ (value);
* Returns true if a selection contained in the node should set the appropriate
* toolbar state for the given nodeName, e.g. if the node is contained in a
* strong element and nodeName is "strong", then it will return true.
* @param {string} nodeName The type of node to check for.
* @return {boolean} Whether the user's selection is in the given state.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.isNodeInState_ =
function(nodeName) {
var range = this.getRange_();
var node = range && range.getContainerElement();
var ancestor = goog.dom.getAncestorByTagNameAndClass(node, nodeName);
return !!ancestor && goog.editor.node.isEditable(ancestor);
* Wrapper for browser's queryCommandState.
* @param {Document|TextRange|Range} queryObject The object to query.
* @param {string} command The command to check.
* @param {boolean=} opt_styleWithCss Set to true to enable styleWithCSS before
* performing the queryCommandState.
* @return {boolean} The command state.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.queryCommandStateInternal_ =
function(queryObject, command, opt_styleWithCss) {
return /** @type {boolean} */ (this.queryCommandHelper_(true, queryObject,
command, opt_styleWithCss));
* Wrapper for browser's queryCommandValue.
* @param {Document|TextRange|Range} queryObject The object to query.
* @param {string} command The command to check.
* @param {boolean=} opt_styleWithCss Set to true to enable styleWithCSS before
* performing the queryCommandValue.
* @return {string|boolean|null} The command value.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.queryCommandValueInternal_ =
function(queryObject, command, opt_styleWithCss) {
return this.queryCommandHelper_(false, queryObject,
command, opt_styleWithCss);
* Helper function to perform queryCommand(Value|State).
* @param {boolean} isGetQueryCommandState True to use queryCommandState, false
* to use queryCommandValue.
* @param {Document|TextRange|Range} queryObject The object to query.
* @param {string} command The command to check.
* @param {boolean=} opt_styleWithCss Set to true to enable styleWithCSS before
* performing the queryCommand(Value|State).
* @return {string|boolean|null} The command value.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.BasicTextFormatter.prototype.queryCommandHelper_ = function(
isGetQueryCommandState, queryObject, command, opt_styleWithCss) {
command =
if (opt_styleWithCss) {
var doc = this.getDocument_();
// Don't use this.execCommandHelper_ here, as it is more heavyweight
// and inserts a dummy div to protect against comamnds that could step
// outside the editable region, which would cause change event on
// every toolbar update.
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true);
var ret = isGetQueryCommandState ? queryObject.queryCommandState(command) :
if (opt_styleWithCss) {
doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, false);
return ret;