blob: b702f656b66cb2d45e052a0b514f45b55c63911e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: (Joshua Marantz)
* @fileoverview Hijacks the construction of XHR objects, for two reasons:
* 1. Provides a notification callback whenever any XHR is sent or completes
* on a page.
* 2. Provides an opportunity to alter the XHR request URL to correct a domain,
* which will likely be needed when using a ProxySuffix for sites that form
* XHR requests using absolute domains.
* So far we only need this for the notification callback.
* This JS file should be loaded ahead of any other scripts, preferably inline.
* Post-compile it's 1366 bytes uncompressed, 521 bytes compressed as of now.
* Its interface is that another JavaScript file can call
* window.pagespeedXhrHijackSetListener(listener)
* where listener is a map that has two function properties: xhrSendHook() and
* xhrResponseHook(http_status_code). No other external API is provided.
* This file will hijack all XHR requests starting immediately when it's loaded.
* When a listener is registered, even if it's much later in the page load,
* it will receive any pending callback notifications in order.
* Object to hijack XHR XMLHttpRequests. We use this for tracking active
* XHR requests.
* @param {?XMLHttpRequest} xhr The XHR request.
* @constructor
* TODO(jmarantz): considering creating a subclass of (see
* in
* That will at least give us type annotations to copy.
mob.XhrHijack = function(xhr) {
this.xhr = xhr || new this.XMLHttpRequestConstructor_();
this.onreadystatechange = null;
this.readyState = 0;
this.responseText = '';
this.statusText = '';
this.xhr.onreadystatechange = this.readyCallback.bind(this);
this.xhr.onload = this.onloadCallback.bind(this);
* Array of objects representing any send/response events that transpired
* prior to the listener being established. Send events are represented with
* an 's' and response events are represented with the numeric http status
* code. When a listener is established, any pending send/response events are
* immediately sent to it and queuedHooks is cleared.
* @private
mob.XhrHijack.queuedEvents_ = [];
* Object to get notified whenever XHR activity occurs. This is set globally
* for the class because the listener doesn't have control of when XHRs are
* constructed.
* @private
mob.XhrHijack.listener_ = {};
* @const @private {string}
mob.XhrHijack.SEND_EVENT_CHAR_ = 's';
* Default handler for xhrSendHook.
mob.XhrHijack.listener_['xhrSendHook'] = function() {
* Default handler for xhrResponseHook.
* @param {number} http_status
mob.XhrHijack.listener_['xhrResponseHook'] = function(http_status) {
* Establishes a listener instance for XHR events. If any XHR events were
* initiated before the listener is established, it immediately receives
* the queued events.
* The listener must be a class instance that defines these methods:
* listener_.xhrSendHook()
* listener_.xhrResponseHook(http_status_code)
* @param {!Object} listener
* TODO(jmarantz): Use an at-interface with the above methods defined, and
* then use the type annotation to ensure they are defined correctly.
mob.XhrHijack.setListener = function(listener) {
mob.XhrHijack.listener_ = listener;
for (var i = 0; i < mob.XhrHijack.queuedEvents_.length; ++i) {
var event = mob.XhrHijack.queuedEvents_[i];
if (event == mob.XhrHijack.SEND_EVENT_CHAR_) {
} else {
mob.XhrHijack.queuedEvents_ = null; // Will not be used again.
window['pagespeedXhrHijackSetListener'] = mob.XhrHijack.setListener;
* Captures the native XMLHttpRequest constructor, so we can insert
* our own hooks to run after the normal callback runs.
* @private
mob.XhrHijack.prototype.XMLHttpRequestConstructor_ = XMLHttpRequest;
* Callback to run onload, transferring the responseText, and calling
* client onload function.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype.onloadCallback = function() {
if (this.xhr.responseText) {
this.responseText = this.xhr.responseText;
if (this.onload) {
* Wrapped onreadystatechange callback.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype.readyCallback = function() {
// hijack more:
this.readyState = this.xhr.readyState;
this.status = this.xhr.status;
this.responseText = this.xhr.responseText;
if (this.xhr.statusText) {
this.statusText = this.xhr.statusText;
if (this.onreadystatechange) {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
* Wrapped abort callback.
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['abort'] = function() {
* Hijacked open call. Strictly delegates for now, but this
* gives us an opportunity to domain-correct for proxy-suffix
* as needed.
* @param {string} a
* @param {string} b
* @param {?boolean} c
* @param {?string} d
* @param {?string} e
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['open'] = function(a, b, c, d, e) {, b, c, d, e);
* Hijacked send call, helping us track outstanding XHRs.
* @param {!ArrayBuffer|!ArrayBufferView|!Blob|!Document|!FormData|string=}
* opt_x
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['send'] = function(opt_x) {
* Hijacked.
* @param {string} x
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['overrideMimeType'] = function(x) {
* Hijacked.
* @param {string} name The name of the request header.
* @param {string} value The value of the requets header.
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['setRequestHeader'] = function(name, value) {
this.xhr.setRequestHeader(name, value);
* Hijacked.
* @return {string}
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['getAllResponseHeaders'] = function() {
return this.xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();
* Hijacked.
* @param {string} name
* @return {string}
* @this {mob.XhrHijack}
* Note: this usage of at-this is deployed in lieu of at-export because of
* much smaller output file sizes for this module, which is loaded blocking
* in head.
mob.XhrHijack.prototype['getResponseHeader'] = function(name) {
return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(name);
* Hijack XMLHttpRequest with mob.XhrHijack.
window.XMLHttpRequest = /** @type {function (new:XMLHttpRequest)} */