blob: d93275e77fc41660494bf751d751ebb8e3b9be11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author: (Huibao Lin)
// Steps for detecting logo and computing theme color.
// 1: Find out all elements which may be logo. An element is a logo candidate
// if it has the 'logo' string or the organization name in its attributes,
// or has HREF pointing to the landing URL.
// 2: Find out all images which may be the foreground images of the logo. For
// each of the logo elements, we consider all images (IMG, SVG, and
// background image) in its descedants, and the background image in its
// nearest ancestor.
// Wait until all of these images loaded before doing the next steps.
// 3. Remove the candidates which do not have images of proper size and
// position.
// 4. Find out the best candidate element, considering image size, position, and
// the number of attributes with 'logo' or organization string.
// 5. Find out the background color of the best candidate element. This is the
// non-transparent color of its nearest ancestor.
// 6. Compute theme color based on the background color and foreground image.
* @constructor
* @struct
* @param {!mob.Logo.LogoRecord} logoRecord
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} background
* @param {!goog.color.Rgb} foreground
mob.LogoCandidate = function(logoRecord, background, foreground) {
/** {!mob.Logo.LogoRecord} */
this.logoRecord = logoRecord;
/** {!goog.color.Rgb} */
this.background = background;
/** {!goog.color.Rgb} */
this.foreground = foreground;
* Creates a context for Pagespeed logo detector.
* @constructor
mob.Logo = function() {
* Callback to invoke when this object finishes its work.
* @private {?function(!Array.<!mob.LogoCandidate>)} doneCallback_
this.doneCallback_ = null;
/** @private {?string} */
this.organization_ = mob.util.getSiteOrganization();
/** @private {string} */
this.landingUrl_ = mob.util.getWindow().location.origin +
* Array of logo candidates.
* @private {!Array.<!mob.Logo.LogoRecord>}
this.candidates_ = [];
/** @private {number} */
this.pendingEventCount_ = 0;
/** @private {number} */
this.maxNumCandidates_ = 1;
* Creates an empty logo record.
* @param {number} metric
* @param {!Element} element
* @constructor @struct
mob.Logo.LogoRecord = function(metric, element) {
* Metric of being a logo element. Metric is computed for the elements with
* size and position within certain ranges, and with an image in its sub-tree
* or ancestor. Metric value is determined by the number of attributes of
* this element or its ancestor which have the substring of 'logo' or
* organization name.
* @type {number}
this.metric = metric;
/** @type {!Element} */
this.logoElement = element;
/** @type {!Array.<!Element>} */
this.childrenElements = [];
/** @type {!Array.<!Element>} */
this.childrenImages = [];
/** @type {?Element} */
this.ancestorElement = null;
/** @type {?Element} */
this.ancestorImage = null;
/** @type {?Element} */
this.foregroundElement = null;
/** @type {?Element} */
this.foregroundImage = element;
/** @type {?mob.util.Rect} */
this.rect = null;
/** @type {?Array.<number>} */
this.backgroundColor = null;
* Minimum width of an element in the origin site to be considered as the logo.
* @private @const {number}
mob.Logo.prototype.MIN_WIDTH_ = 20;
* Minimum height of an element in the origin site to be considered as the logo.
* @private @const {number}
mob.Logo.prototype.MIN_HEIGHT_ = 10;
* Maximum height of an element in the origin site to be considered as the logo.
* @private @const {number}
mob.Logo.prototype.MAX_HEIGHT_ = 400;
* Minimum area of an element which must be covered by an image for that image
* to be considered a logo.
* @private @const {number}
mob.Logo.prototype.RATIO_AREA_ = 0.5;
* Find the element that is likely to be a logo.
* @param {!Element} element Element being tested whether has logo attributes
* @return {?mob.Logo.LogoRecord}
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findLogoElement_ = function(element) {
var style = mob.util.getWindow().getComputedStyle(element);
if (style.getPropertyValue('visibility') == 'hidden') {
return null;
// Find URL of the image. Some sites use 'logo' or the organization name
// to name the logo image, so the file name is a signal for identifying the
// logo. However, such signal is not available for inlined images.
var imageSrc = null;
if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == goog.dom.TagName.IMG) {
imageSrc = element.src;
} else {
// IMG tag can also have background image, but it's ignored for now until
// we see actual use of it.
imageSrc = mob.util.findBackgroundImage(element);
// Note that resourceFileName returns '' for a 'data:image/' src, so we don't
// need another check for that here.
imageSrc = mob.util.resourceFileName(imageSrc);
var metric = 0;
var organization = this.organization_;
function accumulateMetric(signal) {
if (signal && (typeof(signal) == 'string')) {
if (goog.string.caseInsensitiveContains(signal, 'logo')) {
if (organization && mob.util.findPattern(signal, organization)) {
// If the element has 'href' and it points to the landing page, the element
// may be a logo candidate. Typical construct looks like
// <a href='...'><img src='...'></a>
if (element.href == this.landingUrl_) {
if (metric > 0) {
return (new mob.Logo.LogoRecord(metric, element));
return null;
* Find all of the logo candidates.
* @param {!Element} element
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findLogoCandidates_ = function(element) {
var newCandidate = this.findLogoElement_(element);
if (newCandidate) {
for (var childElement = element.firstElementChild; childElement;
childElement = childElement.nextElementSibling) {
* Add the image to the pending list. We will wait until all pending images
* have been loaded before finding the best logo.
* @param {!Element} img
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.addImageToPendingList_ = function(img) {
goog.bind(this.eventDone_, this));
goog.bind(this.eventDone_, this));
* Create a new IMG tag using the specified image source. This IMG tag will be
* monitored.
* @param {string} imageSrc
* @return {!Element}
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.newImage_ = function(imageSrc) {
var img = mob.util.getWindow().document.createElement(goog.dom.TagName.IMG);
img.src = imageSrc;
return img;
* Collect all images in the element's descendants.
* @param {!Element} element
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} childrenElements
* @param {!Array.<!Element>} childrenImages
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.collectChildrenImages_ = function(element, childrenElements,
childrenImages) {
var imageSrc = null;
for (var src in mob.util.ImageSource) {
imageSrc = mob.util.extractImage(element, mob.util.ImageSource[src]);
if (imageSrc) {
var img = null;
if (src == mob.util.ImageSource.IMG) {
img = element;
if (!element.naturalWidth) {
} else {
img = this.newImage_(imageSrc);
// Ignore background image of IMG and SVG tags.
for (var childElement = element.firstElementChild; childElement;
childElement = childElement.nextElementSibling) {
this.collectChildrenImages_(childElement, childrenElements, childrenImages);
* Find all images which may be the foreground of the logo.
* @param {!Array.<!mob.Logo.LogoRecord>} logoCandidates
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findImagesAndWait_ = function(logoCandidates) {
for (var i = 0; i < logoCandidates.length; ++i) {
var logo = logoCandidates[i];
var element = logo.logoElement;
this.collectChildrenImages_(element, logo.childrenElements,
// Find the background in the logo element's nearest ancestor.
element = element.parentElement;
while (element) {
var imageSrc = mob.util.findBackgroundImage(element);
if (imageSrc) {
logo.ancestorElement = element;
logo.ancestorImage = this.newImage_(imageSrc);
element = element.parentElement;
if (this.pendingEventCount_ == 0) {
* @param {!Array.<!Object>} array
* @param {number} index
* @private
mob.Logo.fastRemoveArrayElement_ = function(array, index) {
var last = array.length - 1;
if (index < last) {
array[index] = array[last];
* Remove the logo candidates which do not have image of proper size and
* position.
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.pruneCandidateBySizePos_ = function() {
var logoCandidates = this.candidates_;
for (var i = 0; i < logoCandidates.length; ++i) {
var logo = logoCandidates[i];
var element = logo.logoElement;
var rect = mob.util.boundingRectAndSize(element);
var area = rect.width * rect.height;
var minArea = area * this.RATIO_AREA_;
var bestIndex = -1;
var bestImageArea = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < logo.childrenElements.length; ++j) {
var img = logo.childrenElements[j];
if (!img) {
rect = mob.util.boundingRectAndSize(img);
area = rect.width * rect.height;
if (area >= minArea && rect.width > this.MIN_WIDTH_ &&
rect.height > this.MIN_HEIGHT_ && rect.height < this.MAX_HEIGHT_) {
if (area > bestImageArea) {
bestImageArea = area;
bestIndex = j;
if (bestIndex >= 0) {
logo.foregroundElement = logo.childrenElements[bestIndex];
logo.foregroundImage = logo.childrenImages[bestIndex];
logo.rect = rect;
} else if (logo.ancestorElement) {
img = logo.ancestorElement;
rect = mob.util.boundingRectAndSize(img);
area = rect.width * rect.height;
if (area >= minArea && rect.width > this.MIN_WIDTH_ &&
rect.height > this.MIN_HEIGHT_ && rect.height < this.MAX_HEIGHT_) {
logo.foregroundElement = logo.ancestorElement;
logo.foregroundImage = logo.ancestorImage;
logo.rect = rect;
} else {
mob.Logo.fastRemoveArrayElement_(logoCandidates, i);
} else {
mob.Logo.fastRemoveArrayElement_(logoCandidates, i);
* Find the best logo and compute theme color.
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findBestLogoAndColor_ = function() {
var logos = this.findBestLogos_();
var candidates = [];
var candidateMap = {}; // Dedup duplicates from findBestLogos_.
for (var i = 0;
(candidates.length < this.maxNumCandidates_) && (i < logos.length);
++i) {
var logo = logos[i];
if (!candidateMap[logo.foregroundImage.src]) {
candidateMap[logo.foregroundImage.src] = true;
var mobColor = new mob.Color();
var themeColor =, logo.backgroundColor);
candidates.push(new mob.LogoCandidate(logo, themeColor.background,
var callback = this.doneCallback_;
this.doneCallback_ = null;
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.eventDone_ = function() {
if (this.pendingEventCount_ == 0) {
* @private {!Array.<!Function.<!mob.util.Rect>>}
mob.Logo.rectAccessors_ = [
* @param {!mob.util.Rect} rect
* @return {number}
function(rect) { return; },
* @param {!mob.util.Rect} rect
* @return {number}
function(rect) { return rect.left; },
* @param {!mob.util.Rect} rect
* @return {number}
function(rect) { return rect.width * rect.height; }
* Compare 2 LogoRecords, return -1 if a is better, and 1 if b is better.
* @param {!mob.Logo.LogoRecord} a
* @param {!mob.Logo.LogoRecord} b
* @return {number}
* @private
mob.Logo.compareLogos_ = function(a, b) {
if (a.metric > b.metric) { // Higher is better.
return -1;
} else if (b.metric > a.metric) {
return 1;
for (var i = 0; i < mob.Logo.rectAccessors_.length; ++i) {
var accessor = mob.Logo.rectAccessors_[i];
var aval = accessor(a.rect);
var bval = accessor(b.rect);
if (aval < bval) {
return -1;
} else if (bval < aval) {
return 1;
// Resolve a tie by comparing the logo URLs, so the order is stable.
if (a.logoElement && a.logoElement.src &&
b.logoElement && b.logoElement.src) {
if (a.logoElement.src < b.logoElement.src) {
return -1;
} else if (a.logoElement.src > b.logoElement.src) {
return 1;
return 0;
* Use the position and size to update the metric of all elements in
* this.candidates_
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.updateCandidateMetricsWithRect_ = function() {
var maxBot = 0;
var minTop = Infinity;
var i, rect, candidate;
for (i = 0; candidate = this.candidates_[i]; ++i) {
rect = candidate.rect;
minTop = Math.min(minTop,;
maxBot = Math.max(maxBot, rect.bottom);
for (i = 0; candidate = this.candidates_[i]; ++i) {
rect = candidate.rect;
// TODO(huibao): Investigate a better way for incorporating size and
// position in the selection of the best logo, for example
// Math.sqrt((maxBot - rect.bottom) / (maxBot - minTop)).
var multTop = Math.sqrt((maxBot - / (maxBot - minTop));
candidate.metric *= multTop;
* Find and rank the best logo candidates. The best candidate is the one with
* the largest metric value. If there are more than one candiates with the same
* largest metric, the follow rules are applied on them in order for choosing
* the best one:
* - the candidate with the highest top border
* - the candidate with the smallest left border
* - the candidate with the largest size
* If there are still multiple candidates after these rules, then the first
* one which was found will be chosen.
* If there are no logo candidates then null is returned.
* @return {!Array.<!mob.Logo.LogoRecord>}
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findBestLogos_ = function() {
if (this.candidates_.length <= 1) {
return this.candidates_;
var logoCandidates = this.candidates_;
if ((logoCandidates.length > 0) && (this.maxNumCandidates_ == 1)) {
// Just pick the best one, which is faster than sorting.
var bestLogo = logoCandidates[0];
for (var i = 1; i < logoCandidates.length; ++i) {
var candidate = logoCandidates[i];
if (mob.Logo.compareLogos_(candidate, bestLogo) < 0) {
bestLogo = candidate;
logoCandidates[0] = bestLogo;
} else {
return logoCandidates;
* Extract background color.
* @param {!Element} element
* @return {?Array.<number>}
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.extractBackgroundColor_ = function(element) {
var computedStyle =
mob.util.getWindow().document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
if (computedStyle) {
var colorString = computedStyle.getPropertyValue('background-color');
if (colorString) {
var colorValues = mob.util.colorStringToNumbers(colorString);
if (colorValues && (colorValues.length == 3 ||
(colorValues.length == 4 && colorValues[3] != 0))) {
// colorValue should be in RGB format (3 element-array) or RGBA format
// (4 element-array). If it is in RGBA format and the last element is 0,
// this color is fully transparent and should be ignored.
return colorValues;
return null;
* Find the background color for the logo.
* @param {?mob.Logo.LogoRecord} logo
* @private
mob.Logo.prototype.findLogoBackground_ = function(logo) {
if (!logo || !logo.foregroundElement) {
var backgroundColor = null;
var element = logo.foregroundElement;
while (element && !backgroundColor) {
backgroundColor = this.extractBackgroundColor_(element);
element = element.parentElement;
logo.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* Extract theme of the page. This is the entry method. If the
* body is empty, or if there is a currently outstanding call to run(),
* then doneCallback will be called immediately with an empty array.
* @param {?function(!Array.<!mob.LogoCandidate>)} doneCallback
* @param {number} maxNumCandidates
*/ = function(doneCallback, maxNumCandidates) {
// If running in WKH, the event listeners attached to the images created by
// logo detection don't fire, so instead we check for loadComplete to mark
// when the image elements are finished loading.
if (typeof extension != 'undefined') {
extension.addEventListener('loadComplete', goog.bind(this.eventDone_, this),
var body = mob.util.getWindow().document.body;
if (this.doneCallback_ || !body) {
} else {
this.doneCallback_ = doneCallback;
this.maxNumCandidates_ = maxNumCandidates;